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Laboratory eReport

Client Information *21116410111*

Patient : LEYILA SABIT ABAFOGI Passport Number : EP5843494
Patient ID : EP5843494 Citizen of : _Ethiopia
DOB/Age : 28 DEC 94 26Y Gender : F : JEMO
Residence Addis Ababa
Phone Number : 980209943

Specimen Information
Sample ID : 21116410111 Specimen Type : Nasopharyngeal &Oropharyngeal swab
Collected : 04/26/2021 10:12 Draw Tech : Hiki

Location : AA1 Release Result

Test Method : RT-PCR - using Abbott m2000 COV2 assay

Test performed By International Clinical Laboratories

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Result Reviewed by : Dr. Mesfin Negussie, CMO
Result Date : 04/27/21 01:28

A Negative Result does not exclude infection with the reported pathogen

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