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What is Three Es all about?

(i) How to approach a girl
(ii) Never do these talking to her
(iii) Format to start a meaningful convo with her
(iv) Best pick up lines to use on her
(v) Four questions to ask her to connect with her and be able to flirt with her.

How to boost your confidence

(i) How to keep the convo interesting
(ii) Flirty messages that will grab her attention
(iii) Three things to never do when texting a girl:
(iv) Three ways to make her attractive to you

(i) Don’t force yourself on her
(ii) How to get choosing signal
(iii) Do these if she ghosts you

(i) How to turn her on [Charming her up]
(ii) Turning up the heat
(iii) Sealing the deal
(iv) Driving her wild

Sex Education (+18)
(ii) Fore play
(ii) How to finger
(iii) Night sex (Men)
(iv) Morning sex (Women)
(v) Common sexting codes



What is "Three Es" all about?

This E-book’s primary focus is to groom men on how to get along

with women from the use of cheesy pick up lines to getting them laid.
Most men who are nervous and lack social skills find it very difficult to
approach women of their dreams not to talk of having a healthy
relationship with them.

Of course, there are men who use random pick up lines but the
question is when, how and where to use them? So you don’t mess all of it
up at the hot moment saying the wrong things at the right time.

Some guys are averagely good with ladies while others know nothing
about women altogether. This e-book is for the former and the latter. There
is always more to learn.

This ebook will help you to be assertive, confident, dominant in

taking the lead role and how to use these pick up lines effectively,
efficiently and effortlessly.

Above all, this ebook will not only teach you how to flatter women ..
It’ll also help you up your game to be the dominant specie during love

Copyright © Abdussalam Oluwaseun Habeeb-Ahmad


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored

in retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior permission
of the copyright owner.


To all men who have ever felt different


How to approach a girl

Many men outside do not have the courage to walk up to a girl. They
don’t understand that women actually naturally want and always love to
see men walk up and talk to them. But the lack of confidence,
assertiveness and low-self esteem in many men have hindered them a lot
of chances and opportunities with these women.

Basically, approaching becomes very simple if you work on your

confidence first. This is how you approach a girl. You have to get straight
to the point. Introduce yourself and tell her why you walked up to her. You
can be like she caught your attention and you wanna get to know her better.
Get her number and go on about your day. Wait a little to text her so it’d
be a little unexpected or you can give her your number and wait on her to
hit you up. And when she never hit you up then you know what that mean.

It all look easy from the above but a lot of men would still be nervous.
Bet you every lady’s also nervous of the men who walk up to them. So
you need to take the lead and act a man. Only think about about the
outcome you want which is getting her number.

You need to get rid of all that ‘what if she say ‘NO’?”, “what if she
doesn’t like me?”.

Improve on your ego and self-esteem and stop being pessimistic. The
more confident you’re the more easier it’s going to be. Then you have to
make sure you got a good body language. Stand tall with your head high,
your shoulders back so you can show that masculinity. Then while you’re
walking up to her and talking to her, make sure you look in her eyes. Now
you just have to flow. Slow down when talking to her, put some bass in
your voice so she knows you’re in control and not a toddler.

This would really change your life and help you to start that early
conversation with her and build up a healthy relationship and lifestyle.
Never do this while talking to her

Never walk up to her and say this? “I think you’re beautiful, I want
you” “Oh my gosh, I really just need you” No man, have some decorum,
some self respect for yourself. Every guy’s waking up to her saying that
she’s beautiful. You’ve to be different and be like. “Hey, i just happened
to see you and I just wanted to introduce myself real quick. I want to get to
know you. What’s your name?” I think she tells you her name. If she asks
for your name back, you’re in there. She’d be like, what about you? What
is your name? My name is peace but I got somewhere to go right now.
Follow me on Instagram and we could chop it up or get hers.

Now you’re really having motion if you’re really on your purpose,

really on your ground, she’s going to see that you’re not like every other
guy that’s just doing whatever. No, you’re different.. you’re walking
towards what you want to get in life, she’s going to see that and be like
“Oh! I like this guy” He’s goal oriented, he’s driven, he’s on his purpose”

Use these format to start a meaningful conversation with her

-Always start with a greeting …

Hey, Hello, Hi

-Then ask about her well-being ..

How’re doing? Are you comfortable sitting here? Hope the sun is not
hurting? Are you waiting on your bus to arrive? Of course you can’t better
her condition at the moment. This is just to give the impression that you
may be caring.

-When she says she’s fine ..

Say ‘alright’ instead of ‘okay’. Most times, “alright” be giving the

leading vibe. “Okay” on the other hand, makes you look weak of a man.
It’s women thing.
-When she asks “what about you?”

Say “I’m wonderful” “I’m alright” instead of ‘I’m fine’ .. Be

different from other guys, let it show from your intonation.

-Then tell her what attracted you to her ..

Is it her looks? Is it her smile? Is it her dress? Is it the way she talks?
How she walks? How reserved she is in the room? Men don’t understand
how powerful this part is. They want you to talk about it. Yes, women!
They love it when you talk about their position. But you know what, don’t
over stress it. Don’t keep repeating it. Don’t force it, just be neutral. You
know what you want and what got you attracted to her. So just go for it .

For instance,
- Oh! I like the way you smile. I’ve been watching you from the corner
of the room. You look so beautiful wearing it. Simple!

- Your dress look very beautiful on you. But guess what, it’d look
more beautiful on my bedroom floor. Simple!

- Your hair looks really nice .. simple!

If you’re able to pass through this stage, you’ve gotten all of her
attention. At this moment, she sees you got potentials and want more from

-Then ask her if it’d be okay to keep her company

Would it be okay if i keep you company?

Do you want to have a talk?
Can i sit with you?

-Ask for her name and tell her yours

So. my name is “Peace” what’s yours?

My name is “Salam” but my friends call me “Big Peace” what about you?
Do you have a name or should i just call you mine?
-Then, you can spice the conversation up by using pick up lines.

Trust me the right pick up line will always get the right girl. If you’re
so smooth in this area, forget it! She’s yours if you really want her to be
yours. You’d see her smiling, looking at you seductively, playing with her
hair .. All of these shows her interest in you
Best pick up lines to use on her;

-Well, asides being beautiful what else do you do for a living?

-Pardon my enquiry, i just want to know. How does it feel to be the hottest
girl in here?
-I’m not really good at holding conversations, would you allow me hold
your hand?
-Something looks strange on you. Your lips, they look lonely. Wanna
introduce them to mine?
-I actually like you already and it’s more like love at first sight
-I envy the bottle of water that’s lucky to kiss your lips every now and
then. If she’s drinking a bottle of water or have it in front of her.
-Your dress looks very becoming on you. If i were on you, I’d be coming
-I can see that you're gorgeous, but what else should I know about you?
-If you don’t mind, how about we go on an ice cream date that’d lead to
high screams
-Contrary to popular belief, God didn’t rest on the 7th day cause he was
busy taking his time creating you.

Refer to my videos [@coldpeaceofficial on all social media platforms]

to get idea what, when and how to use these pick up lines. And use the
formats step by step to achieving a great result

If you really don’t want to waste time talking. All these while you’re
getting into her head, exchange contacts and you own that woman already.

Sometimes it doesn’t end at getting her number for some women. If

she really still find interest talking to you. Don’t just sit there looking pale
running out of ideas and what other things to say to keep the conversation
If you still really want to get to know more about her. Then these are

Four questions to ask her to connect with her

And be able to flirt with her.

-Tell me something about you that I’d never guess?

This gets a more intimate connection with a woman and you can pick up
on things that she says and get the position to kind of tease her and flirt
with her.

-What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?

And the best come back after she says that, “Well, thank goodness you’re
with me now” And you look at her, you smile and wink.

-What’s the craziest date idea that you’d love?

This is another question to get to connect but also guys, these are all
questions that you can just really get to talk to her, don’t take yourself too

And the next question could be;

-Have you ever been in love? (Using a soft tone) in a seductive way

Note: When a girl makes eye contact with you, and she looks down
immediately-after? She’s subconsciously attracted to you and submits to
you. If she looks sideways, she's not interested.

Also, don’t be afraid or discouraged she might get some other guys
she’s talking to or a boyfriend. All you gotta be is that different version of
men she’s ever met.

How to boost your confidence

Take note that most important part of this movement is your

‘Confidence’. No confidence, No rizz, can’t get no girl. If you’re having
issues with confidence, these tips will help you to increase your

-The first way is to get consistent HAIRCUT.

Once you get a haircut, it changes your whole perspective of yourself.

Without a haircut, you’re walking around looking all down. You’re not
feeling yourself. You’re not in the right head space to actually conquer
what you’re trying to conquer. The longer you go without a haircut, the
more your confidence is going to go right down the drain.

-Make sure your HYGIENE is on point.

And what I mean by hygiene is make sure you brush your teeth
before the link. Bro get some listerine or get some breath strips that you
can put in your mouth or tic tacs that you can just have in the cut cause
you don’t want your breathe to be stinking while you’re talking to her.

You’re talking to her face to face and now your breathe in there with
a three piece combo. You don’t want to be like that. You want to be like
this “Oh this guy smells good”. Bath clean and use a masculine fragrance.
Don’t go talking to her smelling like some bush meat.

-Next, have your STYLE right

Make sure you pay good attention to your looks and wears. Once you
dress nice. You start to feel good. You feel better about yourself, when you
feel good, you perform to your best abilities. You’re going to be talking to
her like you’re that guy. The way you dress is the way you’re being

Hit the gym guys and if not, work out from home. Bare minimum, do
200 push ups and 200 squats a day. Once you start seeing the minor
changes in your physique, you don’t want to stop. She wants to know if
she’d safe with you. Ask yourself this question “Can i protect my lady?” If
your answer is “NO” then work on your body

-Next, you have to get a SIDE HUSTLE

Every man need to be in control of his bag so eventually you are not
going to work a 9-5. You gotta have money, don’t chase after her if you
don’t have money. Now you don’t have to worry about the females. Chase
that bag instead. When you do this, she’d have no choice but to come.
Everything changes, get rich, get the paper.

Note: One thing women can’t resist is eye contact. When you’re talking to
a woman, look directly in her eyes and tell her exactly what it is. This is
going to show confidence and assertiveness and letting her know that you
are in control.

Note: Wear red to look more attractive.

Red is one of the most alive colors. It is the hottest and most
emotional color. This intense color has more psychological and emotional
connections than any other color in the spectrum. Red grabs attention and
is associated with love, excitement, passion,, energy and courage and
How to keep the convo interesting

Apparently, you’ve gotten her number. This is how you keep the
conversation interesting. When you’re chatting to a girl. First you have to
stop texting her “wyd” all day and double texting.

Second, you have to stop bragging and boasting about how you’re
this perfect dude and proving yourself to the girl. What you need to do is
ask her more questions about herself so she can open up to you and you
can get to know her better. You never tell a girl you just met everything
about yourself because she’s going to figure it out and she’s going to get

You can spice up the convo by asking questions she can’t resist. Text
her using these secrets and she’d want you all to herself. These text
messages would make her obsessed with you and instantly arouse her
curiosity and get her chasing. Stop being that predictable guy who’s
sending the same boring messages like “Hey, Hello, How’re doing”

Use these start messages instead that would make her stop thinking
non-stop about you.

You can say; “I’ve a confession” or you can say “I notice

something about your photo”. She will instantly get intrigued and start
asking you questions. These messages drives girls crazy and leave them
back in for more. Once you get her attention, you can build a conversation
from there.

Flirty messages that will grab her attention

Trust me, women likes a guy who flirts with them a lot .. Unlike the
boring guy, be the cheerful and flirty guy and use texts like this

-I can’t sleep, you’re the one i blame for that

-You looked really cute last night
-I wish you were here next to me right now
-This song reminds me of you and then you insert the song
-Hey stop thinking about me too much. Even if she’s not, this works out
Three things to never do when texting a girl:

-Stop spamming emojis

You don’t have to. You don’t have to send a heart after everything
you say. That’s unattractive and females really don’t like that. It shows that
you’re childish.

-Showing her too much interest

Every-time that you text her you’re saying “Oh! I want you to be
mine” “You’re so fine” “Damn! You’re beautiful, I want you” She got
that when you asked for her number. When you started talking to her for
the first time. You don’t need to keep doing it. She already knows.
Females be saying they want reassurance but when they get it they don’t
really want it.

-Don’t text her back so fast

Give her some time. Give her some time to miss you. Stop acting so
thirsty. If you act on this, it’ll really change your life

Three ways to make her attractive to you

-Never validate her;

And what i mean by never validate her. Never say, that she looks so
beautiful or oh my gosh! You’re the prettiest girl in the world. You’re
treating her like a celebrity bro? And you’re a fan. That’s something we
don’t do. Females don’t like guys that put them on pedestal. No, instead
change it up.

-Never beg to be in a relationship with her;

Instead of begging to be in a relationship, you allow her to do all that.

You play it cool, you take it slow. Let her be like. “Why is this guy not
trying to commit to me? What makes this guy so valuable? I wanna know
what kind of girls this guy likes” You’ve to move like you already have
-Never be too available for her;

Females don’t like guys that’s constantly making time for them. Yes,
people make time for the people they want but don’t cancel the plans that
you already have because she’s free. And what do I mean by this?

For instance, you’re ready to go out with your friends and she texts
you and say “Hey, come over” you’re going to leave your boys and go
hangout with her? No, i already had plans, I’m not available right now.
That’s how to set the priorities right.

Don’t force yourself on her

Gentlemen, it's time to stop settling for any woman who shows no
interest in you. Or, plays hard to get. Just because she's attractive or kind
doesn't necessarily mean she's the right match for you. Your ideal partner
should not only complement your personality, but should also align with
your valves, strong goals, and interests. Don’t show no emotions, don’t let
them oppress your emotions cause they’d walk right over you,

And, most importantly ready for a relationship. It's important to take

the time to get to know someone before diving into a relationship. Don't
rush the process, and don't let loneliness or desperation drive your
decisions. A woman that is more in demand does not mean she’s always
the best woman.

Why you’re not her type; it’s cause you’re trying too hard to get her
thinking you’re going to make her like you instead of her just liking you
naturally. She’s sending you mixed signals on purpose just to see the type
of guy that you’re. And instead of you pulling back cause the connection
is not mutual, you start trying your hardest to be this perfect dude to make
her like you.

She sees how nice and needy you’re and that just make her wanna
test you even more. When if you just pull back, and act like you don’t care
about her. She might actually start chasing you.

How to get choosing signal

Choosing signals are basically a girl showing that she’s interested in

you. It can be her liking all your pictures on social media or her giving you
that “come talk to me” look when y’all in public. The easiest way to get
more choosing signal is to increase your appearance, work out consistently
so you look more masculine, more presentable. Always smell good. And
the least important way is to stay in your lane and get to the bag.
Whether you know it or not, girls are always watching so you have to
always be on point.
Do these if she ghosts you ..

-Focus on yourself

If she wanted you to catch her, she wouldn’t make it hard for you.
There’s no need chasing her. She’d keep running. So focus on yourself first
and better your life. You’d see her turning back to you.

-Have some respect for yourself

Don’t blow her up. Don’t be desperate to where it seems like you’re
chasing after her attention or looking for her validation. If she wanted you
to have her, she’d make it known. Work on yourself, build with yourself
before you try to chase after her. Make sure she’s the actual girl that you

-Give her the space that she want;

You’ve to value your time, give her the space she wants, she’d come
back if she’s ready and you’re going to decide if you want to allow her
come back because you don’t want your time to be wasted. As high value
men, we can’t have our time wasted. We got things that needs to be done.

“You never run after a bus, because there's always the next one.”

-Become the coldest version of yourself;

Once you become the coldest version of yourself, once you start
developing your looks, once you start getting your body right, your
fashion right. She’s going to fall into your arms. And once she tries to
come back, you’ve to dictate and be like, you didn’t want me then, I’m
good. My caliber of women is higher now. When you get that status that
you want, women comes. The women that you always want are going to
be there. Trust me.

Note: “there's always gon' be an ass that's fatter. There's always gon' be a
waist that's slimmer There's always gon' be a chic that's hotter”

- Blaqbonez

How to turn her on

Wondering what turns a girl on? Whether you're new to the game or
just want to add some spice to your current routine. It's actually easier and
less mysterious than you might think. If you’re keen to know how to turn a
girl on. Simply use these tips and you’ll get her hot in no time!

(i) Charming her up

Make her feel you find her attractive. You know that warm, fuzzy
feeling you get when you find out that someone thinks you’re good
looking. That's what you want to create for her. The fact that you think
she's lovely to look at is a significant turn-on. Here's how to communicate
it without going overboard:

- Say "Hey, pretty lady" or "Hello, beautiful" when you greet her. It's
simple and short, but direct (and potentially patronizing - use with
- Pay her a compliment. Lower the volume and tone of your voice slightly,
and say something like "You look amazing today" or "I love your eyes."

Be confident, even if you don't act like it. Some girls like a person who is
nervous and even klutzy around her, but don't overdo it. If the girl is shy,
be confident; if the girl is confident, feel free to act somewhat shy. Keep
your shoulders straight and your chin high, and don't be afraid to look her
in the eyes. You're communicating through your body language that you're
strong, brave, and worthy of her attention.

Clean yourself up, Shower, put on deodorant, brush your teeth,wear clean
clothes. If you're feeling up to it, you can also do your hair and put on a
light spray of cologne or perfume. Knowing that you're at your physical
best will help you act confident and in-charge.

Know how to treat a girl like a lady. When you're with the girl you like, be
polite. Use good table manners, hold the door open for her, and say please
and thank you. Good manners aren't necessarily attractive, but bad
manners are definitely unattractive, so play it safe.
Set the mood. Getting aroused is environmental and mental. Light
candles, turn up the room's temperature, drink a little wine, play sexy
music, or dim the lights.

(ii) Turning up the heat

Whisper in her ears, Ears are an erogenous zone for all genders, and the
light pressure of your breath will probably feel good. Saying the right
things will also turn her on. Try something like: "I couldn't stop thinking
about you today".

Touch her in and outside the bedroom. If you're fairly sure it will be
welcomed, try touching her intimately. A few places to touch her include:
- Her neck: You can gently run your thumb over her hairline if your arm
is already around her shoulders, or offer to give her a neck rub. Keep your
motions slow and light.
- Her wrists: Lightly stroke the inside of her wrist or her palm. A few
slow kisses on the inside of the wrist could work, too.
- Her leg: This works only if you're both sitting down. Place your hand on
her thigh or knee and let it rest there lightly. If she seems receptive, you
can try slowly moving your thumb back and forth over her leg, keeping
the rest of your hand where it is.
- Her scalp: The scalp is a sensitive area for most people, and the light
(repeat: light, not hard) tugging that comes from you playing with her hair
will feel nice. Run your fingers through it, twirl it, or stroke it.

Warm your girl up. The key to turning a girl on is being patient. As
fast as people usually get turned on, some ladies need about that much
build up. This means that you'll have to lay a little ground work and take
the seduction part nice and slow. A huge part of warming her up, of course,
is making her feel comfortable and safe.

(iii) Sealing the Deal

Ensure you have consent with anything you do. If you touch a girl
without her consent, it is sexual assault. A simple "Is this OK?" or "Can I
touch you here?" is enough. If she says yes enthusiastically, you're all clear;
if she doesn't, stop immediately.
Talk dirty; Fantasy and thinking are important parts of arousal. Talking
dirty can really help her. Be sure to ask if she's comfortable with dirty talk,
as this can make some people uncomfortable.

Give her an amazing kiss; If it's done right, a kiss can be the most effective
way of turning a girl on. Keep your breath fresh with some gum or
mouthwash and keep your lips loose. The motions should be light, soft
and alternate between fast and slow.

- Know where to put your hands. The back of her neck, the sides of her
face, or around her waist are all good areas for your hands to rest during a

- Tell her what you want. Many girls are way more sexual than you,
potentially. Give them credit for that and there's nothing wrong with
telling them how much you want them. This actually turns them on! Think
about it: you feel turned on when you feel desirable too. Don't be really
gross about it but don't be afraid to tell them how sexy you think they are
and how you can't wait to get them in bed.

Focus on more intimate erogenous zones. If you tried some of the

suggestions above and she seemed receptive, here are some more intimate
areas you can work with, using light touches and soft, slow kisses.

- Neck, throat, collarbones and shoulders

- Feet and ankles
- The small of her back (toward the bottom of the spine)
- Back of the knees
- Navel / belly button
- Inner thighs
- Ears
- The inside of her upper arm

(iii) Driving Her wild

Pay attention to lubrication. Friction can cause skin to become sensitive or

even painful. Low friction also increases pleasure. Consider getting a
quality, water-soluble lubricant to keep everything slick and sexy-feeling
if you plan on some prolonged fun times, but, for lots of people (certainly
not all).
Use some variety. If you find an area where she likes to be touched, don't
overuse it. Instead, back away from it for a while and slowly make your
way back, touching everything around and up to it. The anticipation will
make it more intense when you finally do touch her.

Leave her wanting more. Leaving before the other person gets bored is a
good rule for most social interactions, but it's particularly important here.
If you break off contact while she's still interested, you'll be on her mind

Take your time. When you get in bed, start making out and rip each other's
clothes off. Go slowly and take your time--this is especially important if
your partner needs more time to get aroused. Tease each other and go

Introduce a bit of kink. If you two are okay with this, try adding a bit of
kink to the mix. You don't have to go wild, but a blindfold or tying her
hands back with a silk scarf can force her to focus on what she's feeling
and turn things up a notch.

Master different types of kisses. The neck and inner thighs tend to be the
obvious spots. If you want to get her writhing, trail some kisses along the
side of her ribs (that spot that's so easy to tickle), the curve of her stomach
just past where her abs are, and the protruding bit of her hip bone, usually
found just above or just below the waistband. If you feel daring, move
under her waistband and perform cunnilingus. Done right, this will drive
her crazy!

Sex Education

A lot of men have the ability to get a lady’s attention, get her phone
number but lack the skills of practicality. Most relationships have broken
in our society today as a result of inability to satisfy our partners sexually.

Of course, why pick a girl up and not be able to pin her down? So, this
chapter is not going to teach you how to pick a girl up rather pin her down.


If you’re able to turn her on and ready for further fun .. These are 7
foreplay steps you as a man should use in eating her Pussy like a TRUE

Hey ladies please shave and keep your PUSSY clean for your man. For
cleanliness is next to godliness!

1. Kings, raise her legs up and place it on your shoulder, this will expose
her Pussy more and give you more surface area to work with.

Use your thumb to expose her clitoris by gently pulling the skin at the top
of her cat upward. This is you SPREADING HER LEGS WIDE APART

2. The whole Pussy might be dry because she's not fully arouse or wet. I
want you to take some amount of saliva from your mouth and massage her
Pussy with it gently. Or use a sex lube — This is you GETTING HER

3. So now I want you to lick it, suck it and nibble on it GENTLY! Keep
spreading her pussy so that you can view her clitoris a lot better and give it
all your attention, and the hornier she get, the more it will get hard and
protrude. This is you FOCUSING ON HER CLITORIS

4. Now Kiss her on her inner tights.. Kiss that inner tight again softly...

Take a pause and lick her on her clit and blow on it gently.. King, make
sure you talk dirty to her, & also play with her boobs cause breast is life ..
Grip her ass in your hands. Basically, do whatever you can to get her pussy
aroused and watery. — All this few step is you TEASING HER

5. "A lot of women haven't cum before or have their pussy licked". Plus
female hygiene is a sensitive topic so she's bound to over think which can
result in her not cumming..."

• So tell her she taste good & how much u want to make her cum to put
her mind & soul at ease.

6. Ensure to massage her pelvis area while eating her pussy — this is said
to cause more relaxation and stimulate the climax process.

Roll you palm over her thighs as well for extra sensitivity — she'll
definitely cherish you in her life. THIS IS THE MOMENT YOU'VE ALL
BEING WAITING FOR!! While you are giving her clitoris the love it

I want you to turn her down and position her in a doggy style platform.
Now insert your finger in her pussy in a downward direction, so it touches
her G-SPOT. Oh boyy!!

7. Bring your mouth closer while your fingers are still in working magic
on her pussy, I want you to eat that pussy like your whole existence
depends on it..

Keep going until;

• she screams for joy
• she shake for mercy
• her whole body vibrates
• her whole body, soul and mind is ready to fuck you to heaven — Now


So I want you to try this basic pussy eating stunt on your wife or girl today,
let's see if it works.

I’ll be teaching you a unique method in which you can use in

messaging your girl's clit, and pussy.

At this time, i want your imagination alive. Imagine that moment

when you kiss her and romance her breast slowly … Then slowly you
slide your hands through her legs and shift her panties to the side

Then you dip a finger in and out of that sumptuous pussy.. Sweet Lord!


Start by Kissing her from her mouth down to her breasts. Go back
again and keep giving her some French kisses. Then move your lips
slowly across her breasts down to her body. Keep kissing her body as you
lower yourself to her waist and hips.

As you get to her panties, place a hand on either leg and slowly
spread them. Don't worry about taking her panties off just yet. Instead,
kiss her Pussy through her panties and even squeeze it lightly with your
lips. Then you run your tongue softly over

After kissing her through her panties for a few mins, move slightly
lower with you kissing along her inner thigh. Oh my goodness she will
definitely moan here. Lick and kiss her inner thigh down to her pussy on
one leg, then back up and afterward switch to her other leg.

She will just die of pleasure. When crossing to the other leg, spend a
little longer kissing her pussy outside of her panties. Don't be surprised if
she begs u to start eating her out at this stage….if she does, try to keep a
slow pace to keep building the anticipation.

Now pull out her panties with sense. Now start slowly kissing and
licking (extremely softly) all around her vagina and clit. The edge of your
lips should be making a tiny amount of contact with her vagina and clit as
you move your way around…constantly teasing her.
1. Now, start by rubbing her clit up and down gently. Nice and slow so that
you don't make her clit sore already. Lightly press your finger into her
vagina in and out using her natural lubrication as lube on your fingertip.

2. Now rub her pussy side-to-side very gently

• If you ever feel your finger drying out, then just return into her vagina.
This might not provide enough lubrication for some women.

She's in trouble!!

3. Now start stroking from the bottom of her pussy to her clit.

• Feel free to compliment her as you please her. Some women feel
self-conscious about how they look, just like you might if you want to
make your penis bigger

While doing all this make sure you are caressing her breast & kissing her
thighs from one leg to the other.

4. Now you need to top up your work by using your four fingers..

All you will be doing is rubbing your four fingers over her clit, labia,
& pussy in a circular motion. Using her pussy juice on your fingers will
make it much slipper, wetter and satisfying for her. Fvcc!!

Just like your penis, her clit becomes erect when aroused

5. So now you move into her soaked hood and labias & slowly rub them
up and down.

I know to bless her with your dick is nice but have you ever have her sat
her on your lap, kept eye contact with her and fingered her to tears?

6. Now, I want you to get ur girl to lie down on her back with her legs
spread open.
Then you need to get into a comfortable position sitting down to her right
side .. Then deep your fingers (2 is enough) into her pussy depending on
how wide the circumference is, NOW FINGER HER TO TEARS &

While fingering her, all ur target should be on her G-SPOT. Don't

underrated that spot!

Keep in mind that the best person to teach you additional fingering
techniques is your girl. She already knows what she likes best.

Go try this technique and see her coming back for more ..

"Most women can have more than one orgasm in a session, so if she gets
off while you’re playing with her clit that won’t keep her from climaxing
during penetrative sex." — so why would a guy in his right mind skip

A POWERFUL all night smashing routine for the singles and

married ones! This is just a little tip from me to the men and gallant boys...

P.S: Ladies please help the guys to sleep with your slick night gown or just
with your hot panties and a light inner wear. Dear ladies, it is important to
look sexy tonight. Something sexy and short! Something delicious from

Kings you know that moment when you are done bathing & smelling
good, and then you sight your woman on bed looking so attractive with
her sexy thighs and blossom.

And you're like; "thank you lord for this delicious last super"

Oh yeah that's the moment your dick kicks up. At that moment all your
body system is fired up and you're sexually aroused and ready to feast.

• lie down and CUDDLE her
• Then bring her close to you by placing your Dick hard on her ass. Your
hard dick will comfort her ass by resting in between her legs closer to her
pussy. Then that your hand under her, will take control of her boobs.

Then kiss her on the neck. After some minutes she will turn over and
kiss you. Now is the time you're going to use your other hand to work
wonders inside her panties. Boy finger her pussy real good.

After some few minutes of cuddling and fingering

• Take off her clothes & take your time to work on her clit cause you will
be rewarded for your fine job.

Most of you guys don't do this, you will be forming proper hygiene which
is very wrong.
Boy Eat her pussy>>>
keep eating that pussy>>>>
Stimulate her clit gently
• Use a lot of saliva to lick her pussy
• Run your fingers on her thighs please don't stop>>>

Finger and eat that pussy until she says "I'm cumming"

Signs that you're doing it right

-The sheet grab
-The back-scratch
-The back arch
-The moan

Combine this foreplay with some breaks of dirty talks.. Going down on
your lady will get her much closer to orgasm.
So that when you do penetrate her pussy, it won’t take that many stroke
before she SCREAMS and CUM all over your dick” It's all about using
your brain.

You could also eat her pussy by steadily twisting your tongue inside her

• Yes place one hands on boobs

• your other hand on her right thigh

Devour that pussy kings

If your partner prefers clitoris orgasm

• Then Just lay upright beside her and that pussy

• keep an intimate eye contact with her finger that pussy to tears

You will see her legs and whole body vibrate and she might even squirt on
you if she's a squirter

Penetrate immediately!!!
Penetrate immediately!!!
Penetrate immediately!!!

Keep a steady stroke; not too fast, not too slow. Just pounce …
Remember that the fun of every night sex lies on the shoulder of every
mind blowing sex positions that you generate. READ THAT AGAIN.

Make love to her with different positions. If you are already penetrating
correctly, or if she’s on top, then;

• sucking,
• licking,
• caressing,
• pulling,
• spanking Of her sexy parts, combined with some dirty talk should be
your top priority and you'll feel her tightening up and vibrating into
orgasm in no time. Good ducks makes women lose their senses.

When you know all her erogenous zones, then in no time u will be
bringing her to orgasm!!



• Her Satisfaction is Your Key To A Solid Relationship and remember

Orgasm is for everyone.

A POWERFUL morning fucking stunt for the matured and married

ones and the ones with boyfriend and girlfriend!

Do you know that morning sex between 4am - 5:30am is the sweetest?.
That moment when he is still asleep, all his body system have settled down
and his normal morning hard erection has kick off.

• Just sneak out of bed & go to the kitchen, open the refrigerator, put
small Honey/chocolate inside your mouth.

• then get closer and wake him up with your warm lips on his mouth,
caress his body a little bit by playing with his Dick and using the Honey to
suck his Dick as your life depends on it.

At this moment his erection will be harder because he has not had his
morning pee. The sensation of fucking a wet pussy that moment is the

• I want you to hold him tight and plant a kiss on his Lips .. Stand nude
before him and help him remove whatever thing he’s wearing.

The feeling and smoothness of your skin touching each other are

• Lay on the bed hugging each other tight, rub him with your breast, kiss
him, and then slowly go on top of him.

• Start by sucking his nipples, and licking his chest.

• Give those nipples a soft bite slowly and start licking them one after the

(Men nipples are very sensitive to them and they like it when it's being

Then make him lie on his back, be a good woman, kneel on the bed and
start giving him a blow job.
Lick his Dick like an ice cream by taking his Dick fully into your
mouth and start sucking his already hard Dick. Move your tongue all over
it and caress his balls with your cold hand. Make sure you suck it like a
true champion.

• slowly lick the balls, you will be surprise to hear him moan ..


• Grind on his Dick, bounce on him, you can even tweak on that Dick too.
You will hear him begging for more.



He will bless the day he meet you

PUSSY LOCK THAT DICK. So once you've released, signal him.

• Then lie in a doggy position so that he can take you from behind, while
he view your sexy ass.

Make sure your chest touches the bed and let your pussy shoot out,
it's a mind blowing something. Spread those legs, so that your pussy can
shoot out!! Now let him insert his Dick with gentle speed, then bring it out
and put it in again. so, it can touch all the walls of your pussy.

Say something like "FUCK ME HARDER", call his pet name, saying


Whisper in his ears while action is going on, using dirty talks, like

Sweet Lord, when he eventually cums, help him take his bath & dress him
up for work.

• Remember as a wife, allow him CUM deeply inside you.

• While as a girlfriend swallow his cum sexily. It’s healthy
While he is taking his breakfast, make sure you're looking sexy and hot
around him.



Your home is your happiness so work hard in building it...


8 - Oral Sex
69 - Sharing Oral sex
Big 9 - Dick
V - Vagina
143 - I Love You
FYEO – For your eyes only
LMIRL – Let's Meet In Real Life
TDTM – Talk Dirty to Me
GYPO - Get Your Pants Of
FMH - Fuck Me Harder
IWS - I want Sex
YWS - You Want Sex
WYCM - Will You Call Me?
BRB – Be right back
BTW – By the way
CTN – Can't talk now
IDK – I don't know
IKR – I know, right?
ILY / ILU – I love you
IM – Instant message
IMO – In my opinion
IWSN – I want sex now
IU2U – It's up to you
IYKWIM – If you know what I mean
J/K – Just kidding
J4F – Just for fun
JIC– Just in case
JSYK – Just so you know
KFY – Kisses for you
LMK – Let me know
SYS – See you soon
TDTM – Talk dirty to me
WYCM – Will you call me?
TTYL– Talk to you later
182 – I hate you
LH6 - Let’s have sex

I.W.T.F.Y.S - I want to fuck you senseless

I.W.Y.T.M.M.C.T.M.L.A.S - I want you to make me cum till my legs are
I.J.W.Y.T.B.W.M.F.T.R.O.M.L - I just want you to me with me for the rest
of my life
IWTFYAMYBFMTS - I want to fuck you and beg for me to stop
I.L.Y.S.M.I.J.D.K.H.T.T.L - I love you so much I just don’t know how to
tell you
IJWYTSMDTICIYM - I just want you so suck my dick till I cum in your


My vision is for every man to live a fulfilling and grounded life in all areas,
that is the sole reason why I created this ebook. I know you want this too.


Coldpeaceofficial … psychologist & content creator

Queen Preshii … sex therapist
Leehendrix … life coach

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