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So I realized that the "Save Progress" cheat codes are outdated by two versions, so

i decided to update them.

If there is any mistake, please warn me about it

Also, if you wanna know how to use this cheats, simply open the console (Press the
' key) then type mm8bdm_saveprogress,
after that, type one of the following numbers to "time travel"

0 - Beginning/Restart Campaign
1000 - Chapter 1-1 Cut Man
1001 - Chapter 1-2 Guts Man
1002 - Chapter 1-3 Bomb Man
1003 - Chapter 1-4 Elec Man
1004 - Chapter 1-5 Ice Man
1005 - Chapter 1-6 Fire Man (Megaman? Round #1)
1006 - Chapter 1-7 Time Man
1007 - Chapter 1-8 Oil Man
1008 - Chapter 1-9 Wily's Fortress 1
1009 - Chapter 1 Boss (Yellow Devil)
1010 - Chapter 2-1 Bubble Man
1011 - Chapter 2-2 Air Man
1012 - Chapter 2-3 Heat Man
1013 - Chapter 2-4 Flash Man (Enker)
1014 - Chapter 2-5 Quick Man
1015 - Chapter 2-6 Wood Man
1016 - Chapter 2-7 Crash Man
1017 - Chapter 2-8 Metal Man
1018 - Chapter 2-9 Skull Castle Entrance
1019 - Chapter 2 Boss (Guts Dozer)
1020 - Chapter 3-1 Snake Man
1021 - Chapter 3-2 Top Man
1022 - Chapter 3-3 Needle Man
1023 - Chapter 3-4 Hard Man (Megaman? Round #2)
1024 - Chapter 3-5 Gemini Man
1025 - Chapter 3-6 Magnet Man
1026 - Chapter 3-7 Spark Man
1027 - Chapter 3-8 Shadow Man
1028 - Chapter 3-9 Skull Castle Interior
1029 - Chapter 3 Boss (Doc Robots)
1030 - Chapter 4-1 Pharaoh Man
1031 - Chapter 4-2 Dive Man
1032 - Chapter 4-3 Drill Man (Punk)
1033 - Chapter 4-4 Toad Man
1034 - Chapter 4-5 Dust Man
1035 - Chapter 4-6 Ring Man
1036 - Chapter 4-7 Skull Man
1037 - Chapter 4-8 Bright Man
1038 - Chapter 4-9 Dr. Cossack's Citadel
1039 - Chapter 4 Boss (Met Catcher & Mettol Daddy)
1040 - Chapter 5-1 Charge Man
1041 - Chapter 5-2 Stone Man
1042 - Chapter 5-3 Napalm Man
1043 - Chapter 5-4 Wave Man (Megaman? Final Round)
1044 - Chapter 5-5 Gyro Man
1045 - Chapter 5-6 Gravity Man
1046 - Chapter 5-7 Star Man
1047 - Chapter 5-8 Crystal Man
1048 - Chapter 5-9 Dark Man Castle
1049 - Chapter 5 Boss (Dark Numbers)
1050 - Chapter 6-1 Tomahawk Man
1051 - Chapter 6-2 Centaur Man
1052 - Chapter 6-3 Knight Man (Ballade)
1053 - Chapter 6-4 Blizzard Man
1054 - Chapter 6-5 Plant Man
1055 - Chapter 6-6 Flame Man
1056 - Chapter 6-7 Wind Man
1057 - Chapter 6-8 Yamato Man
1058 - Chapter 6-9 Mr. X Fortress
1059 - Chapter 6 Boss (Robot Master Rush & Gamma)
1060 - Chapter 7-1 Freeze Man
1061 - Chapter 7-2 Junk Man
1062 - Chapter 7-3 Burst Man
1063 - Chapter 7-4 Cloud Man
1064 - Chapter 7-5 Spring Man
1065 - Chapter 7-6 Slash Man
1066 - Chapter 7-7 Shade Man
1067 - Chapter 7-8 Turbo Man
1068 - Chapter 7-9 Skull Fortress 1
1069 - Chapter 7 Boss (Bass/Wily Capsule)
1070 - Chapter 8-1 Tengu Man
1071 - Chapter 8-2 Astro Man
1072 - Chapter 8-3 Sword Man
1073 - Chapter 8-4 Clown Man
1074 - Chapter 8-5 Search Man
1075 - Chapter 8-6 Frost Man
1076 - Chapter 8-7 Grenade Man
1077 - Chapter 8-8 Aqua Man
1078 - Chapter 8-9 Duo
1079 - Chapter 8-10 Skull Tower 1
1080 - Chapter 8-11 Skull Tower 2
1081 - Chapter 8 Boss (Evil Robot "Trio")
1082 - Chapter 9-1 Robot Museum
1083 - Chapter 9-2 Tengu Man B
1084 - Chapter 9-3 Astro Man B
1085 - Chapter 9-4 Dynamo Man
1086 - Chapter 9-5 Cold Man
1087 - Chapter 9-6 Ground Man
1088 - Chapter 9-7 Pirate Man
1089 - Chapter 9-8 Burner Man
1090 - Chapter 9-9 Magic Man
1091 - Chapter 9-10 King's Tower
1092 - Chapter 9 Boss (King)
1093 - Chapter 10-1 Buster Rod G
1094 - Chapter 10-2 Mega Water S
1095 - Chapter 10-3 Hyper Storm H
1096 - Chapter 10-4 Wily Tower 1
1097 - Chapter 10-5 Wily Tower 2
1098 - Chapter 10 Boss (Genesis Unit)
1099 - Chapter 11-1 Concrete Man
1100 - Chapter 11-2 Tornado Man
1101 - Chapter 11-3 Splash Woman
1102 - Chapter 11-4 Plug Man
1103 - Chapter 11-5 Jewel Man
1104 - Chapter 11-6 Hornet Man
1105 - Chapter 11-7 Magma Man
1106 - Chapter 11-8 Galaxy Man
1107 - Chapter 11-9 Wily Castle 1
1108 - Chapter 11-10 Fake Man
1109 - Chapter 11 Boss (Proto Man & Mega Mech Shark/Fake Men)
1110 - Chapter 12-1 Blade Man
1111 - Chapter 12-2 Pump Man
1112 - Chapter 12-3 Commando Man
1113 - Chapter 12-4 Chill Man
1114 - Chapter 12-5 Sheep Man
1115 - Chapter 12-6 Strike Man
1116 - Chapter 12-7 Nitro Man
1117 - Chapter 12-8 Solar Man
1118 - Chapter 12-9 Wily's Infected Fortress 1 (Weapons Achived)
1119 - Chapter 12-10 Wily's Infected Fortress 2
1120 - Chapter 12 Boss (W.R.I.G)
1121 - Chapter 13-1 Stardroids & Terra
1122 - Chapter 13-2 Wily Station 1-3 (Mega Man Killers)
1123 - Chapter 13-3 Wily Star
1124 - Chapter 13 1st Boss (Sunstar)
1125 - Chapter 13 Final Boss (SOLAR ECLIPSE)
1126 and Up - Chapter 13 Ending

summon (name) - Makes whatever you specify (even MetDaddy and QuickBeams!)
centaur man - mini Centaurman
chasemet - met
lazymet - met
franticmet - met
jumpingmet - met
metdaddy - giant met helmet
gamma - instantly dissapears
auto - auto from the training area
roll - roll from the mirror room
megaman - killable megaman
moby - huge whale from Diveman's stage
bigeye - hops around and kills you
blueflag - light flag
redflag - wily flag
orangeflag - cossackflag
purpleflag - mrx flag
eddie - eddie call!
gutslift - lift from gutsman's stage
megahair - helmetless megaman
bombmanball - weird bkgd thing from bombman's stage
firetrap - fireball generator from fireman's stage
firewave - fireball from fireman's stage
vrsphere - weird sphere thing from light labs training room
quickbeam - beam from quickman's stage
quickbeamshooter - quickbeam generator
gutsstatue - gutsman from mm1dw2
wilybarrel1 - oil drum
wilybarrel2 - 2 oildrums
spike - from cutman's stage
torch - from pharaohman's stage
300watt - lightbulb enemy from brightman's stage
dompan - green enemy from brightman's stage
spray - effect from various water stages
megarun - megaman running
bassrun - bass running
protorun - protoman running
cossackspike - spike from cossack stage
snowspawner - it snows
snowflake - one snowflake that endlessly falls
bigsnakey - snake head from snakeman's stage
picketman - from gutsman's stage
cactus - from tomahawkman's stage
sumatiger - from napalmman's stage
skeletonjoe - from skullman's stage
vboy - from waveman's stage
hothead - from quickman's stage
tacklefire - from various fire stages
telly - from heatman's stage
goblin - from airman's stage
spiney - spike from bubbleman's stage
gutsdozertop - gutsdozer's body
dozermetool - met
summon hissy - cacodemon plush
lostsoul - flying Skullman
painelemental - generates flying Skullmans
mrx - npc from mm6 boss level
ducksinouterspace - easter egg from Starman's stage

fly - you can fly

noclip - walk thru walls
give (weaponname) - Get any weapon!
give all - Get all weapons!
god - Infinite HP
nextmap - Go to next stage
set secret_devilunlock 1 - unlock Yellow Devil boss
set secret_enkerunlock 1 (secret boss) - unlock Enker boss
set secret_dozerunlock 1 - unlock GutsDozer boss
set secret_docrobotunlock 1 - Unlock Doc Robot bosses
set secret_punkunlock 1 (secret boss) - unlock Punk boss
set secret_metdadunlock 1 - unlock Met Daddy boss
set secret_darkmanunlock 1 - unlock Darkman4 boss
set secret_balladeunlock 1 (secret boss) - unlock Ballade boss
set secret_wilyfinalunlock 1 - unlock robotmaster rematches
set secret_finalbosspart 7 - unlock Gamma boss
set secret_wilycapsuleunlock 1 - unlock Wily Capsule boss
map (mapname) - Go to specified map
map unkown - Go to the boss map
kill - You will DIE!
sv_fastweapons (number) - 0 for default
sv_infiniteammo (number) - 1 for infinite, 0 for default
crashout - game crashes :(
give spreadrune - spread buster
addbot - adds a bot
addbot alien - alien enters the game
addbot "dr. wily" - dr.wily enters the game
removebot - removes a bot
summonfriend - summons an object that gets frags for you. works just like the
"summon" command
set fraglimit (number) - sets how many frag you need to get to win
changemus <songname> - changes the music
sv_maxteams - number of teams 1-2-3-4
sv_gravity - mess around with gravity, 800 for default
seismos - nothing (?) message "Seismos is gay!"
bind (key name) "(command)" - make a certain key do something
give lmsinvincible - super god mode
dumpspawnables - list of spawnable things
turbo (number) - player speed modifier 100 for default

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