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1. Summarize the article (1 paragraph).

What is the main point of this reading? Provide a concise summary of the article. Explain the main
idea that the author is trying to get across. Be sure to use your own words.

2. Share a "high-priority" passage (1 paragraph).

Select and share a "high-priority" passage (a passage that you felt was interesting or important). Type
it out in a quote. Briefly explain why you chose that passage.

3. Reflect on the main point of the article (1 paragraph).

How has your thinking changed by reflecting on this reading? How does this new knowledge connect
with material in this or other courses, or with other parts of your life? Do you agree or disagree with
the main idea? Why? Share your personal analysis, reaction, or evaluation.

* In your forum post answer, be sure to use the writing and readability strategies we learned
about in class: concise, short paragraphs, bold subheadings, etc. *

1. The main point of this reading is how influencers/stars have such a big voice and how they’re
words could impact society and other humans in various ways, in this instance it was illustrated
by Moksha Yoga Bloor West when he tweeted out saying “Alek is our mirror” and encouraging
“the practice of compassion.” The author is trying to get across the point that we should watch
we say online since many people are sensitive and words can affect people in a good or a super
bad way.

2. “Think about what it would look like to see their face and how their voice would sound. How
hurt would they be? Is it worth it?” Passage number 34. I choose this passage because it reflects
what I read and thought about this reading. Overall, from reading this assignment that quote is
the main idea and conclusion I get from it. We should always double check before we type or
say something on the internet because once something gets posted on the internet, it stays
there forever. We should be sensitive and show compassion for others because everybody is
different, have different feelings, and everybody sees the world in a different way.

3. This reading has had an impact on my thinking as it has opened my eyes and made me realize
to always double check what I say on the internet since people don’t perceive things in the
same way as others, nobody is the same, nobody grew up in the same life and different things
effect different people. This reading has also allowed me to understand the impact famous
people have on the population and what they say and do can affect a lot of people for the good
or bad. This knowledge connects with overall my life. It teaches me to be careful what I say on
the internet and to be mindful of other feelings and thoughts, especially when going through a
crisis. Overall, I agree with the main idea. Influencers and superstars have such a big influence
in our world and what they say and do mean life to many people. When a famous person does
something like what Amber Desilts did it can affect people in terrible ways. Mourning death and
promoting products should not be done in the same post, it is disrespectful and rude. My
reaction was surprised that somebody could think to do that when other people lost loved ones
and family in the incident. It was wrong and Influencers and just the general population should
be careful on the internet and stay safe.

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