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Republic of the Philippines

Codillera Administrative Region

Division of Mountain Province
Chatol, Lingoy, Barlig, Mountain Province
S.Y. 2023 – 2024

Name:__________________________________Date:_________________ Score:_____________


Direction: Choose the letter of your answer and write it on the space provided before the number.
_____ 1. It is a theory that states that the universe started as a hot and infinitely dense point.
a. Big Bang b. Creation c. mythology d. Supernova
_____ 2. In the big bang explosion, which of the following was not created
a. matter b. space c. time d. air
_____ 3. Our solar system originated from a vast cloud of hydrogen, helium and _____.
a. carbon b. dust c. magnesium d. water
_____ 4. It is a colossal explosion which gave way to the formation of the solar system.
a. Big Bang b. Creation c. mythology d. Supernova
_____ 5. Which of the following is NOT one of the four subsystems of the Earth?
a. biosphere b. hydrosphere c. water sphere d. geosphere
_____ 6. Earth contains all living organisms including those on the land, in the water and air. Which
subsystem best describes the statement?
a. biosphere b. hydrosphere c. atmosphere d. geosphere
_____ 7. What subsystem will network with biosphere for photosynthesis to take place?
a. biosphere b. hydrosphere c. atmosphere d. geosphere
_____ 8. In what subsystem of the Earth are the rocks and mineral found?
a. biosphere b. hydrosphere c. atmosphere d. geosphere
_____ 9. It is an area after Neptune that contains asteroids, comets, and other celestial bodies.
a. Kuiper belt b. pluto c. hydra d. Eris
_____ 10. It was suggested as the 10th planet because it was 10% bigger than Pluto.
a. Kuiper belt b. pluto c. hydra d. Eris
_____ 11. Which is not a dwarf planet?
a. Ceres b. Jupiter c. Haumea d. Makemake
_____ 12. It is the thinnest layer of the earth.
a. mantle b. crust c. inner core d. outer core
_____ 13. It is the largest layer of the Earth.
a. mantle b. crust c. inner core d. outer core
_____ 14. It is the layer of the Earth with the highest temperature but is solid because of pressure.
a. mantle b. crust c. inner core d. outer core
_____ 15. The core is the hottest layer of the earth because
a. it is near the sun
b. temperature increases as depth increases
c. there is no wind inside the core
d. none of the above
_____ 16. The inner core is solid in state because
a. density and pressure increase as depth increases
b. it is made up of dry rocks
c. heat is not enough
d. all of the above
_____ 17. Which among these statements is true?
a. Below the continental crust is the oceanic crust.
b. Oceanic crust is thicker than the continental crust.
c. Oceanic crust is semi-liquid
d. All of the above.
_____ 18. What type of rocks are formed from sediments over long period of time?
a. Igneous rock b. Sedimentary rock c. Metamorphic rock d. coal
_____ 19. This refers to a type of rock that was heated and compressed over time. Which best fits the
a. Igneous rock b. Sedimentary rock c. Metamorphic rock d. coal
_____ 20. Which of the following is true about rocks?
a. Rocks are composed of only one mineral.
b. Most rocks are a mixture of minerals
c. Rocks do not contain minerals.
d. Coal is not considered a rock.
_____ 21. What is the process in which a plant grows into the base of a stone monument and creating a
crack on it?
a. chemical weathering b. freezing c. mechanical weathering d. thawing
_____ 22. What chemical reaction causes rust to form?
a. abrasion b. dissolution c. hydrolysis d. oxidation
_____ 23. What factor causes the breakdown of rocks by friction and impact?
a. abrasion b. burrowing c. frost wedging d. pressure
_____ 24. This refers to the heat left over from the formation of the Earth?
a. Sun’s heat b. primordial heat c. radiogenic heat d. superheating
_____ 25. What kind of heat transfer occurs mostly on the Earth’s surface?
a. Conduction b. convection c. insolation d. radiation
_____ 26. What heat transfer of fluid in the earth’s interior results to the movement of rocky mantle up to
the surface of the earth?
a. Conduction b. convection current c. insolation d. radiation
_____ 27. What term should be used to describe a semi-liquid hot molten rock located beneath the Earth?
a. Lava b. magma c. rocks c. sand
_____ 28. What will happen to the temperature of rocks during partial melting?
a. Decreases b. increases c. remains the same d. all mentioned
_____ 29. What rock is the result of the metamorphism of sandstones?
a. Slate b. schist c. marble d. phyllite
_____ 30. What is the main factor that affects regional metamorphism?
a. Heat b. fluid c. water d. pressure
_____ 31. Which type of igneous rock forms when magma hardens beneath Earth's surface?
a. Clastic b. extrusive c. intrusive d. non-clastic
_____ 32. What type of igneous rock texture has large minerals?
a. Aphanitic b. glassy c. phaneritic d. vesicular
_____ 33. Which of the following is/are the process/es of igneous rocks?
a. Recrystallization b. sedimentation c. solidification and crystallization d. drying
_____ 34. Which type of igneous rocks based on composition has the highest amount of silica content?
a. Felsic b. intermediate c. mafic d. ultramafic
_____ 35. It makes rocks act in opposite directions, pulling rock apart or stretching it.
a. Tension stress b. compression stress c. shear stress d. fault
_____ 36. It causes rocks to act toward each other, pushing or squeezing rocks together.
a. Tension stress b. compression stress c. shear stress d. fault
_____ 37. It causes rocks to twist or tear.
a. Tension stress b. compression stress c. shear stress d. fault
_____ 38. He theorized that the continents were once connected then were ripped apart to where they are
a. Albert Einstein b. Alfred Wegener c. Charles Darwin d. Neil Armstrong
_____ 39. It is a supercontinent that existed in the past.
a. Pangaea b. Russia c. Asia d. None of the above
_____ 40. Which is not an evidence to the continental drift theory?
a. Water ways
b. The apparent fit of the continents
c. Fossil correlation
d. Rock and Mountain Correlation
_____ 41. Coal has been found in cold regions and glacial evidence has been found in warm regions is a
a. Fossil correlation
b. Paleoclimate data
c. Rock and Mountain Correlation
d. The apparent fit of the continents
_____ 42. The coastlines of the continents appear to fit together like the pieces of a puzzle shows
a. Fossil correlation
b. Paleoclimate data
c. Rock and Mountain Correlation
d. The apparent fit of the continents
_____ 43. Identical fossils have been found in the rocks on either side of the ocean shows
a. Fossil correlation
b. Paleoclimate data
c. Rock and Mountain Correlation
d. The apparent fit of the continents
_____ 44. This forms when the layers of rock bend around.
a. Fold b. break c. fault d. lump
_____ 45. It occurs where rock layers actually break, and in some cases slide over each other.
a. Fold b. break c. fault d. lump
_____ 46. What is the relative position of the oldest rock layer as stated in the principle of Superposition?
a. At the top b. at the bottom c. at the middle d. at random location
_____ 47. Which process is involved when sedimentary rocks are arranged in layer?
a. Deposition b. Foliation c. Sedimentation d. Stratification
_____ 48. Which term in the list is associated with rock layers?
a. Defoliation b. Extrusion c. Intrusion d. Strata
_____ 49. Why is there a need for correlation of rock layers?
a. It gives the relative age of the rocks.
b. Fossils embedded in the rock layers serve as a proof of their correlation.
c. It provides information that the rock layers are connected to each other long ago.
d. All of the above
_____ 50. What will be the position of the youngest beds in undisturbed sedimentary deposits?
a. They stay at the bottom.
b. They are found on the top rock layer.
c. Youngest beds are separated from sedimentary deposits.
d. Neither b nor c

“You become what you study.”

- Robert T. Kiyosaki

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Subject Teacher Master Teacher I HT3-Related Department

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