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Discussion Reflection

I define success as being able to achieve both my short-term and long-term goals in life such as
graduating from school, securing an employment, pursuing my career path and achieving my
career dreams, and being able support my family. The success element that I feel most
comfortable with is self-awareness because having self-awareness allows me to make better
decision and have self-confidence. Being self-aware allows me to communicate with intention
and clarity, and to view things from different viewpoints. It also liberates me from biases and
assumptions. I am able practice self-awareness by keeping an open mind, staying focused, being
mindful of my weakness and strengths, being adaptable, empathetic, confident, adaptable, kind
and patient. The success element that I find most challenging would be motivation. Sometimes it
is difficult to remain motivated, especially when things do not seem to be working as expected
and I do not achieve my target goals. Self-awareness is crucial since you need to have control
over your emotions, thoughts, strengths and weaknesses, and actions and behaviors. Recognizing
your strengths and weaknesses helps you capitalize on your capabilities and working towards
improving yourself to become a better person and achieve your goals.
Response to Elizabeth
Hello Elizabeth,
I agree with you that having a flourishing career is among what I consider as success. A
successful job can offer financial security and stability, which is crucial for a comfortable life.
Also, it can offer prospects for promotion and advancement, which could result in better benefits
and higher wages. Self-awareness is the initial step towards personality growth and lifelong inner
change. It is knowing yourself, recognizing your biases, motives, emotions and goals. By being
self-aware, you can understand yourself better, identify your strengths and weaknesses, enhance
your critical thinking skills, decision-making, self-regulation and become more emphatic.
Overall, self-awareness is directly linked to both success and emotional intelligence. It enables
you to establish attainable goals since you can identify your weaknesses, strengths, and what
motivates you while setting goals.
Response to Isaiaha
Hello Isaiaha,
Everyone pursues financial success because life might be extremely challenging without money
and resources. It is not impossible to attain financial success without enough money and
resources. Nothing feels more successful for me than being able to meet my financial needs,
being able to comfortably support myself and my family financially and living a comfortable
life. The ability to attain financial success needs self-awareness because being self-aware guides
you down the right path by electing to chase the opportunities which best suit your tendencies,
preferences and skillsets necessary for making money and accumulating wealth. Overall, self-
awareness enables you to make positive behavioral changes which can result in greater financial
and personal success.

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