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Software Requirements



OFF clothing e-commerce App

Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by <Mohammad Shaheer Khan>

<Tech Solutions>
1. Introduction ...............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose
1.2 ........................................................................................................................................
1.3 1 Document Conventions
1.4 ............................................................................................................... 1 Intended
1.5 Audience and Reading Suggestions .............................................................................
2 Product Scope
2.Overall Description
.............................................................................................................................. 2
2.2 ................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 ....................................................................................................................3
2.4 Product Perspective
2.5 ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.6 Product Functions
3.3.1External Interface Requirements
........................................................................................................................ 3
User Classes and Characteristics
3.2 ................................................................................................. 4
3.3 Operating Environment
Features 5
Design and Implementation Constraints
..................................................................................... 5
4.2 Assumptions and Dependencies
4.4 ................................................................................................. 6
4.5 ..............................................................................................6
User Interfaces
5.1 Nonfunctional Requirements
............................................................................................................................ 6
Hardware Interfaces
5.2 .................................................................................................................... 7 Software
5.3 Interfaces ..................................................................................................................... 7
User Registration and Authentication:
........................................................................................ 8
Product Catalog:
.......................................................................................................................... 8
Shopping Cart and Checkout:
...................................................................................................... 8
Admin Panel:
............................................................................................................................... 8
Social Integration:
....................................................................................................................... 8
Performance Requirements
........................................................................................................ 9
Safety Requirements
................................................................................................................. 10
Software Quality Attributes
....................................................................................................... 10
Software Requirements Specification for OFF Page iii
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 1

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of an e-commerce app named "OFF" would be to provide a platform for customers to
browse, purchase, and sell clothing items online. Here are some key purposes and features that an e-
commerce app like "OFF" could serve:

1. Online Clothing Shopping.

2. Product Listings.
3. Secure Payments.
4. Personalization and Recommendations.
5. User Reviews and Ratings.

By combining these features, an e-commerce app like "OFF" would aim to provide a seamless and
enjoyable online shopping experience for customers, while also offering a platform for clothing brands and
sellers to reach a wider audience and grow their businesses.

1.2 Document Conventions

Document conventions refer to a set of guidelines or standards that define the structure, formatting, and
style to be followed when creating documentation. Document Conventions for OFF E-commerce App:
1. Headings and Titles: We can use a clear and consistent formatting style for headings and titles
throughout the documentation. We can choose to use a larger font size, bold formatting, or a
combination of both to differentiate headings from body text.

2. Text Formatting: Utilize consistent formatting for different types of information. For example:
• Use italics for emphasis or highlighting important points.
• Use monospace font or quotation marks for code snippets or technical terms.
• Use bold formatting for key terms or concepts.
3. Bullet Points and Numbering: When listing items or steps, use bullet points or numbering to
improve readability and clarity. Maintain consistent indentation and punctuation for each item in
the list.

4. Screenshots and Visuals: Include screenshots or visual representations where necessary to clarify
instructions or provide visual guidance. Label the screenshots clearly and refer to them in the
corresponding text.

5. Hyperlinks: When referring to external resources or documents, use hyperlinks to make it easy for
readers to access additional information. Ensure that hyperlinks are descriptive and provide context
about the destination.
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1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

Intended Audience:
The intended audience of the e-commerce app named "OFF" would typically be individuals who are
interested in purchasing clothing and fashion items online. The app is designed to cater to a broad range of
customers, including men, women, and possibly children, depending on the brand and product offerings.

Reading Suggestions:
Here are some reading suggestions that can enhance the user's experience with the Off Clothing app and
provide them with valuable information related to fashion, style, and online shopping:

1. Fashion Trends and Style Guides.

2. Online Shopping Tips.
3. Customer Reviews and Recommendations.
1.4 Product Scope

The product scope of an e-commerce app named "Off Clothing" would typically include the following
features and functionalities:
1. User Registration and Authentication: Allow users to create accounts, log in, and manage their
profiles. This feature ensures secure access to the app's features and personalized experiences.
2. Product Catalog: Display a comprehensive catalog of clothing items available for purchase. This
includes various categories such as men's, women's, and children's clothing, along with filters and
search options for easy browsing.

3. Product Details: Provide detailed information about each clothing item, including product images,
descriptions, sizes, colors, prices, and availability. It should also allow users to view customer
reviews and ratings.

4. Shopping Cart: Enable users to add selected items to their shopping carts for a seamless shopping
experience. The cart should display the selected items, quantities, prices, and allow users to modify
or remove items as needed.

5. Secure Checkout: Implement a secure payment gateway that supports various payment methods
such as credit/debit cards, mobile wallets, or other digital payment systems. Ensure that user
payment information is encrypted and protected.

6. Reviews and Ratings: Allow users to provide feedback on purchased items by leaving reviews and
ratings. This helps other users make informed decisions and builds trust in the platform.
7. Social Sharing: Integrate social media sharing options to allow users to share their favorite products
or purchases with their friends and followers. This feature can help increase brand visibility and
attract new customers.

8. Notifications: Send push notifications or emails to users regarding order updates, promotions,
discounts, or other relevant information to keep them engaged and informed.
9. Customer Support: Provide a customer support system, such as a chatbot or messaging feature, to
assist users with their queries, complaints, or order-related issues.
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10. Admin Panel: Develop an admin panel to manage inventory, track orders, update product details,
manage user accounts, and perform other administrative tasks required to run the e-commerce
app effectively.

The specific features and functionalities may vary depending on the target audience, business
requirements, and any unique selling points or value propositions the "Off Clothing" app intends to

1.5 References

<List any other documents or Web addresses to which this SRS refers. These may include user interface
style guides, contracts, standards, system requirements specifications, use case documents, or a vision
and scope document. Provide enough information so that the reader could access a copy of each
reference, including title, author, version number, date, and source or location.>

2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

The "OFF" e-commerce app is a mobile application that provides users with a platform to
browse and purchase clothing items online. Here is an overview of the product
perspective of the app:
1. Target Audience.
2. User Interface.
3. Product Features.
4. Integration and Scalability.
Overall, the "OFF" e-commerce app aims to provide a seamless and enjoyable shopping
experience for fashion enthusiasts, offering a wide range of products, intuitive features, and
personalized recommendations to keep users engaged and satisfied.

2.2 Product Functions

The e-commerce app named "OFF" would typically include a range of product functions to
facilitate online shopping for clothing items. Here are some common product functions you
might find in such an app:

1. User Registration and Authentication: Allow users to create accounts, log in, and manage their
profiles. This feature ensures secure access to the app's features and personalized experiences.
2. Product Catalog: Display a comprehensive catalog of clothing items available for purchase. This
includes various categories such as men's, women's, and children's clothing, along with filters and
search options for easy browsing.
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3. Product Details: Provide detailed information about each clothing item, including product images,
descriptions, sizes, colors, prices, and availability. It should also allow users to view customer
reviews and ratings.
4. Shopping Cart: Enable users to add selected items to their shopping carts for a seamless shopping
experience. The cart should display the selected items, quantities, prices, and allow users to modify
or remove items as needed.

5. Secure Checkout: Implement a secure payment gateway that supports various payment methods
such as credit/debit cards, mobile wallets, or other digital payment systems. Ensure that user
payment information is encrypted and protected.

6. Reviews and Ratings: Allow users to provide feedback on purchased items by leaving reviews and
ratings. This helps other users make informed decisions and builds trust in the platform.
7. Social Sharing: Integrate social media sharing options to allow users to share their favorite products
or purchases with their friends and followers. This feature can help increase brand visibility and
attract new customers.

8. Notifications: Send push notifications or emails to users regarding order updates, promotions,
discounts, or other relevant information to keep them engaged and informed.
9. Customer Support: Provide a customer support system, such as a chatbot or messaging feature, to
assist users with their queries, complaints, or order-related issues.
10. Admin Panel: Develop an admin panel to manage inventory, track orders, update product details,
manage user accounts, and perform other administrative tasks required to run the e-commerce
app effectively.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

User classes and characteristics of an e-commerce app named "Off Clothing" can vary depending on the
target market and specific features of the application. However, here are some general user classes and
their characteristics that you might consider for an e-commerce app focused on clothing:

1. Shoppers.
2. Sellers.
3. Fashion Enthusiasts.

These user classes and their characteristics can serve as a starting point for designing and developing an e-
commerce app like "Off Clothing." Remember to conduct thorough market research and consider the
specific needs of your target audience to create a tailored and engaging user experience.
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 5

2.4 Operating Environment

The operating environment of an e-commerce app named "Off Clothing" would typically
consist of several components and technologies. Here are some key elements you might
find in the operating environment of such an app:
1. Client-Side Application: The e-commerce app would have a client-side application,

is the interface through which users interact with the app. This application could be
developed using technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, React and it would
on various platforms like mobile devices iOS and Android
2. Server-Side Application: The server-side application handles the processing and

storage of
data, as well as the business logic of the e-commerce app. It could be built using server-
programming languages such as Node.js, and frameworks like Express.js.
3. Database: The e-commerce app would require a database to store and retrieve various

of data, such as product details, user profiles, order information, and more.
2.5 Design and Implementation
4. Payment Gateway: Since it'sConstraints
an e-commerce app, integrating a payment gateway is

Design and implementation constraints refer to the limitations and considerations that
need to be taken into account during the development of an e-commerce app like
"OFF". The
Herepayment gateway
are some commonallows users and
design to securely make online
implementation payments.
constraints Common
you should
gateways include credit card, jazzcash, or Easypaisa.
1. User5.Interface
APIs and (UI) Design: TheThe
Integrations: appe-commerce
should haveapp
an intuitive
may need and
to user-friendly
integrate withinterface
to provide a seamless shopping experience. Consider the screen sizes and resolutions of
various devices to ensure the app is responsive and accessible across different
(e.g., mobile, tablet, desktop).
services and APIs to enhance its functionality. For example, integrating with shipping
providers like integrating with social media platforms for sharing products or enabling social
logins.2. Security: Implement robust security measures to protect user data, such as secure
encryption protocols, secure payment gateways, and proper authentication mechanisms.
Adhere to industry best practices for securing sensitive information like credit card
addresses, and personal information.
3. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Consider whether the app should be developed for
multiple platforms, such as iOS, Android, and web. If so, choose appropriate development
frameworks and technologies that allow for code sharing or cross-platform development.
4. Payment Gateway Integration: Choose reliable and secure payment gateway providers
to facilitate smooth and secure online transactions. Implement various payment methods
credit/debit cards, digital wallets) based on the target audience and regional preferences.
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 6

5. Mobile Responsiveness: As mobile usage continues to rise, ensure that the app is fully
responsive and optimized for mobile devices. Consider mobile-specific features like push
notifications, touch-friendly navigation, and location-based services.
Remember to consider these constraints throughout the entire development process of the
"OFF" e- commerce app to create a secure, user-friendly, and scalable platform for online
2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies


User base: The app assumes a target user base that is interested in purchasing clothing items online. This
may include various demographic segments such as age, gender, and geographic location.

Product catalog: The app assumes a wide range of clothing products available for purchase, including
different categories such as men's, women's, and children's clothing, accessories, footwear, etc.

Product availability: The app assumes that the listed products are available in stock or can be sourced from
suppliers in a timely manner. It may include mechanisms to handle inventory management and real-time
updates on product availability.

Secure transactions: The app assumes secure payment processing to ensure that user payment information
is protected during online transactions. It may integrate with trusted payment gateways or employ
encryption technologies to safeguard sensitive data.

Responsive design: The app assumes a responsive user interface that adapts to different screen sizes and
devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers. This allows users to have a consistent
shopping experience across multiple platforms.


Internet connectivity: The app depends on users having a stable internet connection to access and browse
the product catalog, place orders, and perform other online activities. Limited or unreliable connectivity can
impact the app's functionality.

Payment gateways: The app depends on integration with one or more payment gateways to process online
payments securely. This requires establishing partnerships with payment service providers and
implementing the necessary APIs and protocols.

3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces

Login/Registration Screen: This is the first screen users encounter when they open
the app. It allows new users to register for an account or existing users to log in using
their credentials or social media accounts.
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Home Screen: After logging in, users are presented with the home screen, which
showcases featured products, promotions, and personalized recommendations based on
their browsing history or preferences. It may also include categories or a search bar for
easy navigation.
Product Listing Screen: When users tap on a category or perform a search, they are
taken to the product listing screen. Here, they can view a grid or list of products with their
images, names, prices, and basic details. Users can scroll through the list and tap on a
product to view more details.
Product Detail Screen: This screen displays detailed information about a selected
product, including high-quality images, descriptions, available sizes, colors, customer
reviews, and the option to add the item to the cart or wishlist. Users can also see related
products or recommended items on this screen.
Shopping Cart Screen: This screen provides an overview of the items added to the
shopping cart. Users can modify quantities, remove items, apply discount codes, and
calculate the total cost. It also includes a checkout button to proceed with the purchase.
Checkout Screen: This screen guides users through the checkout process. It typically
includes sections for shipping details, payment options (credit card, PayPal, etc.), and
order review before finalizing the purchase. Users may also have the option to apply gift
cards or enter promotional codes.
Account Profile Screen: This screen allows users to manage their account settings, such
as updating personal information, viewing order history, managing addresses, and
accessing customer support.

3.2 Hardware Interfaces

Mobile Devices: E-commerce apps are often designed to be compatible with smartphones and tablets,
utilizing touchscreens as the primary input method. The app can be accessed through mobile platforms
such as iOS or Android.

3.3 Software Interfaces

1. Login/Registration Screen: This is the first screen users encounter when they open the app.
It allows new users to register for an account or existing users to log in using their
credentials or social media accounts.
2. Home Screen: After logging in, users are presented with the home screen, which showcases
featured products, promotions, and personalized recommendations based on their browsing
history or preferences. It may also include categories or a search bar for easy navigation.
3. Product Listing Screen: When users tap on a category or perform a search, they are taken
to the product listing screen. Here, they can view a grid or list of products with their images,
names, prices, and basic details. Users can scroll through the list and tap on a product to
view more details.
4. Product Detail Screen: This screen displays detailed information about a selected product,
including high-quality images, descriptions, available sizes, colors, customer reviews, and
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 8

the option to add the item to the cart or Wishlist. Users can also see related
products or recommended items on this screen.

4. System Features

4.1 User Registration and Authentication:

• User registration with email, social media accounts, or phone
• number Secure authentication mechanisms (password,
• biometrics, etc.)
Profile management and customization options

4.2 Product Catalog:

• Categorized listing of clothing products (e.g., Men, Women, Kids, Accessories)
• Detailed product pages with images, descriptions, pricing, and specifications
• Filtering and sorting options to refine search results

4.3 Shopping Cart and Checkout:

• Shopping cart functionality to add/remove items
• Multiple payment options (credit/debit cards, digital wallets,
• etc.) Shipping address management and order tracking
• Order history and invoice generation

4.4 Admin Panel:

• Backend system for managing products, inventory, and orders
• User management, including permissions and roles
• Content management system for updating app content and promotions

4.5 Social Integration:

• Social media sharing options for products
• Integration with social media platforms to enhance user
• engagement User comments and discussions on product
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5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

To develop a high-performance e-commerce app named "Off Clothing," you need to

consider several performance requirements to ensure a smooth and satisfying user
experience. Here are some key performance requirements for your e-commerce app:
1. Responsiveness: The app should respond quickly to user interactions, such as
browsing product listings, adding items to the cart, or completing purchases. Aim for near-
instantaneous response times to prevent user frustration and cart abandonment.
2. Page Load Speed: Minimize the loading time for product pages, category listings, and
search results. Optimizing image sizes, leveraging caching mechanisms, and implementing
efficient database queries can help reduce page load times.
3. Scalability: Design the app to handle high traffic loads, especially during peak shopping
seasons or promotional campaigns. Consider using cloud-based infrastructure and auto-
scaling techniques to ensure the app can handle increased user demand without
4. Search Performance: Implement a fast and accurate search functionality to enable
users to find products quickly. Utilize indexing, caching, and efficient search algorithms to
relevant results in real-time.
5. Checkout Process: Optimize the checkout process to minimize the number of steps
and simplify the form filling. Ensure that payment processing is secure and transactions
completed swiftly to reduce cart abandonment.
6. Database Performance: Optimize database queries and ensure efficient data retrieval
and storage. Use proper indexing, caching, and database tuning techniques to minimize
times for fetching product information and user data.
7. Mobile Performance: Optimize the app for mobile devices to ensure smooth
performance across various screen sizes and resolutions. Consider mobile-specific
performance factors,
such as battery usage, network constraints, and limited processing power.
8. Error Handling: Implement robust error handling and provide helpful error messages to
guide users when they encounter issues. Handle errors gracefully and provide feedback to
users, so they understand the problem and can take appropriate actions.
9. Analytics and Monitoring: Incorporate analytics and monitoring tools to track app
performance, identify bottlenecks, and proactively address any performance issues.
key metrics like response times, conversion rates, and user engagement to continuously
improve performance.
10. Security: Implement proper security measures to protect user data and prevent
unauthorized access. Use secure protocols for data transmission, encrypt sensitive
information, and follow
industry best practices for authentication and authorization.
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 10

5.2 Safety Requirements

To ensure the safety and security of an e-commerce app named "Off Clothing," several
safety requirements should be considered. Here are some important safety requirements
for an e- commerce app:
Secure Authentication:
1) Implement a robust authentication mechanism, such as username/password or two-
authentication, to prevent unauthorized access.
2) Enforce strong password policies and provide password reset options.

Secure Connection:
1) Use SSL/TLS encryption to establish a secure connection between the app and the
This ensures that all data transmitted between the user and the app is encrypted and
protected from interception.

Payment Security:
1) Comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) if you
credit card payments. This standard ensures the secure handling of payment card
2) Implement secure payment gateways that support encryption and tokenization to protect
sensitive payment data.

Secure Data Storage:

1) Encrypt sensitive user data, such as passwords and payment information, when stored
on the
server or in databases.
2) Follow best practices for secure data storage, including regular backups and access
to prevent unauthorized access to the stored data.
User Privacy:
5.3 Software Quality Attributes
1) Clearly state the app's privacy policy and obtain user consent for collecting and
Software quality attributes refer to the characteristics and properties of a software system
that define its overall
personal information. quality and performance. Here are some important software quality
attributes for an e- commerce app named "Off Clothing" along with their corresponding
2) Implement data protection measures, such as anonymization or pseudonymization,
handling user data.

• The app should be available and accessible to users at all times.

• It should handle high traffic loads and concurrent user sessions without crashing or
experiencing significant slowdowns.
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• Transactions and order processing should be accurate and consistent.


• The app should have fast response times for user interactions, such as browsing products,
adding items to the cart, and checking out.

• Pages and images should load quickly to provide a smooth user experience.
• The app should be able to handle a large number of concurrent users during peak hours.

• User authentication and authorization mechanisms should be in place to protect user
accounts and personal information.
• Payment processing should be secure and comply with industry standards (e.g., PCI DSS).
• Secure connections (HTTPS) should be used for all communications involving sensitive
• The app should have an intuitive and user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate.
• Product search and filtering should be provided to help users find desired items quickly.
• The checkout process should be simple and streamlined, minimizing steps and reducing user
• The app should be designed to scale horizontally to accommodate increased user demand
and growth.

• The underlying infrastructure should support the addition of more servers and resources as
• Database and caching mechanisms should be scalable to handle increasing amounts of data.
• The app's codebase should be modular and well-structured, allowing for easy maintenance
and future enhancements.
• Proper documentation should be provided to aid in understanding the system's architecture,
components, and dependencies.
• Logging and error handling mechanisms should be in place to facilitate debugging and

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• The app should be compatible with multiple platforms and devices, such as web browsers,
smartphones, and tablets.
• It should support various operating systems and versions to reach a wider user base.
• Responsiveness and adaptability to different screen sizes and resolutions are essential.

• The app should be designed with testability in mind, allowing for effective unit testing,
integration testing, and end-to-end testing.
• Test cases should be created to cover different functionalities and scenarios, ensuring proper
functionality and minimizing the introduction of bugs.

• These are just some of the software quality attributes and corresponding requirements for an
e-commerce app like "Off Clothing." It's important to tailor these attributes based on the
specific needs and priorities of the application and its users.

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