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Course code: COSC4132

MARCH 20, 2023


Table of Contents
Definition of Data mining..........................................................................................................................3
Here we can see some role of data mining as example [2]:.................................................................3
Tasks in Data Mining:...............................................................................................................................4
Definition Of Data Warehouse..................................................................................................................5
Key characteristics of a data warehouse..............................................................................................5
OLTP vs. OLAP: Powerhouses for Different Data Processing Needs [5]:.............................................5
Data Model:.............................................................................................................................................6
OLTP vs. OLAP: A Tale of Two Data Processing Systems...............................................................................7
In this topic I’m going to discuss the definition of data mining the role of data mining and the
tasks of data mining. The second point is discussed in this topic is data warehouse the character
of data warehouse and the difference and similarity of LTP (On-Line Transaction Processing) and
OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing
Definition of Data mining
Data mining is the process of extracting meaningful patterns and trends from large datasets.
Imagine sifting through a mountain of unrefined ore to discover valuable minerals. Similarly,
data mining helps unearth valuable insights hidden within vast quantities of data [1].

From this definition data mining means gathering searching or digging of meaningful data.

Here we can see some role of data mining as example [2]:

 In business, data mining is the analysis of historical business activities, stored as static
data in data warehouse databases. The goal is to reveal hidden patterns and trends. Data
mining software uses advanced pattern recognition algorithms to sift through large
amounts of data to assist in discovering previously unknown strategic business
 Science and engineering: In recent years, data mining has been used widely in the areas
of science and engineering, such as bioinformatics, genetics, medicine, education and
electrical power engineering.
 Human rights: Data mining of government records – particularly records of the justice
system (i.e., courts, prisons) – enables the discovery of systemic human rights violations
in connection to generation and publication of invalid or fraudulent legal records by
various government agencies.
 Spatial data mining: Spatial data mining is the application of data mining methods to
spatial data. The end objective of spatial data mining is to find patterns in data with
respect to geography. So far, data mining and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
have existed as two separate technologies, each with its own methods, traditions, and
approaches to visualization and data analysis. Particularly, most contemporary GIS have
only very basic spatial analysis functionality. The immense explosion in geographically
referenced data occasioned by developments in IT, digital mapping, remote sensing, and
the global diffusion of GIS emphasizes the importance of developing data-driven
inductive approaches to geographical analysis and modeling.
 Temporal data mining: Data may contain attributes generated and recorded at different
times. In this case finding meaningful relationships in the data may require considering
the temporal order of the attributes. A temporal relationship may indicate a causal
relationship, or simply an association.
 Sensor data mining: Wireless sensor networks can be used for facilitating the collection
of data for spatial data mining for a variety of applications such as air pollution
monitoring. A characteristic of such networks is that nearby sensor nodes monitoring an
environmental feature typically register similar values. This kind of data redundancy due
to the spatial correlation between sensor observations inspires the techniques for in-
network data aggregation and mining. By measuring the spatial correlation between data
sampled by different sensors, a wide class of specialized algorithms can be developed to
develop more efficient spatial data mining algorithms.
 Music data mining: Data mining techniques, and in particular co-occurrence analysis, has
been used to discover relevant similarities among music corpora (radio lists, CD
databases) for purposes including classifying music into genres in a more objective

 Tasks in Data Mining:

Data mining involves a series of steps to uncover these hidden patterns. Here's a glimpse into or
to get a brief look at some key tasks [2].

o Data Preparation: This crucial step involves cleaning and pre-processing the data to
ensure its accuracy and consistency. Think of organizing your messy mining site before
you start digging!
o Data Integration: Data from various sources might need to be combined and reconciled
for a holistic view. Imagine combining data from different mine shafts to get a complete
o Data Selection: Focusing on relevant subsets of data can be more efficient for specific
tasks. Just like targeting specific areas within the mine for the minerals you seek.
o Data Transformation: Data might need to be transformed into a format suitable for
analysis techniques. This could involve scaling numerical values or converting data types.
Similar to crushing and grinding the ore to make it easier to process.
o Modeling and Pattern Discovery: Here's where the magic happens! Various algorithms
are applied to identify patterns and relationships within the data. Imagine using
specialized tools to separate the valuable minerals from the rest of the material.
o Evaluation and Interpretation: The discovered patterns need to be validated and assessed
for their business significance. Just like evaluating the quality and quantity of the
extracted minerals before you celebrate!

Definition Of Data Warehouse

A data warehouse is a central repository that stores historical data extracted from various sources
within an organization. This integrated data store is specifically designed for analysis and
reporting, enabling organizations to gain insights from their data over time.

Simply from this point of definition I simply concluded that Data Warehouse is a centralized
hub for data analysis [3].

Key characteristics of a data warehouse:

Subject-oriented: Data is organized around business subjects (e.g., sales, customers, products)
rather than by application source.

Integrated: Data from multiple sources is transformed and cleansed to ensure consistency.

Time-variant: Stores historical data to enable trend analysis over time.

Read-optimized: Designed for querying and analysis, not for real-time transactions.

Data warehouses are a cornerstone of Business Intelligence (BI) systems, providing a foundation
for data exploration, reporting, and data mining activities.

OLTP vs. OLAP: Powerhouses for Different Data Processing Needs [5]:
LTP (On-Line Transaction Processing) and OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) are two
fundamental data processing systems, but they serve distinct purposes.
 OLTP: Focuses on handling a high volume of short, concurrent transactions in real-time.
Imagine processing an online bank transfer or updating inventory levels after a sale.
 OLAP: Concentrates on analyzing large datasets to identify trends and patterns. Think
about analyzing sales data over years to understand customer buying habits.
Data Model:
 OLTP: Employs normalized database structures to minimize data redundancy and ensure
data integrity for transactions. This avoids inconsistencies when multiple users modify
the same data.
 OLAP: Often utilizes denormalized or multidimensional data models. These models may
contain some redundancy but allow faster retrieval and analysis of complex relationships
within the data.

 OLTP: Prioritizes fast response times for individual transactions. This ensures users
experience minimal delays when performing tasks like placing orders or checking
account balances.
 OLAP: Focuses on efficient retrieval of large datasets for analysis. Query times might
be longer compared to OLTP, but the goal is to provide comprehensive insights.
 OLTP: Supports operational tasks. Users include tellers, customer service
representatives, and anyone involved in day-to-day transactions.
 OLAP: Empowers data analysis. Users include business analysts, data scientists, and
managers who seek insights from historical data to make informed decisions.
 Example:

 Online Banking:
 OLTP: When you transfer funds online, the system performs an OLTP transaction,
debiting your account and crediting the recipient's in real-time.
 OLAP: Later, a data analyst might use OLAP to analyze historical transaction data to
identify trends in customer spending habits or detect potential fraudulent activity.
In essence, OLTP and OLAP work together. OLTP systems provide the raw data for everyday
operations, which is then fed into data warehouses for OLAP analysis. Understanding these
differences is crucial for designing data processing solutions tailored to an organization's specific
OLTP vs. OLAP: A Tale of Two Data Processing Systems

Feature OLTP (On-Line Transaction OLAP (On-Line Analytical

Processing) Processing)
Focus Real-time processing of short, Analysis of large historical
concurrent transactions datasets
Data Model Normalized for minimal Denormalized or
redundancy and data integrity multidimensional for faster
retrieval and analysis
Performance Prioritizes fast response times Focuses on efficient retrieval
for individual transactions of large datasets (potentially
longer queries)
Typical Users Tellers, customer service Business analysts, data
representatives (operational scientists, managers (data
tasks) analysis
Example Processing online bank Analyzing sales data over
transfers, updating inventory years to understand customer
levels buying habits

Finaly, I try to conclude what is data mining and data warehouse and about OLTP AND OLAP.
Data mining with simple understanding means gathering or extracting or searching or digging of
valuable data something like that. While data warehouse means repository part of stored data
from a certain source in organization the last concept but not the least is about OLTP and OLAP:
LTP (On-Line Transaction Processing) and OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) are two
fundamental data processing systems.

[1] M. S. V. K. Pang-Ning Tan, Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar. Introduction to Data
Mining (Second Edition).

[2] wikipedia, "Microsoft Edge," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 13 February 2024].

[3] P. 1. Tan et al., Introduction to Data Mining.

[4] W. H. (. B. a. d. w. f. d. W. Inmon, Building a data warehouse for dummies, 2002.

[5] (. e. b. R. E. a. S. B. N. (. 15), "OLTP vs. OLAP," in Fundamentals of Database Systems.

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