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Bio of David García-Ramos

Graduate in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature (Universidad Complutense de

Madrid), Master in Applied Linguistics (Universidad Nebrija), his PhD is a research on
the work of Emmanuel Levinas and René Girard (he has translated Achever Clausewitz
and Le sacrifice by the latter). He has published papers applying mimetic theory to the
work and plays of Miguel Hernández and Federico García Lorca, or Juan Mayorga, and
to the Dardenne brothers films. An associate professor of Linguistics and Literature in
the Education School, and of Jewish and Muslim Thought in the Philosophy Faculty at
the Catholic University of Valencia, where he is also the director of the Study Abroad
Program. Current lines of research are literature, theatre, film studies, mimetic theory, or
ethics. He is editor of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Mimetic Theory and of book
series Mimesis, devoted to the development and application of René Girard's mimetic

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