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Drive Train and Assembly

Hair Dryer Assembly
Name: Tariq Mahmoud Shareef Zaid Al-Kilani
Neptun Code: YBFI62
Function of the Hairdryer
A hairdryer, also known as a blow dryer, is primarily
designed to dry wet hair efficiently by emitting a
stream of heated air. However, its functionality
extends beyond mere drying, offering a range of
additional benefits.

• Drying Hair
• Styling Hair
• Removing Excess moisture
• Providing Warmth
Disassembled Parts
Component Table
Assembly Tree

I started only with the Heating component and then
added the motor to it after that I have screwed the fan
cover, and the motor together.
Then I have added the fan and after placed the inner
cover back and taped the wires and the control system to
Then I continued to add the covers back to their
correct places and finally added the filter.

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