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TF Concepts: Dynamic Automated Furniturizing Frisbee

Created from an unknown inventor, the Dynamic Automated Furniturizing Frisbee (DAFF
for short) is a device capable of shape shifting anyone in its range into any sort of furniture or
appliance. The device is an 8-inch metal disk, with a lens on the center, four buttons on one
side, and an LCD display above said buttons. The second button from the left activates the
device, while the third from the left cancels the previous transformation. The two buttons on
the ends are used to cycle through the various categories of furniture to choose from. Included
in this list, according to the display, are Kitchen, Living Room, Bathroom, Entertainment Center,
Bedroom, and three unknown options, which cause the screen to flicker upon selecting. Once
the second button is pressed, the DAFF is to be tossed like a frisbee, so that it lands underneath
the target. Upon landing, the device will fire a large, orange beam out from the lens, which will
hold the target in the air, unable to escape unless the third button is pressed. Once the target is
caught in the beam, they device will begin detaching the target’s arms, hands, legs, paws, tail,
and head, possibly splitting those parts into small pieces, if necessary. The disassembling is
completely painless, and the target still feels each body part, as though they were still attached
to them. After this, each piece will shift into a part necessary to make the specified piece of
furniture. For example, in a field test involving an unnamed raccoon, the DAFF was set to
“Bedroom” and tossed to the subject. Upon being captured, the subject’s legs and arms turned
into bedposts, which felt as solid as wood, but still covered in fur. Their torso then stretched
out into a king-sized mattress, which felt soft to the touch. His tail then grew into a bed’s frame,
which attached itself to the bedposts, and held up the mattress automatically. After that, the
subject’s head turned into a large headboard, as he still seemed capable of emoting, speaking,
and blushing. Finally, his hands and paws turned into four large pillows, finishing the
transformation into a bed. Throughout the transformation, the subject reported being unable
to move, and still being able to feel any contact made with his body on any part. It should be
noted that his paw pillows are rather ticklish. The transformation persisted for 96 hours, and
would have likely lasted longer, had the transformation not been canceled early through the
cancel button. Once the button was pressed, his body parts immediately shifted back to normal,
and reattached themselves, painlessly. Further research is needed regarding what would
happen if two or more people are caught in a single beam, or how long the effects last without
being manually cancelled. The aforementioned raccoon isn’t answering our calls, so testing is
put on hold until more volunteers can be found

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