PYP Newsletter Nov 2011

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November 2011

Sports DaySwimming at by Baths Wed 16th Nov Lucia Celebration at Annedals church Tues 13th Dec Last Day of school Wed Dec 21st First Day of Spring Term Tues 10th Jan PYP Evaluation Visit: Jan 30th, 31st, Feb 1st 2012

The scheduled Easter break has been changed from week 14 to week 15. Easter break is now Friday 6th April until 13th April! 2012.

The chess club is for grade 3 5 and is held on Mondays 12.4513.30 in the 4E classroom ! Mike Howlett School Choir We have now started our ISGR choir for grades 35 . We meet every Wednesday in the Music room where we sing a variety of fun warm up songs, action songs, songs in both Swedish and English and a bit of Michael Jackson thrown in there for good measure! Its a lot of fun and it's great to have both sections of the school involved this year. Very soon we will be starting to practice for Lucia which will come around before we know it. If anyone would like to be a part of the choir, please contact either Moragh Randall or Helen Erneback


Dear Parents, Students and Friends, Welcome back from your break, where I hope you all spent some valuable time with your family. The news of the month is that we have opened a new Kindergarten class, which is now situated in former PYP2D classroom in D wing. The new KF teacher is Fleur Doornberg and her assistant is Cheri Hallenius. We welcome them to ISGR ! Our Swedish room has now been moved next to the music room in A wing and PYP2D has been relocated into the Swedish room. I would like to thank our service team for their work over the break in the set-up of these new rooms and our teaching staff for the planning and preparation for the move. Like the PTA newsletters, please take the time to read in this edition all about your school and the various opportunities you have to contribute to the school community. Kind regards Jayson

ISGR Sports Club After School sports club! See notice board in the main entrance hall! If you have questions, thoughts or ideas, dont hesitate to contact me by email Hope to see you all this coming school year, Peter Sjberg

Our School Community at ISGR

PYP K have been learning about the

different people who work in our school, the jobs they do and how they help us.

Lena Nilsson tells Kindergarten about her work in reception.

Lotta Boethius Claeson talks to Kindergarten and gives them the chance to test her stethoscope.

Jayson Williams is interviewed about his job as international principal.

Students from PYP share their findings about rights and responsibilities. This is part of their unit of inquiry Rights are Right . They have been inquiring into, The rights of humans, How rights and responsibilities are connected, The responsibilities of global citizens.

Assembly for UN Day

As part of the assembly, students waved flags from the many different countries where their families come from.

Halloween get-together for PYP 2E

PYP Evaluation Survey In preparation for the PYP Evaluation in January (see page 5 and 6), Marilyn the PYP Coordinator has been meeting with a voluntary group of parents this term to look at questions relating to a survey to parents. A questionnaire will be sent out to parents during November. It has yet to be decided whether this will be sent to all parents or to a randomly chosen sample.

Guldheden Library 2011

Library opening hours Monday 8.30 -3.30 pm Tuesday 8.30 -3.30pm Wednesday 8.30 -3.30pm Thursday 8.30 3.30pm Friday 8.30 2.30pm Rouhia Lotfkhah

PYP Evaluation Visit January 30th, 31st , February 1st 2012

We are now in the process of evaluating our PYP programme. We would like to let you know more detailed information about the process and how you can be involved. Background information: May 2003 ISGR got the PYP Authorisation Dec 2006 ISGR had a 3 year Evaluation Visit Jan 2012 ISGR will have a 5 year Evaluation Visit What is the Evaluation Visit? Programme evaluation is both a requirement and a service provided by the IB Organisaton to IB World Schools. The aim is for the IB to ensure on a regular basis that the standards and practices of the programmes are being maintained.

The Programmes standards and practices are the foundational documents used by schools and the IB to ensure quality and fidelity in the implementation of its programmes in IB World schools. To assess the implementation of the programmes To assist the school in developing and maintaining dynamic programmes that reflect the philosophy and the programme standards and practices of the IBO. Who does it include? It includes all members of the school community: Teachers Programme coordinators Admnistrators Students Parents Board Members There are 3 main parts 1. The Self Study 2. The School Visit 3. The Evaluation Report

The Self Study

The IBO provides a programme guide and self-study questionnaire for the Primary Years Programme. The PYP coordinator and the school Principal decide on a plan of action which uses the guide.

The evaluation is based on the following standards: A Philosophy

Standard A1: The schools educational beliefs and values reflect IB philosophy.

B. Organisation, Leadership and Structure: Resources and Support C. Curriculum

Standard B1: The schools leadership and administrative structures ensure the implementation of the Primary Years Programme. Standard B2: The schools resources and support structures ensure the implementation of the Primary Years Programme. Collaborative Planning: Standard C1: Collaborative planning and reflection supports the implementation of the Primary Years Programme. Written Curriculum: Standard C2: The schools written curriculum reflects IB philosophy. Teaching and Learning: Standard C3: Teaching and Learning reflects IB philosophy. Assessment: Standard C4: Assessment at the school reflects IB assessment philosophy.

The PYP staff have been working on the questionnaire since last January. This has involved a process of discussion, reflection and collecting evidence. These groups also decide how we will get information and feedback from the different groups in our school community. The conclusions made by each group are collected together and put into a report which is sent to the IBO organization central office at the Hague in December. The School Visit Two representatives from the IB Organisation visit the school for 3 days. During this time they: Visit the different PYP classes Look at samples of student work Meet with PYP teachers, students and representatives from the parents, board and administration. Evaluation Report After a month the IBO sends a written Evaluation Report. This consists of: COMMENDATIONS and RECOMMENDATIONS !

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