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BAS Session 8

Improving group presentation outlines.

Class code: BAS-T124WSB-01

Group: VII
Team members: Nguyễn Điền Nam Châu (23005048), Lê Tường Vy (22003333), Nguyễn
Hoàng Vân (22004079), Trần Ngọc Hân (23005270)
Big topic: Tardiness
Specific question: How do we reduce tardiness in universities?
Task description:
Submit a link to a Google document with the detailed outline of your group presentation.
Use our template for this HW.
Enable commenting for Anna to receive feedback in your file.

Required elements Our content

Specific presentation topic (not How to reduce tardiness in universities?

just the chosen skill but a
narrowed down presentation

Audience analysis information Classmates and lectures

gathered in Session 8

Specific purpose statement (for Can tardiness be reduced effectively?

presenters only)

Central idea Strategies preventing delay.

Main points to include (3-4) ● Impact of tardiness

● Establishing clear expectations helps reduce tardiness.
● Promoting time management skills helps reduce tardiness.
● Creating a supportive environment helps reduce tardiness.


Hook In Sai Gon University research, 89.9% of students were late to

school at different levels. It is believed that students usually come to
school late as a habit with many reasons justifying their tardiness.

Need for information Tardiness tends to be prevalent among students, which causes many
negative consequences to their performance. Hence, it is important
to know the impacts of being late and reduce or avoid it to improve
ourselves in particular and to not annoy people around in general.

Central idea This presentation to find out about the tardiness’s impacts and how
to reduce it efficiently.

Summary of main points The presentation goes through the bad influences of tardiness to
facilitate more motivation to be punctual.


Main point #1 The impact of delay is apparent and detrimental to students in the
long run, from bad performance in school to their relationships with
other people.

Support Research has shown that students who are frequently tardy have
lower grade point averages (GPAs), lower scores on standardised
assessments, lower graduation rates and other people may build
discontent with these students when they affect the quality of

Support (no more than 3) + In the National Center for Education Statistics 2007 Indicators of
School Crime and Safety, teachers surveyed reported that
students who are frequently tardy have higher rates of suspension
and other disciplinary measures. Tardiness causes students to feel
disconnected from school, leading to behaviour problems and
+ When students are tardy, they negatively impact their teachers
and other students. Teachers are often required to disrupt their
teaching and learning environment to allow tardy students to
catch up on their work. This often requires teachers to restructure
their lessons or re-teach missed material. Tardiness also takes
other students' attention away from a teacher's lesson, leading to
more behaviour concerns and missed instruction.

Transition Because of the negative effects of tardiness, students are highly

recommended to improve it with these below solutions.

Main point #2 Establishing clear expectations helps reduce tardiness.

Support Communication of Attendance Policies:

● Develop clear and concise attendance policies that outline the
expectations for students. (e.g., ‘No late assignments will be
accepted unless prior authorisation is granted by the
● Ensure that policies are easily accessible and understandable
e.g., Communicating policies through multiple channels (e.g.,
learning guides; school websites; class announcements; email;
student handbook; posters and flyers); avoiding using jargon or
technical terms that may be difficult for students or employees to
understand; providing opportunities for students to ask questions
and clarify any misunderstandings about policies through
workshops or student support department;…

Support (not more than 3) Outlining Consequences:

● Establish clear consequences for repeated tardiness.
These consequences could include: Grade penalties (e.g., deducting
points from assignments or exams); Loss of participation points;
Disciplinary action (e.g., warning, probation, suspension).
● Ensure that consequences are fair and consistent:
Making sure that the consequences are proportionate to the offence.
For example, a student being late once or twice should not receive
the same consequences as a student being late multiple times.
Applying the consequences consistently to all students. This means
that students who commit the same offence should receive the same
consequences, regardless of their individual circumstances.

Transition Along with the strictness of school rules, teachers also play a big
role in helping students reduce tardiness.

Main point #3 Creating a supportive environment helps reduce tardiness.

Support Flexible Schedules:

● Consider offering flexible schedules for students or employees
who have valid reasons for occasional lateness, such as family
obligations or medical appointments.

Support Positive Classroom Atmosphere:

● Create a positive and supportive classroom environment that
motivates students or employees to be on time.
E.g., greet students warmly as they enter the classroom; encourage
students to participate in class discussions and activities; organise
some interesting games to start the classes; being flexible and
understanding when students have occasional tardiness due to
unforeseen circumstances;...
● Show appreciation for punctuality and acknowledge students
who consistently arrive on time
E.g., offer small rewards or incentives for consistent punctuality;
publicly recognize students or employees who have made significant
improvements in their punctuality;...

Support (not more than 3) Online Tools and Platforms:

● Utilise online tools and platforms to provide students or
employees with reminders and updates about class schedules or
work assignments. These tools can help them stay organised and
reduce the likelihood of tardiness.

Transition Besides the support from the surrounding environment, the most
important thing is the student's proactive change in progress.

Main point #4 Promoting time management skills helps reduce tardiness.

Support Establish Clear Goals and Priorities: Choose the most appropriate
- SMART framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable,
Relevant, and Time-bound);
- Create a daily to-do list, using the Eisenhower Matrix: Urgent
and Important, Urgent but Not Important, Not Urgent but
Important, and Not Urgent and Not Important.
- Break down large tasks: Divide overwhelming tasks into smaller,
more manageable chunks

Support Create a Realistic Schedule and Use Time-Management Tools:

● Use a calendar or planner: Schedule appointments, meetings, and
deadlines to avoid conflicts and ensure timely task completion.
● Allocate specific time slots for tasks (including breaks)
● Utilise time-tracking apps: Google Calendar, Notion,...
● Minimise distractions: Create a distraction-free workspace, use
noise-cancelling headphones, and turn off notifications during
focused work sessions.

Support (not more than 3) Evaluating and Adjusting:

● Regularly review your time-management strategies: Take time
each week or month to assess what's working and what's not.
● Identify areas for improvement: Note areas where you're losing
time or struggling to meet deadlines.
● Seek support when needed (e.g., joining a time-management
group, consulting with a coach or mentor, or reading books or
articles on the topic)


Summary of main points In any case, tardiness is not good for each individual and the people
around them. Hence, there are many strategies that have been listed
to provide information for practising being punctual in university

Restate central idea Tardiness brings a host of negative consequences and many solutions
have been suggested to mitigate the problem.

Meaningful closure Avoiding tardiness not only can help people raise their study
performance, but also their reliability and relationship

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