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Livelihood vulnerability to urban flood: the case of

urban poor households in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Hasina Akther, Mokbul Morshed Ahmad & Thi Phuoc Lai Nguyen

To cite this article: Hasina Akther, Mokbul Morshed Ahmad & Thi Phuoc Lai Nguyen (03 Oct
2023): Livelihood vulnerability to urban flood: the case of urban poor households in Dhaka,
Bangladesh, Climate and Development, DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2023.2257625

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Livelihood vulnerability to urban flood: the case of urban poor households in Dhaka,
Hasina Akthera, Mokbul Morshed Ahmadb and Thi Phuoc Lai Nguyenb
Faculty of Earth and Sciences, Department of Geography and Environment, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh; bDevelopment Planning
Management and Innovation, Department of Development and Sustainability, School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD), Asian
Institute of Technology (AIT), Pathum Thani, Thailand


This paper examines the livelihood vulnerability of the urban poor households due to urban flood. The Received 26 January 2023
Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI) and IPCC-LVI framework were applied for analysing the vulnerability Accepted 5 September 2023
of Mirpur Slum (MPS) and Rail-line Slum (RLS) in Dhaka city. The findings indicate that slum settlements
with similar characteristics could have different levels of vulnerability due to their households’ attributes Livelihood vulnerability;
and the characteristics of the surrounding neighbourhoods. This study provides insights of livelihood flood; slum dwellers; Dhaka
vulnerability of the urban poor which appeals for effective urban flood adaptation strategies through city
enhancing public health, water access and food security for the slum dwellers. The findings and
recommendations derived from this study are likely applicable to other cities in Bangladesh and to
other countries including global south with similar socio-economic profiles.

1. Introduction
flood are worsened and the slum inhabitants are unable to
Urban flooding, sometimes referred to as pluvial flooding, is a adapt (Aßheuer et al., 2013).
prevalent problem in many cities due to heavy rainfall and In Dhaka, between 300,000 and 400,000 new migrants
rapid urban growth without proper sewer infrastructure arrive each year (Banks et al., 2011), and over 40% of the popu-
(Huang et al., 2018; Jenkins et al., 2017; Sörensen & Mobini, lation lives in slums (Angeles et al., 2009) indicating that slum
2017). Urban flooding has become more frequent during the settlement will likely continue to grow in the city. A densely
past few decades (Hu et al., 2018), especially in densely popu- populated temporary residential house with the lack of tenure
lated cities (Jiang et al., 2018). Dhaka, capital city of Bangla- and limited economic resources and have no proper water
desh, is one of the mostly populated metropolitan cities of supply, sanitation facilities or electricity supply indicate the
the world that has been going through immense physical low adaptive capacity of the urban poor (Kamruzzaman &
changes. Due to the high population density and ensuing Hakim, 2016). Concern is raised when a new slum is estab-
demand of land for development activities, wet land and low- lished or an existing one is expanded in a high-risk location
land of the city are continually filled up. In fact, the city has lost because the slum dwellers may not have the capacity to
around 32.57% of its water body and 52.8% of its lowland from respond to new shocks, such as extreme climatic events that
1960 to 2008 (Islam et al., 2014). Changes in land use, such as may occur there. Hence, it is important to give attention to
eradication of vegetation cover, expansion of built-up areas the adaptability of the slum dwellers to cope with the climatic
and inadequate drainage systems can enhance urban flooding calamities which has been poorly addressed.
risk through changing run-off hydrographs (Zhou et al., 2019). The climate adaptation process ideally initiates with an
Many of these development activities in the city went through assessment of household vulnerability to extreme climate-
without sufficient drainage systems therefore, urban flooding induced events. This assessment is prerequisite to effectively
and waterlogging are common during the monsoon season adopt flood vulnerability reduction programme (Sam et al.,
due to moderate to severe rainfall (Ishtiaque et al., 2015). 2017a, 2017b). Vulnerability assessment represents the potential
Depending on a household’s capacity for decision-making damages which occur within human and ecological systems in
and access to resources, floods have different effects on response to climate change (Adger et al., 2007). Adequate
homes in different social classes (Pandey et al., 2018). The live- measures can be addressed in reducing vulnerabilities to hazards
lihoods of slum people are very vulnerable because they gener- and to adapt to extreme events when the decision-makers know
ally inhabit in ecologically susceptible areas and are less where and how vulnerable the system is and which factors play
resilient to the consequences of the flood (Olajide & Lawanson, an important role in it. Many studies use different methods and
2014). Therefore, living in slums, it is critical to overcome the approaches at different scales in vulnerability assessment to
challenges of hazards and in some cases, due to the proximity inform policy makers for improving capacity and to suggest
of the current flood to the previous flood, the effects of the adaptation strategies based on their study findings.

CONTACT Hasina Akther Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Environment, Faculty of Earth and Sciences, Jagannath
University, 9-10, Chittaranjan Avenue, Dhaka 1100, Bangladesh
© 2023 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Several studies on various vulnerable communities in Ban- vulnerability rather than focusing on livelihood status in regu-
gladesh have been done in relation to climate change issues. lar and stressed periods, and the relationship of livelihood sta-
For instance, in Southeast Bangladesh, Brouwer et al. (2007) tus between the normal and stressed periods, which is
looked into the dynamic relationship between environmental significant because vulnerability assessment is the first step
risk, poverty and vulnerability. Pouliotte et al. (2009) con- in the development of adaptation strategies for this group of
ducted a study to determine how poor households in the vil- people. To see the differences between the two slum settle-
lage of Subarnabad in southwest Bangladesh were exposed ments with comparable features, it analyses the degree of vul-
to, sensitive to and adapted to changing conditions. In nerability with the various household-level components in
addition, Toufique and Yunus (2013) examined the livelihood more detail. The findings of this study may be used to develop
vulnerability of coastal Bangladeshi households to climate dis- adaptation strategies and flood risk reduction measures for the
asters. The results showed that households afflicted by cyclones most vulnerable urban poor groups.
are more vulnerable than families affected by floods. Likewise,
Toufique and Islam (2014) evaluated livelihood vulnerability
for four disaster-prone zones in Bangladesh, including salinity, 2. Methodology
flood, flash flood and drought. A Socio-economic Vulner- 2.1. Study area
ability Index (SeVI) was created by Ahsan and Warner
(2014) for households impacted by climate change in seven One of the world’s megacities with the fastest population
unions of the Koyra upazilla in Bangladesh’s south-western growth is Dhaka. Slum areas are home to more than one
coastal region. Similar to this, Xenarios et al. (2016) examined third of the city population (Banks et al., 2011). The city is
the vulnerability status of two Bangladeshi regions: one in the especially at risk due to its uncontrolled growth and its pos-
south and one in the north. Monirul Alam et al. (2017) also ition, where flooding is a frequent event (Rabbani et al.,
identified vulnerabilities among Bangladeshi char and river- 2011). The majority of the urban poor reside in low-lying wet-
bank communities. Kabir and Khan (2017) made an effort to land areas on the outskirts of the city, which are also the places
look at the experiences of Bangladeshi coastal residents who most at risk of flooding. Developers are continuously
were impacted by Cyclones Sidr and Aila. encroaching on these low-lying areas and aquatic bodies to
The discussions indicate that coastal vulnerability is given accommodate the expanding population. A significant popu-
disproportionate focus in Bangladeshi research on climate lation density and a poorly maintained drainage infrastructure
change risk compared to other areas of the country. However, further decrease natural drainage systems. As a result, urban
there is little discussion of how urban poor people and cities flooding affects the low-lying area’s inhabitants more
are affected by climate change (Rashid et al., 2013). In a frequently.
study focused on Dhaka, Hossain and Rahman (2017) demon- Dhaka was chosen as the study region because it has a his-
strated how the pro-poor urban may adapt to climate change. tory of pluvial flooding and has the largest percentage of urban
The asset-transfer technique was discovered to be particularly and slum dwellers in Bangladesh. Two urban flood-prone
helpful in developing household adaption plans, claims the locations were chosen from the city’s two main administrative
study. Adri and Simon (2018) looked into whether there divisions (Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) and Dhaka
were any changes in the features, practices and aspirations of North City Corporation (DNCC)), subsequently. Finally, due
climate-related and non-climate-related migrants living in a to the geographical location and the propensity for pluvial
slum in Dhaka city. Akther and Ahmad (2021) examined the flooding, two urban slums were considered: Gendaria Rail-
livelihood status of the urban poor in both normal situation line Slum (RLS) in DSCC and Mirpur Kobir Mollah Slum
and a stressful situation due to urban flood in Dhaka city. (Mirpur Slum) in DNCC (Figure 1). We chose two slum settle-
The study found that in a normal situation, slum dwellers ments in Dhaka city that almost entirely share the same
were living with a moderate level of livelihood status, which characteristics (like large family sizes, a high percentage of illit-
dropped down to a poor level during a stressed period. In eracy, the majority of them working in informal jobs with low
another study, Akther and Ahmad (2022) discovered that income and living in substandard conditions with insufficient
there was a positive relationship between the conditions that basic amenities) to assess the differences in the degree of liveli-
suggests the normal livelihood status of the urban poor influ- hood vulnerability between the slums.
ences the stressed livelihood status.
However, urban climate change concerns, particularly for
2.2. Data collection
the urban poor, have not previously received much attention.
Despite the fact that this group of people is most at risk from Data were collected through a structured questionnaire rel-
the effects of climate change because of their way of life and the evant to indicators of LVI at the household level. This study
environment where they live in. Although vulnerability assess- has chosen the indicators that are reflective of the three contri-
ment is helpful to address adaptation strategies for the most buting factors of vulnerability: exposure, sensitivity and adap-
vulnerable group in cities, no research has been done so far tive capacity of the urban poor households (Table 1). In two
to examine how vulnerable the urban poor are. Therefore, slum settlements, a total of 400 households were surveyed.
this study made an attempt to quantify the level of vulner- From July to October of 2018, data were collected. Prior to col-
ability of urban poor households affected by urban floods in lecting the data, the respondents for the household question-
Dhaka. The present work differs from Akther and Ahmad naire survey were systematically selected, and the
(2021, 2022) by concentrating on measuring the degree of questionnaire was tested. Whenever possible, we talked with

Figure 1. Location of the study area.

both male (363 respondents) and female (37 respondents) the indicators to characterize and measure various aspects of
household heads in each of the chosen households. In addition livelihoods. These multiple indicators are then combined to
to the questionnaire, six focus groups discussion (FGD) were create a single composite index of vulnerability.
conducted in each slum settlement involving community
representatives, room owners and tenant with groups of 10–
12 participants. The FGDs assisted in identifying the impor- 2.4. LVI, the composite index approach
tant topics that the questionnaire survey did not cover. To assess the vulnerability of poor households affected by
urban flooding, we applied the LVI, the composite index
approach established by Hahn et al. (2009) and referred to
2.3. Data analysis
the studies Toufique and Islam (2014), Sam et al. (2017b),
The LVI and LVI-IPCC are the two alternate techniques we Monirul Alam et al. (2017), Shah et al. (2013), Ahsan and War-
used to show the findings. The LVI is a composite index ner (2014) and UN-HABITAT (2018) in setting the major
made up of several components, whereas the LVI-IPCC com- components and sub-components as indicators of vulner-
bines these components to form the three contributing par- ability. Due to the flexibility of the methods, additional rel-
ameters of vulnerability identified by the IPCC: adaptive evant components and sub-components were added in this
capability, sensitivity and exposure. Following Hahn et al. study, which are based on a critical analysis of pertinent litera-
(2009), we just presented them as alternatives; we did not pre- ture and the local settings (Monirul Alam et al., 2017). There-
fer one approach to the other. Each technique gives a thorough fore, in current study, the LVI was based on eight main
explanation of the factors influencing the livelihood vulner- components (socio-demographic profile (SDP), livelihood
ability of urban poor households in study locations. LVI uses strategies (LS), social networks (SN), health (H), food (F),

water (W), housing (H) and flood (FL)), each of which was interview. Additionally, we took into account the percentage
determined by several sub-components. We added housing of households that experienced disease as a result of flooding
components as one of the important components for the in the previous three years as well as the percentage of house-
urban poor households. This study also modified a total of hold members who were hurt or died. In this case, three years
26 sub-components of eight major components according to is taken into account so that the responders may accurately
their relevance to the urban poor in Bangladesh (Table 1). recall the incidents. The ability of the system to recover from
The LVI was calculated using a balanced weighting method the exposure is referred to as adaptive capacity. The key
and each sub-component equally contributes to the final elements of the socio-demographic profile, livelihood options
index (Monirul Alam et al., 2017). The LVI ranges in this and social networks demonstrate the adaptive capacity. Last
study from 0 (least vulnerable) to 1 (most vulnerable). but not least, sensitivity describes how much exposure affects
The LVI calculation consisted of a number of steps. At first, a system. The main components covered by the sensitivity
the collected primary data for each sub-component were con- are health, food, water and housing. Equation (4) is made up
verted into several suitable measurement units such as num- of these three contributing factors,
bers, ratios and indices. Thereafter, the sub-components
LVI-PCCb = (Expb –AdaCapb )∗Senb (4)
were standardized by using Equation (1) since they were
measured at different scales. where LVI-IPCCb is the LVI for study area b used the IPCC
Sb − Smin vulnerability framework, Exp is the exposure, AdaCap is the
Indexsb = (1) adaptive capacity and Sen is the sensitivity scores for the
Smax − Smin
study area. LVI-IPCC is ranged from minimum value (−1)
where Sb is the sub-component for the study area b, and for representing the least vulnerability to the maximum value
each sub-component, which were determined by using data (1) representing most vulnerability.
from the study areas. For instance, for the sub-components In this study, we used Equation (5) for Adaptive capacity,
those were measured in percentages such as ‘percentages of Sensitivity and Exposure:
households with no access to school’ the minimum and maxi- n
i=1 wMi Mbi
mum values were set at 0 and100, respectively. AdaCap/Sen/Exp =  n
After standardization of the sub-components, in the third i=1 wMi
step, they were averaged for calculating the index score of where equals the weighted average of the eight main com-
each major component by using Equation (2): ponents distributed in three contributing factors, adaptive
n capacity (SDP, LS and SN); Sensitivity (H, F, W and Ho)
indexsb i
Mb = i=1 and Exposure (FL). WMi, the weights of each key component,
were calculated by the number of sub-components that com-
where Mb is one of the eight major components for study area prise each main component.
b [socio-demographic profile (SDP), livelihood strategies (LS),
social networks (SN), health (H), food (F), water (W), housing
(Ho) and climatic event - flood (FL)], indexsb i represents the 3. Results
sub-components, indexed by i, that form each major com- 3.1. LVI: Mirpur Slum (MPS) and Rail-line Slum (RLS)
ponent, and n is the number of sub-components in each
major component. 3.1.1. Socio-demographic profile (SDP)
Finally, the values of the major components of a study area The dependency ratio index for MPS was slightly higher than
were averaged using Equation (3) to obtain the final LVI for the dependency ratio index for RLS (MPS: 0.107, RLS: 0.102),
the study area. indicating that MPS had a higher dependency ratio to the pro-
8 ductive portion of the population (MPS: 0.43, RLS: 0.41). The
i=1 wMi Mbi RLS had a higher proportion of households where heads of
LVIb =  8
i=1 wMi
households did not attend any formal school and a smaller
proportion of households with more than five persons than
where LVIb, the Livelihood Vulnerability Index for study area those of the MPS. The percentage of female-headed house-
b, equals the weighted average of the eight major components. holds was 10.2 in MPS and 8.1 in RLS (Table 2). Therefore,
The weights of each major component, WMi, were determined we found that RLS had a higher vulnerability index for the
by the number of sub-components that make up each major SDP than that of the MPS (SDP MPS: 0.181; SDP RPS 0.186)
component and were included to ensure that all sub-com- (Table 3).
ponents contribute equally to the overall LVI (Sullivan, 2002).
3.1.2. Livelihood strategies (SL)
2.4.1. IPCC–LVI framework approach The majority of the urban poor work a variety of informal
This study took into account eight significant components to occupations. In our study, MPS had a higher score of liveli-
incorporate into the three contributing factors to vulnerability hood strategies than RLS (LS MPS: 0.195; LS RLS: 0.153).
listed by the IPCC – exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity According to the respondents, no household members were
(Hahn et al., 2009) (Table 1). We measured three sub-com- working outside of the city in both slums. Although the
ponents of exposure in this study, including the frequency of slums had a similar index value for livelihood diversification,
urban floods in the study areas for the five years prior to the MPS had a higher proportion of households with no savings

Table 1. Indicators for Livelihood Vulnerability Index.

Major components Sub-components Explanation of sub-components Sources
Adaptive capacity
Socio- Dependency ratio The ratio of the population under 15 and over 65 years of Hahn et al. (2009), Sam et al. (2017a),
demographic age to the population between 15 and 64 years of age. Monirul Alam et al. (2017), Toufique
Profile and Islam (2014), Shah et al. (2013)
Household size Percentage of the household more than 5 persons Developed for this Study.
Percent of female-headed households Percentage of households where the HHH is female. (If a Hahn et al. (2009), Sam et al. (2017a),
(HHH) male head is away from the home >6 months per year Monirul Alam et al. (2017) Toufique and
the female is counted as the head of the household) Islam (2014), Shah et al. (2013)
Percent of households where the head Percentage of households where the head of the Hahn et al. (2009), Sam et al. (2017a),
of household has not attended household reports that they have attended 0 years of Monirul Alam et al. (2017), Shah et al.
school school. (2013)
Livelihood/ Percent of households with a family Percentage of households that report at least 1 family Hahn et al. (2009), Shah et al. (2013)
Livelihood member working out of the locality member who works outside of the city for their primary
strategies work activity.
Average Livelihood Diversification The inverse of (the number of livelihood activities +1) Hahn et al. (2009), Sam et al. (2017a),
Index (range: 0.20–1) reported by a household, e.g. the household members Toufique and Islam (2014), Shah et al.
are working as day labour, a rickshaw puller, and a maid (2013)
will have a Livelihood Diversification Index = 1/(3 + 1)
= 0.25
Percent of households do not have Percentage of households that reported that they did not Developed for this study
savings have any savings.
Average asset diversification index The inverse of (the number of assets of a household +1) Sam et al. (2017a)
Social Networks Average Receive: Give ratio (range: 0– The ratio of (the number of types of help received by a Hahn et al. (2009), Monirul Alam et al.
15) household in the past month + 1) to (the number of (2017), Toufique and Islam (2014), Shah
types of help given by a household to someone else in et al. (2013)
the past month + 1)
Average Borrow: Lend Money ratio The ratio of a household borrowing money in the past Hahn et al. (2009), Toufique and Islam
(range: 0.5–2) month to a household lending money in the past (2014), Shah et al. (2013)
month, e.g. If a household borrowed money but did not
lend money, the ratio = 2:1 or 2 and if they lent money
but did not borrow any, the ratio = 1:2 or 0.5
Percent of households with no access Percentage of households reporting no access to schools Sam et al. (2017b)
to school
Health Average time to go to the health centre The average time it takes the households to get to the Hahn et al. (2009), Monirul Alam et al.
(minutes) nearest health centre. (2017), Toufique and Islam (2014), Shah
et al. (2013)
Percent of HHs not having sanitary Ring slabs are not considered as sanitary Monirul Alam et al. (2017), Toufique and
latrine Islam (2014), Ahsan and Warner (2014)
Percent of households that have family Percentage of households that report at least 1 family Hahn et al. (2009), Monirul Alam et al.
members with chronic illness member with chronic illness. (Chronic illness was (2017), Toufique and Islam (2014), Shah
defined subjectively by respondent) et al. (2013), Ahsan and Warner (2014)
Percent of households where family Percentage of households that report at least 1 family Hahn et al. (2009), Monirul Alam et al.
members had to miss work in the last member who had to miss work due to illness in the last (2017), Toufique and Islam (2014), Shah
2 weeks due to illness 2 weeks et al. (2013)
Food The average number of months The average number of months households struggle to Hahn et al. (2009), Sam et al. (2017a),
households struggle for food due to obtain food for their family. Monirul Alam et al. (2017), Toufique
extreme events (range: 0–12) and Islam (2014), Shah et al. (2013)
Average per month food expenditure The average per month food expenditure of a household Sam et al. (2017a)
of a household
Water Average travel time to the water source The average time it takes the households to travel to their Hahn et al. (2009), Toufique and Islam
(minutes) primary water source (2014) Monirul Alam et al. (2017)
Percent of households that do not have Percentage of households that report that water is not Hahn et al. (2009),
a consistent water supply available at their primary water source every day
Percent of households depending on Percentage of households depending on their source of Sam et al. (2017b)
their sources of water for household water for household activities such as cooking, drinking,
activities washing, cleaning, and bathing
Housing Types of the housing structure Percentage of households that are structured in poor Developed for this study.
materials (Jupri)
Room crowding Percentage of the household that reported more than 3 UN-HABITAT (2018)
persons living in a room
Room size Percentage of HH has the minimum standard room size (4 UN-HABITAT (2018)
Extreme events The average number of the flood, events Hahn et al. (2009), Monirul Alam et al. (2017), Toufique
pluvial flood in the past 5 years (range: 0–5) and Islam (2014), Shah et al. (2013)
Percent of households with an injury or Hahn et al. (2009), Monirul Alam et al. (2017), Shah et al.
death as a result of the most severe (2013)
flood in the past 3 years
Percent of household with disease due Sam et al. (2017b)
to flood in the last 3 years

Table 2. Actual sub-component values and the minimum and maximum sub-component values for MPS and RLS, Dhaka.
Mirpur Slum Rail-line The maximum value in The minimum value in
Sub-components Units (MPS) Slum (RLS) both slums both slums
Socio-demographic profile
Dependency ratio Ratio 0.43 0.41 4 0
Percent of households more than 5 persons Percent 12.6 10.3 100 0
Percent of female-headed households (FHHH) Percent 10.2 8.1 100 0
Percent of households where the head of household has Percent 39.1 45.9 100 0
not attended school
Livelihood strategies (LS)
Percent of households with a family member working out Percent 0.000 0.00 100 0
of the locality
Average livelihood diversification index (0.20–1) 1/ (Avr. No of 0.33 0.33 1 .20
livelihoods +1)
Percent of households not having savings Percent 55.3 34.6 100 0
Average asset diversification index 1/ (Avr. No of assets 0.25 0.33 1 0.25
Social network (SN)
Average received assistance: Give assistance ratio (0–15) Ratio 1 1.33 15 0
Average borrow:lend money ratio (0.5–2) Ratio 1 1 2 0.5
Percent of households with no access to school Percent 3.3 23 100 0
Health (H)
Average time to go health centre (minutes) minutes 28.37 26.19 60 10
Percent of households with no sanitary latrine Percent 88.6 99.01 100 0
Percent of households that have a family member with Percent 12.6 19.5 100 0
chronic illness
Percent of households where a family member had to miss Percent 5.45 7.12 100 0
work in the last 2 weeks due to illness
Food (F)
The average number of months households struggle for Months 2.49 2.45 12 0
Percent of average monthly expenditure of a household Percent 48.53 69.14 100 0
on food
Water (W)
Average travel time to the water source (minutes) Minutes 15.42 17.12 40 0
Percent of households that do not have a consistent water Percent 98.02 80 100 0
Percent of households depending on their sources of Percent 0 3 100 0
water for household activities
Housing (Ho)
Percent of households with poor housing structure Percent 4.2 30.8 100 0
Percent of HHs more than 3 persons living in a room Percent 54.9 65.4 100 0
Percent of HHs have the minimum standard room size (4 Percent 1 5.9 100 0
Flood (Fl)
The average number of the flood, events in the past 5 Count 1 1 5 0
years (range: 0–5)
Percent of households with an injury or death due to flood Percent 21.8 23.7 100 0
in the past 3 years
Percent of household with disease due to flood in the last Percent 56.3 60.5 100 0
3 years

and the lower average asset diversification compared to the 3.1.4. Health (H)
RLS (Average asset diversification Index MPS: 0.066; Average In our study, MPS households stated that their journey time to
asset diversification Index RLS: 0.106). When all four sub-com- a medical centre was on average 28.37 min, compared to RLS
ponents were averaged together, the scale of the LS component households’ average trip time of 26.19 min. Around 90% of
vulnerability scores, MPS showed the higher vulnerability households had no sanitary latrine in MPS whereas in RLS
score than that of the RLS. almost 99% of households did not have this type of toilet. In
total,12.6% of MPS households and 19.5% of RLS households
3.1.3. Social network (SN) reported having a chronic illness. In the previous two weeks
MPS households stated borrowing money frequently and they only 5.45% of MPS households and 7.12% of RLS households
lent money several times in the previous month like RLS reported that their household members had missed work due
households. The reciprocal in-kind help (family, friends and to sickness. When the sub-components were added together,
relative) had been taken place in the households of RLS the RLS health vulnerability score (0.395) was higher than
more frequently than MPS households in last month (borrow: the MPS health vulnerability score (0.358).
lend money ratio: MPS 0.333, RLS 0.333; receive: give ratio:
MPS 0.067, RLS 0.089). RLS households had a greater vulner- 3.1.5. Food (F)
ability on the social networks component than MPS house- The respondents stated that, on average, they struggled to pro-
holds (0.144 versus 0.217, respectively) because a greater vide their households with enough food for 2.49 months in
proportion of their households lacked access to schooling. MPS and 2.45 months in RLS each year. From the field data, it

Table 3. Indexed sub-components, the major components, and the composite LVI for MPS and RLS, Dhaka.
Mirpur Slum Rail-line Slum IPCC contributing
Sub-components (MPS) (RLS) factors Major components MPS RLS
Socio-demographic profile
Dependency ratio 0.107 0.102 Adaptive capacity Socio-demographic 0.181 0.186
Percent of household more than 5 persons 0.126 0.103
Percent of female-headed households (HHH) 0.102 0.081
Percent of households where the head of household has not 0.391 0.459
attended school
Livelihood strategies
Percent of households with a family member working out of the 0.000 0.000 Livelihood/livelihood 0.195 0.153
locality strategies
Average Livelihood Diversification Index 0.162 0.162
Percent of household not having savings 0.553 0.346
Average asset diversification index 0.066 0.106
Social networks
Average receive assistance:give assistance ratio 0.067 0.089 Social Networks 0.144 0.217
Average borrow:lend money ratio 0.333 0.333
Percent of households with no school access 0.033 0.344
Average time to go health centre (minutes) 0.367 0.324 Sensitivity Health 0.358 0.395
Percent of HHs not having a sanitary latrine 0.886 0.990
Percent of households that have family members with chronic 0.126 0.195
Percent of households where a family member had to miss work 0.054 0.071
in the last 2 weeks due to illness
The average number of months households struggle for food 0.207 0.204 Food 0.346 0.447
Percent of average consumption expenditure of household on 0.485 0.691
Average travel time to a water source (minutes) 0.385 0.428 Water 0.455 0.419
Percent of households that do not have a consistent water supply 0.98 0.8
Percent of households depending on their sources of water for 0 0.03
household activities
Percent of households with poor housing structure 0.042 0.308 Housing 0.200 0.340
Percent of HHs more than 3 persons living in a room 0.549 0.654
Percent of HHs have the minimum standard room size (4 sqm.) 0.01 0.059
Natural disaster (Flood)
The average number of the flood, events in the past 5 years 0.2 0.2 Exposure Natural Disaster (Pluvial 0.327 0.347
(2011–2015) (range: 0–5) flood)
Percent of households with an injury or death due to flood in the 0.218 0.237
past 3 years
Percent of household with disease due to flood in the last 3 years 0.563 0.605
Overall LVI LVI: Mirpur Slum 0.269
LVI: Rail-line Slum 0.300
Housing is not defined as a major component by IPCC, but the present study includes it as a very important component for the urban poor in vulnerability measure.

was observed that the households in both slum settlements households reported using their supplies of water for domestic
expended the higher proportion of average monthly expenditure activities in RLS. The component score revealed that MPS was
on food consumption compared to the other sectors of expendi- more vulnerable than the RLS in the water component.
ture. It was found that the households of MPS expended 48.53%
of the total average monthly expenditure (US$ 74.58) on food 3.1.7. Housing (Ho)
consumption where the households of RLS paid 69.14% of the The RLS had a higher housing vulnerability score than MPS
total average monthly expenditure on food (US$ 90.50). The (Ho MPS: 0.200; Ho RLS 0.340). MPS had a lower proportion
overall food component score was found lower for MPS than of households (4.2%) with very poor housing structure
the food score for RLS (F MPS: 0.346; F RLS: 0.447). (Jupri) compared to the very poor housing structure in RLS
(30.8%). Around 60% of total households in both slums were
3.1.6. Water (W) living in a crowded room (more than 3 persons living in a
Additionally, RLS had a lower water component vulnerability room) and without maintaining a minimum standard of
scale (0.419) than MPS. (0.455). To get water particularly room size (4 sqm). However, when all four sub-components
during in flood, MPS households reported that they had to tra- were averaged together, the scale of the housing component
vel 15.42 min while 17.12 min claimed by the households of the MPS’s vulnerability score was lower than the RLS’s.
RLS on average. In MPS, around 98% of homes lacked a con-
tinuous supply of water and 80% of RLS households did not 3.1.8. Natural disaster (ND)
have water regularly. There were no sources of water for dom- Based on the average recorded number of urban floods over the
estic usage in any of the MPS dwellings whereas only 3% of previous five years, both slums (which are in Dhaka) have equal

Natural Disaster vulnerability scores. The proportion of the on one another, leading to differences in the livelihood status
households’ members with an injury and death and affected among the households in the poor settlements (Akther &
by several diseases due to flood in the last three years was higher Ahmad, 2021). In another study, we looked at how the
in RLS compared to the percentage of the households in MPS. urban poor’s normal livelihood status influenced their stressed
The RLS households were more vulnerable (0.347) than the livelihood status (Akther & Ahmad, 2022).
MPS households (0.327) when climatic event (exposure) was Although the study areas and target population are the
included in the Natural Disaster index. same for all of the studies (Akther & Ahmad, 2021, 2022)
The Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI) showed that gen- including the present one, the goals and methodology vary.
erally, RLS was more exposed to the effects of climate change In our earlier research, we looked at the livelihood status of
than MPS, as shown by its higher LVI score (0.300 versus the urban poor in Dhaka city in both a regular situation and
0.269, respectively). a situation under stress as a result of urban flooding (Akther
& Ahmad, 2021). We also discovered that there was a positive
relationship between the conditions, suggesting that the nor-
3.2. LVI-IPCC: MPS and RLS
mal livelihood status influences the stressed livelihood status
Similar vulnerability results were obtained by the second (Akther & Ahmad, 2022). The current study, however,
method to estimate the LVI-IPCC using the IPCC framework differs significantly from the authors’ earlier research because
approach (LVI-IPCC MPS: 0.048; LVI-IPCC RLS: 0.066). it focuses on determining the level of vulnerability of urban
As discussed above the natural disaster; being injured and poor households. The findings of the current study might
death; and affected by diseases of household members due to assist in developing adaptation strategies for this particular
flood (Exposure), the RLS had a higher exposure index score community, while the prior two studies provided suggestions
of climate change impacts than MPS (Exposure MPS: 0.327; for assessing the urban poor’s vulnerability, which is the
Exposure RLS: 0.347). Based on demographic profile, diversity main focus of the present study.
of livelihood options, as well as social network, MPS had a The index value of the main components showed (Figure 2)
higher adaptive capacity score than RLS (Adaptive capacity in which household characteristics are driving the degree of vul-
MPS: 0.186; Adaptive capacity RLS: 0.180). However, RLS was nerability of each slum. Between the two slums, RLS had a
more sensitive to the effects of climate change than MPS higher LVI (0.300) than the MPS (0.269), indicating the higher
when taking into account the existing level of health, food, as vulnerability of RLS. Health, food, water and housing com-
well as water security, and housing structures in both slums ponents had the highest values for RLS households at 0.395,
(Sensitivity MPS: 0.341; Sensitivity RLS: 0.396). RLS tended to 0.447, 0.419 and 0.340, respectively, compared to 0.358, 0.346,
be more vulnerable than MPS when these contributing factor 00.455 and 0.200 for MPS households. The LVI variations
scores for each slum were added applying the LVI-IPCC were strongly influenced by these four factors (Table 3).
equation (LVI-IPCC MPS: 0.048; LVI-IPCC RLS: 0.066) (Table 4). The households in both slums claimed that they experienced
food insecurity for two to three months in a year, notably during
and after floods. In a discussion, it was discovered that house-
4. Discussion holds’ low monthly incomes and the need to spend more on
In the current study, the two selected urban poor settlements health or medicine were the primary causes of inadequate
serve as an example of slum settlements (poor households food consumption. RLS showed a higher vulnerability score
with limited access to household amenities and lack of tenure on health component than MPS because a higher proportion
facilities) in Dhaka city. Here, we attempt to assess the degree of households (99.1%) did not have a sanitary latrine and a
of two slum settlements’ vulnerability to pluvial floods. Eakin higher proportion of households’ members missed their work
and Bojorquez-Tapia (2008) discovered that within a small in the last two weeks because of sickness such as chronic dis-
region, the indicators used for assessing the vulnerability eases, seasonal illness and injured, etc. The respondents claimed
index do not differ significantly. Similar evidence came to that they used homemade medications before visiting public
light by the current study as well. One of our previous studies health facilities when they fell ill or were affected by any dis-
(Akther & Ahmad, 2021), we discovered that there are some eases. They also mentioned there is no free health facility
influencing factors, such as the location and pattern of the from the healthcare centre. As a result, high healthcare costs
settlements, the characteristics of floods (length and intensity), may push them to use other resources less, making households
socio-economic status, the level of collective cooperation, etc., more susceptible (Adelekan, 2010; Flores et al., 2008). For
that cause the livelihood statuses to differ between the urban example, according to Baro and Deubel (2006), a significant
poor settlements in stressed situations. Additionally, we drop in food consumption is the primary effect of an extreme
found that the livelihood capitals had an internal influence event (Baro & Deubel, 2006). Similarly, a big difference in aver-
age travel time for going to water sources and lack of water
supply of households showed that MPS was more vulnerable
Table 4. Results of the calculation of the contributing factors for the LVI-IPCC
utilizing the IPCC framework approach.
to water component compared to RLS. Besides, the higher pro-
IPCC contributing factors to vulnerability MPS RLS
portion of households with poor housing structure and
Adaptive Capacity 0.186 0.180
crowded living room (more than 3 persons in a room)
Sensitivity 0.341 0.396 confirmed that RLS was more vulnerable than MPS. Only 1%
Exposure 0.327 0.347 of households had the minimum standard room size in MPS
LVI-IPCC 0.048 0.066
while the proportion was 5.9 in RLS.

Figure 2. Vulnerability spider diagram of the major components of the LVI for MPS and RLS.

The SDP, the livelihood strategies and social network also mentioned social institutions like school is an important indi-
influence the LVI. The ability of a household is influenced cator of social network (Sam et al., 2017b). This sub-com-
by SDP through which a household can respond, recover ponent score showed a higher difference between the slums
from and adapt to climatic events. In our study, RLS showed in the social network component and reflected the higher vul-
a higher vulnerability score on the SDP index than MPS nerability of the RLS than the MPS. The respondents reported
because a higher proportion of household heads did not attend three reasons for less (no) access to school in MPS (3.3%) and
school in RLS than the MPS. Education is one of the most sig- the RLS (23%), first, the households had infant and adult
nificant sub-components of the status of SDP. For example, population; and second, in MPS, two schools were running
better education and skills increase a family’s capacity to by Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) and
take on well-paying occupations (Dehghani Pour et al., 2018) UNICEF whereas, only one local NGO called Pathshala tried
higher incomes affect human capital by promoting health to provide primary education to the slum children in RLS,
and education, and they affect physical capital by putting and children were not sent to schools rather insist to generate
money into infrastructure. extra income for the family. Thomalla et al. (2006) also found
A livelihood is a key tool for helping households deal with that the people who have the least access to economic and
and recover from difficulties and improve their abilities and social capital are the most exposed to natural disasters (Tho-
assets, at present, and in the coming years (Paavola, 2008). malla et al., 2006). Finally, although the average number of
MPS showed a greater vulnerability score on livelihood strat- the flood was the same in slums, the proportion of households
egies than the RLS due to the high proportion of households with injury and death; and the proportion of households’
that did not have savings. In addition, in RLS only 10.8% of members with diseases due to flood showed that RLS was
households had to pay their house rent whereas in MPS more vulnerable than MPS.
80.5% of households were tenants, this could be the reason MPS was more vulnerable than RLS in terms of livelihood
for financial differences between the slums and this, in turn, strategies and the water component, two of the eight key com-
led to no saving of the households in MPS. The households ponents in the assessment of livelihood vulnerability of the
also stated that they experienced unemployment during the urban poor. In contrast, RLS scored more vulnerable than
floods because the majority of them were working on a daily MPS in the areas of socio-demographic profile, social net-
basis. To get away from the effects of a flood, poor households works, health, food, housing and natural disaster. However,
obtained loans from moneylenders at high rates of interest. the combined score shows that the livelihood vulnerability of
Although strong community ties and high levels of trust the urban poor is higher in RLS (LVI: 0.300) than the MPS
among households are significant strategies for reducing sus- (LVI: 0.269). Several studies found that some components
ceptibility to the effects of climate change (Thomas et al., are more influential for the variations in LVI of the
2005), these social aspects are more challenging to quantify resource-poor communities such as health, social network
than measures of food security and health components and food (Toufique & Islam, 2014); food, water and health
(Hahn et al., 2009). Sam et al. (2017b) found that no access (Monirul Alam et al., 2017); health, water and social network
to school influenced the vulnerability of households as they (Sam et al., 2017b) and livelihood strategies, food and water

(Sam et al., 2017a). We also found that water, health and food uneducated households), livelihood strategies (dependence on
are more prominent components in the LVI variation of urban informal jobs), poor housing (overcrowded and poor housing
poor communities. structure) and natural disaster. Additionally, in both slum com-
The findings are displayed in Figure 3, where a vulnerability munities there are insufficient sources for safe drinking water
triangle is plotted along with scores for exposure, capacity for and fewer public health services are offered. Since many house-
adaptation and sensitivity. It was found that the RLS had a holds lack the endowments to endure the shocks of natural dis-
lower adaptive capacity with higher SDP and SN vulnerability asters, there is a strong reliance on social networks (especially
scores compared to the MPS. Similarly, the higher vulner- neighbours, friends and relatives).
ability index value of health, food and housing components By assessing the vulnerability of urban poor households,
of RLS compared to MPS reflected the higher sensitivity. Fur- this study has expanded the LVIs’ field of application. The
thermore, RLS had a higher exposure index score than MPS results of this study will add to the knowledge regarding LVI
(Exposure MPS: 0.327; Exposure RLS: 0.347). Therefore, the of urban poor communities in developing nations like Bangla-
findings showed that according to the contributing factors, desh. The researchers might learn about the degree of vulner-
the RLS was more exposed to climatic stress with a lower adap- ability of the various vulnerability indicators and what are the
tive capacity and a higher sensitivity compared to the MPS. main influencing factors of the vulnerability of urban poor
communities. The methodology used in this study is flexible
enough to be used to assess and compare the vulnerability of
5. Conclusions and policy implications
other resource-poor groups. Since the index was created
This study provides insights into the livelihood vulnerability of using primary data, any researcher can decide what infor-
urban poor households in Dhaka city which is one of the mation is included and how each relevant category is defined
urban flood-prone areas of Bangladesh. The community chosen for a particular area, or community. Furthermore, the data
for the study is both extremely poor and highly vulnerable to applied to assess the index are pertinent for many developing
natural disasters. The results of LVI and IPCC-LVI analyses countries as they often experience very similar situations. The
showed one slum settlement was more vulnerable than the major shortcoming of this index is the equal weights used to
other slum settlement and the vulnerability order remained the measure the sub-components, which are not always accurate.
same. The settlements with similar characteristics have a differ- Therefore, alternative methods of calculating the unequal
ent level of vulnerability due to their households’ attributes and weights might be used.
status of providing services and the characteristics of the sur- A vulnerability assessment is an initial step to effective risk
rounding neighbourhoods. The differences between the slum reduction and climate change adaptation measures. The out-
settlements in vulnerability level caused by factors related with comes of this study may assist to develop strategies, policies
health (poor sanitation and medical facilities), food security and programmes that would reduce the vulnerability of the
(having 1 or 2 meals per day and struggle for food), unfavourable urban poor in Bangladesh. The findings and recommendations
socio-demographic backgrounds (higher dependency ratios and derived from this study are likely applicable to other cities in

Figure 3. Vulnerability triangle diagram of the contributing factors of the LVI-IPCC for MPS and RLS.

Bangladesh and to other countries including south Asian Geography and Environment from Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
countries with similar socio-economic profiles. The study (1991) and second MSc in Rural and Regional Development Planning
from Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand (1993). He also
implies that there is an urgent need for public investment in
worked with the government of Bangladesh as a civil servant in the min-
the water sector, access to food, health care facilities and infra- istries of public administration and Commerce. Dr. Mokbul teaches and
structure in the development of adaptation strategies for urban researches on international development, NGOs, community develop-
poor households. To increase adaptive capability and lessen ment, human conflicts and adaptation to climate change. He has pub-
vulnerability, more focus should be placed on enhancing lished many articles on his research areas in many journals and books.
He has written/co-authored eight books.
food safety, medical facilities and family access to safe and
sufficient drinking water. To make sure access to food, food Dr Thi Phuoc Lai Nguyen is a social scientist and currently an Assistant
Professor at the Asian Institute of Technology. Her research centers upon
supply might be arranged by GOs and NGOs, particularly
the human dimension in planning and managing the environment
during the disaster period. An adaptation action can be regarding social attitudes, epistemological processes and behaviors of
taken to ensure the sanitary latrine facility and safe drinking understanding, mitigating, and adapting to social and environmental
water supply for both slums which can be implemented changes. The areas of research interest are coupled human-environment
through several phases by local government or NGOs. To complex systems, social and environmental changes, social actors and
environmental inequalities, governance of socio-ecological systems, edu-
enhance adaptive capacity, formal and vocational education
cation, and innovation for sustainable development.
along with training can be taken for strengthening the SDP
of households. Diversification of LS, such as having at least
one household member produce an income from sources
other than the current place, is another step for lowering live- References
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Pulhin, J., … Takahashi, K.. (2007). Assessment of adaptation prac-
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s). tices, options, constraints and capacity. In M. L. Parry, O. F.
Canziani, J. P. Palutikof, P. J. van der Linden, & C. E. Hanson
(Eds.), Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Ethical statement Climate Change (pp. 717–743). Cambridge: Cambridge University
We declare that this article is unique, has not previously been Adri, N., & Simon, D. (2018). A tale of two groups: Focusing on the differ-
published, and is not presently being accepted for publication ential vulnerability of “climate-induced” and “non-climate-induced”
anywhere. There are no conflicts of interest involving the migrants in Dhaka City. Climate and Development, 10(4), 321–336.
authors and this article. As the Corresponding Author, I attest
Ahsan, N., & Warner, J. (2014). The socioeconomic vulnerability index : A
that all of the indicated authors have read and approved the pragmatic approach for assessing climate change led risks – A case
paper for submission. study in the south-western coastal Bangladesh. International Journal
of Disaster Risk Reduction, 8, 32–49.
Notes on contributors Akther, H., & Ahmad, M. M. (2021). Livelihood under Stress: The Case of
Urban Poor during and post-flood in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The
Dr Hasina Akther is working as an associate professor in the Department Geographical Journal, 187(3), 186–199.
of Geography and Environment at Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangla- 12379
desh. Having a keen interest in urban and climate change issues, she com- Akther, H., & Ahmad, M. M. (2022). Livelihood in the pluvial flood prone
pleted her doctoral research from the Asian Institute of Technology slum communities in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Progress in Disaster Science,
(AIT), Thailand, on the vulnerability and adaptive capacity of the urban 14(April 2022), Article 100227.
poor exposed to extreme climate events in Bangladesh. Over the course 100227
of her professional and academic career, Dr. Akther has led many research Angeles, G., Lance, P., Barden-O’Fallon, J., Islam, N., Mahbub, A. Q. M.,
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