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BC Entry Exam Vocabulary List

In order to prepare for the BC entrance exam, find the definitions of the following words and
make sure you understand the multiple meanings of each one. Most of these words will be on
the test.

1. Aberration 26. Inadequate

2. Abnormally 27. Inferring
3. Acidic 28. Invigilator
4. ATVs 29. Marvelous
5. Bees 30. Ojibway
6. Bouts 31. Overpopulated
7. Cascading 32. Palpable
8. Conclusive 33. Paraphrases
9. Consequential 34. Pests
10. Contemporary 35. Perseverance
11. Convey 36. Proximity
12. Discord 37. Prowlers
13. Ecosystems 38. Proficient
14. Elaborate 39. Quads
15. Embody 40. Quoting
16. Endeavors 41. Resilience
17. Entrepreneur 42. Resonant
18. Exacerbate 43. Respective
19. Forage 44. Respite
20. Forager 45. Synthesis
21. Framework 46. Totems
22. Grandiosity 47. Unmatted
23. Grounding 48. Vile
24. Hibernation 49. Vigilant
25. Implicit 50. Vigorous

Exam Information:

Part A: Listening – 10 marks (10%)

Part B: Multiple Choice – 18 marks (30%)

Part C: Literary Essay – 6 marks (30%)

Part D: Personal Essay – 6 Marks (30%)

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