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Directions:​ This one is a pretty unique template that needs to come from you and your
personal story -- that’s what makes it so powerful! We’ve included Billy’s “If I lost it all” email
because it worked really well for us and we know your version will, too. Replace the ​bolded
items below with text best suited for your audience.

Send This Email To: ​Anyone who might be interested in your offer. This emotional, story-based
email can help warm up your subscribers and them to know and like you more.

The “Here’s What I Would Do” Email:

It’s been tough for me to sleep at night lately.

Being an entrepreneur, there’s always something keeping me up…

When ​the economy crashed in 2008​ it was “How ​can I help support my parents​?”

In​ 2009​, when ​my first business failed​, it was “How ​am I going to pay my rent​?”

In ​2012​, it was “How ​am I going to make payroll​?”

In ​2015​, ​when I found out I was going to be a dad​, it was “How​ am I going to live in 2
states, fly back and forth, and provide for her and my team​?”

It’s always something… but this time feels different.

I’m not sleeping because I’m worried, I’m not sleeping because ​I feel guilty​.

People are losing everything and I’m writing this email in a penthouse. I’m not “that guy”
… am I?

What would I do if I was back in that position again?

0 brand. 0 money. 0 team.

If it was just me, living back at my parents house, with just a laptop and a cell phone in
this economy...
What exactly would I do in the first 30 days to start making it back & ensure everyone I
love is financially secure?

I can talk about ideas all day, but let's keep it real... talk is cheap.

So, ​I’ll just do it with you, step-by-step, for 30 days.


-Billy Gene
See below for a breakdown of how to tweak this template.
Note:​ Must replace ​bolded​ text below with text best suited for your audience.

Opening​ - ​Imagine you’re sitting around a campfire with an audience. Start

the email with a couple sentences that IMMEDIATELY draw them in closer.
They should be leaning in because you’re about to tell a really good story.

It’s been tough for me to sleep at night lately.

Being an entrepreneur, there’s always something keeping me up…

Timeline or Pattern​ - ​Create the backdrop of your story. Billy did this in the
sample by walking people through a timeline. Notice that he provides just
enough information to give context but limits it to a punchy sentence, instead
of doing a paragraph per point. This creates a cadence that works incredibly
well for an emotional story, like a song that’s building to a strong chorus.

When ​the economy crashed in 2008​ it was “How ​can I help support my parents​?”

In​ 2009​, when ​my first business failed​, it was “How ​am I going to pay my rent​?”

In ​2012​, it was “How ​am I going to make payroll​?”

In ​2015​, ​when I found out I was going to be a dad​, it was “How​ am I going to live in 2
states, fly back and forth, and provide for her and my team​?”

Interrupt​ - ​You just built a pattern in the previous section, so now it’s time to
interrupt it for maximum attention. Think of it like a mini cliff-hanger.

It’s always something… but this time feels different.

I’m not sleeping because I’m worried, I’m not sleeping because ​I feel guilty​.

Reluctant Hero ​- ​You may not have a penthouse like Billy, but there was a
time when you faced this same problem you can solve for them, back before
you had a solution. Talk about that here so you are relatable, the “Reluctant
Hero” who can help them.

People are losing everything and I’m writing this email in a penthouse. I’m not “that guy”
… am I?

What would I do if I was back in that position again?

0 brand. 0 money. 0 team.

If it was just me, living back at my parents house, with just a laptop and a cell phone in
this economy...

What exactly would I do in the first 30 days to start making it back & ensure everyone I
love is financially secure?

Call to Action ​- ​Give them a reason to take action now and provide a link

I can talk about ideas all day, but let's keep it real... talk is cheap.

So,​ I’ll just do it with you, step-by-step, for 30 days.


-Billy Gene
Email Subject Line Examples:

1. I’ve been losing sleep

2. If I lost it all...

3. I’m not sleeping,​ “First Name”

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