Career Paths Human Resources SB 1-3

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= Ped et Published by Express Publishing Liberty House, Greenham Business Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 GHW, United Kingdom (0044) 1695 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463, \ © Express Publishing, 2016 Design and lilustration © Express Publishing, 2016 First published 2016 Second impression 2019 Made in EU Allrights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. This book is not meant to be changed in any way. ISBN 978-1-4715-5034-8 Acknowledgements Authors’ Acknowledgements ‘We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to: Alex Newton (Editor in Chief}; ‘Sean Todd (senior editor); Steve Miller (editorial assistant); Richard White (senior production controller); the Express design team; Sweetspot (recording producers). We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. — Oe daly Express Publishing Topic Vocabulary Function, 1 [The Role of Webpage achieve, administrative, appraise, business objective, | Expressing Human Resources ‘consult, forecast, human resources, manage, role, _| surprise strategic 2 |Human Resources [Mission accountability, belief, collaboration, communication, | Expressing Values statement effective, ethics, honesty, innovation, integrity, value _|certainty 3 [Describing Skis |Jobad ability, applicant, candidate, computer literacy, detai-_|Showing oriented, leadership, multitask, skill set, team player, _| understanding ‘vacancy 4 [Numbers Chart ‘add, and, comes to, divided by, equals, hundred, is, | Calculating less, minus, multiplied by, over, plus, subtract, times amounts 5 [Types of Positions [Classified contingent, employee, full-time, opening, part-time, per | Talking about ads diem, position, temp, transition, worker possibilty 6 | Types of Employees [Handbook |board member, CEO, consultant, GOO, entry-level, | Expressing ‘executive, freelance, manager, supervisor enthusiasm 7 |Finding Candidates [Email ‘attract, classifieds, headhunter, in-house, job fair, (Giving praise online, post, promote, staffing agency, want ad 8 |Applications, Email ‘application, cover letter, misspell, objective reference, [Pointing out Résumés, and relevant, résumé, suspicious, work experience, work {a problem Cover Letters, gap 9 | Background ‘Company arrest, background check, conduet, conviction, criminal | Expressing Checks policy behavior, felony, misdemeanor, offender, pass, prior | disappointment 10 [interviews Interview |appropriate, behavioral question, consult, example, _|Asking for guide {ollow-up question, impression, interview, nonverbal, | an opinion panel, structure, test Narrowing Email best fit, conduct, consider, flaw, follow up, long term, | Expressing Applicants narrow, qualified, reduce, round, value ‘opinion Job Offers: Handbook |accept, congratulate, deliberate, employment contract, | Giving hire, job offer, job tite, reject, terms, time limit ‘congratulations Orientation Orientation [comfortable, complete, culture, expectations, introduce,| Making packet layout, onboarding, orientation, site, training module _|a suggestion Human Resources [Job bachelor's degree, business management, customer | Talking about Education and, posting _ service, HR assistant, master’s degree, on the job, _| work experience Training prefer, require train, work experience Human Resources | Webpage | career, chief HR officer, expert, generalist, report to, __| Giving advice Careers specialist, specific, support, unpredictability, versatile le of Contents Unit 1- The Role of Human Resources ................. Unit 2- Human Resources Values . Unit 3 - Describing Skills . . Unit 4-Numbers........... Unit 5 - Types of Positions ee ccxes Sige Unit 6 - Types of Employees Unit 7 - Finding Candidates Unit 8 - Applications, Résumés and Cover Letters .................... Unit 9 - Background Checks Unit 10 - Interviews Unit 11 - Narrowing Applicants Unit 12 - Job Offers Unit 13- Orientation ...... Unit 14 - Human Resources Education and Training ................... Unit 15 - Human Resources Careers ........................5 ava OSU iio cen cceces 10 pore? 4 16 a 18 pene 20 one 22 7 24 | . The Role of Human Resources Get ready! @ Before you read the passage, talk about these questions. 1 Why does a company need a Human Resources department? 2 What are some common tasks in Human Resources? A aur & aia’ ‘aia Reading © Read the webpage. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1 __ The Human Resources department appraises employees each month, 2 __ The board of directors gives the HR department a ™ : forecast. = 3 __ The HR department decides uv who is hired by Tandosoft. ex Vocabulary © Match the words or phrases (1-6) with the definitions (A-F). € 1 _ appraise b — consult ra J - __ achieve __ business objective manage 2 3 er — RB 5 6 __ Human Resources A 8 c Welcome to the Tandosoft Department of Human Resources. ur roe isto find talented workers and help them work well We make administrative decisions about hiring employees. We manage their training and payment. Every year, we appraise all employees. We look at each worker's performance. That helps us identify strengths and weaknesses. tobe in charge of or direct However we do more than traning and hing. The HRdepartment [| @ something makes a forecast ofthe need for work in the software market. to each a goal successful The board of directors consults us to make strategic decisions. a i ‘to seek guidance from someone the goals that a company has 9 i i ste E toevaluate something To achieve its business objective, a company needs excellent workers. It also needs those workers to be ready to do their best. F the business field that involves We help Tandosoft get great results. hiring workers @ Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word best fits each blank. 1 role/ forecast ‘A Leah made a next year. B My __ in the company is to look after the computers. A Tom's choice brings him closer to a promotion. B This____job puts you in charge of marketing, © @ Listen and read the webpage again. What are two tasks that the Human Resources department does? Listening © @ Listen to a conversation between a manager and a Human Resources representative. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1 _ The man does not work in Human Resources. 2 __ The woman is giving a presentation on hiring. 3 __ The woman is doing employee appraisals today. @ @ Listen again and complete the conversation. Manager: So, how are things in 1 2 HR Rep: Busy.2 with the board all week. Manager: Really? Are you talking about hiring? industry growth. HR Rep: Well, 4 is changing. | Manager: |had5 -Do you still handle administrative work? HR Rep: Of course. Next week we'll start 6 ___about the economy HR Rep: No. I'm presenting 3 . It's about Manager: Human resources does that kind of work? | didn't realize. Speaking © With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then, switch roles. How are things 4 Really? I'm presenting a... Student A: You are a manager. Talk to Student B about: * Human Resources = what work you expect him or her to do ‘+ how Human Resources is changing Student B: You are an HR Representative. Talk to Student A about your HR work. Writing © Use the webpage and the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the human resources job description. al eltarela Resources atyelgon ely (Full-time) Hours per week: 40 Salary: $42,000 Duties: Get ready! @ Before you read the passage, talk about these questions. 1 What might a company include in its mission statement? 2 What values are most important to you? Reading © Read the mission statement. Then, choose the correct answers. 1 What is the main idea of the passage? ‘A. how HR promotes collaboration B why HR recruits a certain type of employee © how employees become skilled D what HR doss to serve employees Which of the following is NOT a core belief of HR? A. helping parts of the company to collaborate B communicating with employees © working directly in technological D_ developing skils in all employees DEW e aE UR gery Mission Statement We aim to support our company by serving our people. | 2 We believe that our employees are our biggest strength, D to avoid communication errors 3. According to the mission statement, why does HR. provide training? A. to improve communications B to increase innovation © to make employees more effective Great employees in turn make our company great. Vocabulary A? We fulfil this mission by © Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H). practicing the following core beliefs: Apply ethics, integrity, and honesty in all business decisions. — ethies: 5 __ communication 6 __ collaboration — effective 7 __ innovation 8 — honesty _— accountability — value Create clear comm with employees. the act or process of working together 1 2 3 4 A Fale SMaGGaToN GET B the act or quality of telling the truth all parts of the company. © to.consider something important D achieving goals or completing tasks well E beliefs about morality F the act of exchanging information with another person G 4 Offer accountability and control in employment decisions. Hire employees who value ‘technological innovation, the state of being responsible for an outcome Provide training to make employees more effective. the process of developing new methods © Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word best fits each blank. 1. integrity / beliet ‘A Honesty, responsibility, and are part of the ‘company ethics. B The company has a strong__ about hard work. 2 values / collaborations ‘A Ourcompany serving our customers. B between employees build teamwork. © G Listen and read the mission statement again. What does HR do to serve company employees? © @ Listen to a conversation between a job applicant and an HR representative. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1 _ The woman is applying for an HR job. 2 __ HR decides employees' salaries. 3 __ Values are an important part of HR. @ & Listen again and complete the conversation. Representative: Thanks for coming in today. Applicant: Oh, thanks for 1 me. I really want to get into human resources. Representative: That's great. Now, in HR, we 2 skilled service. How would you offer that? Applicant: Well it starts with 3 I'm certain | offer that. Representative: Interesting. What else makes you a good fit? Applicant: Ihave strong 4_. I think integrity is incredibly important. Representative: | agree, Afterall, we often dacide employees’ 5 : Applicant: That's why honesty and 6 much. ‘communication. matter so Speaking © With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then, switch roles. How would you offer that’ 7 Vm certain What else makes you ...? ‘Student A: You are an HR representative interviewing an applicant, Talk to Student B about what an HR representative should value. ‘Student B: You are an applicant to HR. Talk to Student A about: © what skills an HR representative should have © what values are most important in HR, ‘© why HR should hire you to become a representative Writing © Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the job ad. {CLE Human Resources Representative ~ a} Describing Skills Get ready! © Before you read the passage, talk about these questions. 11 What would you want to know about a person before hiring him? 2 Where could you advertise about vacancies? Team Player for Growing Social Media Company TwitPix have a vacaney for a driven, experienced IT Specialist. Salary $45k annually. Candidates with the following skill set should apply: j 1. Computer literacy with Web 2.0 and social media platforms { 2. Ability to multitask. Will have IT and social media marketing responsibilities t 3. Detail-oriented approach to troubleshooting IT problems } 4. Demonstrated leader 4 web-based company 5. 8-5 years of work experience in IT or related field / { { } t ip experience within a Qualified applicants can submit a résumé to the Human Resources Department. Email HR at ‘ with further questions. Reading © Read the job ad. Then, mark the following statements as true (7) or false (F). 1___ The IT position is an entry-level job. 2 __ The company offers to teach computer literacy ater hiring a candidate. 3 __ The IT specialist will have multiple responsibilities. f Vocabulary 4 © Match the words or phrases (1-8) with the definitions (A-H). 1 _ skill set 5 __ candidate 2 __ leadership 6 __ detail-oriented 3 _ team player 7 __ computer literacy 4 _ applicant 8 __ multitask to do several tasks at one time to pay close attention to details someone who works well with others a list of abilities or qualifications familiar with technological systems and programs a person who is qualified for a job someone who seeks a job the skill of managing people rommooa>r © Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word or phrase best fits each blank. 1 vacaney / ability ‘A The company currently has a(n) for a secretary. B Employees must have the —__to interact with customers. 2. team players / applicants A Qualified submit their résumés to HR. B Collaboration depends on a group of ___who work together. should © G Listen and read the job ad again. What skills does an applicant need to have? Listening © & Listen to a conversation between an HR manager and an HR representative. Choose the correct answers. 1 What is the conversation mostly about? ‘A. creating an ad for an open position B looking at an applicant's resumé recruiting entry level candidates D discussing an applicant's skills 2 Which of the following is most important to the woman? A values © innovation B leadership experience . D_ references @ ©@ Listen again and complete the conversation. I need you to write an ad for an IT Specialist. Okay. What kind of 1 we looking for? We need a2. with IT experience. Got it, Are there any other 3 | should list in the ad? ‘Yes. 4 should have leadership experience and the ability to multitask. Alright, I'll add that to the description. ‘One last thing, make sure applicants submit an outline of their 5. to HR. "ll write that in to the last line of the 6 2 Manager: Representative: are Manager: Representative: Manager: Representative: Manager: Representative: Speaking © With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then, switch roles. What kind of applicant ..? * Got it, Are there any other skils..? Make sure applicants ‘Student A: You are an HR manager. Talk to Student B about: ‘© what job vacancy is available ‘© what skill set do applicants need © what the job ad should include Student B: You are an HR representative creating an ad. Talk to Student A about what the job ad should say. Writing © Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the outline for a want ad. Wanted: Job Description: Required skills: Qualified applicants can submit a résumé to: W=028 equals, comes to One-quarter equals point two five. and, plus, a+b= add addition) minus, less, a-b=c subtract (subtraction) times, axb=c multiplied by (multiplication) A times B comes to C. Aplus B equals C. Aminus Bis ©. a over, A diivided by B equals C. divided by (division) alb=c Aover Bis C. one thousand ive hundred |'W2 spent fifteen hundred 4 dollars on the or fifteen hundrea | advertisement. 10 Get ready! @ Before you read the passage, talk about these questions. 1 When will Human Resources employees need to.use math? What are some ways to describe combining numbers? Reducing them? Reading © Read the chart. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1 __ Eight plus seven comes to thirteen 2 __ Twelve divided by three equals four. 3 Nine times four is thirty-six. Vocabulary © Place the words and phrases from the word bank under the correct headings. Old multiplied by plus less times add — minus @ Read the sentences and choose the correct words or phrases. 1 Twelve over / times six is two. 2. Fifteen hundred / plus is the same as one thousand five hundred, 3 Nineteen minus seven less / equals twelve. 4 Eight multiplied by / divided by two is four. 5. Five plus five comes to / subtract ten. © @ Listen and read the chart again. What mathematical operations do HR employees need to perform to calculate salaries? Listening © & Listen to a conversation between an HR representative and a new employee. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1 __ The man thinks that he was not paid enough. 2 __ The man mutiplied his wages incorrectly 3 __ The woman offers to write a new check. @ © Listen again and complete the conversation. Mr. Allen, please come in. You have a question about your salary? Yes. | think my paycheck is 1 © Employee: HR Rep: Let's figure it out, then. You make fifteen dollars an hour, correct? ‘Yes. And | worked forty hours. So Sc ‘three hundred dollars, Yes, but we 3. taxes. Oh, 14 orgot that. Its no problem. Let's check thet anyway, just to be sure. Taxes 5 thirty dollars. ‘Okay, 80 three hundred 6 is two hundred seventy. | ‘guess the cheok is right afterall. ‘Employee: HR Rep: Employee: HR Rep: Employee: Speaking © With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then, switch roles. I think my paycheck is too 4 So... times I guess the check ‘Student A: You are an HR Representative. Talk to Student B about: * a question about his or her paycheck * how much he or she earned in a week * how much money was removed from that total ‘Student 8: You are a new employee, Talk to ‘Student A about a possible error on your: paycheck Writing © Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the complaint report. Human Resources — Employee Complaint Employee: ‘Complaint: 1 Types of Positions Get ready! @ Before you read the passage, talk about these questions. 11 How many hours a week do people typically work in your country? 2 What are examples of jobs that require different numbers of hours? Reading © Read the classified ads. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1 __ Lifeguards can transition to part-time work at the end of summer. 2 __ Thenanny position will transition to full-time during summer. 3 __ The restaurant job requires ‘experience. e Vocabulary temp 243 5 Te © Match the words or phrases (1-8) with the definitions (A-H). Waren time Nanny for 1 _ worker 3 Young Children 2 _ position Working mom seeks a babysitter for 3 _ transition : afternoon hours. a lanpives 2 Nanny must transition to full-time during 7 9 4 (perdiem summer months. 5 _ temp 10 z Paid per diem in cash. Interested 6 _ parttime wz Wi2, applicants can call Debra. Fl car ciern| es ~ 2 Tpenpicniiy onde-omnis Ne nals Gor Nt yolguales-ACaaD 8 _ contingent — 5 aaa ‘A. money paid dail ‘ Prcoc Menage fr New |More Uesusvor | Paid daly i Housing Development | ‘Community Pool. | B position that only last fora eraser accion ‘Seasonal openings for | is short period of time « | Greiner Construction secksa |} aitdinelicgiarte. | “| ; enol auaees | Pe a Si] © depending on a given factor management position. ‘Swimming skills and first aid |) _D aperson who works for a Pay grade is contingent upon _ || training are required forall pool | = company prior experience. empiceeas sal) Ea job within a company Submit applications to Greiner HR. | Applications are available atthe | So.) " See mai office a a position that requires fewer than : oe ae 40 hours of work per week Gua Waa REISS G someone who does work vat er for Restaurant Opening. | ay Piazza Restaurant seeks a part-time waiter. | H to shift from one thing to another No experience is necessary. See Bobby for further details. Ras unde omnis Te naais Ciror sit volupia wemaue lana! eadues | © Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word best fits each blank, 1. full-time / transition A. Law firm seeks a office manager. B Temp employees may to part-time employees. 2 contingent / opening ‘A The contract is upon a successful background check. B Weiss Inc. has a(n) for a part-time consultant. © & Listen and read the classifieds again. What different types of jobs are mentioned? Listening © @ Listen to a conversation between an HR representative and an applicant. Choose the correct answers. 1 What is the conversation mostly about? A. scheduling an interview: B inquiring about a job © hiring a candidate D transitioning to part-time 2 What will the man do next? A. submit a résumé B listhis references © write a cover letter D turn in an application @ @ Listen again and complete the conversation. Representative: Thanks for calling Smith Construction. How can | help you? Applicant: I'm inquiring about any job 1 Representative: Well, right now we're looking for a 2 surveyor. Applicant: Ok. Could that job 3 eventually? —__to fulltime Representative: Possibly. That would be 4 upon performance. Applicant: | see. Well, I'd like to apply for that § : Representative: Great. Send in an 6 Interview. Applicant: | will. Thanks so much. and we'll call for an Speaking © With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then, switch roles. ‘m inquiring about ? We're looking for.. Could that jo Student A: You are an HR representative. Talk to Student B about: ‘© what job openings are available ‘© ifthe job can transition to full time ‘© what to do to apply ‘Student B: You are an applicant talking with HR. Talk to Student A about what type of job you're looking for. Writing © Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the classified ad outline. PSST) Pi an | Job Description: | Deacons Gideon CSc Y/N 13 EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Company Structure 14 6 Types of Employees Get ready! @ Before you read the passage, talk about these questions. 11 What are the different employee positions ina company? 2 Who do different kinds of employees report to? Board of Directors The board of directors is the company's highest management. Board members work together to make company decisions. * CEO (Chief Executive Officer) + C00 (Chief Operations Officer) * Investors * Advisers Management Staft The regular management staff oversees dally operations. These managers report to the board. They direct and control employees. General Manager ——_* Other supervisors + Assistant Manager Regular Employees Regular employees perform long-term work for the ‘company. They report to supervisors and managers. ‘* Upper-level employees + Entry-level employees Temporary Staff / Contractors Contractors work independentiy on a contract basis. They do not report to supervisors. * Consultants, * Freelance workers ‘Anderson Inc. Reading @ Read the handbook excerpt. Then, choose ‘the correct answers. 1 What is the purpose of the text? A to describe the types of employees in the ‘company B to explain how different types of employees are paid © to show how different types of employees can advance D to compare different types of employees’ benefits 2 Which of the following is NOT a type of board member? A investor B CEO © consultant D COO 3 Why are contractors different than regular employees? ‘A. contractors perform long-term work for the company B contractors are the company’s highest management © contractors report to supervisors and managers f D contractors are a type of temporary staff | Vocabulary | © Match the words or phrases (1-8) with the definitions (A-H). contractor. «5 ___ consultant ceo 6 _ supervisor 7 __ entry-level coo 1 2 3 _ executive 4 8 __ board member A an executive who makes company decisions on committee B_ someone who is paid a set amount for materials rf or services © someone who is paid to give professional advice D the assistant to the CEO, and the second highest manager in a company E_ajob that can be learned without a lot of experience F the highest manager in a company ‘someone who cirects company employees H_ an upper-level manager in a company 2 © Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word best fits each blank. 14 manager / consultant A Aperson who advises company decisions is a B_Aperson who directs employees and dally tasks isa : 2 entry-level / freelance A AlN) employee works independently. B At) employee does not need work experience. © ®@ Listen and read the handbook excerpt again. Who do regular employees report to? Listening © @ Listen to a conversation between an HR rep and an employee. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1 Themanis the woman's immediate supervisor. 2 __ The woman will report to the accounting manager. 3. __ The woman works with entry-level employees. @ & Listen again and complete the conversation. 1____, Ms. Wilson. How are you today? © 1'm excited about my first day, Mr. Smith, Thank you, Great. You'll mest Mr. Jonson today. He's the 2. ‘Okay, that sounds good. Do | 3 himnow? No, you report to Mrs. Compson. She's your 4 Oh, | see. So I'll actually 5 Right. But a few other 6 - employees work with you as well. Okay, thank you. Speaking © With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then, switch roles. Vm excited 7 Do I report to..? He/She's your supervisor. Student A: You are an HR rep. Talk to Student B about: ‘+ types of employees + types of managers + who employees report to Student B: You are a new employee. Talk to Student A about who you will work with. Writing © Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the contact entrie: Contact 2 Name: Baers: Phone Number: Relationship/Duties: 11 How do companies find new employees? 2 What are the benefits of using a staffing agency? — rom: om, aSopeanae t Deborah, few positions. | don! 9 a fe Do : employees fo" Og agency. L ess this morning: jons and gunestons Woe 2 i put Tine? A career building WEDS aero that listing On nay consider 20D fan could attra tunes 'm sue YOU NaN at you think. too. Let me know wh Abel Gola Co, inc. Thuman Resources Supervisor Read the email. Then, choose the correct answers. 1 What is the main idea of the email? A the types of employees Cola Co wants why human resources needs new employees Match the words or phrases (1-8) with the definitions (A-H). B © how to search for new employees Da comparison of headhunters and staffing agencies 2. Which of the following will the company NOT fs eieig agency 9:5 7— prometa Use to attract new employees? 2) — Cassiieds 6 _ in-house A classifieds 3 _ want ad 7 _ online B career-building websites 4 _ attract 8 __ headhunter C job fairs A aperson who finds qualified employees: D staffing agencies B to interest people in an opportunity ‘3. Where did the supervisor advertise the position © being available on the Internet already? D a company that is hired to find employees A onthe internet E_ to inform people about an opportunity B inthe classifieds F having something stay within the company © at the community center G anadvertisement for a job D with a headhunter H_assection of the newspaper that contains want ads © Write a word or phrase that is simi meaning to the underlined part. 1. The company placed a(n) advertisement in the newspaper to attract new employees. a 2 We hired a recruiter to find three candidates for the job. _ea_h_n_e_ © & Listen and read the email again. What strategies does the supervisor suggest? Listening © &@ Listen to a conversation between a supervisor and an employee. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1 __ The company is organizing their own job fair. 2 __ Noone replied to the want ad. 3 __ The job fair is listed online. © @ Listen again and complete the conversation. Claudia, is that job listing Grae, an 9 oO Yes, but no one 2. . We really need 3 some interest. agree. | think a4 would help us. Okay. Are any 5 soon? Hound one. I's next week at the ‘community center. Nice work. But are they 6 it? They are. | saw ads online and in the newspaper. ‘Supervisor: Employee: ‘Supervisor: Employee: Speaking © With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then, switch roles. Is that job listing ..? * think a ...would. saw ads... Student A: You are a supervisor. Talk to Student B about: + the status of a job listing + how to attract more interest * ajob fair ‘Student B: You are a resources employee. Talk to Student A about your ideas of how to find the right new employee. Writing © Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the memo. ee © EIB vob Listing ' Then! Finally, | || After we spoke, | did afew things to advertise the position. Let me know if | should advertise it anywhere else. 17 rs} Applications, Résumés and Cover Letters Get ready! @ Before you read the passage, talk about ‘these questions. 11 What information goes on a résumé? 2 Why do applicants write cover letters? ‘ Barbara Walker jon: University of Noth Texas B.S. Biology Work Experience: Myriad Industries tive ales Representat Gandy Incorporated sentative Awards Sales Represerte Year Salesperson Reading © Read the email. Then, choose the correct answers. 1 What is the main idea of the article? ‘A the reasons why a candidate is qualified B how to write a résumé © what a candidate lacks D a comparison of two candidates Which of the following is NOT a reason why the ‘candidate is unqualified? A. her misspelling of a word in her résumé B her inexperience as a secretary © her unclear objective the gap in her work experience What strategies does the author suggest to gain more information about the candidate? ‘A. asking for a cover letter B sending an application © checking her references D requiring more work experience 18 Santos@humanrecauroes Barbara Walkers Résumé Did you look at Barbara's résumé? She faxed it to us yesterday. | noticed that she was a successful salesperson. Unfortunately, we're hiring a secretary. She misspelled the word ‘north’. Attention to detail is a relevant point to consider for this position. There is also a suspicious work gap in her work ‘experience, Should we send her an application anyway? | don't think her skills match our needs. Let me know what you think. | could always send a follow-up email to her references. Maybe she could send a cover letter to explain her objective. Best, es Vocabulary © Match the words or phrases (1-8) with the definitions (A-H). 1 __ application _ work experience 2 _ résumé 6 __ work gap 3 _coverletier 7 __ misspell 4 _ objective 8 __ reference A an unexplained period of time between work experience ‘person who vouches for someone else's abilities a form to submit in order to be considered for a job a letter to an employer including qualifications and interest in a job employment history listed on a résumé a document containing a person's qualifications for a job a goal or a reason for applying for a job to incorrectly write a word oo @ Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word or phrase best fits each blank. 1. résumé / reference ‘A. The applicant faxed a copy of her to show her qualifications. B Marco's previous employer was a for him on his application. 2 work gap / cover letter ‘A. The Work Experience section of his résumé showed a two- year B Desmond attached a to his résumé to explain his situation, © © Listen and read the email again. Why is the applicant unqualified for the job? Listening © G Listen to a conversation between a Human Resources representative and a supervisor. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1 __ The woman thinks the applicant is highly qualified. 2 __ The woman misspelled a word in her résumé. 3 __ The man wants to check references. @ G@ Listen again and complete the conversation. HR Rep: | want to talk to you about the 1______we (~) received. ‘Supervisor: Yes, | saw it and the attached 2 this morning. HR Re Did you see the applicant 3__a word? ‘Supervisor: | did. It makes me 4___of her writing abilities. ; HR Rep: | know. I'm going to check her 5 to verify : her skills. : Supervisor: Good idea. They can provide 6 insights about her HR Rep: Are you wiling to interview her anyway? Supervisor: It depends what she writes in her application, Speaking © With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then, switch roles. Did you see {I'm going to check his/her references to ... ‘Are you willing to ..? ‘Student A: You are an HR representative. Talk to Student B about: * what mistakes the applicant made * how to leam more about an applicant * whether you should interview the applicant ‘Student B: You are a supervisor in Human Resources. Talk to Student A about an applicant. © Use the email and the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the memo to the HR supervisor. ST ca og Notes from Candidate's Résumé: __ Potential Problems: 19 Background Checks | Get ready! @ Before you read the passage, talk about these questions. What do you want to know about a person before hiring him? Why do employers have to do background checks? Reading @ Read the company policy. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1 __ The company requires all applicants to pass a background check. 2 __ Applicants with misdemeanor convictions will not be hired. i] i The company will not hire offenders who stole from ‘employers. } Vocabulary © Match the words or phrases (1-8) with the definitions (A-H). 1 _ felony — offender — pass — conduct misdemeanor prior — background check ‘ Orion Enterprises conducts a background check on ll applicants. The background a | check searches for any history of criminal behavior. Tis includes : ‘Conviction fora misdemeanor Conviction fora felony Arrest and jal ime Aprior offense does not automatically AU BIEN MUNI | provertatire. However tang the RPE NI. background test WILL do so. Reasons for $0 parform an examination: failing the check include: an investigation of someone's C H 3 C ney lying about being an offender criminal record {elony convictions in the past five years police restraint and handcuffing convictions involving theft from employers of acriminal a minor criminal offense arrest Cad to meet a satisfactory standard occurring in the past a serious crime, such as murder 2) 2) 4 5 6 7 8 ‘Aa person who commits a crime B c D E F Any applicant who does not pass the background check will not be hired. © Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word or phrase best fits each blank. 1 misdemeanor / background check A When Rosie stole a candy bar, it was a B_ Employers perform a to determine an applicant's history. 2. pass / conduct A Investigators to complete the background check. B A candidate with no criminal history will the background check. asearch © @ Listen and read the company policy again. What could cause a person to fail a background check? stening © & Listen to a conversation between two Human Resources representatives. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1 __ The man committed a misdemeanor. 2 __Theman and woman conducted a background check. 3 __ The man passed the background check. @ & Listen again and complete the conversation. HR Rep 1: | just 4 background @~) check on Esteban Vigas. HR Rep 2: Great. Did he 2 in HR Rep 1: No. Unfortunately, he lied about his 3 criminal history. HR Rep 2: That's disappointing. What did you discover? HR Rep 1: He was on trial for 4 charges. HR Rep 2: I see, Well, he lied. He definitely can’t ass our 5: ¥ HR Rep 4: I know. | will call him today to let him. know. HR Rep 2: Thanks. His hidden 6 ‘caused him to fall Pass / Fail Speaking © With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then, switch roles. (just conducted. 9 That's disappointing, Iwill call. ‘Student A: You are an HR representative. Talk to Student B about: * what you discovered in the background check * why the applicant is disqualified * what crimes the applicant committed ‘Student B: You are another HR representative. Talk to Student A about what criminal history the applicant has. Writing © Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the background check record of the applicant. = 21 Get ready! @ Before you read the passage, talk about these questions. 1 What are some questions that employees should ask job applicants? 2 How should applicants prepare for an interview? When interviewing candidates, CPGS panel should use the following structure to guide the interview. Record your first impression of the applicant. Is the applicant wearing appropriate clothing? What is the applicant's nonverbal communication like? ‘Ask behavioral questions, such as: What challenges tested your limits at your previous job? What is a professional goal that you accomplished? Ss Can you provide an example? 3 Can you clarify that some more? = Can you explain in greater detail? J Consult among the panel to \ determine the next steps in ye hiring Reading © Read the interview guide. Then, choose the correct answers. 11 What can you infer about the interview process. at CPGS? ‘A. The interview process changes with each applicant. B The panel conducts a background check. © The interview has very structured ‘components. D_ The interview is mostly about first impressions. 2 Which of the following is NOT a means of evaluating the applicant? ‘A nonverbal cues and body language B responses to behavioral questions use of examples to illustrate a point D the applicant's questions for the panel 3. Which of the following steps occurs last? ‘A. behavioral questions B consulting the panel © assessing first impressions D asking follow-up questions } Vocabulary © Match the words or phrases (1-8) with the definitions (A-H). interview 5 __ behavioral question __ nonverbal 6 __ follow-up question test 7 __ example — panel 8 _ consult 1 2 3 4 ‘A. a formal opportunity to question an applicant B to confer among others before a decision © being unspoken in nature D anillustration of a concept E to examine another's abilities F a group of employees overseeing an interview G a clarifying question H an inquiry about prior experience © Read the sentence pairs. Choose the ‘sentence that uses the underlined part correctly. 1A Apanel of experts consulted before hiring the applicant. B In the intervi 2 A The panel asked a behavioral question about prior experience. B The HR rep consulted a first impression. 3A The applicant gave an example to make his, point. B The panel started the interview with a follow-up question, © G@ Listen and read the interview guide again. What are the main components of the interview process? Listening © G Listen to a conversation between two Human Resources Representatives. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1 __ The interview went well for the candidate. 2 __ The panel was in agreement. 3 __ The applicant had positive body language. @ G@ Listen again and complete the conversation. panel to see what they think. : Great. Then we can decide if we should move forward with hiring. the employees were laid off | just conducted an 4 0 with a new applicant, : What did you 2 af My first impression was not good, and thes seemed to agree. : Hmm. What gave you that 4 2 He had bad 5 ‘cues and, body language. Maybe he was nervous. Possibly. 16 with the Speaking © With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then, switch roles. What aid you think? 7 What gave you that ...? Let me consult with ‘Student A: You are an HR representative. Talk to Student B about: ‘what impression the applicant made © what questions you asked * what examples the applicant provided ‘Student B: You are an HR representative. Talk to Student A about if the panel should hire the applicant. Writing © Use the conversation from Task 8 and your own ideas to fill out the interview notes. SAU eles) |. Record yourfirst_... === of the applicant. ‘A. Is the applicant wearing professional clothing? B. What is the applicant's body language like? I. Ask ‘questions, such as: ‘A. What challenges tested your limits at your previous job? B. What is a professional goal that you accomplished? ML Ask questions, such as: ‘A. Can you provide an example? Narrowing Applicants Get ready! @ Before you read the passage, talk about these ee 1. What are some common interview questions? Gime 2 Why are interviews important in the hiring process? Reading © Read the email. Then, choose the correct answers. 1 What is the purpose of the email? ‘A to recommend an applicant fora job B to set up a time for an interview © to give instructions for conducting interviews D to discuss an applicant's interview ‘Which of the following does Susan Reed NOT request? ‘A. Ask the applicants if they are looking for a long term job. B Follow up with candidates later in the week Base the decision on each candidate's value. D_ Reduce the number of applicants to three. What is true about the interviews? ‘A. There will be three more rounds. B They will ila temporary position © Susan Reed is conducting the interviews. D_Oniy three applicants will make it to the next round, Vocabulary © Match the words or phrases (1-7) with the definitions (A-G). Hello Tom, 1 _ flaw 5 __ best ft interviews. = = Thark you cor tof cuaied 2 _ round 6 _ narrow Ms — Heel things to consider in 3 __ value 7 __ long term Teeinterviow. Ask the applicants if ieee 4 _ conduct {or a long term job. Also ast ot taws aro, Ths wil help us find the best ft A asseries of events for the job. " B_tomeke something smaller i round of interviews after aa tr ets three. Ths isn't always easy. Base D the person or thing that wil do the job best on ‘on each candidate's value. E to organize and lead something s Tease follow up with me on Friday to discuss F something that will take a large amount of time your decision. @ weakness or fault Regards, Susan Reed 24 @ Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word or phrase best fits each blank. 1. long term / best fit ‘A Robertisthe for the job, B Thisjobisa_____ position. 2 reduced / qualified A We want to hire a applicant. B The manager. the number of applicants to three. © G Listen and read the email again. What questions should the man ask the applicants in the last round of interviews? Listening © G Listen to a conversation between an HR Chief and an HR Rep. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1 __ The interviews didn't go wel 2 __ Jenna Green might talk too much. 3 __ The man is unsure who to recommend. @ ©@ Listen again and complete the conversation. HR Chief: Hi, Tom. How did the interviews go? HR Rep: They went well. |made a1 HR Chief: Which 2 hire? HR Rep: | think Jenna Green is the 3 for the job. HR Chief: I like her. Why did you choose her? She is 4 and friendly. Does she have any 5 I think she might talk too much, HR Chief: That's fine, The 6. she likes working with people. do you think I should Speaking © With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then, switch roles. How did the v Does she/he have any ..? I think shethe might... Student A: You are the HR chief. Talk to Student B about: ‘© how the interview went ‘+ how the decision was made ‘* what the faults of the applicant are Student B: You are the HR rep. Talk to Student A. about the applicant you chose. Writing © Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the interviewer's notes. INTERVIEW FORM Applicant: Recommended for hire? Y/N Explain: 25 ) Get ready! @ Before you read the passage, talk about tine lim’, these questions. 1 Do you think it's better to make a job offer over the phone or in a letter? Explain. 2 Why would someone reject a job offer? HR Handbook : Job Offers How to Present a Job Offer: Start by congratulating the applicant you want to hire. State the job title to avoid confusion. Also, review the description of the job. Section 3. Prepare an employment contract before the offer. The applicant might accept the job immediately. Make sure the terms of the job are clear in the contract. Include the job title here as well Eom Finally, thank the applicant for applying. Some applicants may want to deliberate. Give them a time limit to accept or reject the offer. Our company allows one ‘week for applicants to make their decision. Reading Vocabulary @ Read the handbook excerpt. Then, mark © Read the sentences and choose the correct the following statements as true (T) or words or phrases. false (F). 1. Please help me time limit / hire a new employee. 1 __ It’s impolite to congratulate an applicant 2 hope you accept / congratulate the job offer. 3. The applicant wants time to terms / deliberate. receiving a job offer. 2 __ The job title should be in the employment contract. 3 __ The applicant should make his or her 26 decision immediately. Candidate: 1 @ Fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases from the word bank. OF dF) aeRO time limit congratulate terms employment contract reject jobtitle job offer 1 Do you know the of the agreement? 2 Whatis the __of the position you applied for? 3. You should the applicant for getting the job. 4 The offer has an) _____of one week 5. 'm worried the applicant will our offer. 6 Please sign the if you want the job. 7 Congratulations! We would like to make you a(n) © G Listen and read the HR handbook excerpt agai What is the first thing an HR rep should do when hiring an applicant? Listening © G@ Listen to a conversation between a candidate and an HR rep. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1___ The woman rejected a previous job offer. 2 __ The man wants to meet tomorrow moming. 3 __ The woman has questions about the terms. @ & Listen again and complete the conversation. Hello. HR Rep: Yes, Sandy Meyers, please. HR Rep: Hi Sandy. I's Alan Smith at Prairie Communications. 2___, we'd like to offer you the HR assistant position. Candidate: Thanks, that’s 3 news! HR Rep: You'e4_____ ‘morning? Candidate: Yes. That would be perfect. 'd like to ask some ‘questions about the 5 HR Rep: Of course. I'll have the employment contract. And it you6 the position, we can sign it tomorrow. - Can you meet here tomorrow Employee Name: Speaking © With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then, switch roles. Congratulations, we , Can you ..? And if you .. ‘Student A: You are an applicant. Talk to Student B about the job offer. ‘Student B: You are an HR rep. Talk to Student A about: * the job you are offering * meeting with you to discuss the job offer * what will happen if the applicant accepts the job offer Writing © Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the employment contract. Prairie Communications Employment Contract We Be sure to read over the _ of employment. We allow all candidates ‘fitetoees = Say However, there is a one-week -The must be signed within that time. If you please sign below. Signature: ss Orientation Packet Welcome to Prairie Communications! In this packet, you'll find the schedule of your orientation and much more. Onboarding is an important part of joining the cutture in our office. An HR employee supervisor will 28 . Omen) Get ready! @ Before you read the passage, talk about. these questions. 1. Why is orientation important? 2. What are some common activities and events at an orientation? help you during orientation, First, the supervisor will introduce you to the site. Become familiar with the layout of the building We want you to be comfortable at work. Talk to your supervisor if your office is missing anything Then, complete the training module titled, ‘Job Expectations.’ It's important to understand your responsibilities at Prairie Communications. Please read and complete the packet before your next meeting, \ ly Reading © Read the section from the orientation packet. Then, choose the correct answers. 11 What is the main idea of the packet? A introducing a new employee to orientation B giving tips on leading orientation describing a new employee's role D isting changes to the orientation program 2 Which of the following will NOT be covered in orientation? A the building's layout B the expectations of the job © onboarding D techniques for sales calls, 3 According to the passage, which of the following is a supervisor's responsibilty? ‘A. explaining job expectations B talking about company culture © introducing employees to the site D writing the training module 9 fi ,| Vocabulary © Read the sentence pairs. Choose the sentence that uses the underlined part correctly. 1A When a person completes a training ‘module, he or she has finished it. B The training module is the final part of a project. 2 A Expectations are new ideas for people to think about. B_ Onboarding can involve learning from co- workers, 3 A. The layout of an office is its schedule of events. B This orientation is for our new employees. 4 A Acomfortable employee is happy where he or she is. B To introduce someone is to ask them questions. © Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word or phrase best fits each blank. 1. introduce / culture A Let me you to my friend, John. B The. of Japan is quite different from Germany. ing module / site ATh______of our new headquarters is far away. B This will teach you how to write your daily sales report. 3 layout / expectations A The school's was like a maze. B Ihave alotof__ at my new job. © & Listen and read the section of the orientation packet again. What is the first thing a new ‘employee does at Prairie ‘Communications? Listening © & Listen to a conversation between an HR Rep and anew hire. Check (/) the topics that they discuss. 1 Q the culture of Prairie Communications @ the salary and paydays Q the expectations of employees the layout of the building the names of co-workers: asen @ ® Listen again and complete the conversation. HR Rep: Hi Sandy. Did you tour the building? oO New Hire: Yes. | love the 1 HR Rep: Me too. Do you have any2__before we get started? like? HR Rep: It's nice. We're very 4 with each other, But | we're busy. New Hire: Well, 15 my work on time. And I try to keep a positive attitude. HR Rep: Great, those are the 6 for everyone here. ‘Should we get to work? New Hire: Yes. | need to finish the next training module, Yes. What is the 3 of Prairie Communications Speaking © With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then, switch roles. Do you have ..?/ Should we ...?/1 need to 7 ‘Student A: You are an HR Rep. Talk to Student B about: ‘+ the culture of your company ‘+ the layout of the building ‘+ Student 8's questions and questions you have. Student B: You are a new hire. Talk to Student A about orientation Writing © Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the Orientation Progress Log. Orientation Progress Log: Day 1 Tasks to complete today: * Learthe =f the building. * Complete pages 1-3 of the Sere Write one question for your orientation leader: 29 Human Resources Education and Training Get ready! @ Before you read the passage, talk about these questions. 1 Which do you think is more. important, experience or education? Explain. 2 In general, what is customer service ike in your country? Reading © Read the job posting. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1 __ Amaster’s degree is required for this job. 2 __ There will be training on the job for this position. 3. __ Previous work experience is not necessary. Vocabulary © Match the words or phrases (1-7) with the definitions (A-G). 1 require train prefer _ on the job customer service _— work experience __ bachelor's degree 7 proof of completing an undergraduate program at a college or university HR assistant is looking for @ new it will Prarie, Communications the HA director. The HR assist Skis and knowledge fom ‘The HR Cee ‘and payroll. The applicant may working at a job ip with hiring, fring, Irene pam | crsrennananton ave work experi ea tele toneed something ital on or candiates with a master’s degree. ust + applicants MS ca ce wai he ommoo r that's good, 100. to teach someone to do something degree Is redtir jge of business management, ‘TA © lr you have knowl o can start right away. if yOu the way customers of a company ‘We want someone are treated cauickly, you'l do well here. Ys and a cover letter 10 ‘Send your résur om igo@orairiecom.c 30 @ Read the sentences and choose the correct phrases. 1 Our new HR director has a great understanding of bachelor’s degree / business management. 2. This applicant completed a graduate program for a master’s degree / work experience in business. 3 We need to hire another customer service / HR assistant. © @ Listen and read the job posting again. What is required for this position? Listening © & Listen to a conver: between an interviewer and an applicant. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1. __ The man questioned the woman's business management skils. 2 __ The woman has on the job experience in human resources. 3. __ The woman studied communications in college. @ & Listen again and complete the conversation. Interviewer: Thanks for coming in for this o interview. Tell me, why did you 1___for this job? | studied communications in college. Do you havea Z | Applicant: Interviewer: Applicant: No. But I've worked in human resources before. | Interviewer: Great. What other 3 do you have? | | was an English tutor in 4 lalso worked at a grocery store. | Interviewer: Good. What did you 5 from | those jobs? | eamed to be 6 and ‘communicate well | | Applicant: Applicant: Interviewer: Great. Next, I'd like to talk about your experience in HR. en Speaking © With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then, switch roles. Do you have " What aid you ..? I worked .. Student A: You are the interviewer. Talk to Student B about: © why Student B applied for the job © education © work experience Student B: You are an applicant. Talk to Student A about the reasons you are qualified {or the position. Writing © Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the applicant requirements form. Education: We require that our applicants have a We prefer that our applicants have a__ Work Experience: We require that our applicants have previous work experience in ‘Customer satisfaction is very important. Requirements for New Employees: Once hired, we ‘expect our new employees to complete _—___ during the first week. This training must be completed at work. 31 Get ready! @ Before you read the passage, talk about these questions. 1 What traits should someone have to pursue a career in HR? 2 What basic types of HR positions are available? ra} Cau Human Resources Ifyou enjoy working with others, consider a ‘career in human resources. The field offers ‘opportunities for many different types of people. If you lke to do something different every day, consider becoming a generalist. You'll need to be versatile. Generalists have to deal with any problem that comes up. Of course, not everyone likes unpredictability If that's you, consider becoming a specialist. These HR representatives become experts in specific area, But generalists and specialists have some things in common. For one, they both provide ‘support for staff and business operations. They both report to the Chief HR Officer. Human Resources Careers eS Reading © Read the webpage. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1. __ The site recommends that specialists be versatile, 2 __ According to the site, generalists deal with unpredictability 3 __ Specialists report to different executives than generalists, Vocabulary © Match the words or phrases (1-6) with the defir wr. 1 __ support a expert 5 Chief HR Officer — report to _ career 6 __ unpredictability 2 3 ‘A tobe managed and directed by B_ occupation, which a person is a part of for a long time © to provide assistance D the state or quality of being dificult to anticipate E an executive that controls and directs all human resources activities ‘@ person who is very well-trained at something © Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word best fits each blank. 1 specialist / generalis AA B The department almost every kind of problem, deals with only one type of issue. ccan help with 2 versatile / specific ‘A. We want you to focus only on one problem. B The HR rep will deal with many issues, so he or she must be © G@ Listen and read the webpage again. What are some of the qualities someone should have to work in human resources? Listening © G Listen to a conversation between two HR representatives. Choose the correct answers. 11 What is the conversation mainly about? A becoming a Chief HR Officer B dealing with unpredictability finding out whom to report to D changing careers to a specialist 2 What does the woman recommend? ‘A. meeting with another specialist studying health insurance issues speaking to the Chief HR Officer B c D_ becoming an expert in payroll matters @ & Listen again and complete the conversation. Karen, can I talk to you 1 O° ‘Sure, what is it? Well, you're a2 + tight? ‘Yes, lonly work on health insurance issues. ''m thinking about doing the same. Sometimes | ike being a3. but it’s just too unpredictable. | see. Make sure you pick an area you like. You'll have to be an 4 Right. | thought my 5: ‘would be payroll. Hmm. That might be too basic. Why don't you ask the 6 __for advice? ‘That's a good idea, | will. HR Rep 2: HR Rep 1: HR Rep 2: HR Rep 1: HR Rep 2: HR Rep 1: area HR Rep 2: Speaking © With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then, switch roles. Can I talk...? ’ You're a... right? Why don't you ...? ‘Student A: You are an HR representative. Talk to Student B about: * his or her position + achange you are considering * what you should do before the change Student B: You are an HR representative. Talk to Student A about a career change. Writing © Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the career guide, Type 1: This type of job focuses on one area. You must be an. ‘onthat topic. Type ee This type of job involves many differentissues. You must be able to deal with , singe you can't know what will come up every day. And that means you'll need to be enough to address many problems. 34 ability [N-COUNT-U3] An ability is a skil accept [V-T-U12] To accept something is to receive it or allow it. accountability (N-UNCOUNT-U2] Accountability is the state of being responsible for an outcome. achieve [V-T-U] To achieve a goal is to complete it successfuly. {add [V-T-U4] To add a number to another number is to increase it by that amount. ‘administrative [ADJ-U1] Ifa job is aciministrative, it involves managing the work of others. applicant [N-COUNT-U3] An applicant is a person who seeks a job. application [N-COUNT-U3] An application is a form that an applicant flls out to be considered for a job. ‘appraise [V-T-U1] To appraise someone or something is to assess the value of the person or thing, appropriate [ADJ-U10] If something is appropriate, it falls within the range of acceptable behavior. arrest [N-COUNT-Us] An arrest is the restraint and handcuffing by police. attract [V-T-U7] To attract interest is to generate attention about something. bachelor's degree [N-COUNT-U14] A bachelor’s degree is the proof of completing an undergraduate program at a college or university background check [N-COUNT-US] A background check is an investigation into one's criminal history. behavioral question [N-COUNT-U10] A behavioral question addresses an applicant's prior experience. belief [N-COUNT-U2] A belief is an idea that somebody trusts to guide their action best fit [EXPRESSION-U11] The best fit for a job is the person who will do the job best. board member [N-UNCOUNT-U] A board member is an executive who makes company decisions on a committee business management [N-UNCOUNT-U14] Business management is the act or process of leading and overseeing a company, business objective [N-COUNT-U1] A business objective is the goal that a business works to achieve. candidate [N-COUNT-U3] A candidate is a potential employee for a job opening. career [N-COUNT-U15] A career is an occupation which a person is a part of for a significant amount of his or her life. CEO [ABBREV-U6] A CEO (Chief Executive Officer is the highest manager in a company. Chief HR Officer [N-COUNT-U15] A Chief HR Officer is an executive that controls and directs all human resources activities la feds [N-PLURAL-U7] The classifieds are a list of job posts, collaboration [N-COUNT-U2] Collaboration is group work used to solve problems. comes to [\-I-U4] When a math problem comes to a number, it means that number is the final answer. comfortable [ADJ-U13] if someone is comfortable, he or she is happy with the current situation. ‘communication [N-UNCOUNT-U2] Communication is an exchange of information.

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