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Bag “Camilla”

28 x 25 cm.


PDF pattern
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C 1 0 0 3 B A G C A M I L L A

Instructions Row 39
Crochet 1 chain. Make a single crochet in the
1st stitch and in the 51 stitches afterwards. You
Make a slider with color 395 on your needle.
Insert your needle in the first stitch and crochet
a single crochet and a double crochet in this sti-
crochet a total of 52 single crochets. Leave the tch. * Skip 1 stitch and crochet a single crochet
You need: last 3 stitches (2 double crochets and 2 starting and a double crochet in the stitch after. ** Repe-
- Scheepjes© Catona yarn - color chains), you do not crochet any more single cro- at from * to ** until the end of the row.
504 (red) - 3 balls chets.
- Scheepjes© Catona yarn - color Tie off the thread and neatly hide the threads.
395 (yellow) - 1 ball Row 40 You do exactly the same on the other side of
- Crochet hook number 3½ Crochet 2 chains, this is your 1st double crochet. your handle.
- Fringes / feather band 40 cm. Crochet a double crochet in the 2nd stitch and
- A label in all stitches afterwards. All parts of your bag are ready. You can assem-
ble it now.
Row 41
Crochet 1 chain. Make a single crochet in the Lay your front and back with the wrong sides
1st stitch and the stitches after. You leave the together. The bottoms are at the same height.
last 3 stitches (2 double crochets and 2 starting At the top the sloping part of the back protrudes
chains). above the front.

Row 42-59 Make a slide stitch with color 395 on your need-
Repeat rows 40 and 41. You have 22 single cro- le. Insert this at the top left behind the last dou-
chets at the end of row 59. ble crochet of the front and also through the last
double crochet of the first row in color 395 of
Row 60 the back. Crochet a single crochet and a double
Crochet 2 chains, this is your 1st double crochet. crochet.
Crochet a double crochet in the 2nd stitch and
in all stitches afterwards. * Skip a bit and crochet again a single crochet
and a double crochet of the last stitch of the row
Row 61 from both the front and the back. ** Determine
Crochet 1 chain. Make a single crochet in the 1st this distance yourself. There must be approxi-
stitch and in all stitches afterwards. Don‘t make mately one stitch width in between. Make sure
NEW! This package is available for an your last single crochet in the 2nd of the 2 star- it does not bump or pull. Repeat from * to ** un-
attractive introduction price in our web- ting chains of the previous row, but between the til you reach the corner. Crochet an extra double
shop: last double crochet and the 2 starting chains of crochet in the last stitch before the corner. Turn
the previous row. the corner tightly and crochet a single crochet
The first 37 rows of the front and back are the and a double crochet in the first stitch at the
same. You‘ll crochet this 2 times. To do this, cro- Crochet 3 double crochets in the same stitch as bottom of both the front and the back. * Skip 1
chet a 56 chain line with color 504. the last double crochet of row 59. Then crochet stitch and crochet a single crochet and a double
a single crochet between the last double crochet crochet in the stitch after. ** Repeat from * to **
Row 1 and the 2 starting chains of row 58. until you have arrived at the next corner. Turn
Make a single crochet in the 2nd chain from the corner tightly again and crochet the other
your needle and in all chains afterwards. You * Crochet 3 double crochets in the same stitch sides together in the same way as on the other
now have 55 single crochets. as the last double crochet of the row below. Af- side. Your last single crochet and double crochet
ter this, crochet a single crochet between the last are in the row in color 395.
Row 2 double crochet and the 2 starting chains of the Tie off the thread and neatly hide the threads.
Crochet 2 chains, this is your 1st double crochet. row below. ** Repeat from * to ** until you have
Crochet a double crochet in the 2nd stitch and made a single crochet between the last double Along the „flap“ comes another edge in the
in all stitches afterwards. You now have 55 dou- crochet and the 2 starting chains of row 38. same stitch.
ble crochets. Tie off the thread and neatly remove all threads. Make a slide stitch with color 395 on your need-
Do you see how nicely the edge is finished? le and put it on the long side of the flap around
Row 3 the first single crochet. Crochet a single crochet
Crochet 1 chain. Make a single crochet st in the The handles and a double crochet. * Skip a bit and crochet
1st stitch and in all stitches afterwards. You now Crochet a chain line of 176 chains with color a single crochet and another double crochet on
have 55 single crochets. 504. the last stitch of the row from both the front and
back. ** Repeat from * to ** until you have arri-
Row 4-37 Row 1 ved at the corner. Crochet an extra double cro-
Repeat rows 2 and 3. Make a single crochet in the 2nd chain from chet in the last stitch before the corner. Turn the
your needle and in all chains afterwards. You corner tightly and crochet a single crochet and a
Front now have 175 single crochets. double crochet in the first stitch at the bottom of
After row 37, bind off the thread and make the both the front and the back. * Skip 1 stitch and
threads neatly away. Row 2 crochet a single crochet and a double crochet
Crochet 2 chains, this is your 1st double crochet. in the stitch after. ** Repeat from * to ** until
Row 38 Crochet a double crochet in the 2nd stitch and you have arrived at the next corner. This angle
Make a slide stitch with color 395 on your need- in all stitches afterwards. You now have 175 is not sharp. Immediately crochet a single cro-
le and insert it in the 1st stitch on the other side double crochets. chet and a double crochet in the next stitch and
of the row. You do not return your make after then repeat from * to ** until you have arrived at
row 37. Row 3 the last stitch of the flap. Tie off the thread and
Crochet a single crochet and a double crochet in Crochet 1 chain. Make a single crochet in the 1st neatly hide the threads.
the 1st stitch. * Skip 1 stitch and crochet a single stitch and in all stitches afterwards. You now
crochet and a double crochet in the stitch after. have 175 single crochets. Tie off the thread and Finally attach the handle to your bag. Pin the
** Repeat from * to ** until the end of the row. neatly hide the threads. ends of this onto the side seams of your bag and
Tie off the thread and neatly hide the threads. secure it with neat stitches. This is possible with
Repeat this again. the machine as well as by hand.
Rear end
At the end of row 37, change to color 395. Lay the two pieces together with the wrong si- The crocheting is ready! You can add some li-
des facing. Place at both sides the last row on ning and the fringes / feathers.
Row 38 top of the first row of the handle.
Crochet 2 chains, this is your 1st double crochet.
Crochet a double crochet in the 2nd stitch and From here you always crochet through the sti-
in all stitches afterwards. tch of the upper part and the lower part of your
handle. Crochet the 2 parts together.
C 1 0 0 3 B A G C A M I L L A

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