CQB House Giss

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Global Infrastructure & Security Solutions CQB House

Armored CQBHouse manufactured by GISS


is a specially designed system of mobile

ballistic panels allowing to build a life-size
training facility. It allows to organize tactical
trainings in conditions most similar to those
prevailing on the modern battlefield. giss.pl
CQB House – Armored Close Quarters Battle House concentration and assuring confidence in the acquired skills.
It allows to carry out a wide spectrum of live fire training preparing Training support systems installed inside enable comprehensive
for operations of the type: analysis of training, identification of individual and group mistakes,
which allows to avoid them in the future during training and
• Military Operations in Urban Terrain - MOUT. combat operations.
• Close Quarters Battle - CQB.
• Hostage Rescue Operation - HR.
• Counterterrorism - CT. CQBHouse, in addition to a comprehensive preparation for the
• Special Reconnaissance – SR. implementation of the above-mentioned operations, with the use
• Direct Action – DA. of appropriate elements also allows to improve basic skills, such as
• Personal Security Detachment - PSD. situational shooting or even Breaching, without exposing trainees
to danger of loss of health or life.
The sense of security in conducting training, both in the initial
phase and with personnel already possessing advanced tactical-
firearming skills, is a very important element. It gives freedom to
both trainees and instructors in organizing and conducting

Systems that can be used to make training more attractive:

• An artificial smoke system to allow training in conditions of

limited visibility;
 udio system - generating sounds of the battlefield;
That is why in CQBHouse system we put great emphasis on safety, •M
 onitoring system of exercising participants;
using appropriate technology and obtaining certificates of Military •S
 pecialized simulation lighting system;
Institute of Armament Technology. •S
 ystem of mobile targets;
 ystem of integrated bullet-trap.
• Entire steel core is made of armor or wear-resistant steel for
complete safety.
• The training facility is fully protected with anti-ricochet panels
to protect against steel elements from bullets and steel core.
• We provide clear and permanent signage for permitted and
prohibited areas.
• We have a certificate confirming that the ballistic panel can
withstand the firing of 1500 bullets into a 300 mm diameter
circle from a distance of 3 m.
• We have a certificate confirming that the used corner can withstand
the firing of 7 bullets at one point from a distance of 10 m.

Due to the use of standard equipment and live ammunition in

training, the level of real training increases, allowing for better

Global Infrastructure & Security Solutions

Key product features What distinguishes our facility?

Real wall thickness •T

 he facility is tailored to individual user needs.
(230 mm when firing •W
 e make a project according to your requirements.
230 mm on both sides). •P
 rofessional construction of the facility in a short time.
• Installation of mentioned training support systems.
 ong-term guarantee for the objects built by us.
 arranty and post-warranty service.
 ervice and spare parts supply.
 QBHouse maintenance and service training.
Any room layout, from •E
 xperienced staff of instructors.
a bank to a house or •R
 eal wall thickness (230 mm when firing from both sides).
an office.
 odular construction, allowing to design a facility with any
room configuration.

Patented armoured
steel corner.

A system of shutters
to ensure rapid
of the facility. •A
 bility to fire at a range of 3600.
 ossibility of using live ammunition: 9 mm Parabellum,
5.56 x 45 mm SS109, 7.62 x 51 mm NATO, 12/70.
 ossibility of using explosive charges.
 bility to install training support systems (e.g., audio smoke,
monitoring systems, etc.).
Roof directly •T
 he execution of the core from the highest quality armored
supported by the
or wear-resistant steel.
structure of the
building. •P
 ossibility of constructing a facility with several floors.
 ossibility of making a catwalk for instructors.
 ossibility of building a armored/wear-resistant steel roof.
 bility to construct the facility using ballistic blocks to
improve user comfort.

Footbridge for
instructors supervising
training sessions.

Global Infrastructure & Security Solutions

Types of offered CQB House solutions

Anti-ricochet wall with air/granite space

1. Anti-ricochet ballistic panels - 30 mm

2. Plywood - 20 mm
3. Armour plate - 10 mm


Ballistic rubber block

Anti-ricochet panel glued directly to steel plate.

1. Anti-ricochet ballistic panels - 50 mm

2. Armour plate - 10 mm

Plywood Ballistic rubber block

Armour plate
Air space ballistic panels

Bullet wall with ballistic blocks

1 2 1. Ballistic rubber block - 305 mm

2. Anti-ricochet ballistic panels - 50 mm
3. Air space - 60mm
4. Armour plate - 10 mm

Ballistic rubber block Shot direction

GISS Sp. z o.o., Kościuszkowców 63 Streat, 04-545 Warsaw, Poland

T: +48 22 625 09 52 | F: +48 22 613 01 42 | VoIP: +48 22 349 93 92 | E: info@giss.pl
Global Infrastructure & Security Solutions

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