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Answer ALL questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its
letter in the box provided.
(i) The action of high temperature and great pressure on some rocks can change their physical
and chemical properties to form _____.
A. Plutonic rocks C. granite rocks
B. metamorphic rocks D. hypabyssal rocks
(ii) Organically formed sedimentary rocks occur _____.
A. From animal and plant remains C. by heat and pressure
B. when other rocks undergo chemical precipitation D. by sediments from eroded rock
materials of the existing rock
(iii) The shallow part of the Sea that stretches out from the Coast is called:
A. Continental shelf C. Ocean ridge
B. Continental slope D. Island

(iv) The temperature at Kahama 950 metres is 24°C, what is the temperature at Kilimanjaro 5895
metres above the Sea level?
A. 34°C C. 18.15°C
B. 5.67°C D. 32°C

(v) Rocks rich in silica and aluminium form a layer of the earth’s crust called _____.
A. Sima C. mantle
B. sial D. core
(vi) The envelope of air surrounding the earth’s surface is called ______.
A. Lithosphere C. biosphere
B. atmosphere D. hydrosphere
(vii) Continents and their respective mountains are formed on the _____.
A. Sial C. mohorovicic
B. mantle D. magma
(viii) The core is rich in _____.
A. silica and sima C. alminium and oxygen
B. iron and nickel D. silica and magnesium
(ix) If the location at a point on a map is given by grid references 278380, then:
A. 278 are degrees C. 380 are Northings
B. 278 are longitudes D. 380 are Eastings

(x) If the time at town X is 15°E is 12:00 noon, what could be the longitude of town Y if it is
A. 15°W C. 45°W
B. 30°E D. 30°W
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x)

2. Match the response in LIST A with the phrase in LIST B, by writing the letter of the correct
response beside the item number.
(i) The layer with high temperature due to radiation A. The atmosphere
(ii) It is the air mass surrounding the earth’s surface B. Troposphere
(iii) The layer where airplanes fly C. Lithosphere
(iv) The sphere where human activities are performed and rain D. Thermosphere
formation takes place E. Asthenosphere
(v) The cold layer due to decrease in temperature as the F. Mesosphere
altitude increases G. Stratosphere

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

3. Write TRUE for correct statement and FALSE for incorrect statement.
(i) The three major tea growing regions in Tanzania are Dodoma, Usambara and Kagera
(ii) Human economic activities normally depend on the nature of people and crops grown
(iii) Geography learner can acquire skills and knowledge for environmental conservation
(iv) All rocks can change into metamorphic rocks if subjected to high temperatures and
pressure for a long period of time__________
(v) The Geological Time Scale describes how rocks were formed_________
(vi) Agents of erosion play an important role in the formation of sedimentary
(vii) Limestone and chalks are sedimentary rocks formed mechanically_______
(viii) Rocks are the parent materials from which different types of soils are
(ix) Metamorphic rocks are not as hard as igneous rocks_______________
(x) All rocks contain economically valuable mineral_____________________
Answer ALL questions in this section.

4. (a) Explain why an igneous rock is referred to as the mother rock


(b) Name three ways of classifying rocks

(i) ____________________________
(ii) ____________________________
(iii) ___________________________

(c) Differentiate between weather and climate.


(d) Name five (5) layers of the atmosphere

i. _____________________________________
ii. ____________________________________
iii. _________________________________
iv. ________________________________
v. ________________________________

5. Study the atmospheric condition for station X and then answer the question that follows:
TEMP(°C) 24 26 25 25 25 27 26 26 26 25 24 25
RAIN(mm) 41 150 230 206 115 65 85 190 230 150 65 600

(i) Find the annual range of temperature.

(ii) Calculate annual mean temperature

(iii) Calculate the annual rainfall.

(iv) With two reasons suggest type of climate.
(a) Type of climate is ________________________

(b) Reasons for the type of climate above (a) ______________________

(v) Suggest the hottest month _____________________________

6. (i) What are the compass directions of the following bearing?
(a) 135° _____________________
(b) 225° _____________________
(c) 315° _____________________
(d) 045° _____________________

(ii) Give five characteristics of a map.

(a) __________________________________________________________________
(b) __________________________________________________________________
(c) __________________________________________________________________
(d) __________________________________________________________________
(e) __________________________________________________________________

(iii) Convert the following scale into linear scale.

(a) 1:200000

(b) 2cm to 8km

(c) If a statement scale is 1cm to 0.5km, calculate how many meters will be represented
by 1cm?


Answer ANY TWO questions from this section.

7. Elaborate the problems caused by mining activities in Africa (six points)

8. Explain the economic importance of rocks (five points)

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