Genesis in Hebrew Beresit in Principle

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Ferrara Bible Translated Genesis in Hebrew Bereshit in principle in principle Elohim created heaven and earth and the

earth was wasted and empty and darkness was upon the faces of the abyss and the spirit of Elohim moved upon the faces of the waters and Elohim said let there be light and there was light and Elohim saw the light that's so good and Elohim separeted between light and darkness and Elohim called the light Day and the darkness he called Night and it was evening and it was morning first day and Elohim said let there be an expansion in the middle of the waters and let's separate the waters from the waters

and Elohim made the expansion and separeted the waters under the expansion from the waters above the expansion and so it was and Elohim called the expansion heaven and it was evening and it was morning second day and Elohim said let's pick up the waters that are under heaven to one place and let the drought appear and so it was and Elohim called the drough Land and the gathering of the waters he called Seas and Elohim saw thats so good and Elohim said let the green grass grow over the land and let the seed be seeded and let the fruit trees make their fruit in their own way and let's seed inside over the land and so it was and he drew the earth with greenish herb seeding seeds in their own way

and the trees were fruitfull being seeded in their own way and Elohim saw that's good and it was evening and it was morning third day and Elohim said let there be lights in the expansion of the heavens to separate the day from the night and let there be signals that would be references for the days and the years and let there be lights in the expansions of the skies to shine upon the earth and so it was and Elohim made two great lights a big light to rule the day and a small light to rule the night and the stars and Elohim saw them in the expansion of the skies giving light upon the earth and ruling the day and the night and separating the light from the darkness and Elohim saw that's good and it was evening and it was morning fourth day and Elohim said let the the waters snake

snakes with living souls and let the birds that fly above the earth and be over the faces of heavens expansion and Elohim created the snakes the large ones and every living soul wich removes and they snaked the waters in their own way and every bird of wing in their own way and Elohim saw that's good and Elohim blessed them saying be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas and let the birds multiply on the earth and it was evening and it was morning fifth day and Elohim said let the land take the living soul in their own way and the four-legged and all the removing creature and the creatures of the earth in their own way and so it was and Elohim did it the beast of the earth in their own way and the four-legged

in their own way and all the land removers in their own way and Elohim saw it that's good and Elohim said let us make man in our figure after our likeness and let him rule the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and the four-feet across the land and all the remover that removes the earth and Elohim created man inside his image in the shape of Elohim he created them male and female he created them and Elohim blessed them and said Elohim be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and rule over the fish of the sea and the bird of the air and every kind of animal removing on the earth and Elohim said it was given to you every herb that seeds seeds over the faces of all the earth and every tree whose fruit tree

seeds seeds you shall eat and every creature of the earth and every bird of the air removing all over the earth whose soul is alive and all the green grass you shall eat and so it was and Elohim saw everything he did and it's very good and it was evening and it was morning sixth day


and he finished the heavens and the earth with all its attendants and Elohim ended in the seventh day: work done and blessed the seventh day for all the work done and Elohim rested in the seventh day and sanctified it

I am glad that in itself all his work Elohim who created in doing it these are the generations of heaven and earth be created on your in the days to Adonai earth and heaven and all the trees of the field the land before it was and every herb of the field before esverdessesse Adonai it did not rain Adonai was on earth and man had not to till the earth and the steam rising from the earth and watered every face of the earth and Adonai God created man dust of the earth and blew his nose breath of life and man has a soul alive God Adonai and planted Heden garden in the east and put there the man who created

Adonai and made the earth esverdecer every tree greedy sight and good eating and the tree of life was among the garden is the tree of knowing good and evil Saint of the river and Heden for watering the garden and then was distributed four heads name of a river Pison the arrodeante the whole land of Havilah the one with the gold and gold of that land good and there is bdellium and stone Soham

and name of river the second Guihon around the whole land of Ethiopia and name of river the third Hidekel

the Andante the east of Assyria and the river the fourth the Euphrates and took it. A. God to man and put it in the garden of Heden to dress it and save it and commissioned. A. god on man saying Of every tree of the garden eat eat and tree of knowledge good and evil not eat and if you eat a day die dying and said Adonai Elohim not good man your alone fare-I will help you as a confrontation with him Adonai Elohim created and land every beast of the field and every fowl of the air

and brought the man to see what he would call and all that was his name man living soul your name and called the man names to all the four paws and the fowls of the air and to every beast of the field but the man did not find help made against him Adonai Elohim adormidou on man who fell asleep and took one of his ribs and closed up flesh in its place and forge Adonai Elohim the rib he had taken from man as a woman and brought it to the man and the man said you see this is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh and she shall be called Woman because the man was taken therefore let

the man his father and mother and will cleave to his wife and will be meat a and they were both naked man and his wife and were not ashamed III and the snake was mischievous more than every beast of the field Adonai Elohim who made and told the woman without delay what God told him Do not eat of every tree of the garden said the woman and the snake the fruit tree orchard eat and the fruit of the tree that is between the garden Elohim said do not eat it Do not touch it how die the charges and said the woman one dies die knowing Elohim that in your day to eat it will open your eyes

and ye shall be as Elohim knowers of good and evil and saw the woman that's good that tree to eat and desired for the eye and coveted the tree to understand and and and and took of its fruit ate it gave also unto her husband ate it

and opened up my eyes both of them and knew that they naked and sewed fig leaves together and made themselves girdles and they heard the voice of Adonai Elohim walking in the garden air of the day and hid the man and his wife before Adonai Elohim between the tree of the garden and the man called Adonai Elohim and told him where you?

and said your voice heard in the garden and feared I bare it and I hid myself and said condemned thee? that you naked? the tree that you ordered not to eat it ate? and the man said women you gave me she gave me from the tree and ate Adonai and Elohim said to the woman this done? and the woman said The snake deceived me and ate Adonai and Elohim said to the snake as did this damn you more than all four paws and more than every beast of the field

upon thy breast shalt and dust shalt thou eat every day of your life I will and malevolence between thee and between the woman between your semen and the semen it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel the woman said multiply multiply your pain and your pregnancy parirs children with pain and your husband is your wish He is Lord and in thee and the man said because they heard the voice of thy wife and hast eaten of the tree telling you which ordered do not eat it cursed the earth for you in pain shalt thou eat every day of your lives and you will sprout thorns and thistles and thou shalt eat the herb of the field with the sweat of thy nostrils eat bread until you make the land

that it you were taken that dust thou and to dust you shall return

and called the man the name of his wife Hawaii she was the mother of all living and did Adonai Elohim the man and his wife leather thongs and made them wear and said Adonai Elohim sees man was like one of us with knowing good and evil extend your hand and now perhaps and take from the tree of life and eat and live forever and sent him Adonai Elohim the Garden of Heden to till the ground which was taken away and banished man and made to live in the East in the Garden of Heden the cherubim with the flame sword It is upsetting to keep the way

from the tree of life

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