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At a far off corner of the Lunar City sat a small, modest building.

This building was home to a rather

unique business. Not for what they sell, but how they go about it. The Tan Tan Brewery tend to release a
wide range of drinks, ranging from soft drinks, flavoured waters, to alcoholic beverages, including sake.
It's owner, Denki, was rather modest about his business, not wanting to make too much fuss, but not
wanting to do things too slowly. He preferred to go about at his own pace.

Denki was a tanuki, one from one of the few tanuki villages in Lunaris. Oraka, a village known for its
unique technique. That of being able to create drinks in a rather unique fashion. By swallowing someone
up, they are able to keep the fur in their belly, the fluid within slowly flowing magic through the fur until
it becoms the beverage it senses. Then, all the tanuki needs to do is press a bottle into their navel, to
dispense the drink. From that point on, the fur is no longer really needed, usually released afterwards,
the drink made from them either just drunk right away, or replicated into a drinks line. That said, some
Oraka tanuki usually love to play aroud, keeping furs for a good while just to keep sampling their flavour.

That being said, Denki's use of the technique was anything but normal. Instead of simply letting the fur
stew in the fluids, the fluids flood his stomach completley, the fur washed and swished around as his
magic works through them, turning the fur entirley into a drink, mind, body and soul. Then, once Denki
dispensed the 'drink' into a bottle, as it empties out, all memory of that fur vanishes, like they were
never really there. Just a memory of the drink that they are now. What's more, Denki is also able to
clone from the respective bottle for much longer, allowing him to keep a collection of drinks ready.

At first, Denki started with anyone that wasn't a tanuki. After all, they weren't tanuki, so they weren't
important. Lions, bears, dogs, they all got eaten, all turned into drinks. And Denki sold them on, everyon
unassuming of him. All seemed to be going well, until Denki tried his luck with another tanuki in the
village, just to see what kind of drink they made. Purely out of curiosity. This backfired in the worst way,
as when the drink was made, the memories of the tanuki were not wiped as a result. Once everyone in
Oraka saw what Denki had done, they expressed dissapointment at how he took their technique, and
bought it to a fatal level. Denki tried to reverse the transformation, but found it far harder, almost
impossible to do, than he expected. Not too soon after, Denki was exiled from the village, told only to
return if he chose to renounce his ways and return to natural brewing, as the other tanuki did.

The blue-hued tanuki initally took this in stride, but soon found the loneliness to be a bit overbearing to
handle. He continued to make drinks, but couldn't find much purpose to it. At least, until he arrived in
Lunar City and found out about how some furs were willing to make a business out of transforming other
furs. So, he decided to open up his own brewery of sorts in the City. And so far, it turned out quite
impressive, the drinks from Tan Tan Brewery selling quite well.

Yet, it still did little to fill the void within his heart that was made when he left the village. There was just
something missing. What was it, he wondered. Just, what was it that he was missing?

Sitting in an office, the massive tanuki sat back in his chair, his large belly idly and audibly sloshing
around from each movement as Denki turned to look at his many drinks. Lemon Leo, Gerbil Grape,
Raccoon Raspberry. He had quite the collection of drinks, one of his walls having bottles of each of his
drinks, arranged in shelves. They sat there, as templates so he could make more of each drink.
Denki chuckled, then let out a sigh. Sure, he was doing well. But, still....What was he missing? Just what
was it. Letting out a sigh, the tanuki slumped in his seat a little. "I don't get it" he mumbled. "I made it
big. I got my own company. And I'm doing well. So....why.... Why do I feel so..... so......"


Denki let out a yelp as he jumped from his seat, his claws embedding into the ceiling as a portal opened
in his room, a multihued cat strolling inside. "I take it this is the main office of Tan Tan Brewery, and you
are the president of the company, Denki?" the cat asked, as if none of this seemed weird to him.

The tanuki looked down at the cat that had entered the room, giving a slow nod. "Y-yeah, that's me" he
said, shakily, as he slowly let himself down, his tail acting as a cushion of sorts as he returend to the

The cat nodded. "I see. My name is Paradox" he introduced. "I bring about an important mission, a quest
to bring peace".

He wasn't wrong. Just, they never needed to know what 'his' defenition of peace is.

Denki sat in his chair, looking down at the cat before him. "Umm.....O-kaaaayyyy" he said, tilting his head
a bit. "So.....why are you here?"

"Oh, I have but a favour to ask" Paradox said, walking up to the desk. "You see, there are some furs that
are standing in the way of my mission. And I cannot seem to get rid of them. So, I would like to ask of
your assistance to help rid of them for me".

Denki tilted his head the other way, looking to Paradox. "And, you haven't gotten rid of them yet
because....." he said, trailing off with curiosity. "You seem plenty strong in magic yourself. Why can't you
stop them?".

Paradox remained calm, respectable, as he stared up at the tanuki. He wanted to make sure to win him
over, to get him to work with him.

Despite how much he wanted to toss him to the moon.

"Because....." Paradox said, trailing off as he tried to come up with an excuse. "....These furs are far too
stronger than I can handle. They use strategy and such. You, on the other hand, could be just what's
needed. Also, it could land you with more drinks"

Denki made to speak, to question further, until he stopped, as he heard Paradox. "More.....more drinks?"
he said, his eyes centering on Paradox, a certain hunger in them. "What do I need to do?"

Paradox grinned. This was going to be easy.

"First.... You must go find a certain badger, one who is dean of the Lunar Academy" Paradox explained.
"Then, once you consume him and turn him into a drink, use the newly gained powers to stop those that
come after you. Then, you can turn that whole Academy into a new brewery".
The tanuki sat back as he pondered these thoughts. A whole new slew of drinks. A new brewery to
prepare them all in. And all he had to do, was eat a couple of furs. What was the downside to this?

Denki looked down, reaching a paw to Paradox. "You got yourself a deal, Paradox" he said. As Paradox
reached out, his handpaw closed over Paradox's smaller hand, the two shaking, before Denki got up, his
belly loudly sloshing and wobbling. "I'll go find this badger and eat him up. This shouldn't take long" he
said, starting to walk. As he did, his round belly swayed and wobbled, the liquid within sloshing and
splashing audibly around as he left the room, closing the door behind him.

Paradox watched, a grin on his face slowly growing. Oh, this was lovely. In a few moments, those do-
gooders would be gone, little more then drinks on the shelves. Oh, he could see it now.....

Barton sighed as he filled out yet another sheet of paperwork. Canis and Malis had apparently been
trying to pilfer as many drinks as possible. The badger could only assume that it was because Kamen Fur
wasn't on, giving the twins a lot of free time. And when they have a 'lot' of free time, they tend to get up
into far worse mischief than normal. When he tried to question this, Canis had given non-specific
answers while Malis kept dodging the question, much to the badgers' fustrations. Still, given he was the
dean, there was a strong level of responsibility that he had to maintain.

A darker part of his mind had suggested he should just hand them over to Carnaby to make them a pair
of pup sodas. But Barton refused to follow through on that thought. That would just be....rude....

The badger sighed, shaking his head as he filled out the last few lines on the paperwork, before setting it
on the tray. Finally, it was all done. Now he could take a moment to relax, perhaps get a drink, take his
mind off hard work.

Barton stretched, preparing to get up from his chair...Only, as he tried to lift himself off it, he found
himself suddenly stuck to it, like he was glued to his seat. No matter how hard he tried, the badger just
couldn't lift himself from that seat. Just....what was going on? He was certain there wasn't any glue on
the seat before he sat down. He couldn't even detect any sticking spells on it. Just what was.....

All of a sudden, Barton felt a magical presence surge around him, as he saw the furniture around him
shake and wobble, as he heart a deep chuckle around him. All of a sudden, he saw the arms of his chair
slowly falling away, the seat slowly extending ouwards as he seemed to be lifting upwards, the
paperwork falling off his table as it slowly shifted into.... into....

Barton gasped as he felt the back of his chair vanish, the badger suddenly flopping back on something
large, wet and squelchy. Looking up, seeing the ridged roof of a maw was all that Barton needed to
confirm what was going on. Someone caught him off guard, that someone being a tanuki. And it was
eating him. The badger yelped, trying to sit up and roll foward, only for the tounge to toss him back, the
tanuki's head tilting back further as Barton slipped towards the clenching throat closer and closer.
"W-wait!" he yelled, the badger seeing that throat right infront of him. "I-I'm the dean, you can't do this
to me! Please, don't eat m-MMRMRFFFFF"

Barton was cut off as his head slipped into the throat, feeling it tighten and muffle over him, as the
tanuki began gulping down the badger.

Denki chuckled to himself as he shifted back, patting his big, blue belly. That was so easy. All he had to do
was slip into the dean's office, take the shape of his furniture and wait for the dean to sit down. It was an
incredibly easy catch, for him.

The tanuki tilted his head back futher, the bulge Barton was making starting to travel down his wide,
tight throat, towards his huge belly. All he had to do now was turn him into a drink, then bottle him.
After that, no one would ever remember him.

Barton let out a muffled yell as he slipped down the throat, finding himself unable to push back, to
properly reach out and use his magic properly. He was caught entirley off guard by this. If Canis and
Malis were here, they would've been laughing at him right now. The badger mrrfed louder continuing his
struggles, untill.......


The badger fell down into an open space, landing in a pool of clear, fizzy liquid. Emerging, Barton caught
his breath, looking around. Surrounding him, was a stomach lining of square-patchwork like squares.
From each of them, more of that liquid was being poured out, the tanuki's stomach slowly filling up with
the liquid.

"M-mr tanuki!" he yelled out. "Please, let me go! I don't understand! Why did you eat me?"

Denki shrugged. "Because I was asked to" he said casually. "That, and I get to make some more new
flavors" the tanuki casually added, a glass bottle generating in his paws as he waited for the badger to
brew up.

Barton whimpered, continuing to bat and struggle against the stomach, as the liquid continued to rise.
"W-wait!" he yelled. "Who....who did-aggrrgrgrgl"

The badger was cut off as he felt the liquid pour into him, the badger's mouth open at the time. As he
drunk in the liquid, he felt his mind going blank, his body going limp. Like he was slowly being turned off.
Barton remained unresponsive as the liquid flowed over him, finally filling the stomach entirely.
Moments later, the stomach started to churn and slosh, as Denki's magic washed in, the badger slowly
starting to fizzle in the liquid, as the colour changed to a golden brown slowly.

As this happened, Barton found his mind slowly drifitng away. All thought and sentience leaving him.
But, that was natural. Drinks never needed to feel or think for themselves. They needed to be nice and
refreshing for whomever drank them.

Yes....that was it....just be nice...and....refreshing.....

Soon, all that was left in the stomach was a rich, golden fizzy liquid. Not a trace of badger was left
behind. Denki could feel this, letting out a chuckle as he lowered the bottle to his navel. "Ok, let's see
what kind of drink you make, mr badger" he said happily.

With a slow shudder, he pressed the open end of the bottle deeply into his navel, carefully shoving it in,
before with a soft hiss, the liquid within started to flow out of the bottle. And, as that happened, all
memory and knowledge of Barton slowly vanished. The badger slowly vanishing from everyone's
memory. Only to be replaced with a drink, Badger Beer.

Once the bottle was filled, Denki slowly lifted it out of his navel, looking at it as a label appeared around
it, showing the name of a drink, alongside a cartoonish depiction of a badger with his thumbs up. Slowly,
he bough the bottle to his muzzle and gave it a small taste, letting out a rumble. "Mmmm, such a rich,
malty taste you have" he said, giving a chuckle as he set the bottle in a cabinet. "Now then, let's get
more dri-".

Denki groaned as he felt something cutting through him. All at once, he could feel magic flooding into
him, as if he was never ending. The tanuki could almost sense 'everyone' on the campus. Denki rumbled
slowly. "Wha...What is this?" he rumbled, looking into a mirror. "With...with this badger, I
claimed....more power?".

The tanuki let out a dark chuckle. "This might prove useful yet" he rumbled slowly.

Ken stared at the stack of papers on the floor, papers that he had dropped. The badger had no idea what
had happened. One moment, he was walking along, the next, he was here, with dropped papers. Like he
was delivering them to someone. But....he didn't know what that someone was, or 'why' he was doing

Something was up. Something like this doesn't happen 'without' reason. Ken had learned that much. If
he had been delivering something to someone, then not knowing who they were would be 'very'
concerning. Which meant one thing. Someone could have been wiped away. He needed to tell someone,
to go confide this, but who....

As he was thinking this, three figures approached him from behind. "Hey, Ken. What's going on?" one of
them asked. Ken turned around, to be greeted with a snake, a panda and a leopard. Sarok, Poko and Lin.
Some of the recently new students in the Academy.

"Hey Lin, Sarok, Poko" Ken said, rubbing the back of his head. "I...was delivering these papers to
someone, but I don't remember who... At least, that's what I think".

Sarok tilted his head. "That doesn't sound normal" he commented.

"It isn't" Ken responded. "This is a lot of paperwork. That means it was someone important. And if I
forgot someone that important...then someone was wiped" the badger added. "I was hoping you could
help me figure out who, if that's alright".

Lin nodded, stretching a bit. "You got it" he said. "Come on, I think Poko said he saw Hara over in the
Glade. We can stop by and invite him to come along. That should help even things out".

Poko nodded. "Come on, let's g-"

All of a sudden, everything fell silent as two figures suddenly shot down, landing in the middle of the
small gathering.

"Brother, is this what I think this is?" one of them said.

"Our usual playthings going off on their own without us guarding them?" the other said.

The two labrador pups stood up, looking around. "Canis, Malis, what's up?" Ken asked, tilting his head.

"We're going to help you, whether you want it or not" Canis said. "What if we're going to face off against
someone stupid strong? We should be around to defend you".

Malis was about to speak up, as Ken held his arm up. "You two, you strategise" he said. "With what your
cores are going through, we can't risk you getting in danger".

There was a slight awkward pause as everyone looked around.

"...Come on, lets go find Hara" Malis said, walking off as if trying to lead the group.

Everyone either sighed, shook their head or just shrugged as they walked off, towards the Glade to go
fetch Hara.

Within the Glade, Hara was sat back, the tanuki having a relaxing time. It was so peacful so far. It was
very rare things ever got this way. He could just sit back, lay against a tree, relax, have a drink of Gerbil
Grape. Nothing could go wro-

As that though entered Hara's head, his eyes suddenly opened as he sat straight up, looking around. He
had those thoughts again. Which meant, it wouldn't be long before something went wrong. In fact, he
didn't even need to wait that long. Hara turned to the left, as he saw a group approaching him in the
glade. "Ken, Poko, Lin, Sarko, you two, what's going on?" he asked softly, stetching and getting up.

Ken looked over. "I think someone's just been wiped" he said. "I know, it sounds weird. 'How can you say
someone you don't know has been wiped' I hear you say. But, I am pretty certain I was doing something
for them at some point. Things like that don't just happen. You don't go from doing something to not
knowing what y-"
Hara threw his arms up. "I believe you, I believe you" the tanuki quickly said. "It was probably a lucky
shot. So, we know who wiped this person?".

"Oh, I believe that would be me"

Everyone was drawn to the voice, as a massive 9ft tanuki walked in. As he did, his belly sloshed with each
step, Hara's ears twitching as he heard that. That....that sounded awfully familiar to him. But he couldn't
put his paw on it.

"Dean Denki?" Ken asked, looking up at the dean, while not trying to look at his gigantic gut. "You're the
dean. Why would you admit to such a thing?" the badger said, letting out a small little chuckle, as if it
was some sort of joke.

Denki smiled. "Because I was asked to" he said, casually. "I was told this place would make a great
brewery. And, lucky me, look at all the future drinks I can make here" the tanuki said, giving a giddy
giggle of sorts.

Hara's eyes widened. "Everyone, run" he said, the tanuki getting up and starting to dash away as quickly
as possible. As everyone said this, a force surrounded them, pulling them closer to the tanuki, as Hara
was knocked to his feet.

Denki shook his head. "Oh, I can't let my drinks go" he said. "All of you are going to make nice, tasty
beverages. Like that badger which made great beer".

Ken's jaw dropped. He all but admitted it. This tanuki wiped someone.

"Screw this. Everyone, split up, he can't come after all of us!" Hara yelled, rushing and pushing as
everyone dashed off in a seperate direction.

"THIS IS SPLITTING THE PARTY!" Canis yelled in fustration, running off with Malis right beside him.


"Ya, ya, now go, quickly, before-" Hara was cut off as a paw clamped around him, slowly lifting him up
towards the other tanuki's head. Hara yelped, struggling. "Ughf, not again. I am not letting another Oraka
tanuki eat me up".

Denki chuckled. "Oh, you know about us" he said. The chuckles soon grew dark. "Then I would like to
show you how I make drinks" the tanuki said, before opening his maw wide.

Hara yelped at seeing the wide, silvery maw before him. The tanuki desperately struggled as he was
bought towards that muzzle, slowly rested on the tounge as he was carried in. This couldn't be
happening again. He didn't 'want' to know how Denki made his drinks, especially after that chuckle.

The tanuki never stood a chance. Suddenly, Denki tossed his head back, Hara sliding right into the
tanuki's throat as he was rapidly gulped down, Hara's tail bashing left and right as he was relentlessly
gulped down.
It didn't take too long before Hara found his head and body sliding into Denki's stomach. Looking around,
Hara could tell something was very off here. This wasn't like the last Oraka tanki's belly. This was
different, much darker. Hara soon was quickly dunked into the fizzy liquid as he dropped in, quickly
resurfacing as he saw the space around him grow tighter and more filled.

"W-WAIT!" Hara yelled, trying to bash around. "Y-YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! PLEASE, LET M-"

The tanuki's last words were cut off as he ended up gulping down the clear liquids, the numbing effects
taking hold as Hara was slowly rendered mindless. Soon enough, the churn started again, as the liquid
slowly turned fizzy dark brown.

Denki grinned, another bottle generating in his paws as he pressed it into his navel. "Time to see what
drink you make, little tanuki" he rumbled, pressing deeper as he heard the fzzz. Slowly, a fizzy cola
poured out into the bottle, as Hara was wiped from everyone's memories. The bottle full, a label flashed
on it. 'Nuki Cola. And on it, a stylistic depiction of Hara was present on it.

The blue tanuki bought the bottle to his eyes, studying it. "Hmm, cola" he said, giving a gentle sip.
"Hmm.....Ohhh, I taste a bit of vanilla in there. You'll make a great flavour, tanuki. Because that's all you'll
be from now on, my cola" he said, giving a soft chuckle as he strolled down. Now...

To find the runaways.

Ken groaned, rubbing his head as he felt something burning away in his mind. "Ugh....what's going on?"
he asked slowly.

"You're asking us?" Canis and Malis said, seeming to be undergoing the same pain.

The badger let out a soft whimper. "You two?" he asked slowly. "Then....Something must've happened.
We have to be on our guard" Ken said, the badger looking around as he wandered the empty hall, the
twins staying on guard near the badger.

As they walked down, something drew their eyes. In the air, was a giant bubble, gently floating around.
Ken stopped, staring at the bubble floating in the air. "Huh, weird" he commented. "Why is that bubble,

"Come on, Ken, we'll look at the bubble later" Canis said, he and Malis continuing to walk onwards. They
had to figure out what was going on, befo-


The twin labrador pups stopped in their tracks as that same big bubble suddenly crashed down, just
before them. They could cleary see it. If they went further, then that bubble would've gotten them for
sure. Someone was behind this. Canis extened a paw, drawing as little magic as he could, to create a
small sphere of light, which he thrust right at the bubble, intending to pop it.
The sphere bounced off the bubble, harmlessly.



Within moments, the bubble rolled right towards them. Canis and Malis dove out of the bubble's path as
it rolled towards them. One of them turned to see Ken staring at the bubble, like a deer in headlights.

"KEN" they both called out. Far too late, as the bubble bared down on Ken, the badger passing through
and getting caught inside the bubble. Realising where he was, Ken bashed at the side of the bubble,
calling out as it floated away, drifting off somewhere around the corner.

"This is bad" Malis said, looking around as they tried to find just who sent that bubble. "We have to find
Ken, and that bubble".

Canis nodded. "Come on, let's follow it back" he said. "If we tail it, we can find out just who made it".

"Oh, no need to trouble yourself, you two".

The twins froze as Denki rounded the corner, belly sloshing and wobbling with each step. In one of his
paws was a glass bottle. "That was me" he said, with a smile. "I can belch up big bubbles to go off and
capture someone. Then, they can float back to me, and I eat them up, getting them in my belly".

Canis growled. "For someone with so much power" he snarled. "You seem happy to give your whole
game away".

"Since you like to tell so much" Malis remarked. "What happened to Ken?"

Denki raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I am happy to show you where my new drink has went" he cooed, starting
to bring the bottle towards his navel.



Only to yowl as the twins bounced into action, one of them striking the belly, causing Denki to lose
balance, and the other knocking the glass bottle out of his paw, causing it to shatter on the ground.

As Canis landed on the ground, he looked up at Denki. "That's it" he said. "You turn them into drinks in
your belly, then, when you push that bottle in to your belly button, you empty them out. And empty
them out of our minds".

Malis nodded. "Those drinks, they were furs we knew, right?" he said.

Denki growled as he sat up, giving a nod. "That's right" he said. "And the reason you two still know about
my latest drink, is because I haven't bottled him up yet. But, trust me, I'm just about t-"

The tanuki yiped as Canis punched him squarley in the face, knocking him into the ground. For the time,
this seemed to knock Denki out. "Come on, Malis. We have to let Lin, Sarok and Poko know. Quick, get
something down on paper just in case. Once he bottles Ken up, we may not remember in time" he said
quickly. With that, the twins quickly dashed off into the distance.

Some time later, Denki slowly got up, letting out a small growl as he generated another glass bottle into
his paws. "Those two" he softly growled, setting the bottle into his navel as he proceeded to bottle the
badger up. As he did, the tanuki blinked, looking around. He was being watched, he could tell that much.

As the bottle of cherry soda finished filling up, the lable generating with a picture of Ken happily floating
in the drink, Denki got up, slowly looking around. Carefully, his tail wagged, gently feeling out, until.....


Denki snapped around, seeing another badger in his tail. "Oh, a wise guy, huh?" he snarled. "Thinking
you could just sneak up on me like that? Well, let me show you what happens to wise guys like you".

As the tanuki opened his jaws wide, the badger seemed to let out a long suffering sigh. As if he's faced
this several times before, and this was nothing new to him.

Canis stared at the piece of paper, tilting his head, as he and Malis were with Lin, Sarok and Poko, the
five staying put in a classroom, staying guard. "Ok, something happened" he said. "Because I don't
remember writing any of this".

Poko growled, generating streams of fire around his fists. "Don't worry" he said. "He won't be expecting
what's coming to him. That paper did say that if we forgot something, then...Denki, that was written
down, he did that. We can try and outsmart the dean".

Lin took pose. "We have to be careful" he said. "Goodness knows what we're about to face".

Sarok just drew his knife and held it up.

The twins nodded, standing by as they heard footsteps outside. Someone was coming, and they had to
be ready. Moments later, the door opened and a giant, blue tanuki waddled in, his belly sloshes sounded
louder than ever. "There you are, my runaway drinks" he said, playfully.

Canis snarled. "We are not your drinks" he growled. "And if you think we're going to take this sitting
down, you've got another thing coming".
Denki looked down at the five furs before him, getting ready to fight back. Oh, how cute.... But still, he
had his ace up his sleeve. Drawing in a breath, the tanuki patted his chest a few times, untill......


He let out a loud burp, the room suddenly filling with several giant bubbles floating around, the space
becoming less and less with each second. Everyone looked around, each fur quickly dodging as a bubble
rocketed towards them, intending to capture them.

Canis and Malis kept leaping and doging bubbles as they flew around, avoiding them for the most part.
However, it only lasted so long. As Canis bounced off a desk, he slammed straight into Malis, who was
diving through the air, the twins landing in a heap on the floor. Before they could pull themselves up, a
bubble bared down on them, crashing down and securing both of them inside.

"Got ya'" Denki delcared, giving a wide grin as the bubble floated up, towards him. Giving a small giggle,
he opened wide, paying little heed to the pups as they bashed and pushed around, desperatley trying to
burst the bubble open. But, no matter what they did, the bubble retained it shape, never popping.

The trio below gasped as they saw the bubble fall into the tanuki's maw, Denki giving a long, firm
swallow, as the twins landed in his enormous belly. Giving it a quick slosh around, Denki generated a
glass bottle in his paw. "I wonder what two flavours will make" he said, giving a chuckle as he made to
bring the bottle to his navel.


Lin, Poko and Sarok ran towards Denki, desperatley preparing to launch themselves towards him to stop
that bottle. Only for them to crash right into a bubble each, none of them paying heed to what was
infront of them. As the bubbles pressed together, they saw Denki press the bottle into his navel. And,
with a fzzz, the liquid began to pour out.

At this, the trio groaned, feeling their memories getting burned away as the bottle filled up. All
knowledge of Canis and Malis vanishing.

Denki let out a soft sigh and a shiver as he pulled the bottle out of his navel, looking at the green liquid
as the lable generated, showing a pair of playful pups. And the lable said 'Mystery Soda'. Giving a blink,
Denki gave it a small taste. "Hmm....Tastes of....apples" he said, waiting a moment, before shaking his
head. "No, now it's lemon....Oh, it's pineapple. Ohh, this is a flavour changing soda. That's going to be
popular I bet".

The tanuki giggled, turning to regard the three stuck in the bubble. All of them watching with wide eyes.
Denki let out a small chuckle. "Heh, should've been quite.... Though..."

"...I wonder what happens when I use three furs"

Denki let out a soft rumble as he sat back in his new office. It hadn't taken long before the Lunar
Academy became the Lunar Brewery. Sitting on his desk was a bottle of colour changing soda, the image
of a snake, leopard and a panda on it. And it's name, 'Three Flavour Wonder', was set proudly on it.
Behind him, millions upon millions of bottles were set. Each of them a delicious flavour of soda, water or
other beverage. What's more, since the take over, his sales had sparked high.

The tanuki could'nt believe his luck. With his new wealth, he had some of the Lunar City elite's attention,
happy to share some of his knowledge, and some of his drinks. His beverages were provided to many
locations in Lunaris. He was almost as big as that bear.

With a happy sigh, Denki closed his eyes. A good rest sounded nice, after a busy few days. Yes, this new
life was good.

Paradox grinned as the vision before him closed. Yeeessss, this was going to go wonderful. He had no
doubt that Denki would take care of those students without him needing to step in. With that, he
opened a portal and stepped out, to return to his Overlord's side. He had many duties to do. Especially
since he only had so little time free after having observed the encounter in Badgerton with Razor.

The best part, no one would ever know. He had chosen a date well before this. No one would ever
suspect he would be behind this.

As the portal shut, something moved from beneath the shadows. Slowly, a badger truged out. His energy
drained, looking rather tired, as if he's been at it for a long while. As he walked out, a kangaroo joey
popped out of his pouch. "All glory to the save feature" he declared. "See, that's why it was important
you did that, badgerdad. So you can keep coming back here and trying again".

"Yeah....yeah...I get it, Kano....." the badger said tiredly. "This......was the one hundreth and thirty
seventh time....."

"Least you weren't just snapped up this time" Kano said with a chuckle.

"Kano..." The badger responded.

"Or looking right into his maw"


"Or bouncing on his belly"


"Or-Yes badgerdad?"


Hara padded down the hall, heading towards the glade. So far, things 'seemed' peacful. Still, the tanuki
was on high alert. Anything could happen at this point. He had to stay alert, least until he was at the
Glade, able to sit back, relax and get some peace for the moment.

From beneath a corner, Firestar peered over, seeing Hara. "There....I see him...." he said.

"Okay, badgerdad. All you have to do is walk up and tell him. After all, thirty-seventh's time a charm"
Kano responded from beneath the armour.

"Yeah...yeah...." he silently rumbled, slowly lifting up a clay bottle, the contents sloshing a bit.

".....Badgerdad, what's that?" Kano suddenly asked.

"I.....Remember attempt number fourty?" Firestar said, starting to walk towards Hara.

"......I.....OH, Right, the twins gave Hara sake to see what happened, then Hara went drunken master, and
ate up Ken by accident" Kano remarked, giving a slight chuckle. "That was hilarious".

There was a noticible pause. " aren' aren't going to try that on purpose, are you?" the
joey asked, sounding more concerned.

"I'm at my limit" Firestar admitted. "If this doesn't work, then nothing will".

The armoured figure continued his approach, waiting for Hara to turn the corner.... Then lunging out,
wrapping an arm around Hara and uncorking the bottle of sake.

"H-hey, wha-MMRRRRRFFFFF!" Hara tried to speak, soon finding the bottle shoved into his muzzle. As he
tasted what he was being force-fed, his eyes went wide and his struggles got stronger.

"I-I'm sorry, Hara" Firestar growled, continuing to hold him in place and make him drink the sake. "Bu-
but this is for the good of the timeline".

For a moment, the struggle continued, until the bottle emptied. Firestar let go as Hara fell to the floor,
panting. The clay bottle shattered as it hit the ground, Firestar slowly stepping back, opening a portal
behind him before falling into it. He did not want to be around. Not for what was coming.
Denki scratched his head as he wandered down the halls of the Academy, his belly sloshing along.
Surprisingly, no one seemed to really pay much attention to him. Honestly, how hard was it to find one
badger? All he knows is that he's the dean.... So, maybe he could go find the dean's room, hide as
furniture, then snag him there. Oh, how sneaky that sounded to him. The tanuki chuckeld as he rounded
a corner.

....And stopped, as he saw another tanuki staggering down the hall, unable to keep his balance as he
wobbled with each step, his face flushed red. "aiwaharwashah, what happened?" Hara said, sounding
slurred as he turned and looked. "ohhhlookabignuki'"

Denki tilted his head. The dean can wait. This was more important. "Are....are you alright, there?" the
tanuki asked, slowly apporaching Hara.

Hara giggled, hiccuping as he raised one of his arms, turning it into a stone hammer, then striking it at
Denki, the tanuki staggering back. "Heh, strrrrike" he said, chuckling, not totally aware of his
surroundings as he swung the hammer arm around.

"Hara? Hara?!" a voice called out, concerned as a badger turned a corner, seeing the drunken tanuki.
"What's going on, Hara, why are-"

Ken yelped and ducked as a pillar suddenly crashed into the wall behind him, made out of one of Hara's
arms. The tanuki stared at the sight, before saying "....yougosqwish", turning away and starting to
stagger off again.

At least, until a pair of labrador pups dived down, holding Hara down by his arms. "Woah, hold on there"
Canis quickly said.

"What's gotten into you, Hara?" Malis added.

"Mmrmletgo" Hara gurgled, struggling left and right, his arms stretching as he tried to walk down the
hall. "am perfectly fine...."

Ken ran down, going up to Hara and trying to help him up. "Hara, you're not fine. You're red faced, you're
just swinging around with no attack.'re....drunk" the badger said, that last word carrying a
tone of worry to it.

Hara stared down at Ken, absent mindedly for a moment, before licking his muzzle.
"mmmmyoulookdelicious" he rumbled, before he opened his maw wide, coming down over Ken.

The badger yepled, barely just missing the tanuki's diving muzzle, as he stumbled back, falling
onto...another tanuki's belly. The badger felt a blush coming on, quickly pulling his shirt over his muzzle
as he looked at the big blue tanuki. "Whoowhwow who are you?" Ken quickly asked.

Denki groaned, slowly getting up. He was not expecting this. What was this tanuki, drunk? "I....I'm here
to see the dean" the tanuki said, giving a small smile. "I'm Denki. I run a sma-"

"I would be happy to see you now, Denki" a stern voice echoed out as a golden arch formed, a portal
opening and Barton walking through. Behind him, a bear followed along. "I am sorry about this. I was in
the middle of having an important discussion with Carnaby here, when I sensed all of this happening".

Carnaby stepped through, his gaze seeing Canis and Malis as his expression grew sterner. "Canis. Malis"
he said firmly. "I will ask you once. Please return the drinks you stole".

"Canis, Malis, explain all this" Barton almost barked, as he saw the sight before him. "What happened to
Hara? Explain, NOW!".

"I, I don't know" Canis quickly said, shrinking as he saw their father's angry expression.

"We, we only just got here" Malis responded as well, shivering a bit.

Ken looked to this, then to Barton. "Barton, I-"

"Ken, not now"

"They're telling the truth, Barton" Ken cut through. "I'm sorry, Barton. But I swear on my magic. They did
not cause any of this. They know as much as you know".

There was a sudden pause as a glow surrounded Ken for a brief moment. Seconds later, the glow gently
faded, as Barton's stern expression softened somewhat. "I....I see...." he said.

"Carnaby, we'll give you back those drinks, we promise" Canis quickly said, struggling as Hara's struggles


"We won't take your drinks anymore. For the rest of today. Maybe" Malis quickly added, before Hara
broke free of their grasp, staggering towards Denki.

Within seconds, Barton shot out a paw, a lance of magic going through Hara. Within seconds, the red
flush on his muzzle vanished, the tanuki's focus returning. Hara let out a soft groan, rubbing his head.
"My goodness...what just happened?" he said, giving a soft sigh. "The last thing I remember was........Oh
god" he squeaked, eyes going wide. "Firestar. He gave me sake".

There was a pause of silence. Save for the sounds of Canis and Malis dashing away, to retrieve the stolen
drinks. Barton tilted his head. "And.....did he say 'why' he was giving it to you?" Barton asked. This
sounded fishy.

Hara rubbed his head. "For....for the sake of the timeline or something like that, my goodness my head
hurts" he said, taking a moment to recover.

Barton gave a small nod, as Ken let out a sigh of utter relief. "Well..... Far be it for me to question things"
he said. "But, next time you see Firestar, please make sure he's aware that I didn't really take well to
what he done. And if he has to do it, then it must be a very last resort".

With that, Barton gave a short sigh, regathering his wits, as he turned to regard Denki, a wide smile on
his muzzle. "Anyway, you said you wanted to see me" he said. "What would the matter be?".

Before Denki could speak up, though, Carnaby stepped forward. "Y-You're Denki" he said. "The
brewmaster of Tan Tan Brewery".

"Oh... I guess my reputation preceeds me" Denki said, giving a light chuckle as he rubbed his head.

"Actually, I tend to brew my own drinks as well" Carnaby said, giving a light chuckle. "In fact, I am the
main supplier of drinks here at the Lunar Academy".

Denki nodded. "Well, nice to meet you, umm....."

"Carnaby, call me Carnaby" the bear said, moving up to shake Denki's hand.

Barton watched this, giving a sigh. "Mr Urso, while I know you want to probably have a in-depth
discussion with him, I do believe he is here to see me" he said. "You are free to talk with him after our

Carnaby blinked, giving a slow nod. "Oh.... Of course, Mr Terry. I will simply wait until after your meeting
to discuss more matters. And I was so looking forward to finding out his methods".

"Oh, I can demonstrate now, if you'd like" Denki said, a wide smile on his muzzle. At that, Hara's eyes
snapped onto Denki. He can't be.....

"Will you be long?" Barton asked, almost sighing.

"Not at all" the tanuki responded. "I just need a spare fur to demonstrate on, and the-"

Oh god. He was.

Before Hara could run, he was scooped up by Carnaby, the tanuki feeling the magic lancing out to keep
him from fighting back. "Oh, this one should do wonders" he said, a slight grin on his muzzle.

"Mr Urso, please" Barton quickly said, trying to stop the demonstration.

Carnaby turned to Barton. "What was that, drink?" he said knowingly.

Barton stopped. As dean, he had an almost infinite supply of magic. However, even all the magic in the
world couldn't stop a good strategy. No, better to let the demonstration happen, then rescue Hara after
the fact.

After a while, the bear nodded, before turning to Denki. "What now?" he asked.

Denki gave a chuckle, before opening wide, pointing into his maw.
"Aw, come on" Hara said, more indigiant than terrified. "Not this again"

Carnaby paid Hara little heed, lifting the tanuki into the larger one's maw, letting go and watching as Hara
was gulped up, sent straight into Denki's sloshy belly.

Denki let out a soft rumble as he gave his gut a rub. "Just give me a few moments and I'll have a tanuki
drink ready" he said, giving a light giggle.

"Oh, ha ha, very funny" Hara said from within. "Now I'm going to be stuck all day in...umm.....why is the
liquid rising? It shouldn't be going this high. Denki? DENKI?"

Hara's voice was soon slowly cut off as Denki's gut churned over him, rendering the tanuki to a drink.
Giving a soft shiver, the tanuki formed a glass bottle into his paw. "Oh, that was lovely" he said, lowering
it to his navel and pressing it in.

Carnaby squinted his eyes, before suddenly growling and going forth, landing a paw on Denki's shoulder.
"What are you doing?" he snarled.

Denki blinked, saying "Um....making a drink?"

"Don't play dumb" Canarby growled. "You were going to wipe that tanuki by filling that bottle, weren't

"It...It's something I can't control" Denki admitted, looking down. "It always happens. I'm not sure how"

Barton stared in horror. Oh god. Hara was about to be wiped. And they couldn't do anything to stop this.

"HARA, NOOOOOOOO!" Ken screamed, on his knees as he looked at Denki's belly, where his close friend
once rested.

Carnaby, however, wasn't amused. "No, that won't do" he growled. "That tanuki and his friends has
caused a lot of bother towards us. Simply wiping him and making him a drink won't do. No, he must
become a drink, so I can know just what he tasted like first. I need this satisfaction".

The bear's grip tightened, magic flowing into Denki, as the bear's free paw gripped at the hand holding
the bottle, pressing it into the navel. "Here, let me help you" Carnaby softly snarled. Within moments,
the tell-tail fzz was heard as the bottle started to fill. However, as the wiping magic started to wash out, it
collided right into a barrier Carnaby had 'forced' into his magic, keeping it from washing out and affecting
them all. The magic bounced into itself, starting to attack itself with nowhere else to go. Within
moments, the magic was altered. The wiping magic esseintally wiping itself out.

Carnably let out a soft rumble as he pulled the bottle out of Denki's navel, the tanuki falling to his knees
as he looked down at the ground. As the bear looked at the bottle, the label formed. "Huh, 'Nuki Soda"
he rumbled, taking a drink. As he did, his eyes rolled back in pleasure. "Ohhh, that vanilla flavouring. It
really fits the taste" he said, giving a soft chuckle as he nearly downed the bottle.

....Only to feel it vanish from his paws, Carnaby briefly drinking air for a moment, before he realised what
had happened. Turning, he outright roared as he saw Canis and Malis standing next to Barton, holding
the bag with the pilfered sodas. And the bottle of 'Nuki Cola.

"We'll give you all this back..." Canis started.

"...if you let us have this" Malis finished, shaking the bottle of 'Nuki Cola.

Carnaby stared at the twins, his temperature flaring. Of course they weren't going to let him finish. They
knew the moment he finished, he would've wiped Hara right after finishing the drink. Giving a roar of
fustration, he snatched the bag of sodas right out of the twin's grasp. "I should turn you ALL INTO

Barton gave the bear a long, hard stare. As Carnaby looked back, his fustration slowly fell, as he softly
huffed, turning around. "....fine, the matter's settled" he grumbled softly.

Canis nodded and turned to Malis, who nodded back. Within moments, the bottle of soda let out a soft
glow and turned back into a tanuki, Hara looking around for a brief moment, catching his bearings,
before giving a soft nod. "T...thanks" he softly muttered.

The badger gave a slow nod. "Glad to hear, Carnaby. You just saved us a lot of paperwork, you know" he
said, before turning to Denki. "Sorry for the delay, if you could ju-"

"It's gone"

Barton paused, as he saw Denki slowly looking at himself. "It's gone. I... I can feel it...My wiping magic,
it's all gone.....I.... I can't wipe anyone anymore" he said, sounding worried.

Carnaby turned to Denki, giving a little snort. "You know, you can still wipe them 'after' they are sodas"
he said, walking off with the drinks to return them.

Denki shook his head. "No, no, you don't understand. I...I needed that magic, so I can do what Paradox
asked of me" he said, sounding more worried. "I---I was supposed to-"

"Hold it" Canis said. "Did you say Paradox?"

Denki nodded. "Yes" he said. "He wanted me to take care of you all".

Barton paused, giving a long sigh. Paradox sounded like a bad influence on Razor, honestly.

Hara looked up. "Denki...." he said slowly. "....You may not know it...But Paradox.... He's not good"

"What?" Denki said. "But, but, he said I could get a new brewery and a lot more drinks, if I did what he

"If you did what he said" Barton said. "Then there wouldn't be anything left. Paradox wants to rid the
world of magic".

Denki stopped, looking like he was stabbed in the heart. "What?" he said, sounding betrayed.
Hara nodded. "What Barton said wasn't wrong. Paradox wants to convince someone to get rid of magic.
So, he wants us out" he said, softly.

For a moment, the blue tanuki looked down at the group, staring at them, before....

"...why..." Denki said, sounding a bit strained. "...Why.....Why am I so lonely?"

Everyone stopped and looked up at the tanuki.

"I...I just wanted to make drinks" he said. "I......I just...I thought if I used all of the fur....then...then I could
get a better flavour. Then...No one would remember. They're not a tanuki anyways"

Denki shuddered. "And then....And then.... I went and done it" he whimpered. "I..tried to make a tanuki
a drink....Then... Everyone in Oraka, they kicked me out. I....I started my brewery, so everyone could
enjoy my drinks, but......Why......I...."

Hara walked up to Denki, giving his belly a pat. "I think I know why" he said. "It was your method. You
kept eating and wiping furs. Sure, you think they made good drinks. But, just because they're not tanuki,
doesn't mean they're any less important. I'm sorry..but, what you were doing, that's wrong...."

Denki shuddered, letting out a small sob and looking down. As he did, Hara pressed in a bit more. "You
know..... You could still brew drinks... Just by doing it like every other Oraka tanuki".

The blue tanuki slowly looked up to Hara. "But....but..." he slowly said.

"You can't change what you've done" Hara responded. "You've eaten furs and wiped them. That's
happened. You can't change that. What you can do is learn from it and try to be a better tanuki" he said,
giving him a small smile.

Canis and Malis approached Denki, looking up at him. "If it makes you feel better... We didn't have the
best start ourselves" Canis said slowly.

"That...that's a long story...But, we weren't quite good at first" Malis said, slowly turning away, before
turning back to face Denki. "But, we got help. And we got better. So, if we can turn around, then it's
possible for you to turn around".

Hara looked to Canis and Malis for a moment, before turning back to Denki to give a small nod. "They're
not wrong" he said, giving a small chuckle. "Heck, they still try to come after us and claim us. But we still
let them hang around".

Denki looked down, feeling a smile starting to grow. "I....well.....thank you" he said, giving a gentle
rumble. "Thank you..... I promise. I'll try to be good".

Hara gave a small nod. "Well, here's some advice. Just, brew your drinks the traditional Oraka way" he
said, giving a chuckle. "Even if it takes some time..." he breifly muttered to himself.

At that, the twins turned to Hara. ".....Soooo" Canis said, smiling as Hara threw his arms up, as if he knew
what he was going to say.

Hara groaned. "A while back, some tanuki in Oraka tried to play a prank on our village. I was stuck in his
belly for an entire day, while everyone was treated to cola" he said, crossing his arms and grumbling

Denki gave a small chuckle. "Honestly, that sounded quite cute" he said, giving a small smile.

"Yeah, well, when you spend a whole day in a belly, it tends to get very sloshy" Hara remarked.

Ken blushed, turning away. He...he should probably be going. Too much belly talk going on....

As Ken left, Denki gave a small chuckle. "Well, since I need some practice..." he trailed off, giving his belly
a few sloshing pats.

Hara blinked as he saw this. "Ohh.....Nope, nu uh, already been there" he said, starting to walk off, only
for the twins to grab his tail and pull him back towards Denki.

"Oh, come on" Canis said, rolling his eyes. "He already said he's a better tanuki"

"Besides, we'll come in with you if you're that worried" Malis added, earning a squee from Denki.

"Oooh, I can't wait to see what flavour that makes" Denki said, giving a wide smile. "Oh, don't worry.
With traditional Oraka brewing, there's no losing shape or anything. It's just like a really long bath, that's
all. Just, can't leave the tub, you're stuck in my belly, you can't leave until I tell you to,

As he said this, he turned to Barton. "...If it's too much to ask" he asked. "...You wouldn't happen to have
room for two drinks suppliers, would you?"

Barton considered the thought. Sure, they already had Carnaby. But... On the other hand, Denki seemed
to be a far friendlier tanuki. ".... I don't see why not" Barton said, giving a smile. "Once you have those
three settled in, we'll go over the paperwork"

Denki gave a small giggle. "Oh, thank you, thank you" he swooned, before turning to Hara and the twins,
lifting them up. "Well, into the brewing tank you go. Hope you enjoy your stay!"

"Don't forget to save some for us" Canis said.

"We want to have a taste too" Malis added.

"oh great, this again" Hara deadpanned.

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