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Recipe Cooking Method Cooking Time Temperature Sauce & Garnish

strawberry heating and 4 hrs 40 mins 110℃ white chocolate

bavarois baking
Decision The reason this method is used for making Strawberry Bavarois is to achieve
Explanation a smooth, airy, and creamy texture while preserving the fresh avor of the
strawberries. Heating the strawberry puree helps intensify the avor by
evaporating excess moisture and concentrating the natural sugars. The
recommended chilling time is generally around 4 hours or more, depending
on the size of the mold or individual servings.

Creme brulee ovening 6 hrs 50 mins 130-150℃

Decision The reason for using this cooking method for crème brûlée is to achieve a
Explanation delicate, smooth, and silky custard with a contrasting crunchy caramelized
sugar topping. Baking the custard in a water bath helps prevent it from
curdling or becoming grainy while ensuring a gentle and even heat
distribution. Chilling the custard allows it to set properly and develop its
desired consistency and avor. The nal step of caramelizing the sugar
creates a delightful textural contrast and adds a layer of sweetness and
caramel avor to the dessert. Overall, the cooking method for crème brûlée
helps create a harmonious balance of avors and textures that make this
dessert so beloved.
Creme caramel ovening 1 hr 30 mins 200℃

Decision The cooking method for crème caramel is used to create a dessert with
Explanation contrasting textures and avors. The caramelization of the sugar creates a
luscious, sweet caramel sauce that sits atop the smooth custard. Baking the
custard in a water bath ensures even cooking and a silky, creamy texture.
Chilling the dessert allows it to set and develop its avors, while also making
it easier to unmold. The nal result is a delightful combination of creamy
custard and caramel sauce that makes crème caramel a beloved dessert.
Custard cream baking 45 mins 200℃
Decision The cooking method for custard cream cheesecake is used to create a
Explanation dessert that combines the smooth and creamy texture of custard with the
rich and tangy avor of cheesecake. The custard base adds a unique and
luscious element to the traditional cheesecake, creating a velvety and melt-
in-your-mouth experience. The baking process helps the cheesecake set
while maintaining its creamy consistency. The crust provides a contrasting
texture and adds a delicious base to the dessert. Overall, the cooking
method for custard cream cheesecake aims to bring together the best of
both custard and cheesecake to create a delightful and indulgent treat.
Lime and mint ovening 1 hr 15mins 170℃ mint
caramel an
Decision The cooking method for caramel an aims to create a dessert with
Explanation contrasting textures and avors. The caramelization of the sugar produces a
rich, sweet caramel sauce that coats the bottom of the an. Baking the
custard in a water bath ensures gentle cooking, resulting in a creamy and
smooth texture. Chilling allows the an to set and develop its avors while
making it easier to unmold.

cherry pies ovening 55 mins 130-150℃

Decision The cooking method for cherry pie is used to create a dessert with a balance
Explanation of sweet and tart avors and a contrast between the juicy cherry lling and
the buttery, aky crust. The pastry crust acts as a vessel to hold the cherry
lling while providing a crisp and tender texture. The lling, made with
cherries and thickening agents like cornstarch, thickens during baking to
create a luscious and cohesive lling. Baking the pie allows the avors to
meld and intensify while ensuring the crust is properly cooked.

puddings baking 45 mins 170℃

Decision The cooking method for pudding aims to create a dessert that is smooth,
Explanation creamy, and avorful. The combination of heat, stirring, and thickening
agents helps create the desired texture by thickening the mixture and giving
it a pudding-like consistency. The cooling and setting process allows the
pudding to rm up and develop its avors further. The speci c ingredients
and avorings can vary, allowing for a wide range of pudding varieties.
Puddings can be enjoyed on their own or used as a base for other desserts,
such as layered desserts, pie llings, or tri e components.

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