Exam Review

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Time: 8:30 – 10 am (1.5 hours)

1. What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative observations?
2. What are ionic bonds and covalent bonds?
3. Explain how an ion is formed. What is an anion and a cation?
4. What are physical and chemical properties?
5. What are physical and chemical changes?
6. Explain the points of the Particle Theory of Matter.
7. Compare neutrons, protons, and electrons based on mass, location, and charge. 8. Classifications of
matter (compound, mechanical mixture, homogeneous, etc.) and examples of each. 9. Draw
Bohr-Rutherford diagrams.
10. Calculating the number of neutrons, protons, and electrons.
11. How does an atom become charged?
12. Properties of groups/families, metals, non-metals, metalloids, etc. in the Periodic Table.
13. Know the difference between a molecule and a compound

14. What are insulators and conductors?
15. What does it mean for electrons to be grounded?
16. Explain the Law of Attraction and Repulsion.
17. How can you tell if an object is positive, negative, or neutral? (using + and - signs)
18. What are Ammeters, Voltmeters, and Ohmmeters?
19. Explain ways that an object can be charged (friction, conduction, induction)
20. Describe static cling.
21. Be able to use the electrostatic series to find which objects have the greatest static cling.
22. Explain the difference between a series and parallel circuit.
23. Be able to draw circuit diagrams.
24. List and define the main parts of an electric circuit.
25. Define current, voltage, and resistance.
26. Be able to calculate current, voltage, and resistance in series and parallel circuits.
27. Calculate % efficiency and compare devices based on their efficiency.
28. Know the renewable and non-renewable energy sources used to generate electrical energy
29. What does it mean if an ecosystem has high biodiversity?
30. Describe the four spheres of the earth.
31. Explain what a sustainable ecosystem is.
32. Describe photosynthesis and write the word equation.
33. Describe cellular respiration and write the word equation.
34. Describe the difference between a producer and a consumer
35. What is the difference between a food chain and a food web?
36. Drawing and explaining food chains and food webs.
37. What does it mean if an ecosystem is in equilibrium?
38. Explain the process of fragmentation. What are some problems with fragmentation?
39. How have humans been contributing to climate change?
40. Know some benefits of organic farming.
41. Know some positive and negative impacts of using pesticides in farming.

42. Know the Solar Nebula Theory.
43. When would we see a solar eclipse?
44. Know some facts about Earth (ie. How many moons do we have? Which galaxy are we part of?)
45. Will the sun ever die? Understand the process between how the sun and stars eventually die.
46. What is the difference between a star and a planet?
47. Describe how planets shine.
48. Why is Pluto no longer considered a planet?
49. How are everyday tasks completed in space? (Hint: think of the videos we watched!)
50. Is there a way for people on earth to communicate with astronauts in space?

Do the exam review, review ALL your tests/assessments (quizzes, labs, assignments), past homework
questions, test review questions, and review your notes. Study with a partner/small group and talk
things out. It is imperative that you study a little bit each day leading up to the exam to be successful.
You WILL NOT be as successful if you wait until the last few days before the exam to study. Please see me
at any time if you have questions, need clarification, or need help (do not wait until the last minute to
do so either).

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