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University of Basrah ‘of Education for Human Sc; past of English 2, Write proper and correct Eng! ich 3. Answer any two questions, f shapes the "gyre" in ‘The Se s" takes on the form of creates an atmosphe, (400) words, how “ (10 Marks) fairs and spirit Prof. Dr. Ji QII/ Read the following excerpts carefully then diseuss them dlentifying the poets’ and the. titles of the poems end comment 07 Sa icanierhs) A. What could have ode epoch to nnd} wig. vests That nobleness made simple as fre. No sceond stay aes E pales z j haquint me—hier ‘her forests; | ‘No beauny on-earth Tse gee pia, But shadowed with that dream recalles 4 fosane Her Loveliness 1o me wah thee ‘oe? Oris he-one of a kind? What makes dy else? Comment briefly ‘the text QUI Is Prufiock an average J him resemble or differ from anybo supporting; your argument with evidence from oF pomp ‘| Dr. Balgis 1.G. Rashid Jinan Fedhi Instructor Head of the Depertmer Decider pics area ies ae Arm an attendant lord, one that will do z To. swell 5 progress, start a scene or WO, a. Advise the prince; no doubl, an easy (gol, ~ ‘Almost, at times, the Foo! ci a AA. Explain byietly'the Geer.” Ba, What is the significance of the drama metaphor , i _ 33. Why does the poet choose Hamlet to strike comparisons with? ———— me OW In eee yyyrence employs many images to convey his belief that > death is only a j@atstage and that rebirth ts @ certainty, Explain briefly giving examples. : (4 marks) Ce ends ow the fusion of vision, siaiter De le MaypanBue Listeners depends. ot the fusion 9f SCR Male Pada: Comment bret. Cos) Bes QIV/ Discuss briefly the following: (4 masks) a. Nihil bj The 4 bi Good Luck! Nine ee God ai i : co ’ Seis sre Fee ee i eR ngs wet shoul ee nd 6 the pn. Ay drs wl ot be erate TF Wie oper english. Your Wew nny be comcleteymumed if you English sincere Famer any te gerom. QV A-FillinFive blanks only: (S Maris) 1. Mariam was ev sin =-— wich mare byte eine fs posts co— ~ represented the America cotitain o Linas, n= represen Bech comibton 1. Yeas fenshp with sapere hi intrest in the tea and his rating of ein of-—ome prkdhsneet in he etapkys ‘Expl a mo mre than (90 words) what i the conibuion mae by one of te Cllowing to Moderton: (3 Maks) fm Fie Verto —_b, The Emp Revew (Qo Read the following Excerp carefully then answer the questions below in no more than (20 words): (10 Marks) Nol Tam not prinee Hamlet nor was meant ob; ‘Amn ctendant ford one that wil do To swella progres, start a scene o 0, Aavise he prince: no dou, am e239 tok “Almost, at times, the Foo. ee eerie Beceem cere eee aa ancee eae (Q3/ W. B. Yous in “Salling To Byzantium” expresses his fear ofthe deterioration resting ‘om aging? Comment briefly in reference to these lines writing no more than (120, words) (0 Marks) ‘a. That i mo Coury fr old men |b. Whatever is begotten, born, and dies. © Consume my heart away sick wth desire And fastened 10 a dying animal, ‘Best Wishes! . Mile... itl scott Prof, Dr. Jinan Al-Hiaja} subject: Poetry A. Answer any fore questions, B.* Questions camy emual marks, eo ‘What is meant by modemia at sre the rasin fectors bebind its emergence? cmp ee A onawer the questions below: QU Read the fotio ts B+ year Saifig tt 165 ving Excerpt careful 2, unless Byowt vg. und louder *f ioral dress. 1 I ng the post and title ef the poem, 2. cexceapt? Justify- 2 QUI! Eliot's The Love Seny of J. Alfred Prafrock opens up with + is taken from? What sits hematin Soetion ‘ e Pivink Sankt A ie ; ® Gentte Into That Goodnight ses persons! ‘vide appeal. Comment briefly comparing Wate onsen feeting pivot encourtet 2 the upipiding of sonow sad yates) Qabet= < ae Kee io 4. Heartsvwuh one purpose alone E. sy by Gore 3 1086 & earesdome Caster Baisiry by res Vent Buderidioaiiore/ Trois eng tam Rath cs mt ic tet pore = iscis then tie ty comraening onthe dn ning ood 3. Adentify and analyze the centsel imagery of each. iE a5) (92 Comment oa the fellowing (lomane) 1. Hady's was ein 2. The death of Swinburne and Meredith in 1909, 3. Freeverse: 3. Voctsism ‘03! faithe Night Danees,Syivin lath Ans losing and ever aieveren is thing ober ‘tanpory enesmng. Disease. (10 mark) QU Daaw comparisons: between the following pairs corgeneting on ateas of sinilarty Gioese2oni); ” UOmarts) J. Sonew Bo not Go Geis into That Goodnight 2 Sailing al Mises de eaux Ast 3 ead Wh Stow The Lave Song of. Alike Prafioske 7 (QS) Jn the Unlown Civzen, Auden ponays a sitution so comaron before and aftr the stemad world war. Cominent belly focusing onthe following lines: 4, For everything he tid be served the Greater Commmunity, 2. And hed everying nexessary w the Modern Men 3, Wasi fee? Was he han’ The question is absurd. ‘Good Luck! es ‘Fedhii ti Dr. Majeed H. Jasin Instructor Head of Department é Subject: Poetry grsity of Basrah Fourth Year Zducation for Human Sciences i Time: 3 Hours tment of English o Final Exam 2017-2018 Final Examination -1* Attempt Notes: a. Answer any four questions. c. Questions carry equal marks. Q1/ Fill in the blanks: (choose five only) ---- represent the American influence on the 20" Century English 1, ---------- and --- poetry. | 2. The sudden death of —---------- in ---------- affected Thomas Hardy so deeply. ! Bult a , the poet talks about ‘Maiden fair’, while---------- makes a reference to ‘Fightieth-century houses’. Q2/ Discuss in no more than (120) words the following lines, showing the effects of the biblical references and geography: The darkness drops again; but now I know That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle, And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? (The Second Coming) Q3/ Explain in more than (120) words how Philip Larkin in his ‘At Grass’ throws light on the pains of old age and retirement. Q4/ Discuss in (120) words or so how Imagist poets concerned themselves with the choice of subject matters and poetical forms. Q5/ ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ and ‘’She to Him’ both discuss disappointment in love and romance. How far can you prove this statement true or false. GOOD LUCK! 4 WV, \ PROF. DR. JINAN FEDHIL, . . AL-ASADL EXAMINERS HEAD OF THE DEPT. Nave: TT Youranner shouldbe neta the pint. Any gression wl nt be erated 2 Wate proper an sae English 3 Aner any vo Q1/_A-Fillin the missing wor inthe lines below: (choose $ ont) (5 Maris) 1 Andallibe on his conduct apie ‘That, the oder sense of en c-fishioned word he was a ("The Unknown hizen”) 2. And abd flew up ou of the tae, ‘Above ihe Tevele's bea: ‘Ani be upon the door agai a second time (The Listeners") 3. And boooured among Iwas prince ofthe apple towns ‘And once below atime lordly had theres and ("Fern Hil”) B, “The Listener i all sbout the mystery of existence which human beings ry to uiderstand. Do you agree? Why? Discuss in n0 more than (80) words. (5 Marks) 2/ “The Unknown Citizen” sities an actusl dystopian rodemity where humanity suffers the st." How fr can this statement be tue? Discus in more than (120) words, (10 Marks) Discuss in more than (120) words the significance ofthe lines below tothe imagery of “Fem Mand the atmosphere the poet res to crete: ‘And as Iwas green and carefree, famous among the bams About the happy yard and singing asthe farm was home, In the sun that is young once only, ‘Tine let me play and be Golden inthe mercy of his means Best Wishes! | spdlrno ofthe Department Prof. Dr, Jinan AL-Haja} “L430 SH 30 GWE \aysy, ll El ll eee Cc cc A ti W491 GOODS (oven 0) weap unouyun aL Peppaqu® an Rod aa uo spoM (Qzx) Ue 210M OU 311M /20) (spew 07) wood 2ASII4IN Yq used sem ye psoteg non pa “PON OTE women 21) SUyOHO Bt 00) rues ue se Su sOuerk OVA fo SUORSANB TD ydwayy-:a,0% ‘1OE-S102 We wa puasey Seanuivi 06 :ouny, Ws18u yo uaunsedag 2224 unos os “M985 uewiny 10} uonieampa jo a8o}j0 ewesaknaog spa{qns ‘4809 10 Ayjstonun QV Discuss the followi ti | Gs ; ‘Owing excerpts briefly after identifying both Poet and ay Soe: ony 1: Courage was mine, and I had mystery, VYVOwe Wisdom was mine, and 1 hiad mastery: To miss the march of this retreating world Into vain citadels that are not walled, AMS >. Ce) ® They bled an old dogary-yet the exchange rills Of young dog blood gave but a month's desires; The waste remains, the waste remains and kills, > 3. No argument, no anger, no Femorse, \\..) y Werks ce No dividing of Blame. a There was poison in the cup- why should we ask From whose hand it came? s pJeKievle phd De QW W. H. Auden infuses reality, myth, art and religion in his Musée des Beaux ey low and why? Comment briefly citing evidence from the text. (5 Marks) - CVG De S OS ON eaidertrt pt aie ee ia sa seal a oa Se Z University of Basin College of Eawession Seif ‘Dept. of English mae Date: 7/6 /2012 Notev Ail quidsione d QI/ Discuss briefly tra of the following: 1, Edvard Storer’s canteibution to Irnagiamn 2. the Georgian Asthologiss, 3. PronvarPosty— ) 22/ * Both Hardy in The Going and Graves in, Medges Fveaiked with Snow: diccss los aid failure.” Comment briefly comparing the two poems 23/ In the conclusion of his Love Song, Pruftock bases his argument on metaphor, Where is it taken from? How can you explain the Iife-drama anal ama 24/ “In Arabia, De Ia Mace conjures up a wether you agree or dis ision-and a reverie.” Comment brieily siti, with the above statement 25 Ansiver ether A or B: i 2 ‘A. Do you think that art ean truly and efficiently represent lite? Explain brief ~ supporting your answer with oxampi . : Write « brief accowst of Lawrence's philosophies conceining death as he prope! them in Shadows. Good Luck! —— Funnel i Mth ks oe Instructor Head of the Deportment Bist atteme = tAttemn inal Examinations 2013-2014 Notes: 1. Be to the point 2 Your mistakes ih grammar and: velit mot be | aaa options: A. Read the following verses and then do as required: 1. Answer any two of the folk ‘That iy no country for old men. The young In one another's arms, birds in the trees —Those dying generations—at their song. The salmon-falls, the mackerel-crowded seas, Fish, flesh, or fowl, commend all summer long { Whatever is begotten, born, and dies. Caught in that sensual music all neglect ; Monuments of unageing intellect. NOW do as demanded below: i Tell the name of the poet and the title of the poem of which the stanza above is taken. ii. Paraphrase using your own words. iii, Write about the images you find interesting and shocking. Write on the theme of this stanza. Eliot’s B, What is the importance of having an epigraph in Prufrock? Is it related to the theme or not? How? Explain. at way Walter De La Mare’s The Listeners is » narrative i ? Explain. ther (A) or (B): UL. Answer A. “The mention of Pound, Eliot, Yeats, Lawrence and other poets may remind us of Modernism as a radical movement that not to English poetry but even to American brings change poetry as well” ey Qs wa wv £

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