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March 28, 2024

The meeting was called to order by President Margie Herberger at 1:38 PM. 12 members were

Advisory – Paula Hansen

• No meeting in March


Upon our request, we will change to 9:20 on THURSDAY, so we don’t catch

up to the men’s group and have to wait.


Nick Finkel –
Nick clarified some rules for us, as follows:
• If your ball goes into a red penalty area, such as the water on #11 – Your choices
a. Re-tee your ball and take a stroke penalty
b. Move it to two club lengths from where it entered, no closer to the pin – 1
stroke penalty
c. Move the ball back as far as you want in line with the pin – 1 stroke
d. Note: you cannot move it to the opposite side of the lake, and the arroyo
on the left is out of bounds.
• In red penalty areas, you can ground your club and remove impediments without
• If your ball goes out of bounds, the local rule permits you to take the drop in the
fairway with a 2-stroke penalty. In tournament play, you must go back and re-hit
the ball.
• During play days, Nick recommended that we all follow rules for casual play.
However, the ladies from the Border team want to observe tournament rules to
keep in practice.
• If your ball lands on the cart path, you can play off the path if you wish.
Otherwise, you may move it to the closest grass (no closer to the pin, though),
allowing room for your swing and stance on the grass. No penalty.

Treasurer’s Report: Karen

1. Emailed to members. There were no questions. Report was accepted as presented.
Margie thanked Karen for her faithful and painstaking work as Treasurer for the past
several years.

President’s Remarks:

Conversation re: LGA Climate

Once again Todd has mentioned issues with new Club members shying away from the LGA
after playing with us. He did not have specific names. Our takeaway: new golfers need to be
handled with care. It is not up to us to teach them golf – that is Nick’s job. Please be mindful
that remarks we might regard as joking among ourselves can also be taken the wrong way.
This includes remarks to staff members, too.

Examples of offensive comments, according to Todd:

Slow play
Lack of knowledge of rules
Critical comments about personal appearance made to wait staff

All were asked to take charge of their own behavior. There was much discussion on this topic.

Schedule of Tournaments for 2024:

Sat, 3/16 – Mardi/Paddy – This tournament was a great success, thanks to the efforts of
Karen and Lynn. It was a beautiful day, and we had 20 players and a lot of fun. Winnings
were in the form of club credit that can be used in the Pro Shop or the restaurant/bar.
Those who placed and their winnings:
1st place paid out $100 ($50 per person) - Maria Williams/Donna Popky at a net 57
2nd place paid out $80 ($40 per person) - Naomi Rupp/Karen Lord at a net 61
3rd place paid out $60 ($30 per person) - Margie Herberger/Vicki Hook at a net 64
Winners should look for the above amount on their account as a Credit Book.

Sat, 5/11 – Member-Member. Thanks to Jean Davis, who will chair. Linda Chagares offered
to help with decorations.
Jean noted that the tournament will have a Spring theme and probably be a better ball
format allowing no more than a 10-stroke difference between partner handicaps. Tee time
will be 8 AM to allow players to also visit Art in the Garden. A Save-the-Date with details
will be coming out soon – please email Margie with players’ names. Note: because of
declining membership, we are no longer observing the rule that you can’t play with the
person you partnered with last year.

Fri – Sun, 9/27-29 – Kactus Kapers

Donna Lafreniere has volunteered to chair. Our thanks to Donna.

In order to go forward with planning, Margie asked whether ladies would play. The
discussion evolved into interest in dropping the first day skills challenge and keeping an
evening cocktail party/meet and greet. Ideas and suggestions for changes were discussed.
The consensus seems to be that we should have the tournament. Donna and her
committee will begin planning on her return. If you’d like to volunteer to help, let her

Margie still has Directories – contact her if you have not yet picked yours up.

Consult the website,, for any and all information, dates, tournament

Border – Lori
The team just played Horizon in March. Congrats to Julie Bauer for 1st net; Linda Chagares for
2nd gross; Donna Popky for 2nd gross.

Next tournament – Painted Dunes on Tuesday, April 23. The cost will be $55. Lori needs the
check by April 10.

Senior Women – Lori

The first tournament is at New Mexico Tech in Socorro on May 6. The cost is $70. Lori needs
checks by 4/26.

Happy Birthday to Kate Dunn and Vicki Hook.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:43.

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