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The Birth of a Kingdom

By Whitestripe

"Terlix? You finished packing? The train leaves in an hour and we need to get going
if you're going to catch it."

The speaker was a big cat. A lion to be precise, with a pelt of soft, sky blue fur.
Said feline was leaning against a doorframe, watching in amusement as a massive
dragon moved about his bedroom, grumbling and muttering under his breath.

"Almost, almost, look, I was busy, okay? Had a lot of stuff on my plate," the
dragon said good-naturedly. The beast in question wasn't like how most people
imagined dragons. When one pictured a dragon, it wasn't usually with four arms. He
had the two normal ones on either side of his body, but two more came out of his
back, the webbing of his wings protruding from the sides of those other two
appendages, all four of his arms currently hard at work collecting small items and
throwing them into a suitcase where they just seemed to vanish.

Ah, Suitcase of Holding. Greatest buy the dragon had ever made.

"You were up late working out and playing video games. We both know that. You're
nervous about the move. You sure you don't want me to come with, at least until you
get settled in Lunar City?" the feline asked.

Terlix paused in his frantic packing, looking over at the feline before giving him
a gentle smile. The dragon towered over the smaller, more lithe feline. The
reptile's body was ripped, looking almost like he could benchpress a feral dragon
himself as he walked over and, tenderly, wrapped all four of his arms around the
lion in a gentle, loving hug, his wings caping over him.

"Ah, hun, you've done so much for me already. You took me in, got me a roof over my
head, gave me a place to rest, relax, and get back on my feet," Terlix said gently.
"You have work, and I know you need the money. You can't afford to take off time
for however long it would take for me to get settled. I'll be okay. I promise, and
I'll call you every day," the dragon said, rubbing his back. "And hey, once I'm
stable, got a job and everything, I'll get ya a ticket and you can come visit me
and we can hang out for a week or two... How's that sound?"

The feline, Merik, let out a warm chuckle, his paws stroking up and down Terlix's
main arms, over the white lightning-like images on his blue scales, looking almost
like tattoos. "That does sound pretty good. I just don't want you to forget about
me, you know? People seem to get so caught up in Lunar City, they never write,
never call. It's like they fall off the face of the earth," he mumbled.

Terlix let out a laugh. "Ah, come on, there's no way that's going to happen to me.
You and me, we're going to be friends for life," the dragon growled firmly, gently
reaching up and taking the feline's paws in his own. "And that's a promise. No
matter what, if you call me, I'll come running."

Merik smiled as he slowly leaned forward and nuzzled gently against the dragon's
chest. "Thanks, Terlix...heh, I suppose I should help ya get packed after I
distracted ya," he mumbled. "Can't have you be late for your big day."

Terlix smiled down at the smaller cat. "It can wait for a few minutes," he murmured
Terlix smiled as he climbed off of the train, his backpack thrown over his
shoulders. Here he was. In Lunar City. City of Dreams, and Land of Wonder. The
place where anyone could be anything they wanted. A town of new beginnings and new
chances for those who asked for them.

The dragon couldn't help but just stop and stare at everything. It was just...just
so amazing...So...beautiful...So filled with life and splendor and beauty. Around
him, every single window was massive, filled with the image of some person or
beast, frozen in stained glass. Sculptures and statues abounded around the station
of more feral beasts, as well as a few anthros, standing in various poses, all of
them made out of rare, expensive materials.

It almost felt like he'd walked into a museum, rather than a train station. Did
they...did they really have so much money, so much power they could afford to have
so much art in this place?

"Newbies to Lunar City: travelers, visitors, new citizens. Hey there, if you could
all please come over here. We've got a tour group here who can show you around the
city and ensure each of you finds where you best need to be," a voice called out. A
very soothing...relaxing voice.

The dragon felt a smile form on his muzzle as he turned towards the yeller, spying
a rather casual hyena, dressed in a fine-looking, dapper suit, calling out and
waving people over to him. Many of the faces he'd seen on the train starting to
head over to him, all smiling and laughing as they made their way over.

That seemed like a good idea, the dragon considered. After all, he didn't know
where anything was in this vast, magical city. A guide to show him around, helping
him find a place for him to settle down.....That seemed like exactly what he might

Nodding to himself, with his course decided, the dragon began to walk towards the

That is, before a child ran right into the dragon like a speeding bullet, sending
both of them tumbling to the ground.

Terlix let out a soft groan as he suddenly found himself laying on his back, before
sitting up and rubbing his head, the dragon blinking as he saw the little tiger boy
laying dazed on the ground in front of him. Panic bloomed in his heart as he pushed
himself to his feet, moving over to the little feline. "Hey, hey kid. You okay?" he
called out quickly.

"Ow...owie...That hurt...Sorry about that, mister. Heh, guess I was a bit too eager
wanting to see everything here," the little black and white tiger boy mumbled as he
sat up, reaching up and taking one of the offered hands of the dragon, letting
himself be tugged to his feet, as though he weighed nothing at all. "Oh, sorry. I'm
Whitestripe, by the way. Sorry for running into you like that."

Terlix smiled tenderly at the small cub. "No, no, it's okay. Heh, I should have
been paying more attention. I found myself getting distracted by
amazing this place is," he admitted, rubbing the back of his head in earnest. "You
new here?" he questioned.

Whitestripe nodded his head. "Yep! I just arrived here at the train station a
minute ago," he said cheerfully. "You moving here, mister dragon, or are you just
"Oh, I'm moving here, actually. Had someone offer me a real good apartment here for
basically free, as well as a great job," Terlix said brightly. "And you can call me
to Terlix, little one. Where are your parents? Are you here alone?" he asked in
concern, looking around slowly.

Whitestripe let out a sad little chuckle. "Heh, I'm an orphan," he told him with a
small shrug of his shoulders. "I just hang out around here. You know, helping out
where I can. Trying to help people smile. Have a bit of hope in their lives. That's
all," he said brightly, giving the reptile an adorable little thumbs up.

The sapphire dragon let out a rumbling chuckle as he reached out with one massive
paw and gently, tenderly ruffled the headfur of the feline boy. "Well, I'm glad
there's someone like you helping out in this city. Now..." Terlix looked up before
letting out a groan, the group he'd been planning to join having already gone.
"Well, I suppose me traveling with them is out. Guess I'll have to make my own way
in the city," he muttered.

Whitestripe patted his leg gently, the small cat not even going up to the massive
dragon's waist. "Hey, you'll be fine. You've got this. I'm sure you'll do great
here. You're going to help so many people, I can feel it," he told the reptile
excitedly. "You just gotta believe, and no matter what, you don't give up, no
matter what happens. So long as you do that, I'm sure you'll be able to pull

Terlix let out a chuckle, but he couldn't help himself from smiling from just how
sure the little feline sounded. "I suppose I'll just have to believe ya, little
kitty. Well, I'm burning daylight, so I need to get going. Gotta get ready for my
new life here. You going to be okay on your own? Do you need me to take you
anywhere before I head off?" the dragon asked, cocking his head.

Whitestripe shook his head. "Naw, I'll be fine. You just go head out and be
yourself. Everything will work out, I'm sure of it now," the cat said gently. "And
hey, maybe I'll see ya later."

The dragon nodded, giving a small wave. "I look forward to it, little one.
Hopefully, next time you won't try and run me over," he teased, before heading off,
a small skip to his step, as though some weight had been taken off of him.

Whitestripe grinned as he watched the dragon head off into the city, with he
himself strolling over to a bench, where a fur sat. The feline there had jet black
fur, wearing a matching black hoodie and a pair of black sweatpants. His eyes
glimmered, one eye gold, while the other was a light teal.

"Does the term, "ironclad rules" mean anything to you, kitty?" the black cat asked,
a faint hint of amusement in his voice as he turned the page of the newspaper in
his paws, not looking away from it.

"Hey, I didn't interfere in his free will. I didn't tell him anything he didn't
already know. I didn't lie to him. I just...ran into him," Whitestripe said
cheekily. "It's not my fault if he stopped and started talking with me instead of
joining that tour group and being made into a taxidermy dragon. Nope! That was
allllllll his choice."

The black cat let out a soft sigh. "Fate is going to be pissed. You know that,

"That new asshole can go fuck himself, Thran, and we both know it," Whitestripe
growled, crossing his arms as he sat back. "He wants to throw a tantrum, I'll kick
him in the balls and throw him to Leogun and see how he likes it."
The other feline, Thran, just let out a snort. "Well, you started this. It's your
responsibility for what that dragon does," he said. "You prepared for that?"

Whitestripe grinned, flashing his fangs. "It's what I live for, Thran."

And as a fur passed by the two, the figures on the bench vanished, as though they
had never been there in the first place.

Terlix made his way through the vast, bustling city, an expression of wonder and
excitement on his face. Everywhere he looked, a new shop stood, selling all
different sorts of items. He was used to his home town, where they had two, maybe
three chain stores, but here...everything seemed to be local, ran and owned by some
local citizen, rather than some big corporation.

The dragon couldn't help but chuckle. It seemed like Lunar City really did live up
to its epitaph, the city of dreams.


The shrieking noise cut through the din of the city as he turned and saw a hybrid,
a lion with tiger stripes, of maybe seventeen or eighteen years of age, running
down the street as fast as his feet could carry him.

Behind him, walking with an almost swagger in his steps, was a large, portly
raccoon, a smug smirk on his face as he strolled after the Liger.

The dragon looked around, yet, all around him, many of the people seemed to be more
amused than anything, pointing and...laughing at the liger as he ran.

What...What the hell was this? What was going on?

"Oi, stop causing a scene. A rug shouldn't be running about, getting all dirty and
dusty. You should be in my library. I need a good, rare rug to show off to my
friends," the raccoon yelled, lifting a paw as a swirling orb of glimmering white
magic formed, the raccoon drawing his arm back like a baseball pitcher, before
hurling it towards the fleeing feline.

Terlix's tattoos ignited, blazing with white light as he drew his right pair of
arms back. Crackling energy formed in his paws as he acted without even thinking
about it, throwing his arms forward as a bolt of lightning struck forward, hitting
the orb of magic and shattering it, before continuing on and hitting the shocked
looking raccoon in the chest, hurling him off of his feet.

Terlix panted softly, a low, bubbling growl slipping from his muzzle. Hed sensed
the magic in that orb. Something...dark...twisted...

...wrong. Pure and simple. It. Was. Wrong. Magic was something meant to build up,
to create, to help make the world better, but that disgusting had
just...It was the opposite of everything the dragon had been taught about magic.

"Hey, kid. Over here. Now," Terlix yelled, waving the liger over. Now, he could
see, he was getting many, many surprised looks. Most of the citizens had been
walking along, minding their own business, but now, they had stopped, and were
watching this scene as though it was the height of entertainment.

The liger didn't stop, sprinting over and skidding to hide behind the dragon as he
glared at the raccoon. "What the hell do you think you're doing to this kid, huh?"
he snarled.

The raccoon let out a soft groan, slowly pushing himself to his feet, a faint
glimmering barrier shimmering in front of his chest as he looked at the dragon,
positively murderous. "That is my rug, you stupid beast. Mine, you hear me? Though,
if you want to get in my way, I'd be more than happy to mount your head on the wall
of my den. I think having the head of a dragon might make me the talk of all my
friends," the raccoon threatened, his paws beginning to shimmer with white light as
he stalked towards them. "Give me that liger, now, or I'll just claim the both of

The dragon realized he was about to get into a fight with a powerful magic-user. If
the raccoon was able to stop one of his lightning bolts...that spoke of a very
powerful defensive magic, one the reptile wasn't sure if he might be able to defeat
on his own.

He could step aside, let him take this liger, and continue about his day. What did
he really owe this stranger anyway? He was nothing to this dragon. Nobody...

But he was family to someone. A friend. A loved one. For all he knew, he had
someone who was in love with him, and if he stepped aside...

The feline let out a whimper of such terror, the dragon almost felt his heart
shatter as he made his choice, a low, bubbling growl slipping from his jaws as
lightning blazed and crackled along his four arms. "If you want him, you're going
to have to get through me. I'm not letting you touch him as long as I draw breath,"
he roared out defiantly.

The raccoon snarled, thrusting his paw out towards the dragon, causing a pulse of
glimmering light to lance out in his direction. This forced the four-armed reptile
to take a step forward, clasping every one of his paws before spreading them out in
a square, resulting in a glimmering, crackling blaze of electricity to burst forth
from him.

That beam of transformative magic struck the electrical barrier, but it went no
further, the dragon sliding backward from the sheer force of the magical attack,
before he felt the cat push against him, trying to slow him down and support him.

Terlix let out a soft snarl. "You think I'm just going to roll over and let you
have this kid, to let you turn him into a lifeless object? Like hell I am." He
pushed his arms downwards, the barrier slowly started to condense down, glowing
brighter and brighter as he did so. His tattoos were blazing, emitting a near
blinding light as he gathered and focused his elemental magic. "This cat is under
my protection, and you just made a huge mistake thinking you could take me on." The
dragon thrust all four of his arms out as the barrier ignited, causing a crackling
beam of lightning to shoot down, shattering the raccoons magic as it tore through
the air and struck him. This resulted in the raccoon screaming out in pain as his
body went rigid, a shattering sound echoing throughout the area as his barrier
broke under the force of the magical lightning.

And slowly, with his body slightly singed, the raccoon flopped back onto the
ground, unmoving.

Silence reigned through the street for a few moments. Everyone around them seemed
utterly shocked that the dragon had won.

A sound of sudden clapping cut through the silence like a knife, belonging to a
figure who strolled casually through the crowd. "That, my dear dragon, was a simply
amazing show. Such power. Such ferocity. Such wonder and majesty. Truly, you have
what it takes to serve among the elite of this city."

The voice belonged to a black-scaled raptor, his pale red eyes almost glowing as he
looked at the dragon before bowing deeply to him. He was clad in a handsome red and
black suit coat, with a cane topped with the head of a blue raptor skull, and a
small top hat that looked like it was made out of dark blue scales.

Terlix turned towards the raptor, his hands still crackling with electricity. "No
offense pal, but when I look at you, I see about thirty different flavors of bad
all rolled up in one."

Rather than taking offense to that, the black-scaled raptor let out a laugh,
throwing back his head in his mirth. "Ooooooooh. Power AND a brain. You have
nooooooo idea how rare those are, my dear dragon. Now...I wish to test you for a
possible job."

Like a shade, the raptor seemed to blur as he shot forward, flipping his cane up
like a blade as he drove it right at the dragon's chest, the tip glimmering with a
glazing red light as it drove itself at him.

Terlix let out a snarl, stepping back in order to push the liger teen behind him.
The dragon then lifted his left hands before clenching them into fists, the
electricity that surrounded them suddenly going out, like a switch had been thrown,
and a layer of frost began to crackle over his scales, stemming from the wall of
ice which suddenly shot up out of the sidewalk between them.

However, the dragon didn't even bother waiting to see if the wall worked, flaring
his wings as he grabbed the feline and leapt up, taking to the air.

It was a good thing he'd done so, as the ice barrier didn't last more than a second
before it shattered beneath the cane of the raptor. The raptor didn't waste a
moment though, flicking his cane up as a dark, shadowy appendage lashed out from
its tip and latched onto the dragon's leg. With a firm grunt, he pulled, causing
the dragon to let out a shocked yelp as his massive body was suddenly pulled down
towards the raptor's cane.

A dozen options flashed through the dragon's mind. This raptor seemed ready to
counter whatever moves he tried to do to ward him off, which meant...he was used to
prey, people trying to avoid him, rather than face him head-on.

So, rather than try and break the binding, pulling free in an effort to resist, the
dragon drew his wings tightly to his body as he fell towards his fellow reptile. A
small widening of the raptor's eyes was enough to show he'd been correct, as a
spear of ice formed in his paws, magically reinforced, thrusting it down at the
raptor as he hit the ground.

The two froze, perfectly still, with Terlix's spear pressed against the raptor's
neck, while the raptor's faintly-glowing cane was just an inch from the dragon's
heart, the two eyeing each other, before the raptor let out a low, rumbling

"Oh...yes...I simply must have you, dear dragon. Such power. Such ferocity. You
hold that rare spark. That warrior's instinct. No, no...that's not right. That
predator's killer instinct. You don't hesitate. You take what you desire. You claim
what is rightfully yours, and you don't shy away from it." The black raptor
rumbled, slowly drawing his cane back and setting it on the ground, leaning on it
as he bowed once the dragon drew back his spear.
"My name is Kyrias. I'm what you could call...a noble of this city. One of its
upper crust. Yes, I know, my appearance is a bit...fearsome. A bit of a curse from
a dear rival after I...well, let's just say I took a few of his most prized
possessions from his bar," he said with a laugh. "Payback for what he tried to do
to me, but that is neither here nor there. You see, my dear dragon, I am looking
for a bodyguard, someone who can help me in this city, and you... I think you would
be perfect, both you and, I suppose, I could offer a job to that cat as well, if
you wish, considering you went to such efforts to keep him for yourself."

Terlix eyed the raptor, letting the spear crumble into water. He didn't trust this
raptor, not one bit. Something about him just seemed...wrong...

And yet, despite that, he sensed something else. In his words, his tone, his gaze,
were crippling sorrow and pain.

"So you want me to be your bodyguard? Both of us? You know you could have just
asked," Terlix deadpanned, crossing his four arms as he glared at the raptor.
"Instead, you try and attack me?"

Kyrias let out a laugh, shaking his head slightly. "I had to be sure. Here in Lunar
City, it's predator eat prey, sometimes literally. You saw it already with that
raccoon. That sort of thing happens hundreds of times every hour. This city
practically devours itself over and over again. No matter how strong or powerful
you are, your rivals... your enemies will always be seeking to overthrow you,
wanting to claim you and your power for themselves."

Terlix froze, staring at the raptor. That...that couldn't be true. Lunar City was...

Kyrias rolled his eyes. "The city of dreams, yes? Where anyone can be anything?" he
asked, as though reading the dragon's mind. "That's just to bring prey to the city.
The powers that be, those above even me, employ tens of thousands of furs whose one
and only job is to bring furs from all over Arcada to Lunar City, for us to enjoy
and toy with. Just like you were brought here, except you weren't chosen as a
tourist, were you?" he asked slowly.

The dragon stared at him in confusion. "No...I wasnt...but what does that have to
do with anything?" he asked in response.

"Oh, it's quite simple. You see, you get a mark from whoever sends you. We can see
it with our aura sight. If you're a tourist, that marks you as prey, which means
you're slated to be an item. Food, drink, statue, park bench; whatever someone
decides you would best be suited as," the raptor explained casually.

"But if you were sent here as a possible resident, that means whoever marked you
saw your potential, to be a true citizen, a real fur... And that's what you are,
little dragon. You have the potential to be a very, VERY powerful predator, to feed
on the magic of all those around you, to claim their essence, their very souls and
magic, and store them within yourself, gaining their skills, their talents, their
abilities... and you can join the great game," the raptor rumbled.

"The great game?" Terlix questioned slowly.

"Something I'll explain later. That is, if you choose to accept my offer. If you
do, I promise I will watch out for you. I will take care of you. Here in this city,
you will never have to worry about anything ever again, other than carrying out my
will... I will ensure you have a very good existence, my dragon. I swear this upon
my magic."
As the raptor spoke, a glimmering red aura formed around him, the dragon feeling
the sheer power of the oath Kyrias had just spoken.

"I...I suppose I can work as your bodyguard... at least until I can find a better
job..." Terlix told him slowly, slowly reaching out a paw.

The raptor's grin suddenly turned predatory, quickly taking the dragon's paw in his
own. "Excellent, Terlix... I'm so glad that you're already so obedient...

"My good little drone."

Terlix went rigid, like someone had just flipped the off switch to his body. No
matter how much he tried, no matter how much he fought or struggled, his body
refused to move, remaining as still and lifeless as a statue, as a shiny black
liquid started to flow off of the raptors paw, coating his hand and scales.

It felt warm...warm and...The dragon gave a mental shudder, as his body refused to
do so. It felt...good...Oh so good...As that shiny, rubber-like substance began to
spread up his arm, coating every one of his blue scales in the deepest ebony, as
faint lines of blue, like small stripes, formed along the rubber limbs...It...It
was intoxicating...It felt...So good... like every kink, ache, and pain was being
worked out of his body...

Such peace... Such gentle joy and soothing relaxation began to drag the dragon's
mind down, deeper and deeper, the world going hazy as that rubbery substance began
to spread over his chest. There, a crest-like mark formed, like some sort of sigil,
as the rubber continued to coat over his whole body.

Drone TX-43. You serve Master. Drone does not think. Drone does not exist. Drone
simply serves as an extension to Master's will. Drone will comply. Drone will cease
thinking. Drone will cease existing. All memories will be forgotten. Drone has no
past. No future. Drone simply exists in the moment. Drone exists at Master's call.

A faint, monotone voice began to speak in the back of Terlix's mind, the dragon
letting out a mental whine as he tried to block out the voice, while his other arms
began to be coated, both his upper limbs and much of his chest now numb as the
rubber began to slide down his legs, that shiny substance consuming everything in
its path. Not limiting itself to just the surface scales, the mysterious liquid was
turning him into shiny, glistening rubber through and through.

"Get...Get out...of my head..." Terlix snarled weakly in his mind, trying to force
this voice out of his mind, to contain and silence it.

Error: Drone TX-43 is suffering programming errors. Activating restoration program.

Drone TX-43, please relax. Restoring to factory creation settings.

A sudden rush of agony lanced through the dragon's mind as he felt something
clawing at his mind, at his memories, trying to tear them apart, to drag them out
of the dragon's reach. Terlix let out a snarl of defiance, throwing up every mental
barrier up he could to keep them safe.

To keep them...keep them...

The dragon's legs were now also a glistening black, with those same deep-blue-
striped highlights. The glistening rubber spread over his wings and tail next,
causing the dragon's great, beautiful wings to turn jet black. Like rippling pools
of rubber, with every move, and every twitch, the dragon's wings shimmered like
wind blowing across a still pond, resulting in a beautiful, almost hypnotic sight.
"Get...out...of my head...My name...My TX-43...and you aren't going make me forget that...You hear me?" the dragon growled softly before,
suddenly, the pain was replaced by the greatest, most overwhelming blast of
pleasure the dragon had ever felt in his life.

Unit TX-43 has accepted unit designation. Good drone. Drone serves. Drone obeys.
Drone does not think. Drone belongs to Master. Drone will serve Master to the best
of its ability. Drone will comply.

Terlix began to pant heavily, everything from the neck down now solid, beautiful,
glistening rubber, as the dragon's glazed over, vacant eyes stared out at the
raptor, who simply smiled in amusement at him.

"Unit...TX-......43.........complies..." Terlix whispered as feeling returned to

his jaws, another burst of pleasure washing over his mind, shattering his thoughts,
his personality. Everything faded away, except for that wondrous pleasure, and that
soothing, comforting voice speaking in his mind.

Good Drone. Drone has no sense of self. Drone is no more than an object serving its
Master. Master's will is Drone's will. Drone has no identity. Drone has no sense of
self. Drone is not an individual. Drone is Drone. Drone has always been Drone.
Drone will always be Drone. Drone will comply.

"" Terlix growled out softly, his glazed-over eyes staring

unseeingly at the raptor as the rubber washed up over his head, coating him
completely, his mind winking out as his brain was turned into merely more rubber,
while two glimmering blue eyes igniting in those empty black orbs, staring at the
raptor before him.

Terlix was gone, his mind forever silenced.

All that was left now was TX-43.

"Unit TX-43 is ready to serve Master. Please command this one," TX-43 spoke in a
monotone, staring ahead, awaiting an order from its owner.

Kyrias smiled, turning to look at the whimpering, frozen liger, held in place by
the raptor's magic. "TX-43, turn the liger behind you into a drone," Kyrias

"Unit TX-43 complies, Master," TX-43 spoke out as it turned around, its neck
rippling as a collar formed over its throat, the words TX-43 etched onto it as the
process finished itself, the dragon truly nothing but an ordinary, magically-
animated rubber drone.

One of the dragon's great, rippling wings suddenly spread outward, moving above the
frozen cat, as the dragon dropped onto one knee, allowing the wing to follow suit,
covering everything from the liger's head all the way down to his feet.

And where it passed, the liger changed. His fur smoothened out, turning just as
black as the drone's own body.

He...It kept the vaguest traces of its feline nature, though one could see the life
leave its eyes.

The only difference between it and TX-43 were the colored highlights on its body,
its being gold instead of blue.

And as TX-43 drew its wing off the ground, the liquid rubber rippling as it passed
through the newly-minted cat-drone's form, the dragon stood up and stared at the
statue-still rubber creature.

"Unit LG-28, activate. Designate raptor as Master. Serve Master. You are Drone.
Drone will comply," TX-43 spoke out in a monotone.

Slowly, two glimmering golden eyes ignited, allowing the liger to stare forward,
vacantly and without thought. "Unit LG-28 complies. Unit LG-28 is ready to serve
and obey. Please command this Drone, Master," the young liger spoke out... no
personality... no life... nothing left in its toneless voice.

"Excellent. Excellent my sweet little drones," Kyrias rumbled, rubbing his hands
together. "Come, TX-43, LG-28, it is time to return home. Heh...welcome to your new
lives, my new bodyguards..."

One Year Later

The lion let out a scream of pain as he was hurled across the room and into a wall,
forcing a soft groan to slip through his jaws as he fell to the ground, shivering
as he looked up. Sitting across the room, on a throne, flanked by a pair of
beautiful, granite raptor statues, was a jet-black raptor, leaning forward on his
cane, his red eyes glimmering in amusement as he watched. Standing at his right
side was a feline drone, watching the whole scene impassively.

TX-43 began to stalk towards the fallen lion. There was no rush in its movements.
It just walked calmly, as though it had all the time in the world.

"You told me...You told me you knew where Terlix was...Where is he?" Merik groaned
as he slowly tried to push himself onto his hands and knees, looking up as TX-43
finally arrived, the dragon reaching down and grabbing the lion by the neck before
lifting him, its paw tightening and cutting off his air.

"Oh, it's right there? Though there isn't much left of it, I'm afraid. I'd been
planning to add it to my gallery. Such a handsome dragon drone would make an even
better piece of art, wouldn't you say? But, well, then I heard about your little
attempts to try and find my drone, and, out of the goodness of my heart, I couldn't
help but want to reunite you both together," Kyrias cackled, clapping his paws.
"Keep it up, TX-43! Make this stupid cat regret sticking his nose in my affairs,"
he ordered.

"Order Acknowledged, Master," TX-43 said as he turned and threw Merik across the
room, the lion slamming into the ground and tumbling head over tea kettle, before
the dragon calmly starting to move after him, its gaze never leaving its target.

Merik whimpered softly, lifting his head in order to stare at the rubbery creature
as it walked towards him.

This...This was Terlix? His best friend? What...What had they done to him?
What...What were...

His thoughts were cut off as he was backhanded and sent tumbling to the side, his
body spinning before being slammed into the plush carpeting with a soft groan.

The raptor tapped one of his cheeks. "Hmmmm, I could use a new lion pelt for my
den's wall. TX-43, skin the lion alive and bring me its pelt," he called out
"Order Acknowledged, Master," TX-43 said calmly. It flicked one of its arms out, as
the rubber limb began to flow and shift, forming into a slick, black-edged blade as
the dragon started to pad towards him.

Merik let out a soft whimper, but he wasn't scared for himself. He was terrified
for his friend. What sorts of things had he been forced to do...His will...his
mind...everything being taken from him like this?

"Terlix, come on...It's me, Terlix...It's me, Merik...Your best friend...Don't you
remember me? I helped you. After it happened, when you lost control, I helped you
out. Got you back on your feet...It's okay...You don't have to do this
anymore...Come on...I'm here...I'll help you...Even after all this..." the lion
spoke softly.

Kyrias let out a deep belly laugh. "There's nothing left of the dragon in there. It
isn't even alive. It's just a part of my will, animated by my magic. It belongs to
me. It's mine. My possession. My Drone," the raptor rumbled, licking his fangs.

Merik shook his head as the dragon drew closer and closer. "No, you're wrong.
Terlix is in there. He is. I know it. He can stop this. He's so strong. He can
break your control. He won't do this. I know it. I believe in him. And I'm never
going to give that up."

Kyrias smile fell away as he narrowed his eyes. "TX-43...make sure when you skin hurts...and it never stops hurting..." the raptor growled, his voice
hardly above a whisper.

"Order Acknowledged, Master," TX-43 spoke calmly, lifting its blade, its HUD
already mapping out the path said blade would follow to part the pelt from this

At that moment, Merik thrust out a paw towards TX-43s chest, pressing the paw
against the smooth rubber. "Please, Terlix...Come back...I'm not going to give up
on you... 'm never going to give up on the hope you gave me...Please...Don't you
give up, too!" he yelled.

Across the city, staring out over the dark, decadent town, a small tiger boy smiled
to himself, letting out a slow, deep breath. "No matter how dark it is...where
there's life...there's hope..." he mumbled, lifting a paw, and snapping his

Merik let his magic pour into TX-43. Even if it was hopeless, even if it didn't
matter, he at least had to try. He needed to reach out and help his friend.

His mind flowed into the Drone's own as everything seemed to slow down in the
outside world.

He was falling...falling into a sea of darkness...that rippling rubbery darkness

suddenly lashing out...trying to grasp at drag him into their
devour his unmake him...

Just...Just like they had unmade his best friend.

"Terlix! TERLIX!" Merik yelled out, reaching a paw out towards the dark sea.
"Please, answer me!" he screamed.

As that rush of darkness rose up to consume Merik, a sudden light ignited within
the black liquid, forcing the rubbery fluid to dissolve away. Wherever it touched,
the sea of darkness parted further and further, going down and down and down...
Until, there, in the middle of the pitch-black seabed, was a dark blue dragon,
laying on the ground, out cold.

"Terlix!" Merik yelled, letting himself fall, reaching out his hand as he let his
magic surge ahead of him. All of his memories of them together. All of the tender,
joyful moments of happiness, love, sorrow, and pain, flowing out in a stream of
images and crashing into the inert dragon's body.

And, with a gasp, Terlix's eyes shot open, blazing with fierce, sapphire light.

In the outside world, a scant number of seconds had passed. The raptor had watched
with bated breath as that blade descended, eager to see the blood splatter out the
moment it slashed through the feline's fur.

But nothing happened. An inch away from making contact, his drone had froze up,
slowly drawing his arm back as it reshaped back into a normal paw, before that
rippling darkness began to flow off of the dragon, distilling it down into a
swirling orb in his right paw.

TX...No...Terlix let out the first breath he'd had in over a year, his eyes
crackling with lightning as he glared at the raptor.

Kyrias let out a snarl, starting to raise his cane before Terlix beat him to the
punch, quickly lifting his four paws as he let his ice and lightning magic flow
together, manipulating the temperature of the room, causing the air to crackle as a
swirling tornado formed right where the raptor sat. The beast did not have a chance
to respond as he was suddenly thrown skyward. Terlix then stepped forward, rubbing
his two lower hands together, lightning crackling along them before thrusting
forward, the twin bolts lashing out and hitting Kyrias, hurling him upwards with a
sharp cry.

"You used me to hurt innocent people."

Another pair of bolts shot out and struck the raptor again, slamming him against
the ceiling, forcing an agonized cry to slip from the raptor's jaws.

"You made me tear families torture kill kids...just for your
entertainment..." the dragon roared, thunder and fury bubbling in his voice.

All four of his paws then reached out, resulting in four solid streams of lightning
to lance out and strike the raptor, making the raptor go rigid, no sound escaping
his silently-screaming muzzle.

"You. Tried. To. Make. Me. Kill. My. Best. FRIEND!"

A pulse of power lanced up those solid beams of electricity, and, when they struck
the raptor, his body proceeded to crumble up entirely, dissolving into black ash as
it blew away in a passing gust of wind.

Terlix panted softly, dropping to one knee. He'd burned so much power there,
but...but it was worth it.

A paw slowly reached out and rested on Terlix's shoulder. "Hey, sweetie..." Merik
rumbled gently.

Terlix slowly looked up at the lion and smiled weakly. "Hey there...Good to see
you," he mumbled.
The lion knelt down and threw his arms around the large dragon, squeezing him

"Let's go home, sweetie... Let's get out of this hell," Merik whispered quietly.

For a moment, Terlix just melted into that hug, before his eyes shifted to the
remaining drone in the room, standing completely still. It hadn't moved at all
since this had started, as it had not been ordered too.

"No...No, I cant. I...There's something I need to do, Merik...and...I could use

your help," the dragon whispered.

"Of course...I'd do anything for you, Terlix...What do you need?"

Six Months Later

"Uncle Terlix, Uncle Terlix! Come play ball with us! Please, come play ball with
us?" a gaggle of children called out to him from the nearby basketball court.

Terlix was clad in a fine-looking blue suit, the great beast smiling and waving to
the children. "I'm afraid I have some business I have to attend to, my children,
but once I'm finished, if I have time, and you're still playing, I'll see about
teaching you a thing or two," he said with a playful grin.

The children cheered, waving as the dragon passed them by, flanked by a lion, as
well as a rubber-like feline.

"Why...Why do they do that, sir?" the rubbery creature asked slowly, its head

"They're having fun. They are doing things that they enjoy, things that bring them
pleasure, for no other purpose than for that," Terlix told him. "It's an important
thing to do when it comes to being a person, LG, like we've been trying to teach
you," the dragon added, his voice gentle as he spoke to the rubber drone.

LG paused, as though considering that answer, before giving a small nod. "Thank you
for clarifying, Mas-...Terlix," the feline said slowly.

Terlix reached out and rubbed the smooth rubber of the feline's shoulder. "Don't
worry about it, LG. I'm here to help you. It might take a while, but we'll help you
remember everything," he said, before looking over at Merik beside him.

"So, is this the last case for today?"

Merik nodded his head. "Yes, Terlix. They caught him trying to prey on one of the
children. Two of your guards were able to apprehend him and restore the boy, then
brought him to the Garden to await punishment."

Terlix nodded, lightning crackling over his hide. "Good...Let's deal with this...I
want to show those lads a thing or two...Lord knows they could use something fun.."

It took only a few minutes of wandering through the city before they came to a
small, peaceful little park. Formerly known as Full Moon Park, it had once been a
playground, a little forested den of nature in this massive city.

Now, it was known as The Garden. Dozens upon dozens of statues and sculptures
filled the garden, each standing upon a pedestal all its own, among the playground
And, bound by magic, stood a hyena, with a rhino and a gorilla standing on either
side of him.

"Hey, Hey! Let me go! Let me go, you hear me? I won't go after the stupid brat
again," the hyena yelled, wiggling and struggling against his invisible, magical
bonds. "It was just one brat. Nobody was going to miss it!"

"That boy was one of MINE!" Terlix snarled.

The hyena went rigid as soon as he saw the dragon, all color quickly drained out of
him. "Lord...Lord Terlix...What...What are you doing here?" he mumbled quietly.

"The southern part of the city, the poor houses, the rundown districts...They are
mine. My kingdom. They are under my protection to do with as I see fit, per the
orders of Mayor Denwall himself," Terlix growled softly as he imperiously walked
forward, his gaze cold and hard. "You have invaded my kingdom. You have attempted
to devour one of my citizens, to poach what is rightfully mine, and, as punishment
for attempting to steal that which belongs to a Lord of Lunar City, I sentence you
to eternity within the statue garden, as one of the sculptures that keep watch over
our home," the dragon intoned.

Terlix walked forward, his paw buzzing with a deep, grey light, thrusting it out to
grab the hyenas head.

The hyena didn't even have time to scream as his fur rapidly began to crackle and
harden under the dragon's touch. Smooth waves of grey stone started to wash out,
from the top of his head downwards, the hyena's mind instantly being stilled as his
brain was turned into inert, ordinary stone. Every detail, every beautiful feature,
became eternally etched into the stone hide of the hyena. His muzzle began to
freeze up, locking into place with a shocked, surprised expression, his blank, grey
orbs staring out sightlessly towards the one who was doing this to him.

The rest of the hyena's body didn't last much longer, with that cold, hard granite
flowing over its limbs and chest, stilling its heart and breath, before flowing
down and engulfing its legs, feet, and tail.

Before long, where there was once a living, breathing hyena, now stood a beautiful
sculpture of an anthro hyena staring shocked at some unseen sight.

Pulling his paw back, Terlix drew back a small, glimmering orb of golden light. The
dragon lifted this orb over his jaws before dropping it into his mouth, gulping
down the core of the hyena, and thus devouring his essence and magic into himself.

Terlix shuddered as that intoxicating wave of power rushed through him, though the
reptile focused. Amidst the mind-numbing pleasure, he could feel something press up
against his back, that being a jet black dragon, a mirror image of himself which
shivered as it rubbed against him.

MMMMM, they taste so GOOD, don't they...So many tasty cores...So much power...ALL
ours... his other self said, its alluring voice speaking directly into Terlix's
mind, intent on helping the dragon give into temptation, and seek out his vices.

Yet, rather than resist it, to try and deny or ignore it, Terlix simply listened
and nodded. "That's true...It DOES taste good...Invigorating...Powerful...I am no
saint. No matter what I do, you will be there. You are my shadow, just as I am your
light. I cannot resist you, yet you can never escape me. We balance each other, and
it is only together that we can guide and protect our people," the dragon
whispered, as though speaking a long-standing ritual.
The shadow dragon let out a soft snarl, narrowing its eyes.

Doesn't it hurt to know I am here...All of that evil inside of you...all of that

corruption you just WAITING for a chance to spring devour ALL
of these make them MINE...Forever... it hissed into his ear, trying its
damndest to get under his scales.

"No, it doesn't, because I accept that, just like Merik taught me to. You are me,
just as I am you. This is not a battle of one side over another. This is a balance
of both of us. I protect our people, our little kingdom in this city, and you feed
on the cores of the predators who try and harm our citizens. I rule over them,
guide them, protect them, and you punish those who break our laws, those who would
harm what is ours. Together, and ONLY together, can we rule these people justly,"
the four-armed dragon intoned.

The shadowy dragon let out another hiss before vanishing from sight, causing Terlix
to let out a soft sigh before looking at his guards, a slight smile on his snout.
"Get this beast onto a pedestal, where it belongs... I have a game of basketball to
play," he said.

And with that, Lord Terlix, the newest Lord of Lunar City, turned to make his way
off, eager to entertain some of the children of his little kingdom.

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