Exercises - Lesson 2

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Exercises - Lesson 2

1. My name is Laura.
2. My last name is Costa.
3. Nice to meet you too.
4. My first name is L-A-U-R-A and my last name is C-O-S-T-A.
5. My cell phone number is (31) 99915-4752.
6. I am from Brazil.
7. I am Brazilian.
8. I am a 3D Game Artist..

1. No, I don’t speak.

2. Yes, I study.
3. No, I study, but I don’t speak.
4. No, I study, but I don’t speak.
1. I speak Portuguese.
2. No, I speak Portuguese, but I don’t speak Spanish.
3. Yes, I study English.
4. No, I don’t study Portuguese and Italian.

1. No, I don’t work.

2. Yes, I sleep.
3. Yes, I want to speak English now.
4. No, I don’t want to study Portuguese now.
5. Yes, I want to work now.
6. No, I don’t want to sleep now.

1. No, I don’t work.

2. No, I don’t study at school. I study at home.
3. No, I don’t sleep in the office. I sleep at home.

1. I don’t work.
2. I study English in the afternoon and at night.
Correction: I study English, in the morning, in the evening, and at night.
3. I sleep at night.
4. Yes, I speak Portuguese at home at night.
5. I don’t work.
6. I study at home.
7. I sleep at home.
My name is Laura. I am Brazilian. I am from Belo Horizonte.
I speak Portuguese. I speak Portuguese at home. I study English in the morning
and at night.
I am a 3D Game Artist. I study at home. I study in the afternoon and at night.
I sleep at home at night.

Correction: [...] I study in the morning, in the afternoon, and at night.

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