Trabajando Dde Casa 1A Ingles SM

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WORKING AT HOME ~ English ~ 1* A C.B.C - SAN MIGUEL - (trabajando en casa) NAME: DATE: (nombre) (fecha) COLOURS: What colours do they make? ( Que colores se forman) 1 Blue + yellow 2 + 3 Black + 4 + 5 + 5 pink = green = Orange NUMBERS: Guess and write the number (Adivina y escribe el numero) a) Three = b) Twelve = c) Twenty-eight hl d) Fifty-five e) Ninety -two f) Eighty-seven 8) One hundred h) Forty~six i) Thirteen = i) Thirty-nine SCHOOL OBJECTS : Think and write words with ... 1) 8, 2) N, 5) O. 7) ¢ (piensa y escribe palabras con ) yp. aR tT 8). CLASSROOM LANGUAGE : Match with different colours (unir con diferentes colores) a) Open the door 1) en que pagina se encuentra b) Look at the board 2) termine! @) Sit down, please 3) abrila puerta , por favor d) I've finished! 4) miren el pizarron e) What page is it on? 5) correcto! f) That's right 6) sentate por favor ‘THE TIME : Look at the clocks and write..... What's the time?

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