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en MEST ene PACED An Introduction {o Fantasy Role-Playing’ Adventure Gaming Dedication To my fiance Michelle Diane McAuoy for her help in compiling this work (in- ‘cluding typing my whole scribbled manuscript in two days). Just like this book; ‘would be incomplete without her. FOREWORD | would like to thank Jim Mathis for funding this project. Bill Voorhees and Peter Savoy fortheir Lunshakable belief in me through the years and to all the fans of Arduin for their continued loyal support. With friends and acquaintances like these, Arduin will continue to grow even beyond what | ‘originally thought possible. | thank you again one and all, Finally would like to thank all the members of Chaos Incorporated for over two years offun land games. As game clubs go, you're a pretty fine bunch even if a bit crazy! All ofthese people and many others are the ones who make my work possible Its they who dive me ideas, play test my new game systems and generally act as a catalyst for my creative process. Without feedback, criticism and prodding from those who play the games, my work would be poorer. The Arduin products may be “me,” butallof you who play are my’‘ife's blood.” ‘Together we will continue to produce the best games in the whole damn worl! David A Hargrave, Concord, A. August, 1980 : NOTE: ‘Whenever t Reade “Him” of “He,” We Ars Imphing “He or “Hera” or “She,” as we ‘Adventure Gaming is for Both Sexes! ‘So please dont take offense, we arent being cheworisc, just grammatically corect. oe Aro Bad Scar (aca. 'Mons' re tony Bed Schenck Ge Esinace and Me kam, Rand Ben "Al material contained win tle publication s copyright ® 1060 by Grnome anes ‘At Direction and Book Design by Thomas Monts, Shaosvootea Sino. ww vu Contents Introduction ‘The Gamemaster the Senge How To Create Your Character AA) Character Races 1) Character Meniter vison B) Charter Classes (C) Character Statist. ) Alignment ) Character Sheet Experience Money. ‘AY General Living Casts B) Chorecter Equipment List How To Have A Melee. A) Nowerent 1) Overland Movement Chat 2) Weather B) Combat 1) Armor Class Equivalency Chart 2 Cont Cra 3 sietpon argh ‘MBone Cracl Hi Chart 2}rune Chat Shoace San . : mats 5 Sing i ening fecha 2) Setanogts Frey Pa : ©) Rage atc sa Tesines "yoke toms Bagel Conic 5} the ht Ew Syn Monsters 1K The Adventure xt x Bees ‘The Forgotten Tower [A Glossary of Terms T)Weapons = 2)Ammor =. S)Abbreiins ‘Sample Character Sheet (Other Monsters, Other Treasures Optional Advanced Rules Bibtograpty : ‘Synopsis and Concsion. BRSe BERS SS B ERE PAGE A INTRODUCTION ‘This game is an introduction to the world of adventure gaming, and may be leamed in less than an hour by anyone age twelve or older. If you are not afraid of trying something ‘new, you will discover a game that is exciting and different from any game you have tried before. The ARDUIN ADVENTURE provides the novice with a set of simple and. understandable guidelines for learning the basic concepts of Role Playing. Role Playing is the heart ofall adventure gaming systems now on the market. Once leamed, these concepts will allow the player to easily understand them. The ARDUIN ADVENTURE has a unique modular learning system that permits the ‘gamer to apply any part of it to another system, or part of another system to itself. ‘Although already a complete game, this system Is infinitely expandable with the only iit being the player's imagination. So read on and enter the world of action and adventure. It vaits only your participation to come alive! ‘Adventure Gaming started out no end In sight. In fac, the ony mit to several years ago as something called such gaming is that which your own "Fantasy Role Playing” or FRP for imagination supplies! So f you use short. Tis style of game usuelly your imagination, the only litte your Fequired the players to “become” a Pay will be the ends of the universe! Cetain character (or characters) within a game oF world crested by someone To understand your part in ‘else, Much as an actor must assume a ‘Adventure Gaming you must now role in a movie by reading a Sept Pretend to be an actor that must leam written by someone else. This stile of his lines as a character in an ‘game soon caught on and variants ‘upcoming movie. I's that simple! ‘appeared of science fiction, historical, Remember though, itis you ard the land other kinds as opposed to fantasy. ther players that wll be wating the ‘Adventure gaming now takes into Script. using only the guidelines that we ‘account everthing fom spies to wil give you a litle later on to work comic book super heroes, and there is wih ‘The next step is to learn what the guidelines for pay ae going to be 0 thot you may decide Jus whet pat you wallwont to Poy inthe event To that end we il new proceed to eam bout the most asc kind of ‘verte; the FARTASY ADVENTURE, ‘My own fantasy world has been in Play for about six years and has led to many successful game products {elated to it. My world is called “ARDUIN” and is what we will be using for an example. n Arduin, each player acts out what his character wil be doing as he proceeds with the game. He does this by speaking as he thinks his cheracter shout and by moving ‘miniature metal figurines representing his characters around a “Battle Board! (which will be discussed further along in the rules)* The game can be played without Figurines, but in my opinion, fs much more fun with them PAGE # ae OES Each character inthe adventure wall bbe governed not only by what each pperson thinks he should be doing, but. by other factors as well ‘These factors are: 1. What "Race" your characteris. EXP Dwar? Human? Amazon? 2, What “Cass” your character. This means what your character dos foralng.Aeyous mage? A wat? A til? 3. What “Alignment” your characteris. This i generality of the persorltysirucure of your character. Are you chactc? Lawl? Amaral 4. Finally, your characte’ own "Character St {isis wil havea bearirg now you actand react How stong are you? How intligen?> How fast ore you, end rary ther ngs that willbe explained later enh shor, de SUM TOTAL of your chaacter's ‘mental and hysial ables or lebiles. We wil now get down to specitics, beginning with “Choosing the ‘Gamemaster.” “Archive Miniatures has age line of adventure gang Rgurnes which inclade mary mensters and characters hel address is: 1111 8. Ralload Ave., San Mateo, CA 94402, fiom Arduin sat. PaO 6 THE GAMEMASTER “Gamemaster” is the term we use to designate which person is running the garre (who the referee is). The Gamemaster (GM for short) wil be the final word on the rules, and al of the other players must abide by his word. GMs must do three things before the gamecan begin. 1 know all of therules you have all agreed upon (and have the rule book(s) handy to | selle disputes). 2 Have not ony the desire, but the time to give the creation ofeach game'sscrgt the attention iteeds. wl take a. good GM atleast one hour to ready a. game for play propery (usually the night before). i Have the trust and confidence of all ofthe players so that they will not argue with his decisions. This confidence can only be eared as the GM demonstrates his integrity ‘and honesty during the games. Ithe players feel that they are being shortchanged by ‘GM the play ill son become bogged down in arguments and hurt feelings. Soa GM must always maintain a detached and impartial atitude towards every player and ‘every player's character no matter what the GMs personal felings are. A goed GM. sees only the game, not those who play within it. Once you have desided among the players ust who the GM willbe, the GM can starton the Creation of his “script” and the players can ready their characters. We suggest that forthe first. dozen or so games (or each time if you prefer) that a diferent GM be used. This will insure everyone a chance to participate as a player, and will soon make evident to al just who the “pest” GM is. The best one at GMing usually becomes the permanent GM for everyone else, however this is not necessary i you do not wish It. Always remember, itis YOUR GAME, to play as you choose! PACE? THE SCRIPT ‘A“script” is nothing more than an idea that the GM has fora game. These gamestake place In a world of the GM's own creation. The script might be a quest to find a holy artifact, or an ‘expedition to slay an awful dragon that has been eating tavelers in a certain forest. Itisthe sole responsibility of the GM to provide such a script forthe players to act out. Remember, though, the players will not be doing exactly what the GM wants them to do. NO! They will be doing whatever itis they themselves. as their characters, would do. given the situation the GM has handed them. AGM never ys to run the players’ game, but operates onlyasa referee, ‘acting out the part of the monsters or other things or people the characters meet. To create your own word for which 4 you may produce scripts, you can copy ‘reson forthe characters o go wherever tis 2 existing book of movie ike Tokens Sayer pons ago ier nad re Lord oft Rings, Edgar Rice Burrough’s cabeaeh Sunaled oa eeeeta John Carter of Mars, or even an estab: ‘he characters are acting as real people wouldin lished fantasy game world such as my "eal le, and are not meived In etic ad own Arduin. kdoes not mater ft fsa Slt detalngs hat el people woud never copy (complete or partial) or if i is Steg a cy rc Son something thought up entirely bythe GM. 25d non dangers tang node ‘What matters is the “PLAYABILITY” of see rere pene od set the script the GM devises, “Playabilty” means the players’ ability 5. tounderstand and toactoutsucha script a creates ete SI For instance, you would not devise a ‘Stipatesond such Muswifonceagan sue scriptbased on 20th Century Fox'sexcel that he GM not oget a vial happenstance Ten movie "Star Wars" and hope that a ada unifocal oe af dozen of 80 knights from Consequences fey acon they i) raid seimorelomeimiy «Stetina tres te ‘would not only fail to understand the tech: aise ey mat deal San te reo hology they were encountering, but ‘ ‘wouldn't even speak the same language! Sokeep the scripts within the capabilities ‘A “Special Happenstancs” that may occur ofthe characters andthe players, Just e- Ting Gadi te general ole cf techar member how you'd feel someone de- ‘yet notre tat may bing he Cided you had to go off and try to ight an ploy Sich has anther group of people elephant with a fisbee! bien ne tit he clacton re ‘Asciipt must have seven things each «Pelt Sen to eee? Are there any cies 93 to and evey Une Wiis tobe sucesat, thats ae rd whe hy wor ete pan They are: Sorreting ele? Wha And con the hurts i ia Seca oependancs tt ot legen or history ofthe aco, te atact ser inn advertre biti ya Apes te mena or abteer hs oF Mth dem aed ten ot creer ts tote ployer ust ea wih a 2 Finaly,@ GM must have all the material needed {A spect lation the characters must proceed one 28 red pe ot etre tomer to ache gone ted fess yas Geta be tuat have oe = ate oy osteo person the corocters 3 Si rect there © Saud that mu Be X unten description of al ems, monsters, ted then tm be mopped out titres people, wes, rae he coro i en the characters to toel owen, then the aren ‘oontr, Ts wl ensue that he Gt il nto ts be mapped oun eachease i wi re ‘atanghing porta othe choocerslnthees {reaame pay how much mre easy forte, ‘tement ofthe game. 2 wel fr the players. PACES I HOW TO CREATE YOUR CHARACTER ‘This section is perhaps the easiest to actually do, and yet is one of the easiest to micunder ‘stand, Therefore, we wll go through it step by step $0 you will se exactly what must be done. Here are the basic steps: Desde on the Grote’ ol ving 10900 years: Es he the nen 2 Ral he eo sete your treet com tage hth a at nd 2 Rath de Sac Met lt es 3 Dect on what css your cote wl be TS admis ad uney 4. tome your acter wohl err oan seo cena | 5. Ratt tase you characte Sencchenan tctioaned mochtic ag fretand wea? oa Es sem wer ter ete Dero on your chancte’s genet Nsony agen ronan ered whch Sid wre tae lose EGandar won suse enhupearesity Spun ay money es ae age (eaten acho At yc Toyland Sean ~ REARS iether reno Rossergemiag tes iin” ayers the contet of the GMs nes) ‘hand a an Ess meee ting beyonce 9, Proce wh ae py sito can oclonganbenenoabedt | cane aggro Bron eee * See poge 12 anv nar Serie BASIC CHARACTER BASIC CHARACTER ies) oF kaw food Ehes onc a na RACES ‘CLASSES Sra eelagho eaten Serta te Potten an aneeeysbek Ty aopy a Wantor ‘but not frivolous, and studious (whey necessary) Dear Ther Rant acons by ratre thy ecrbe sea roo Pest Shape pope etc Pes hosed ‘Human ‘Mage oe toon Forester wanes taro ‘rnc ney a lndasmagcdan he es fram 33" 05 then oe 1501S Borate) fant mhenliem ica nae CHARACTER RACES usualy have dak complexions and hal (bow, aves Bedeorenanstrdh stnepraestear, fd and maga ace Ehes are nd fog ede "Thee a te toe re ot ahi tatang hae GOS vege ‘neh aria ot Ba brat ed Hebe Seon aly hve Sco Ber ake stn Bowes" er ones pletansandaat cy beter oashery Donen They bathe aan ey ear Eons They ner faved har nd cnaly igtotght alo qs ns ae Pee sent dl ere pee ky yong ned (500 tere yh on Popes tent Sey Ges, Thee me her tase Grey Bis inches eels eaes EOE Sey aan eye Sigh Es tid ay acren ovie bean eae (Shy Sec Rayan Pe, eR tr Eke we soy Harn Seine Mamots “Siero Woes Eas ‘compra fans elton tte erhoes aero ly tex ol Ged he passer en es thee ae be shoe nd cated “Sen Ee than the Enesco) habeagh ost Due oe (muy tiny o sosenes teen oder deer bong, sete secon \eeve the bere aph Bah eagh tired oe Renn nctedcorng ae cone SUED Bictae sloumtnet none os Soa ree tae days wh ede hak Duanes lover ble ete te Sone ‘row corman ploe Of bike Wood EX'S Downer ne great toners suey rg Erith onlay endgencmenen Nohunded Bofvace muchas thanted eR date eater an Spine amott and wesaeerenseeiat "alts hear arlene be res and Sanit hae ae retin togen tase iyeraeet anes we Sars as vel sclera “oulbaiwe mene topcpio ane sets fos dtc igs nape Tho wo miyanens areas oberon ‘reason wo wth Exe Galore oe Seledihaermascissonchingren pe die waged atiats and tro he Ee Sr hid ond rein tn aay dene baad os haa 20% chance of simpy grabbing anyauable wihout thinking. Final, Dsorves ae lojal to thse they consider ends, and never Torget ther enemies oserrTs: “They ae a happy, sometimes frivolous race, that love pares and eating (prefering cakes, ‘okies and other ind of baked foods) Ranging Insae from 310310" endfrom 40085 pounds {hey re noted or thr aby with Sings an tet disk of water (ey do bathe, they us wont ‘Suiminthe hor stuf). Win fe span roughly thesomeas aan nde {Gave in ejhi they are semetmesrleredtons "Half Menor" alfers They ent be thieves they leave die can hometonntoga acventrtng. preferring to “Bee by ther wits" ad not be ham peted wh alsa of equipment or armor. They Wield dings, daggers and an eccasonel shot Sword refering to shoot romfadingaterhan Standing up and sogging et Donat reside Stand, however. They re inordinately brave and Capable of the greoes acts of loyal and hero |smm They usually come in ene of thre pes: the ‘alr, darker "Grmvelrs’ who are suahy fssociated wih a'Stane Downey stlerent, he ‘more comenon "Plow Foots” usally found in sal frm ojnted vilages and lat the all afd secretive Sveet Wise" or ty Hobbits Most Hobbits love to smoke bacco in lng, sender, clay pipes, and to pester people with nes the ‘move convolted the beter) Hobbits ge long Well wih mest aces bt hold Elves in ave AMAZONS ‘area femele wart race tht ven 2 culture run by and for Females. Tey are otal (98 to (05°) and athe race (130 to 17 pounds) hat lives long as humans. They have sgh bronze ‘or goidertan skin coloring and favoring, single- braided hr (usualy ight brown to dark honey. Blonde). Th eyesore usualy varous shades grey or ble, but amber ees are occasionally Found. Ther ae tre distinct types of Amazen, ‘The most numerous are the sea aoina “Grp=y Costs who use bght lather immor and eat Tass aswel as Short bows, The lest numerous fe avery dark complesoned and tal Jungle Ing and whe fight wth no armed use ight. tls, shor spears and ong double edgedeurved taives. The turd kind, by forthe most cen seen ‘oh anadvertre.come om the loose cealion of ‘Gy States Iewown as “The Moherand” They ‘wear armor not unlke the classical Greeks did fon earth, using long spear, tall shields, and arg leaf bladed swords. Allof tem have 9 6) for be and BO NOT hate men. They simply betlew that they ae beter than men on thetwhole, spo course women shoudrunthings! “They ae fay clanrish, butwilnot hese ty tolget to know a male that interests them: They areferocious ightersandclanshavebeen known to cary on “blood feuds" fr contues, There Ino Been so few Armazons thet have ever done {2 yhing except become wares that he mes {those who became something ele re poken (for centuries 25 legends not very good legends eer ~ because the cust avesces “he waror ethic” They do net pactce sel rmutlaton as sore legends have &, bseving in {the axom "whole body, whole mind HALF ORCS, {are an ffspring of matings between Humans and Ores and are universally cated by practic: fly everyone and looked upon with sepcion, Trey oe 2 hardy and mustulr 1 engi se from 5/6" to 6°3" tl weighing 150 fo 195 founds, wih yellow, amber orange ce dul fed ‘res. Ther hay is course and shoggy vsuay 9 Dlcksh brow in color, and they fe a fay yellouishareen tnge to thelr tough sn. Ther {exth are greygren and the to cormner re era ‘dary long and pointed (as are thet ea) ‘They will use ay kind of armor or weapon. bul eter studded of banded lester amor and Scmiarike swords. Those tht use msshe wea: ons prefer ighter crossbows. They ete almost Shays wares or thewes,otough some tale the ore ef gods and become presto follow. fs of priests. Because they are so died they tendto mists everyone. They ve abet aslong ‘2 Duanes, and date Eves greatly Humans {ate at once both the very best and vey worstof renting They canbe afary class ancy al ‘rent and ary iniooks and exupmentjos ae on our world. They are nether more nor less than what we oursehes are. Humans have the West range of possbilies but no speclal atrbutes, seve adptaby. Fh 8 fantasy wold Fhumans lve 100 to 120 years geting lt" only Inthlr 80's (and saying very seve int then). CHARACTER/MONSTER VISION Dwarves, Eves, and HfOres can se inthe tk on the infored spectrum, Hotbits ane ‘Amazons can se bet inthe darkhanhuars bat sll need ight to sce well Me sca The ‘sual right ume sion ranges approximately 60" ferall exept Ehes where ts 90 Eres have 2 60% chance of hearing anything thin 60" of themselves, Hot Ores, Duane Hobbits, Amazons and Humans hea at pro: gressively 10% were mererent (Hurmansheving onty 10% chance of heating anja wean 60}, Wearing a helmet or elm caste perce: tage by hale ‘Whenever you enccurtea "magia menter sich a8 @ Dragon, Medusa, or Gargose, figure that they can see in the dav the an Ether ‘creatures (ures Known to be necuna) tke Pace 9 PAGE 10 bears and woes can see in the dak much 9s Hobbits do, Wherever there's any doubt, the GA makes the decson CHARACTER CLASSES The WARRIOR isa basic adverture cbss and the most rumerous. A wars person fa sess atte is teaming Mos warns in ten or more years begining a age oh 1 become base EL nm The MAGE store at an even younger age (si o seven) than the wartor and daily memories the ‘spas he willbe using Mages usualy have few physical sil, but make up fork th therfore of magic They usualy tend to be loners ond egocenie nature. Howse, they commenty accompany adventurers fh de’ toot money and magi tee to further heircontoneseoches Makes a1 tocmearmage The PRIEST {Ws Up ete in 9 seminary chuch, ands dediested sl ts god Hs goals tospread the word this gad and hope ful four new shrines and churches tsi ‘goed. Ths they wave ithadventorers lend healing rls and to spread the gods word. ‘Theyalsc ty gain wea to bul ther new shrines snd to conte to their cues ‘well being and nancial shvency, Infact 30 fale ea sed to ther church and ‘ert diet to The igh the EL theese. tolerant hey Become towards “unbelers The THIEF Is ene who chooses to lve by his ws as opposed to doing more mundane Wings He {stay ows up in agang of avert urchins, ‘graduating to the Wieves guld around the ‘eof I4or so. He ten stiles the Feat thievery” for another thee to fv vers During at time he studes locke and vaps ‘and genealy learns the les bid down by the gull and socey and te penal or being. a clumsy tel He “sccompanies ‘adventures 1a eam fame and oot and =the fone who opens locked Weasure chests ‘ers and other enclosures Healmost neve ‘Seals irom hisadventuing companion ond vu ight erly desperately necesay. "See “Expoirce Level” page 15 PAGE ‘A FORESTER ‘Tisincreases 3% per EL eared issomeone who ects (orisborn) totes FFGRESTERS add one pint each to thee Ie away from the cles they ho potrol Ett 1315 = Superior {919 = Gers Bets 1617 = Vey Supeor tou = Ba PAGE 13 ALIGNMENT Good and Evil “These ae simplistic terms to denote how a person wll deal with other people white corr fest of his algnment Hs ees” El" people ‘dothings to harm others dey, cheat steal and murder "Good people generally tl he tush, ‘ont steal order and usualy actin areason- ‘aby decent manner The Arduln Tlogy fs 9 fmuch mote dealed "Algnment Breakdown Stem. ‘Toll define your character, itis nacessaryto combine alignment with good and ei This 50 thata flr picture your characters personal: iy framework can Be braoble to You Tor ease of ‘ole paying. When éting down your character's align men ive the abgnmen first folewesby 0 dash, then whether he's good or ev” Fer ample, 3 Nt Stormtrooper of World Wall would bela fotevis Because is cure ws one of sit lous, yet very ev Another example on from “Tolle Lord ofthe Rings He woukbe cote. ‘good. becouse he Ives beyond the laws and Mes of moral man, ets “good” nonees, “Augnment” i « generation of how your “Tha you hve the flowing posable algnments: choral actin Fost stations Achat hat ant Good/ Trot an be used fora GUIDELINE s provided below ‘nays seg, goto shoes, uns Rep (youn te ype) ny menats mer Alignment Chart Nees CHAOTIC: A chore that doesnt care Fortra there Thuch for ues and eglasons. doing prety Tretieaed much vathe fel fe, ene ethic nema NEUTRAL: character that can ake rules Beene leave them, but gerely goes along with oaOe gee them forthe sake of army with te world = Oaer round Hm ‘Mos ena sd reriget moses tere LAWFUL: A charac that kas order ond pi "the rule oft” n hs He Rules and regua- tions make him hapoy apd he fets content oi ee ee teecor eres Tunetoing wihin thee Framework. Net AMORAL: A charade that doest know ica toes crate gh rom wrong” runderstandiows He Craotic EW wil do hate wants regorles ft slegal Mot bad monses ae ages busty ‘rllegal — a he warts todo so ‘Amos con mena ter ces Bn etary ‘Aro ‘These are peopl ho aka ty to hu others for the oun personal ain. Remember tere are aay exceplon othe above ort Theis thr teat, for hose characters who are rhe tye nar wy good. Theyre those any amen ‘sho simpy al seater Betcen Spy pute tex" uue” belre Be agient of he charac bin "venea” afich byte ay fe ual agrnent or most eves), race ARDUIN CHARACTER SHEET “4 | RBS BEX TRIPS [BF age — Ta afi ° Vv PAGE 15 EXPERIENCE AND WHAT IT MEANS “Experience” is what all people accrue as they proceed through lfe. Tis is what we leam “while doing “our jobs” and “coping” with different situations. In the game, tis is shown by a character's ability t> better himself, ight, evade, et. as he gains “experience levels’ Each character will gain one exper “Saving Rolls” necessary to sunvive. ience level (EL) for each five adventures: ‘Sometimes this “one less” is shown Completed (hough fourth vel). There as a "plus" value, That is to say ita ‘after it takes 20 adventures to gain each Character fs plus one (1) to hit (attack) additional EL-Late on you can use more that means he needs one less than precise point value experience systems,” normal to do so. Example: With an EL. of Such as the Arduin Trilogy has, for a PN Gondar the Dwarf needs a 14tohita more detailed awarding of experience. DF of 2 (with a Warhammer). Withan EL. Remember, each EL means one point 0f2(Secondievel,heneedsonlytorolla lesson any die rallthat character has to 134-1 = 13). ‘make! helps in atack and in making the PAGE 16 Vv MONEY WHAT IS IT, AND HOW TO GET IT Money (gold, ner, copper, ec.) will have a definite bearing on all characters inthis game. It costs money tov, and characters earning a ving wil have no real worries. However, those characters that are broke, wll go hungry and have no place to stay. “Therefore, pay close attention tothe following: there are 20 copper pieces (CP.)inench ser penny (SP). There are 20 SP. in every gold sovereign (G.S.). There are coins like gid crowns {G.C. which are half the value of GS. and Royal Sovereigns (RS. that are worth fvetimes the value ofa GS. Also, there are brass coins that havea value about hal that of copper hich ae called “Minurns" (MS.) Each gold coin weighs one ounce and each siver and copper coin weigh an ounce, Ths {en ounces of ser equals one ounce of gol, and ten ounces of copper equal one ounce of ‘ther The gold cos are called gold sovereigns the siver coins ore caleg ever pennies andthe copper anes are called coppers There fs 309 ‘Salt haf lve, “Ho'penny Money is acquired by characters in several ways, but most len by loting oldtombs. or tea. {Bre hordes, seting Rema found therein, OR by Taig on” for & specie fee (to some rich merchant or able) to do specie job ‘Characters musthave anincometo suvvelna ‘game word ustas we must work opay our own ite ‘The section of General Lng Costs (bel wl give ou an dea ojusthowmuch you wil needto lhe ‘Al characters rol 9 B20 to see how mary GS, they have 9 financilegacy. They may use this money te buy moce equipment, ve of or pend Ttholousy i they so desir, However tis suggest ced that each character save atleast the seu Iecessaty to “Ihe on” fr two wees asa bose Bape A coro canna a wih es tan 3 @ ‘GENERAL LIVING CosTS 1. Alloa of bread isle aon n= 13 CP he Kedah unin cory Ceo see Ken wy cst ony Seah Te eee rey edn tn the ores and the standard tang & (geod average rom would cos about fer week tay. ond would nice bath Frome “dovthe hal and fa secur, 6, People are aed standard 10% of thee famings cach year, bul uniess you have be Tongings or 8 houseland te gauge your worth against i fs usually ony 5 GS. per Yar. Dest people ar allowed to plead tate cases bere Tax Plaistow: Magistrates are nottoustor sending people ‘tho ant pay te tes "Banded Sen {ide pay oftheir debts, Te etna fate of exchange” s one months send (or every GS. Sued to the gonemment 1g te ete tee Sates masta Eaattatne {Font or rom and barn gene ee Sir ay aay sea tgs ataethtee Bebansaemstrn Sree eee Ree ceaeen Soule Se eos Sen iereaee 4 forties reiterate trom th ne ot Howe strongly fallous: ell pices ited as GS deme SP, se aimnaceireree serene veer slams tana eas ta maior taserees ence of monsters mogik than that ot be: pecans igh Rind of Wes cornering pots ot he Year 1800 wih prices now. 16858 9, Once you have fished

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