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I n sta bility in t he Set t ing o f

D i s t a l R a d i u s F r a c t u res
Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment
Phillip R. Ross, MDa,*, Kevin C. Chung, MD, MSb

 Instability  Distal radius fracture  DRUJ  TFCC  Malunion  Osteotomy
 Distal radioulnar joint instability

 Displaced distal radius fractures can cause osseous deformities and soft tissue injuries of the trian-
gular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) and interosseous membrane, which can lead to rotational fore-
arm instability.
 The TFCC is the primary stabilizer of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) and is a major component of
forearm rotational stability.
 Anatomic fracture alignment restores proper soft tissue tensions and DRUJ stability in a majority of
 The DRUJ should be evaluated for acute instability after radius fixation and treated with immobili-
zation, styloid fracture reduction, or TFCC repair.
 Chronic instability after distal radius fracture may require radius or ulna osteotomy or TFCC recon-
struction in persistently symptomatic patients.

OVERVIEW forearm rotation along a longitudinal axis from

the center of the radial head to the foveal sulcus
Distal radius fractures are one of the most common of the ulna. Motion at the DRUJ includes rotation
fractures of the upper extremity,1 frequently occur- as well as translation. Normal range of motion
ring with a bimodal distribution; they typically occur ranges from 150 to 180 of pronation and supina-
in the elderly after low-energy trauma, such as a fall tion through the DRUJ, with additional rotational
on an outstretched hand, whereas in younger pa- motion (up to 30 in some) through the carpal
tients they are associated with high-energy joints.6 During pronation, the distal radius moves
trauma.2,3 Distal radius malunions occur in approx- proximally and palmarly with respect to the distal
imately 23% of nonoperatively treated and 11% of ulna and appears to shorten on posteroanterior
operatively treated distal radius fractures.4 Axial (PA) radiographs. In supination, the converse oc-
forearm instability manifested at the distal radioul- curs (distal and dorsal translation) and the radius
nar joint (DRUJ) commonly is unnoticed initially is relatively longer than the ulna.7
but, if untreated, can lead to substantial disability.5 Numerous structures contribute to the rotatory
motion and axial stability of the forearm, including
the osseous anatomy of the radius and ulna,
the triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC), the
extensor retinaculum, pronator quadratus, the
The DRUJ is a complex diarthrodial joint which, interosseous membrane (IOM), and the annular lig-
along with the proximal radioulnar joint, facilitates ament in the elbow.6

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, 231 Albert Sabin Way, Cincin-
nati, OH 45267-0212, USA; b Section of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Michigan Medical
School, 2130 Taubman Center, SPC 5340, 1500 East Medical Center Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5340, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Hand Clin - (2020) -–-
0749-0712/20/Ó 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Ross & Chung

At the DRUJ, the concave sigmoid notch on the originating from the sigmoid notch of the radius.
distal medial radius rotates around the fixed, round The superficial fibers insert on the ulnar styloid,
ulna head, of which move to after “circumference” whereas the deep fibers (also called the ligamen-
over 220 of its circumference is covered in artic- tum subcruentum) attach to the fovea on the ulna
ular cartilage.8 The radius of curvature of the ulna head (Fig. 2).6,7 The superficial DRUL becomes
head (8–10 mm) is much smaller than that of the taut in pronation to prevent dorsal ulna subluxa-
sigmoid notch (15–19 mm), leading to incongruity tion, whereas in supination the PRUL tightens
between the articular surfaces and translational and pulls the ulna palmarly.2,6,10 The deep fibers
movement in addition to rotation.6 In neutral fore- act as checkreins in opposite directions of their
arm rotation, only 60% of the sigmoid notch and superficial counterparts: the deep DRUL resists
ulna head may be opposed; this contact area de- subluxation in supination and the deep PRUL is
creases to 10% in full pronation or supination.8 taut in pronation.6,11
Furthermore, the shape of the sigmoid notch has The remaining components of the TFCC provide
been found to vary, with a flat surface most com- auxiliary support to the wrist and forearm. The artic-
mon (42%), followed by C-shaped (30%), ular disk provides a smooth surface for the ulnocar-
S-shaped (14%), and ski slope–shaped (14%) pal joint and undergoes significant deformation with
notches (Fig. 1).9 Bony architecture accounts for forearm rotation. As long as the peripheral 2 mm are
only 20% of DRUJ stability; rather, stability of left intact, central portions of the disk can be
this poorly constrained joint relies largely on asso- removed without causing DRUJ instability.6 The
ciated soft tissues.6 An extra-articular volar osteo- ulnocarpal ligaments originate on the volar ulna by
cartilaginous lip is present in many wrists, which the styloid and insert on the lunate and trique-
confers additional stability.9 trum12; they provide resistance to wrist extension
The TFCC provides the most robust soft tissue and alternatively tighten in radial and ulnar devia-
constraint of the DRUJ and a large component of tion.13 The ECU tendon resides in a groove dorsor-
rotational forearm stability. It is a constellation of adial to the ulnar styloid, and its subsheath attaches
soft tissue structures comprising the dorsal to the dorsal ulna and triquetrum.14 The tendon
radioulnar ligament (DRUL) and palmar radioul- serves as a dynamic stabilizer to keep the ulna
nar ligament (PRUL), the articular disk, the ulno- head depressed during pronation.6
carpal ligaments, the extensor carpi ulnaris The IOM transfers axial loads from the radius to
(ECU) subsheath, and the meniscal homologue. the ulna. Its central band provides the strongest
Of these, the DRUL and PRUL have the most contribution to this function,6 whereas the incon-
substantial impact on DRUJ stability. Both liga- sistently present distal oblique bundle (DOB) helps
ments have superficial and deep fibers,7 resist dorsal and volar DRUJ laxity. When present,

Fig. 1. Sigmoid notch shape variations. (A) Flat face; (B) Ski slope; (C) C-type; (D) S-type. (From Tolat AR, Stanley
JK, Trail IA. A cadaveric study of the anatomy and stability of the distal radioulnar joint in the coronal and trans-
verse planes. J Hand Surg Br. 1996 Oct;21(5):587-94; with permission.)
Instability after Distal Radius Fractures 3

cohort of 163 patients, Fujitani and colleagues23

found coronal shift to be the most important factor
predictive of DRUJ instability in the setting of distal
radius fractures.
Pure dorsal translation of the radius has been
found to limit forearm pronation, especially after
10 mm.17 In vitro studies show that changes in
radial inclination also lead to stiffness more than
instability.24 Radial height may have the most pro-
nounced effect on rotational kinematics. Short-
ening of 10 mm can cause loss of both pronation
(47% reduction) and supination (29%).25
Although most extra-articular malunions cause
stiffness, intra-articular fractures of the dorsal
Fig. 2. The superficial and deep dorsal and palmar ra- lunate facet lead to instability in pronation. Impac-
dioulnar ligaments arise from the sigmoid notch to tion of the lunate into the distal radius often causes
insert on the ulnar styloid and fovea, respectively. a sagittal split in the lunate facet and the resulting
(From Sammer DM & Chung KC. Management of the free dorsal fragment renders the DRUL incompe-
Distal Radioulnar Joint and Ulnar Styloid Fracture. tent.26 Typically, facet fractures alone do not
Hand Clin 28 (2012) 199–206; with permission.)
cause instability in other positions2 but may
contribute to DRUJ arthrosis.26
the DOB serves as an isometric stabilizer, which is TFCC injury occurs concomitantly in 40% to
under tension throughout forearm rotation.15,16 96% of distal radius fractures.7,27 More severely
displaced fractures are more likely to have an
PATHOLOGY accompanying soft tissue injury.28 Most of these
injuries do not confer any instability to the DRUJ
Fractures of the distal radius may disrupt any num- and are along for the ride. Many are asymptomatic
ber of structures that can result in DRUJ instability. or may become so after a period of time. Although
Radius or ulna malalignment, TFCC injury, ulnar complete tears are uncommon, they more likely
styloid fractures, and DRUJ articular incongruity are associated with DRUJ instability.7 When com-
may need to be treated to ensure smooth and sta- bined with osseous malalignment, TFCC tears
ble forearm rotation after injury. impart a more pronounced effect on instability
A significant degree of extra-articular distal than when isolated and allow for increased radial
radius malposition can be tolerated before insta- shortening.17 With dorsally angulated radius frac-
bility or loss in forearm motion develops,17 but tures, volar ulnar displacement increases once
large derangements in tilt, translation, inclination, the TFCC tears.20 Nishiwaki and colleagues21
and height have been shown to alter the biome- found the ulna to subluxate dorsally throughout
chanics at the DRUJ. forearm motion with volar radial malalignment
Distal radial tilt, which normally averages 11 and a TFCC tear. In cadavers, Kihara and col-
volar,18 results in significant DRUJ incongruity af- leagues19 found that the DRUJ would not dislocate
ter 20 of dorsal angulation.19 Dorsally tilted mal- in the setting of a distal radius fracture without a
unions displace the ulna in volar, ulnar, and distal TFCC tear. After a volar lunate facet fracture,
directions relative to the radius and typically cause loss of the dorsal TFCC and superficial DRUL re-
a loss of pronation.17,19,20 Conversely, volar mal- straint causes instability in pronation. Similarly,
unions cause limitations in supination and dorsal disruption of the volar TFCC combined with a dor-
translation of the ulna.21 With other supporting sal lunate facet fracture can cause DRUJ
structures intact, malunion alone rarely results in instability.2
instability, but, if there are simultaneous disrup- Distal ulna and styloid fractures also can affect
tions of the TFCC and IOM, significant radioulnar stability in the setting of a distal radius fracture.
diastasis occurs.19 When the TFCC is injured and the distal ulna is
Radial translation of the distal radius, or coronal fractured, the distal IOM loses tension and no
shift, results in the proximal radius being closer to longer functions as a secondary DRUJ stabilizer.
the ulna and effectively changes the radial bow. Without a TFCC injury, however, extra-articular
This deformity loosens the tension of the IOM, distal ulna fractures alone rarely lead to
contributing to DRUJ instability. Dy and col- dislocation.15
leagues22 noted increased DRUJ laxity with coro- Ulna styloid fractures accompany almost 50%
nal shifts as small as 2 mm, and, in a prospective of distal radius fractures and 25% to 66% go on
4 Ross & Chung

to eventual nonunion.7,29 Most are asymptomatic

but occasionally cause pain, stylocarpal impac-
tion, and ECU tendonitis. Basilar styloid fractures
can cause an injury to the radioulnar ligaments;
larger fragments with increased displacement
may result in instability.7

A proper evaluation begins with a thorough history
and physical examination. Patients may report
frank episodes of DRUJ dislocation, but more
commonly pain and loss of function are presenting
complaints. In the acute fracture setting, the
mechanism of injury should be elicited, because
high-energy injuries are associated with more se-
vere fractures and worse outcomes.30
A patient with a healed fracture may report diffi-
culty lifting objects or clicking with forearm rota-
tion. Painful wrist clicking with forearm rotation
should raise suspicion for DRUJ instability.
The physical examination in acute injuries
generally is limited by pain. Swelling, ecchymosis,
and wrist deformity are observed quickly after
injury. Immediate evaluation should ensure that
the distal hand is neurovascularly intact, with
good perfusion and functioning median, radial, Fig. 3. The DRUJ ballottement, or shuck, test for insta-
bility. (From Kim JP, Park MJ. Assessment of distal ra-
and ulnar nerves. Particular attention should be
dioulnar joint instability after distal radius fracture:
paid to the median nerve sensory distribution, comparison of computed tomography and clinical ex-
because acute carpal tunnel syndrome may occur amination results. J Hand Surg Am 2008; 33 (09) 1486-
and should warrant urgent reduction, and carpal 1492; with permission.)
tunnel release, if needed.
For patients with healed fractures, the examina-
tion should identify sites of tenderness and gross translation, decreased radial inclination, short-
deformity. Wrist range of motion must be ening, and a large radially displaced ulna styloid
compared with the uninjured site. ECU subluxation all are predictors of radioulnar ligament injury.35
and foveal tenderness should be checked for.31 The degree of dorsal or palmar tilt is not always
DRUJ instability is assessed with the ballotte- correlated with TFCC injury,35 and films of the
ment test, or shuck, test (Fig. 3). To perform this contralateral wrist are useful for comparison.
test, the examiner holds the distal radius fixed Computed tomography (CT) is an excellent tool
while applying alternating dorsal and volar forces to evaluate the articular integrity and osseous con-
to the mobile distal ulna. The degree of translation gruity of the DRUJ. Coronal fracture lines invisible
is evaluated in neutral, pronation, and supination on plain radiographs are readily apparent on CT.7
and then compared with the asymptomatic wrist. Although it highlights alterations in static align-
Markedly increased displacement, lack of discern- ment, axial imaging does not always reveal dy-
ible endpoints, and pain with examination all are namic instability.32 Several measures have been
indicators of instability.32 developed to predict DRUJ instability from CT.
The press test involves asking the patient to Mino and colleagues36 examined the position of
push up from a chair. Reproduction of a patient’s the ulna relative to the dorsal and volar boarders
symptoms or pain over the ulnar aspect of the of the sigmoid notch. Nakamura and colleagues37
wrist is highly sensitive for a TFCC tear.33 defined instability as dorsal ulnar displacement
Standard PA and lateral wrist radiographs begin greater than 25% of sigmoid notch diameter. The
the work-up for instability after a distal radius frac- epicenter method, described by Wechsler and col-
ture. Many dorsally angulated fractures have frac- leagues,38 calculates a displacement ratio of the
ture lines extending into the DRUJ.7 Although ulna epicenter between center of the head and
radiographic malalignment has been shown unre- the styloid along the length of the sigmoid notch.
liable in predicting instability,34 increased radial A similar method, proposed by Lo and
Instability after Distal Radius Fractures 5

Table 1
Correcting the distal radius dorsal tilt to within
Indications for operative treatment 10 of normal helps maintain normal DRUJ kine-
matics, even if the TFCC is torn.21 Mobilizing the
Anatomic Parameter Deformity dorsal cortex, with an osteotome through the frac-
ture site, for example, aids in achieving acceptable
Radius shortening >5 mm
volar tilt.
Radial inclination <12 Restoring the anatomic radial-ulnar coronal shift
Dorsal angulation >20 to within than 2 mm is recommended to restore
Articular step-off >2 mm the native tension of the distal oblique IOM. Intrao-
peratively, a Gelpi, Hohmann, or Army-Navy
retractor may be placed in the interosseous space
colleagues,39 uses the center of the ulnar head in to exert a radially directed reduction force on the
concentric circles to calculate their radioulnar proximal radial shaft (Fig. 4).42 Ross and col-
ratio. leagues43 describe a technique using one screw
Unfortunately, these calculations often are as a fulcrum and the plate as a reduction aid to cor-
cumbersome in clinical practice and all have high rect coronal shift.
false-positive rates.32,40 At best, studies have Articular step-offs in both the radiocarpal joint
shown moderate correlation between CT evalua- and DRUJ should be addressed with surgery.
tion and clinical instability.32,41 Many articular incongruities reduce with traction,
Magnetic resonance imaging may be useful as ligamentotaxis, and extra-articular fragment manip-
an adjunct in the work-up of instability. It can eval- ulation. Occasionally, arthrotomy or arthroscopy is
uate the soft tissue supports of the DRUJ and is needed to evaluate the scaphoid and lunate fossae
close to 94% sensitive for a TFCC tear. Clinical and sigmoid notch cartilage surfaces.
correlation is imperative, and, like CT DRUJ evalu- After radial fixation, the DRUJ must be tested for
ation, there is a high false-positive rate.31 stability before leaving the operating room. Fore-
arm rotation and DRUJ ballottement should be
TREATMENT similar to the uninjured side. Crepitus, grinding,
Acute Distal Radius Fractures or clunking may indicate a malreduction or implant
In the setting of an acute distal radius fracture, malposition and warrant a careful re-evaluation of
treatment options consist of splinting/casting, reduction and fixation.7
Kirschner wires, external fixation, open reduction An unstable DRUJ may benefit from slightly
and internal fixation (ORIF), and arthroscopic increased radial distraction during ORIF. Over-
reduction. The goal of all acute treatment is to correction of the radial height indirectly shortens
achieve healing with nearly anatomic reduction. the ulna and tightens the IOM and radioulnar liga-
Closed reduction with splint immobilization should ments.44 The distal radius can be lengthened
be attempted when a patient initially presents to slightly through the oblong hole of many plating
the emergency department. For fractures that systems if DRUJ stability is assessed before
cannot be adequately reduced and maintained screws are placed in all the proximal plate holes.
with closed methods, operative intervention Slight increases beyond the native radial length
should be considered (Table 1).7 have not been shown to be detrimental.45
Open reduction should attempt to restore Even after anatomic radius reduction, the DRUJ
anatomic radial height, inclination, and volar tilt. may be persistently unstable, likely secondary to

Fig. 4. (Left) Distal radius fracture

with significant coronal shift. (Right)
Open reduction of coronal shift using
a radially directed Hohmann
retractor. (From Trehan SK, Orbay JL,
Wolfe SW. Coronal shift of distal
radius fractures: influence of the
distal interosseous membrane on
distal radioulnar joint instability. J
Hand Surg Am. 2015 Jan;40(1):159-
62; with permission.)
6 Ross & Chung

TFCC injury.2,7,17,20,26,28 Frequently it feels unsta- compression screw reestablishes the insertions
ble in pronation but is stable in supination. For of the radioulnar ligaments, provided that they
these patients, the forearm should be immobilized remain attached to the styloid fragment. Other-
in the position of stability for 6 weeks. A sugar- wise, acute TFCC repair may be performed open
tong splint, long arm cast, or percutaneous pins or arthroscopically.7 Styloid fixation or TFCC
across the DRUJ all are effective methods to repair permit shorter immobilization and can result
keep the DRUJ reduced while it heals.7 in good motion and strength.46
When the DRUJ is unstable in all positions, the
TFCC may be addressed to restore ligamentous Ulna Styloid Fractures
constraints. If there is a fracture through the base
Most ulna styloid fractures do not need separate
of the ulnar styloid, ORIF with a plate or headless
treatment, especially if the radius is fixed and the

Fig. 5. Distal radius osteotomy for

distal radius malunion. (A) PA and
(B) lateral radiographs showing distal
radius malunion with loss of radial
height and inclination, positive ulnar
variance, and significantly increased
volar tilt. Postoperative AP (C) and
lateral (D) radiographs after
Instability after Distal Radius Fractures 7

DRUJ is stable. Distal radius reduction often indi- an incongruent and unstable DRUJ.49,50 Malunion
rectly reduces the ulna styloid. Although many with volar angulation greater than 15 , dorsal
ulna styloid fractures do not unite, outcomes are angulation greater than 10 , or radial shortening
comparable between those that heal and greater than 3 mm all are indications for osteotomy
nounions.4,7 In a meta-analysis by Mulders and (Fig. 5).49 The procedure is contraindicated if there
colleagues,4 there was no difference in patient- are marked articular degenerative changes.50
rated outcome measures, motion, strength, pain The procedure can be performed through either
scores, or instability between 1196 patients with a dorsal or volar approach, with an opening wedge
styloid union and 1047 patients with nonunion. osteotomy based at the apex of deformity.51
Subset analysis further found no differences be- Placing the bone cuts proximal or distal to the
tween base and nonbase styloid fractures. IOM insertion has not been found to have an effect
If the DRUJ is acutely unstable and there is a on outcome.42 Kirschner wires placed parallel
concomitant ulna styloid base fracture, however, to the radius articular surface and perpendicular
early repair within 3 months can lead to improved to the diaphysis help visualize angles and manipu-
clinical outcomes.47,48 Thus, the authors consider late the proximal and distal segments (Fig. 6).50
fixation of an ulna styloid base fracture only if there Kapandji pinning within the osteotomy site can
is persistent multidirection DRUJ instability on aid with correction as well.52 If there is residual
intraoperative examination after distal radius articular incongruity, an intra-articular osteotomy
fixation. may be performed simultaneously.53
Because an opening wedge osteotomy is
needed to help correct lost radial height, the resul-
Chronic Distal Radius Malunion
tant void should be filled with bone graft. Classi-
Conservative management is the first line of treat- cally, a wedge of iliac crest autograft was
ment of symptomatic instability and pain after a inserted in the osteotomy site to provide structure
distal radius fracture. Rest, nonsteroidal anti- and osteocytes.50 Some investigators report high
inflammatory drugs, corticosteroid injections, union rates with morselized autograft or no graft
physical therapy, and splinting all can be effective at all, with comparable healing times.54,55 Auto-
nonoperative measures that should be exhausted graft also adds donor site morbidity, a risk of
before considering surgery.31 delayed union at the bone-graft interface, potential
For those who remain symptomatic, operative size mismatches, and additional anesthesia time,
intervention can be considered. Proper preopera- all of which must be discussed with the patient.55
tive planning requires careful examination to iden- Once the malunion is corrected, it should be fixed
tify all the structures contributing to instability. The with locking plates. Perpendicular (90–90) plating
surgeon must also consider a patient’s pain, activ- also is an option for securing the osteotomy.56
ity level, and functional limitations before Advances in computer-assisted design and 3-
proceeding. dimensional (3-D) printing have led to new patient-
Distal radius osteotomy is a reliable treatment specific guides and implants, which can greatly aid
option for a young, physically active patient with in understanding and correcting multiplanar

Fig. 6. Kirschner wires inserted

perpendicularly to the radial diaph-
ysis and in line with the articular sur-
face (upper left) allow simple
correction of the dorsal angulation
deformity (lower left) and radial incli-
nation (upper right, pre-correction;
lower right, post-correction). (From
Fernandez DL. Correction of post-
traumatic wrist deformity in adults
by osteotomy, bone-grafting, and in-
ternal fixation. J Bone Joint Surg
Am. 1982 Oct;64(8):1164-78; with
8 Ross & Chung

near normal motion, pain, and grip strength.58

Buijze and colleagues,57 however, found no differ-
ence between patient-specific and conventional
osteotomies in their randomized trial. In general,
radius osteotomies have high complication rates,
with revision surgery in up to 38%.56,60–62 Implant
removal is higher with dorsal approaches,51 and
postoperative extensor pollicis longus ruptures re-
ported. Nonunion may occur in up to 12%.62
For older patients with instability and radius
deformity angulated less than 20 , ulnar short-
ening osteotomy (USO) is another option.63 USO
Fig. 7. Patient-specific 3-D printed radius models (left- can result in a 26% to 44% increase in DRUJ stiff-
most, pre-operative deformity; left middle, model of ness, as the TFCC tightens (Fig. 8).64 Bone cuts
planned correction); drill (right middle) and cutting placed more proximally on the ulna lead to more
blocks (rightmost) can facilitate a precise osteotomy DRUJ stability, as tension in the DOB of the IOM
according to a CT-based preoperative plan. increases.65 Studies of USO typically show
improved range of motion, pain scores, and
deformities. Bilateral preoperative CT scans allow patient-reported outcomes. Reported nonunion
for matched, superimposed 3-D reconstruc- rates are low (4%–6%), but, due to the subcutane-
tions.57,58 Drill and resection guides, titanium plates, ous location of the ulna, hardware removal is
and even wedge bone graft models then are custom frequent (18%–50%).66,67
manufactured with 3-D printing, based on the pre- Elderly patients and those with significant med-
operative reconstruction plan (Fig. 7).57–59 ical comorbidities, who require a quick recovery,
Outcomes after distal radius osteotomy show may benefit from a Darrach ulna head resection.
improvements in flexion-extension and Motion may be initiated quickly and the procedure
pronation-supination arcs, pain, grip strength, avoids the need to heal an osteotomy.
and functional scores, although final motion often
is less than the uninjured side.57,58,60 Patient- Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Tears
specific guides can achieve corrections to within
TFCC tears that require intervention should be
1.5 of the preoperative plan, and have shown
treated early, with splinting or pinning in the position

Fig. 8. (A) Preoperative and (B) post-

operative radiographs of ulna short-
ening osteotomy for an unstable
DRUJ after distal radius malunion.
Instability after Distal Radius Fractures 9

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