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Model Development for Optimum Setup Conditions
that Satisfy Three Stability Criteria of Centerless
Grinding Systems
Fukuo Hashimoto ID

Advanced Finishing Technology Ltd., Akron, OH 44319, USA;

Received: 5 September 2017; Accepted: 16 September 2017; Published: 21 September 2017

Abstract: The centerless grinding process demonstrates superior grinding accuracy with extremely
high productivity, but only if the setup conditions are properly set up. Otherwise, various unfavorable
phenomena manifest during the grinding processes and become serious obstacles to achieving that
high quality and productivity. These phenomena are associated with the fundamental stabilities of
the centerless grinding system, so it is essential to keep the system stable by setting up the appropriate
grinding conditions. This paper describes the development of a model for finding the setup conditions
that simultaneously satisfy the three stability criteria of centerless grinding systems: (1) work rotation
stability for safe operations; (2) geometrical rounding stability for better roundness; and (3) dynamic
system stability for chatter-free grinding. The objective of the model development is to produce
combinations of optimal setup conditions as the outputs of the model, and to rank the priority
of the outputs using PI (performance index) functions based on the process aims (productivity or
accuracy). The paper demonstrates that the developed model, named Opt-Setup Master, can generate
the optimum setup conditions to ensure safe operations, better roundness and chatter-free grinding.
It provides practical setup conditions as well as scientific parameters and fundamental grinding
parameters. Finally, the paper verifies that the Opt-Setup Master provides the setup conditions that
simultaneously satisfy all three stability criteria of the centerless grinding system.

Keywords: grinding; centerless grinding; process optimization; safe operation; quality; productivity

1. Introduction
The centerless grinding method has been extensively applied for the production of cylindrical
components such as rings, rollers, and pins. It is estimated that a single car has more than 2000 parts
finished by centerless grinding processes. The centerless grinding process demonstrates extremely high
productivity with very high grinding accuracy in OD size, roundness and surface integrity. However,
its superior performance compared to other grinding methods can be achieved only if the grinding
conditions are properly set up; otherwise, various unfavorable phenomena, such as slippages in work
rotation, deformed roundness and chatter vibrations, appear during the grinding process and lead to
deterioration in grinding performance [1].
These huge advantages and disadvantages come from the unique work-holding features of the
centerless grinding system: (1) a loose hold on the workpiece without any mechanical constraints;
(2) the work friction brake/drive mechanism of the work rotation; and (3) a self-centering mechanism
called “regenerative centering”. The grinding process is very sensitive to these unique centerless setup
conditions, so it is essential to secure the grinding system’s stability by setting it up appropriately.
This requires controlling the three fundamental stability issues caused by the work-holding features of
centerless grinding. These are: (1) work rotation stability; (2) geometrical rounding stability; and (3)
dynamic system stability.

Inventions 2017, 2, 26; doi:10.3390/inventions2040026

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Work rotation stability is related to the work friction brake/drive mechanism of the centerless
grinding system. The regulating wheel is in rolling-sliding contact with the workpiece, and provides
the friction force to the workpiece that drives or brakes the work rotation. In this unique mechanism,
the work rotates with almost the same peripheral velocity of the regulating wheel during the stable
grinding process, in which the torque created by the grinding force balances with the torque from the
friction forces acting on the regulating wheel and the blade top surface. However, under heavy grinding
with excessive grinding force, control over the work rotation speed is lost due to the broken torque
equilibrium, and it increases toward the grinding wheel speed. This phenomenon, called “spinners”,
can cause dangerous accidents and should be avoided in order to maintain safe operations. The author
is a pioneer of the study of work rotation stability and has shown that there exists an absolute safe zone
where spinners do not develop [2]. The setup guidelines for safe operations are well established in the
literature, and the means of satisfying the work rotation stability criterion have been demonstrated [3].
Geometrical rounding stability is related to the work-holding conditions and regenerative
centering effects. Although centerless grinding technology has been around for 100 years since
the method was patented by L.R. Heim in 1917 [1], a great deal of effort was exerted by early research
pioneers to understand its rounding mechanism, and significant papers have been published [4–9].
The theory of the rounding mechanism has been well established, the setup guidelines for achieving
better roundness have been described, and the means of satisfying the stability criteria have been
clarified. The stability criteria assume that the grinding system consists of solid bodies and is
dynamically stable. Under certain work-holding conditions, a specific number of lobes on the
roundness of the workpiece appear or cannot be removed. It is crucial to minimize roundness
errors by selecting the proper setup conditions.
Dynamic system stability is related to the work-regenerative chatter vibration caused by the
instability of the centerless grinding system, including the machine dynamics. The chatter vibration in
centerless grinding is very severe and builds up very fast. In general, the amplitude growth rate is 10 to
100 times greater than that of center-type grinding processes, and is caused by the wheel-regenerative
chatter vibration. Significant investigations have been carried out by many researchers [10–13] to
understand dynamic system stability and suppress the chatter vibration. The system stability criterion
has been well established, and the setup condition guidelines for chatter-free grinding are available in
the literature.
As mentioned above, the setup guidelines for satisfying each stable criterion have been established.
However, the setup operations of centerless grinding still rely on experimental skill and the
trial-and-error method. Even though each stable criterion can be satisfied individually by carefully
choosing the setup conditions, it is almost impossible to simultaneously satisfy all three of the centerless
grinding system’s stability criteria. Therefore, a special analytical tool for finding the optimum
combination of setup conditions is greatly needed [14].
The objective of this paper is to describe the development of an analytical model capable of finding
the optimum combination of setup conditions that satisfies all three stability criteria at the same time.
This paper describes the structure of the developed model, which consists of the input-information
session, the data bank that stores all the parameters required for the model calculations, the PI
(performance index) functions for assessing the setup conditions based on the process aim (productivity
or accuracy), and the output-information session.
Further, this paper explains the algorithm of the model and shows how to find the setup conditions
that meet the three stability criteria simultaneously. The developed model, named Opt-Setup Master,
is verified through case studies in which workpieces with various sizes are ground with different
grinding machines. Finally, the Opt-Setup Master demonstrates its capability to generate the optimum
setup conditions that satisfy all three stability criteria, and to provide the grinding conditions that will
provide safe grinding operations and chatter-free grinding with improved grinding accuracy.
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2. Basic
2. Basic SetupSetup Conditions
Conditions in in CenterlessGrinding
Centerless Grinding
The basic
The basic setup
setup parameters
parameters in in centerlessgrinding
centerless grinding are
are the
the blade
thecenter height
center angle
height angle γ
γ and the work rotational speed nw, as shown in Figure 1.
and the work rotational speed nw , as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Setup conditions in centerless grinding.

Figure 1. Setup conditions in centerless grinding.
The set (θ, γ, nw) of these parameters is called the “setup condition” in this paper, and it
The γ, nw )centerless
set (θ, affects of thesegrinding performance.
parameters In the
is called practice,
“setupthe work center height
condition” CHpaper,
in this (insteadand it
of γ) andaffects
significantly the RWcenterless
wheel) rotation speed NIn
performance. r (rpm) are used
practice, the because these height
work center parameters
CH can(instead
of γ) be
the RWset(regulating
up on the machine.
wheel) The centerspeed
rotation heightNCH (mm) has the following relationship with the
r (rpm) are used because these parameters can be
center height angle γ (°) when angles α and β are small.
directly set up on the machine. The center height CH (mm) has the following relationship with the
center height angle γ (◦ ) when angles α and βγ are = αsmall.
+ β (1)

= α+β 2CH (1)
α = sin -1 ≅ (2)
( D2CH
r + Dw ) ( r + Dw )
α = sin −1 ∼
= (2)
( Dr + Dw ) ( Dr + Dw )
2CH 2 CH
β = sin −1 2CH ≅ (3)
β = sin−1 Dg + Dw ∼
D g + Dw
) (
= Dg + Dw 
D g + Dw
) (3)

( w (( D ) Dw)) ◦

3.14 DD g++ D
D Dr ++D
CH ( mm))== 360 Dg g + D
+ 2Dw γ ( ° )
r w γ( ) (4) (4)
360 Dg + Drr + 2 Dw)
The work rotation speed nw is controlled by the RW friction drive/brake mechanism. Figure 2
shows testThe workofrotation
results normalspeed nw isforce
grinding controlled byfriction
Fn, the the RWcoefficient
friction drive/brake mechanism.
µr and the Figurevelocity
rolling-sliding 2
shows test results of normal grinding force Fn, the friction coefficient μr and the rolling-sliding
between RW and the workpiece during an infeed centerless grinding process [15]. In steady state
velocity between RW and the workpiece during an infeed centerless grinding process [15]. In steady
grinding, the sliding velocity ∆V, defined as (Vw (V
state grinding, the sliding velocity ΔV, defined as
−wV− rV),r),isisabout +0.008 m/s, and the slippage ratio
about +0.008 m/s, and the slippage ratio
r is about 2%, where Vw and V r are the work and RW peripheral velocities, respectively. Since the
r is about 2%, where Vw and Vr are the work and RW peripheral velocities, respectively. Since the
sliding velocity is very small, the work rotation speed n
sliding velocity is very small, the work rotation speed nwwcan be represented by:by:
can be represented

DNN ((rpm
rpm ))
≅ rr rr
= (5) (5)
60D Dww
In the
In model development,
the model development,the thescientific
scientific parameters (θ,γ,γ,nwn)ware
parameters (θ, ) are used
used for for
the the analysis
analysis of theof the
optimum setup
setup condition,
condition, andand
thethe practicalparameters
practical parameters (θ,
(θ, CH,
) arethe outputs
the outputsof the model.
of the model.
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Figure 2. Infeed centerless grinding process. Dr = 255 mm, Dw = 30 mm, Nr = 30 rpm, Vw = 0.4 m/s,
Figure 2. Infeed centerless grinding process. Dr = 255 mm, Dw = 30 mm, Nr = 30 rpm, Vw = 0.4 m/s,
Figure velocity:
2. Infeed 0.008 m/s, Slippage
centerless ratio:
grindingratio: 2%.Dr = 255 mm, Dw = 30 mm, Nr = 30 rpm, Vw = 0.4 m/s,
Sliding velocity: 0.008 m/s, Slippage 2%.
Sliding velocity: 0.008 m/s, Slippage ratio: 2%.
3. Centerless Grinding Systems and the Characteristic Equation
3. Centerless Grinding Systems and the Characteristic Equation
3. Centerless
Since theGrinding Systems
three stability andinfluence
criteria the Characteristic
each otherEquation
and are significantly affected by the setup
Since the
conditions, three
it is stability
necessary criteria
to influence
assess these each other
stabilities as and are significantly
a total system—includingaffected bymachine
the setup
Since the three stability criteria influence each other and are significantly affected the
by the setup
dynamic it is necessary tothe
characteristics, assess these stabilities as a total system—including
grinding the machine dynamic
conditions, it is necessary tocenterless grinding
assess these mechanism
stabilities and the
as a total system—includingprocesses.
the Figure
machine 3
shows a block the centerless
diagram of grinding mechanism and the grinding processes. Figure 3 shows
dynamic characteristics, thethecenterless
system. The andsystem consists processes.
the grinding of the regenerative
Figure 3
a block diagram
centering of
mechanism the centerless
[16], the grinding
regenerative system.
function The system
[17], the consists
relationship of the regenerative
shows a block diagram of the centerless grinding system. The system consists of the regenerative centering
depth-of-cut and
the normal [16], the
grinding regenerative
force, the function
contact [17],
stiffness the
of relationship
the wheels, between
the wheel depth-of-cut
centering mechanism [16], the regenerative function [17], the relationship between depth-of-cut and and
functions, the
and normal
machine force, the
dynamics contact
[12]. stiffness
The dynamic of the wheels,
behavior of the
the wheel
roundingfiltering functions,
mechanism can
the normal grinding force, the contact stiffness of the wheels, the wheel filtering functions, and the and
be the machine
the characteristic
The dynamic
dynamics equation
[12]. The behavior
dynamic ofof
theclosed loop
behavior of thecenterless
rounding grinding
can besystem
mechanism in Figure
can 3. on the
be investigated
based on theequation of theequation
characteristic closed loop centerless
of the closed loopgrinding system
centerless in Figure
grinding system3. in Figure 3.
Regenerative Regenerative Grinding where,
Slide center-function function stiffness Normal ε΄= sin(ϒ)/cos(θ-β)
feed + Regenerative
1 Regenerative Grinding force where,
(1-ε) = cos(θ-β)/cos(θ-α)
fSlide center-function z cs 1 − e −2πS
function b ⋅ kw′ Normal
stiffness Fn ε΄=
s = σsin(ϒ)/cos(θ-β)
+ jn (s: Laplace operator)
feed + 1 − ε ′e −ϕ S + zcr (1 − ε )e −ϕ S
1 2
force (1-ε) = cos(θ-β)/cos(θ-α)
- 1
z −2πS b ⋅ k ′
ϕ1: Blade phase angle
f −ϕ SContact Compliance
1 − ε ′e + zcr (1 − ε )e
1 −ϕ S 2 of
cs 1 − e
regulating wheel w Fn ϕ
s =
2 : σ + jn (s: Laplace
Regulating wheeloperator)
phase angle
- + (1 − ε ) ϕ1:Grinding
b: Blade phase
zcr Contact Compliance b ⋅ kcr′
of regulating wheel ϕ2w::Regulating
k΄ wheel stiffness
Specific grinding phase angle
+ + (1 − ε ) b:crGrinding width
zcr Contact Compliance b ⋅1kcr′
of grinding wheel k΄
: Contact stiffness of regulating wheel
w: Specific grinding stiffness
+ k΄ : Contact stiffness of grinding wheel
Contact Compliance of grinding wheel k΄crMode
ν: : Contact
numberstiffness of regulating wheel
+ b ⋅ kcs′
+ 1 k΄νcs: ν-th.
U : Contact
mode stiffness of grinding
orientation factor wheel
Compliance of grinding machine ν: Mode number
b ⋅ kcs′ km ν: ν-th. mode machine static stiffness

+ 
Compliance Gν (s) machine
of grinding
ν k mν
Uν: ν-th.
G(s): modedynamic
ν-th. mode
static stiffness
uν Zcs: wheel filter function
ν k mν
Gν (s) G(s):Regulating
Zcr: Machine dynamic transfer
wheel filter function
Zcs: Grinding wheel filter function
Figure 3. Block diagram of centerless grinding Zcr: Regulating
system. wheel filter function
Figure 3. Block diagram of centerless grinding system.
Figure 3.isBlock
The characteristic function diagramby:
represented of centerless grinding system.

The characteristic function is represented by:

− by: = g ( s )
The characteristic function is represented (6)
f 1( s )
− = g ( s) (6)
where − f (
1s )
= g(s) (6)
f (s)
Z cs (1 − e −2π s )
where 1
− =− (7)
−− f (
11 s )
==−− 1 − ε ′eZ-Z
ϕ1s 11−
cscs + Z − ε) ) e −ϕ2 s
(7) (7)
− −ϕ s
( ) '11−−1εε e′e-ϕ(111s +−+εZZ)crcr((111−−ε ε))ee−ϕ2s2
f f(s)s 0 ϕ s

g ( s ) = bk w  1 + (1 − ε) + 1 Gm ( s )  (8)
g(s) = bk w 0'  bk10 cs′ + (1bk − ′ε ) + k1 G (s) 
g ( s ) = bk w bk cs + bk0crcr + kmm Gmm ( s ) 
 bkcs′ bkcr′ km 
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By solving the characteristic roots of Equation (6), the dynamic rounding stability can be evaluated
By solving the characteristic roots of Equation (6), the dynamic rounding stability can be
and the transient behavior of the waviness amplitude in work roundness can be calculated during the
evaluated and the transient behavior of the waviness amplitude in work roundness can be calculated
grinding process. The characteristic root can be represented by:
during the grinding process. The characteristic root can be represented by:

ss = + jn
σ+ jn (9) (9)

where s iss is
thethe Laplaceoperator,
Laplace operator,σσisisthe
the amplitude
amplitude growth
andn is thethe
n is number
of lobes in the work roundness. The transient of the amplitude change A(t) on roundness waviness
of lobes in the work roundness. The transient of the amplitude change A(t) on roundness waviness
during the grinding process can be expressed by:
during the grinding process can be expressed by:
A ( t ) = A0exp ( 2πnwσt ) (10)
A(t) = A0 exp(2πnw σt) (10)
where A0 is the initial amplitude of the waviness, nw is the work rotation speed in rps and t is the
where A0 istime.
grinding the initial
When amplitude
σ is positive, amplitude n
of the waviness, ofw nislobes
the work
growsrotation rps tand
speed intime
with grinding andt the
is the
processWhen σ is
can be positive,
identified as the amplitude
the chatter of n lobes
vibration. In casegrows
of σ < with
0, the grinding
amplitudetime t andisthe
of n lobes
grinding with can
process grinding time t, and
be identified as the grinding process becomes
chatter vibration. stable
In case of σ < with
0, theimproved
amplitude roundness.
of n lobes is
decreased withthegrinding
effect of machine
time t, andvibration is negligible,
the grinding process thebecomes
of thewith
transfer functionroundness.
improved Gm(s) is
degenerated to a constant and the resulting system is of a kinematic nature, referred
When the effect of machine vibration is negligible, the response of the transfer function Gm(s) is to as “geometric
rounding stability”
degenerated [12]. Then,
to a constant theresulting
and the characteristic
is of a is simplified
kinematic as:
nature, referred to as “geometric

(1 − e )
rounding stability” [12]. Then, the characteristic
−2πs equation is simplified as:
 1 (1 − ε ) b 
= kw'   + +
k(1cr′ − ε) km b
1 − ε ′e 1 −+e−(12πs
− φ1s
−ε )e − φ2 s
0 kcs′ 1

− = kw + + (11)
1 − ε0 e−ϕ1 s + (1 − ε)e−ϕ2 s k0cs k0cr km

4. 4. Three
Three StabilityCriteria
Stability Criteriain
Centerless Grinding
Grinding Work
Work RotationStability
Rotation StabilityCriterion
Figure 4 showsthe
4 shows thetorques
acing on
on the
the workpiece
workpiece during
grinding process. Tg Tg
process. is is
the grinding torque given by the tangential grinding force Ft. Tb and Tr are the friction torques
the grinding torque given by the tangential grinding force Ft. Tb and Tr are the friction torques acting
acting on the blade and the regulating wheel, respectively. Under the stable grinding process, the
on the blade and the regulating wheel, respectively. Under the stable grinding process, the following
following torque-quilibrium relationship is maintained. The work peripheral velocity Vw is
torque-quilibrium relationship is maintained. The work peripheral velocity Vw is controlled by the
controlled by the friction drive/brake mechanism of RW, and becomes almost the same as the RW
friction drive/brake mechanism of RW, and becomes almost the same as the RW peripheral velocity Vr.
peripheral velocity Vr.
Stable grinding: Tg == Tb
: Tg + Tr
Tb + Vw ≅∼
Tr,,Vw =Vr
Vr (12)(12)

Vg Vw Vr
Regulating wheel
Grinding wheel



Figure Torquesacting
acting on
on workpiece
workpiece during

However, once this quilibrium condition is broken by the excessive grinding torque Tg
However, once this quilibrium condition is broken by the excessive grinding torque Tg overcoming
overcoming the friction torques (Tb + Tr) during grinding, the work velocity Vw suddenly increases
thetorques + Tr)speed
grinding Vg.grinding, the work velocity Vw suddenly increases toward the
grinding wheel speed Vg.
Unstable grinding: Tg > Tb + Tr,Vw ≅ Vg (13)
Unstable grinding : Tg > Tb + Tr, Vw ∼
= Vg (13)
Inventions 2017, 2, 26 6 of 18

This phenomenon, called “spinners”, can create a potentially very dangerous situation and
should2017, 2, 26
be avoided for safe operations. 6 of 18

Figure 5a,b show the geometrical arrangement of the centerless grinding process and the forces
acting on the workpiece at any cut section perpendicular to the work axis l during grinding. The
This phenomenon, called “spinners”, can create a potentially very dangerous situation and should
variables fT and fN represent the tangential and normal grinding forces per unit width at the cut
be avoided for safe operations.
section. Rb and Rr are the resultant forces, while μb and μr are the friction coefficients at the contact
Figure 5a,b show the geometrical arrangement of the centerless grinding process and the
points with the blade and the RW, respectively. w(l) is the work weight per unit width at the cut
forces acting on the workpiece at any cut section perpendicular to the work axis l during grinding.
Section l. The torque equilibrium equation can be written by:
The variables fT and fN represent the tangential and normal grinding forces per unit width at the cut
ω resultant
section. Rb and Rr are dthe
r (RW,
Bforces, )
+ B2 µf Tb (and
1μ r ( l ) while (
l ) −µrCare
1μ r the
l ) respectively. w(l) is the work weight per dl
( l ) +friction (l )
C2 w coefficients at the contact
points with the blade and =
dt 0 the  (
A1μr ( l ) + A2 ) unit width (14) cut
at the
Section 1. The torque equilibrium equation can be written by:
( B µr (l ) + B2 ) f (l ) − (C µr (l ) + C2 )w(l )
r (l )A1 =1 μb cos(θ − αT ) − sin (θ1 − α )

I = dl (15)(14)
dt ( A1 µr ( l ) + A2 )
A2 = μb sin (θ − α ) + cos (θ − α ) (16)
A1 = µb cos(θ − α) − sin(θ − α) (15)
B1 = A1 − μb ( sin γ + k cos γ ) − (1 + k μb ) sin (θ + β ) + ( k − μb ) cos (θ + β )  (17)
A2 = µb sin(θ − α) + cos(θ − α) (16)

B1 = A1 − µb (sin γ + k cos 1 +( cos

B =γ)A−−[(μ kµb γ) sin +γβ)) + (k − µb ) cos(θ + β)]
− k(θsin (18)(17)
2 2 b

B2 = A2 − µb (cos γ − k sin γ) (18)

C1 = sin θ − μb ( cos θ − sin α ) (19)
C1 = sin θ − µb (cos θ − sin α) (19)
C2 = μ cos α
2 = µbbcos α (20)(20)

I and
I andωω are the
are themass
momentof ofinertia
inertia and
and the angular velocityofofthe
angular velocity theworkpiece.
workpiece. k is
k is thethe force
ratio (f /f
ratioN(fN/f ). For convenience,
T T). For convenience, the plus sign of μr is assigned to the downward friction force and thethe
plus sign of µr is assigned to the downward friction force and
minus sign is is
sign assigned

(a) (b)
Figure 5. Arrangement of centerless grinding and forces acting on workpiece. (a) Forces acting on
Figure 5. Arrangement of centerless grinding and forces acting on workpiece. (a) Forces acting on
workpiece during centerless grinding; (b) Cylindrical workpiece.
workpiece during centerless grinding; (b) Cylindrical workpiece.

The generalized motion Equation (14) is applicable to any cylindrical-shaped workpiece; for
example,generalized motion Equation
simple cylindrical, tapered, (14)
and is applicable
multiple to any
stepped cylindrical-shaped
diameter workpiece;
workpieces. Equation (14)for
example, simple cylindrical, tapered, and multiple stepped diameter workpieces. Equation
indicates that, in addition to being affected by the primary setup conditions (θ, γ), the rotational (14)
motion that,
of thein additionistoaffected
workpiece being affected by the forces
by the grinding primary
andsetup conditions
the friction (θ,RW.
force on γ), the rotational
of the workpiece
upper-limit is affected
tangential by theforce
grinding grinding forces
fU under theand thegrinding
stable friction condition
force on RW.
is derived from
Equation (14).
The upper-limit tangential grinding force fU under the stable grinding condition is derived from
Equation (14).
(C1 µr0 + C2 )
fU = w (21)
( B1 µr0 + B2 )
Inventions 2017, 2, 26 7 of 18
Inventions 2017, 2, 26 7 of 18

(C μ + C )
Inventions 2017, 2, 26 7 of 18
fU = C1μ r 0 + C 2 w
( )
fU = ( B11μrr00 + B22 ) w
( B1μr 0 of
where µr0 is the maximum static friction coefficient +B 2)
RW. When the tangential grinding force fT is
where μr0fis, the maximum static friction coefficient of RW. When the tangential grinding force fT is
smaller than U the work rotation speed Vw can be controlled with the RW speed Vr.
where than f , the work rotation speed Vw can be controlled withthe the tangential
RW speed grinding
Figureμ6r0 is the maximum
shows U
the results static friction
of the coefficient
calculation of fof RW. When
U with respect to the blade angle θ with various
force fT is
than6fUshows the results
, the work rotation of speed
the calculation
Vw can beofcontrolled
fU with respect
with theto the
Vr. θ with various
friction coefficients µr0 . The grinding force fU is normalized with the diameter d of a simple cylindrical
friction coefficients
Figure 6 showsμthe r0. The grinding
results of theforce fU is normalized
calculation of fU withwith the to
respect diameter
the bladed ofangle
a simple cylindrical
θ with various
workpiece made of steel. fU increases with increased θ. When θ is greater than a certain angle with
friction made ofμsteel.
coefficients r0. The fUgrinding
increasesforce withfUincreased θ. When
is normalized with θ theis diameter
greater than d ofaa certain angle with
simple cylindrical
the fU value
µr0 , workpiece
μr0, the fU value
becomes infinite.
of steel. infinite. Under
fU increases this
with condition,
condition, thereisis
θ. there
When no
θno riskofofthe
is risk
greater the spinners
than a certain phenomenon
angle with
occurring. The
μ zone
The zone
r0, the fU value
with the infinite
becomes the infinite f value
UfU value
Under is called the “safe
is called thethere
this condition, operation
no risk ofzone.”zone.” For instance,
For instance,
the spinners there
phenomenon is is
no limit on fU when a blade ofof > ◦ RW“safe
no limit
occurring. onThe
fU when
zone awith
the θ >4242°is
θinfinite used
usedis with
with an
an the
called RW ofμµr0r0
of = 0.25. zone.” For instance, there is
= 0.25.
no limit on fU when a blade of θ > 42° is used with an RW of μr0 = 0.25.

Figure 6.6.Upper
tangential grinding
Figure 6. Upper limit tangential grinding force.
Figure 7 shows the safe operation zones under various μr0 values on the (θ–γ) chart and
provides7 shows
Figure the safe
7 shows for operation
the satisfying zones
safe operation workunder
zones various
under µr0 values
various on the
μcriterion on(θ–γ)
r0 values (WRSC).
chart and
the (θ–γ) provides
guidelines for
without any
provides satisfying the
risk of spinners
guidelines work rotation
can bethe
for satisfying stability
obtained criterion
by selecting
work rotation (WRSC).
the set
stability Stable grinding
of (θ, γ)(WRSC).
criterion without
from theStable any risk
safe operation
of spinners can
zone, and
without be
any obtained
risk by selecting
is satisfied
of spinners canwith thesetup
the set ofby
be obtained (θ,selecting
γ) from
conditions the
the safe
γ).set ofoperation
(θ, γ) fromzone, and operation
the safe the WRSC is
zone,with theWRSC
and the setup isconditions (θ, γ).
satisfied with the setup conditions (θ, γ).

Figure 7. Safe operation chart.

Figure 7. Safe operation chart.
Figure 7. Safe operation chart.

4.2. Geometrical Rounding Stability Criterion

When the grinding system is stable and the influence of the machine dynamics on the rounding
mechanism is negligible, the stability of the rounding mechanism is predominantly affected by the
Inventions 2017, 2, 26 8 of 18
Inventions 2017, 2, 26 8 of 18

4.2. Geometrical Rounding Stability Criterion

4.2. Geometrical Rounding Stability Criterion
InventionsWhen the
2017, 2, 26 grinding system is stable and the influence of the machine dynamics on the rounding 8 of 18
When the grinding system is stable and the influence of the machine dynamics on the rounding
mechanism is negligible, the stability of the rounding mechanism is predominantly affected by the
mechanism is negligible, the stability of the rounding mechanism is predominantly affected by the
geometrical arrangement of the centerless grinding system under the solid-body machine structure.
geometrical arrangementof ofthe
centerless grinding
grinding system
system under the solid-body machine structure.
By analyzing the characteristic roots of Equation (11), theunder
effect the solid-body
of the machine
center height anglestructure.
γ on
ByBy analyzingthe
analyzing thecharacteristic
characteristic roots
roots of of Equation
Equation (11),(11), the
the effect
effect of
of the
the center
geometrical rounding stability can be assessed. Figure 8a shows the characteristic root distributions
height angle
angle γ γonon
geometrical rounding stabilitycan canbe beassessed.
assessed. Figure 8a shows the
thecharacteristic root distributions
for the odd lobes andstability
the even lobes [14]. WhenFigure
a lower 8acenter
showsheight characteristic
angle such asroot distributions
γ < 3° is set up,
forthe the odd
theamplitude lobes
odd lobesgrowth and
and thethe even
even lobes
lobes [14].
[14]. When
When a
a lower
lower center
center height
height angle
angle such
such asasγγ< <
3°3is setset
◦ is up,up,
rates of the 3, 5, and 7 lobes become close to zero, and the roundness error due
the amplitude
thetoamplitude growth
growth rates
rates ofof the
the 3,
3, 5,
5, and
and 77 lobes
lobes become
become close
close to
to zero,
zero, and
and the
roundness error
these odd lobes cannot be improved during the grinding process. On the other hand, when a
to these odd lobes cannot be improved during the grinding process. On the other hand, when a
to higher
these odd lobes
center cannot
height be such
angle improved
as γ >during
9° is setthe grinding
up, process.growth
the amplitude On therates
otherofhand, whenlike
even lobes a higher
higher center height angle such◦ as γ > 9° is set up, the amplitude growth rates of even lobes like 18,
center height
20, and angle such
22 become asto
close γ> 9 is
zero andsetthe
the amplitude errorgrowth
cannotrates of even lobes
be improved due tolike 18,even-lobe
the 20, and 22
20, and 22 become close to zero and the roundness error cannot be improved due to the even-lobe
become close to zero and the roundness error cannot be improved due to the even-lobe waviness.
σ σ

Blade angle θ=30° 8

Stock angle θ=30°

removed in dia. =35-40μm

4 Stock removed in (dia.
dia. x=35-40μm 6

Roundness μm
4 Work size width)


X: 9 xsize (dia. x width)

30 mm
X: 9 xx30 4
Δ: 14 30mmmm

2 4
o: 14

2 2
o: 20 x 30 mm

ϒopt 9 0
3 0
ϒopt angle 9° 5 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10
3Center-height 0
Center-height angle ° 5
Center-height angle °10 0 Center-height
2 4 6angle8 °10
Center-height angle ° Center-height angle °
(a) (b) (c)
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 8.Geometrical
Geometrical rounding stability.
stability. (a) Center-height angle vs. amplitude growth rates [14]; (b)
Figure8. 8. Geometrical rounding
rounding stability. (a)(a)Center-height
Center-height angle
angle vs.vs. amplitude
amplitude growth
growth rates rates [14];
[14]; (b)
Effect of γ on roundness [6]; (c) Effect of γ on roundness [16].
Effectofofγ γ on roundness [6]; (c) Effect of γ on roundness
on roundness [6]; (c) Effect of γ on roundness [16]. [16].

These results suggest the existence of an optimum center height angle γopt that yields a
These results
results suggest
suggest the
theand existenceanofoptimum
existence an optimumcentercenter height γopt
angle γopt thata yields a
minimum roundness error, γopt = of
6.7° has been proposed height
as thatangle
optimum that angleyields minimum
[12]. Miyashita
roundness roundness
and error, and γopt

γopt = 6.7 results = 6.7°
has been has been
proposed proposed
as 8b,
thatandas that
optimum optimum
angle angle [12]. Miyashita
et al. reported experimental shown in Figure indicated that [12]. Miyashita
the optimum et al.
et al. reported
reported the the experimental
experimental results results
shown shown
in in Figure
Figure 8b, and 8b,indicated
and indicated
that that
the the optimum
optimum center center
height angle exists around 7° [6]. Rowe et al. reported on theoretical and experimental analysis of the
angle angle
exists exists around
around 7◦ of
[6]. 7°Rowe
[6]. Rowe et al. reported
et al. onon theoreticalandandexperimental
experimental analysis ofofthe
rounding mechanism a workpiece withreported
a flat face. theoretical
Figure 8c shows the effect of theanalysis
center height the
rounding mechanism of a workpiece with a flat face. Figure 8c shows the effect of the center height
angle onmechanism
the roundness of aerror.
workpiece with atest
The grinding flatresults
face. Figure
verified 8cthat
shows the effectcenter
the optimum of the height
angle on the roundness error. The grinding test results verified that the optimum center height angle
γopton the around
exists roundness error.
6°–8° [8]. The grinding test results verified that the optimum center height angle
γopt exists around ◦6°–8° [8].
γopt exists
It is around 6 –8◦that
well known [8]. an odd number of lobes appears under a lower center height condition
It is well known that an odd number of lobes appears under a lower center height condition
such aswell
It is γ < 3°, as shown
known that in
anFigure 9a. To minimize
odd number the roundness
of lobes appears under aerror
lowerwith oddheight
center numbers of lobes,such
condition it
such as◦ γ < 3°, as shown in Figure 9a. To minimize the roundness error with odd numbers of lobes, it
is recommended that lower center height angles be avoided as much as possible.
as γ < 3 , as shown in Figure 9a. To minimize the roundness error with odd numbers of lobes, it is Under a relatively
is recommended that lower center height angles be avoided as much as possible. Under a relatively
higher centerthat
recommended height
center height a specific
angleseven numberasof
be avoided muchlobesasappears, shown
Under in Figurehigher
a relatively 9b.
higher center height condition, a specific even number of lobes appears, as shown in Figure 9b.
center the center
height height
condition, a angle is
specific known,
even number the of
even number
lobes appears,of lobes
as ne that
shown in will appear
Figure 9b. can bethe
Where found
Where the center height angle is known, the even number of lobes ne that will appear can be found
by 180/γ
height angle [6].
is known, the even number of lobes ne that will appear can be found by 180/γ [6].
by 180/γ [6].

研研研研 調調調
RW 調調調
GW 研研研研
研研研研 調調調
RW γ 調調調
GW 研研研研



Blade Blade

7 lobes γ=5º γ=7.5º γ=9º

3 lobes 5 lobes 7 lobes γ=5º
36 lobes γ=7.5º
24 lobes γ=9º
20 lobes
3 lobes 5 lobes 36 lobes 24 lobes 20 lobes

ne=180/5=36 ne=180/7.5=24 ne=180/9=20

ne=180/5=36 ne=180/7.5=24 ne=180/9=20
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 9. Effect of center-height angle on rounding mechanism. (a) Odd lobe appearance at lower γ;
Figure 9. Effect of center-height angle on rounding mechanism. (a) Odd lobe appearance at lower γ;
Figure 9. Effect
(b) Even of center-height
lobe appearance angle on
at a specific γ. rounding mechanism. (a) Odd lobe appearance at lower γ;
(b) Even lobe appearance at a specific γ.
(b) Even lobe appearance at a specific γ.
Inventions 2017, 2, 26 9 of 18
Inventions 2017, 2, 26 9 of 18
These even numbers of lobes are the result of the geometrical rounding instability caused by the
geometrical arrangement of the regulating wheel or the blade. Figures 10 and 11 show the
These even
geometrical numbers
rounding of lobes
stability are the
criteria of result of the geometrical
the regulating wheel androunding instability
the blade, caused by the
geometrical arrangement of the regulating wheel or the blade. Figures 10 and
Figure 10a is an example of regulating wheel geometrical rounding instability. When 11 show the geometrical
a peak of
wavinessstability criteria
on the work of the regulating
roundness contactswheel andregulating
with the the blade, respectively.
wheel and the waviness becomes a
valley at the10agrinding
is an example of regulating
point (and wheel
vice versa), the geometrical
waviness errorrounding
be removed When a peak
during the
of waviness on the work roundness contacts with the regulating wheel and the
grinding process. Conversely, Figure 10b is an example of regulating wheel geometrical stability.waviness becomes
valleya at the contacts
peak grindingwithpointthe(and vice versa),
regulating wheeltheandwaviness error cannot
the waviness becomes bearemoved during
peak at the the
grinding process. Conversely, Figure 10b is an example of regulating wheel
point (and vice versa), the waviness error can be removed during the process. Therefore, the geometrical stability.
When a peakwheel
regulating contacts with the regulating
geometrical wheel and
rounding stability the waviness
criterion (RW −becomes
GRSC) cana peak
be at the grinding
summarized as
point (and
follows: vice versa), the waviness error can be removed during the process. Therefore, the regulating
wheel geometrical rounding stability criterion (RW − GRSC) can be summarized as follows:
( RW − GRSC ) Unstable :180 = Even int eger (22)
( RW − GRSC ) Unstable : γ = Even integer (22)
( RW − GRSC ) Stable :180 = Odd int eger (23)
( RW − GRSC ) Stable : = Odd integer
γ (23)

n=16 n=16

[180/ϒ]=16: Even
UnstableEven [180°/ϒ°]=Even integer

n=15 n=15

Stable Odd [180°/ϒ°]=Odd[180/ϒ]=15:

[180/ϒ]=15: integer Odd

Figure 10.Regulating
Regulating wheel
wheel (RW)(RW) geometrical
geometrical rounding
rounding stabilitystability
criteria. criteria. (a) RW geometrical
(a) RW geometrical rounding
rounding unstable conditions; (b) RW geometrical rounding stable
unstable conditions; (b) RW geometrical rounding stable conditions. conditions.

Likewise, Figure
Figure 11a
11a isisan
exampleof ofblade
instability. When
When aapeak
waviness contacts with the top surface of the blade and the waviness becomes a peak at
waviness contacts with the top surface of the blade and the waviness becomes a peak at the grinding the grinding
point (and
(and vice
vice versa), the waviness
versa), the waviness error
error cannot
cannot be
again, Figure
Figure 11b11b is
is an
an example of blade geometrical rounding stability. When a valley contacts with the
example of blade geometrical rounding stability. When a valley contacts with the top surface of the top surface
of the blade
blade and
and the the waviness
waviness becomesbecomes
a peaka peak
at theatgrinding
the grinding
(and (and vice versa),
vice versa), the waviness
the waviness error
can be removed. Similarly, the blade geometrical rounding stability criterion (B − GRSC) can
can be removed. Similarly, the blade geometrical rounding stability criterion (B − GRSC) can be
summarized as follows:
summarized as follows:
90 − θ − β
( B − GRSC ) Unstable : 90 − θ − β= Even integer
( B − GRSC ) Unstable : γ = Even int eger
90 − θ − β
( B − GRSC ) Stable : 90 − θ − β = Odd integer (25)
( B − GRSC ) Stable : γ = Odd int eger (25)
Inventions 2017, 2, 26 10 of 18
Inventions 2017, 2, 26 10 of 18

GW n=16 GW n=16
β β

θ θ

Unstable [(90°-θ°-β°)/ϒ°]=Even integer

n=15 n=15
β β

θ θ

Stable [(90°-θ°-β°)/ϒ°]=Odd integer

Figure 11.
Figure 11. Blade
Blade geometrical
geometrical rounding
rounding stability
stability criteria.
criteria. (a)
(a) Blade
Blade geometrical
geometrical rounding
rounding unstable
conditions; (b) Blade geometrical rounding stable conditions.
conditions; (b) Blade geometrical rounding stable conditions.

To satisfy the RW geometrical rounding stability criterion (RW − GRSC), the center height angle
To satisfy the RW geometrical rounding stability criterion (RW − GRSC), the center height angle
γ is determined by:
γ is determined by:
RW −
RW − GRSC Stable: γ: γ==Iodd
GRSC Stable (26)
I odd
where Iodd is an odd integer. Also, the blade geometrical stability criterion (B − GRSC) can be satisfied
by Iodd
setting upisthe
odd integer. Also,γ the
height angle thatblade
can begeometrical
calculated by stability criterion
the following (B − GRSC) can be
satisfied by setting up the center height angle γ that can be calculated by the following equation.
(90 − θ )
B − GRSC Stable : γ = h
B − GRSC Stable : γ = Iodd +
( 90(Dr )
− θ+Dw )
i (27)

( Dr + Dw ) 
( Dg+ Dr +2Dw)
 (27)
 Iodd +
4.3. Dynamic System Stability Criterion
 ( Dg + Dr + 2 Dw ) 
As mentioned, the chatter vibration in the centerless grinding system is very severe and builds
up fast because
4.3. Dynamic the work-regenerative
System Stability Criterion self-excited vibration has such a high amplitude growth rate,
as shown in Figure 12a. This phenomenon not only deteriorates grinding accuracy and productivity,
As threatens
but also mentioned, the
safe chatter vibration
operations. in the
To achieve centerless
a stable grinding
grinding process system is very
with high severeaccuracy
grinding and buildsas
up fast in
shown because
Figurethe 12b,work-regenerative
satisfying the dynamicself-excited
systemvibration has such is
stability criterion a high amplitude growth rate,
as shown
StudyinofFigure 12a. This phenomenon
the characteristic not only
root distributions deteriorates
of Equation grinding
(6) clarifies theaccuracy andmechanism
generation productivity,of
but also threatens safe operations. To achieve a stable grinding process with
the chatter vibration [12], and the chatter generation zones are revealed on the (n·γ–n·nw ) diagram high grinding accuracy
as shown
the dynamic in Figure
system12b, satisfying
stability the dynamic
criterion system13
(DSSC). Figure stability
plots thecriterion is imperative.
3D positive growth rates σ of the
Study of the characteristic root distributions of Equation
characteristic roots on the (n·γ–n·nw ) diagram. The chatter zones are shown (6) clarifies theasgeneration mechanism
“mountains” located
of thethe
near chatter
naturalvibration [12], in
frequencies and
nw ) axis.generation
The higher zones are revealed
the height on the (n·γ–n·n
of the mountain, w) diagram
the more severe
for the dynamic system stability criterion (DSSC). Figure 13 plots the ◦3D positive
the chatter vibration. Since the chatter mountains are in 0 < (n·γ) < 180 , they generate even numbers growth rates σ of
the characteristic roots on
of lobes during chatter vibration. the (n·γ–n·n w) diagram. The chatter zones are shown as “mountains”

locatedThenear the zones

chatter natural frequencies
located in 180◦in<the (n·n
(n·γ) ) axis.
<w360 The higher
◦ generate odd the heightofoflobes
numbers the mountain,
and generate the
more severe the chatter vibration. Since the chatter mountains are in 0 < (n·γ)
chatter vibration only under higher γ values. A straight line (nw /γ) through the origin is determined < 180°, they generate
even numbers
when the center of lobes
angle chatter
γ and vibration.
the work speed nw are given. Where the straight line hits
The chatter zones located in
a mountain, chatter vibration occurs at that 180° < (n·γ) < 360° generate
frequency. In other odd
where theof lobes andline
straight generate
chatter vibration only under higher γ values. A straight line (n w/γ) through the origin is determined
by the ratio (nw /γ) does not hit any mountains, the DSSC is satisfied and chatter-free grinding is
when the Figure
achieved. center height
13 shows angle γ and
distinct the that
areas worksatisfy
speedthe nw DSSC
are given. Where
and gives thethe straight
ranges line
of (n hits a
w /γ) that
provide chatter vibration
chatter-free grinding. occurs at that frequency. In other words, where the straight line given by
the ratio (nw/γ) does not hit any mountains, the DSSC is satisfied and chatter-free grinding is
achieved. Figure 13 shows distinct areas that satisfy the DSSC and gives the ranges of (nw/γ) that
provide chatter-free grinding.
Inventions 2017, 2, 26 11 of 18
Inventions 2017, 2, 26 11 of 18
Inventions 2017, 2, 26 11 of 18

Out-of-roundness of
ground workpieceof
- Mag.workpiece
ground x 5,000
-- Mag.
Filter x1-50
- Filter 1-50
0.2 μm
n=12 lobes Dynamic component of grinding force 0.2 μm
n=12 lobes Dynamic component of grinding force

nw=8.9 rps, ϒ=9°, nw=2.1 rps, ϒ=9°,

rps, ϒ=9°, nnww=2.1
rps, ϒ=9°,
nw/ϒ=0.99 (a) nw/ϒ=0.23 (b)
Figure 12.
stability of centerless grinding system (experiment).
(a) Unstable
Figure of centerless grinding system (experiment). (a) Unstable grindinggrinding
Figure (chatter);
12. Dynamic(b) Stable grinding
stability of
(chatter); (b) Stable grinding process. process.
centerless grinding system (experiment). (a) Unstable grinding
process (chatter); (b) Stable grinding process.

Figure 13. Dynamic system stability diagram for Machine A. Conditions: b = 70 mm, k’w = 2
Figure k’cr = 0.3
13. Dynamic
Figure 13. Dynamic kN/mm·mm,
system k’csdiagram
stability diagram= 1 for
kN/mm·mm, A.kmr
for Machine
Machine =A.
Conditions: b = 70 kms
mm,b =k’w
= 2kN/μm,
70 mm,
kN/mm k’wkm1
= 2=
0.3 kN/μm,
kN/mm·mm, fnr
k’cr = 0.3 kN/mm = 100 Hz,
k’cr =·mm, fns =
0.3 kN/mm·mm,200 Hz,
k’cs = 1 kN/mm fn1
k’cs·mm,= 150 Hz, ζr
= 1 kN/mm·mm, = 0.05, ζs =
kmr = kms
kmr = 0.1 kN/µm, 0.05, ζ1
0.1 kN/μm, = 0.05.
kms = 0.15
= 0.15 kN/µm, km1kN/μm, km1 =
= 0.3 kN/µm,
fnr kN/μm,
= 100 Hz,fnr
fns= =100
fn1= =200
ζr == 150
ζs =ζr0.05,
= 0.05, ζs0.05.
ζ1 = = 0.05, ζ1 = 0.05.
Each grinding machine has its own dynamic characteristics with different natural frequencies,
and Each
a (n·γ–n·n w) diagram can be plotted that shows its unique chatter zones. The chatter zones are
Each grinding
grinding machine
machine has has its
its own
own dynamic
dynamic characteristics
characteristics with
with different
different natural
natural frequencies,
identified by conducting
and systematic grindingshows
tests. Figure 14a shows the chatter zones of grinding
and aa (n·γ–n·n
(n·γ–n·nww) )diagram
diagramcan canbe beplotted
plottedthatthat shows itsits unique
unique chatter
chatter zones.
zones. TheThe chatter
chatter zones
zones are
machine A.
identified The chatter zones locatedgrinding
near thetests.
natural frequencies of 100 Hz, 150 Hz andof200 Hz are
identified by conducting systematic grinding tests. Figure 14a shows the chatter zones of grinding
by conducting systematic Figure 14a shows the chatter zones grinding
shown on the
machine vertical axis (n·nw) Hz. These chatter zones are located 100
in 0 < (n·γ) < 180° and generate
machine A.A. The
The chatter
chatter zones
zones located
located near
near the
the natural
natural frequencies
frequencies of of 100 Hz,
Hz, 150
150 HzHz and
and 200200 Hz
Hz are
even numbers of lobes, while
shown onon the
the vertical axis
vertical axis ·nthe
w) Hz. located
These in 180°
chatter zones < (n·γ) < 360° in
are located generate
0 < (n·γ)odd numbers
< 180°
w ) Hz. These chatter zones are located in 0 < (n· γ) < 180 and generate
of lobes
◦ and generate
where γ > 6.7°.ofFigure
even 14b shows the chatter zones for <grinding machine B. Machine B is designed
even numbers
numbers of lobes,lobes, while
while thethe zones
zones located
located in 180
in 180°◦< (n·γ)
(n·γ) << 360°
360◦ generate
generate oddodd numbers
numbers of of lobes
where high,
γ > rigid
◦ structures
Figure 14b and
shows possesses
the chatterspindles
zones with
for very
grinding high stiffness.
machine B. The
Machine firstB chatter
is zone
where γ > 6.7 . Figure 14b shows the chatter zones for grinding machine B. Machine B is designed with
appears at rigid
with the natural frequency of 430 spindles
Hz, which is very high
high, and machine B creates wider
high, high,
rigid structuresstructures and possesses
and possesses spindles with very with
high stiffness. stiffness. The first
The first chatter zonechatter
appears at regions
the thanfrequency
natural conventional of machine
430 Hz, A.
which is very high, and machine B creates wider
the natural frequency of 430 Hz, which is very high, and machine B creates wider chatter-free regions
Figure regions
chatter-free 15a shows thanthe chatter zones
conventional machineof grinding
A. machine A plotted on a (γ–nw) chart. The
than conventional machine A.
Figure (γ–n
chart can
shows the describezones
chatter chatter zones, but
of grinding cannotAdescribe
machine the a chatter generation
Figure 15a the chatter zones of grinding machine A plottedplotted
on a (γ–non (γ–nw) chart.
w ) chart. The practical
practical (γ–n the chattercan
w) chart zones’ various
describe vibration
chatter zones,modes,
but or the areas
cannot describewherethe stable
chatter grinding can
(γ–nw ) chart can describe chatter zones, but cannot describe the chatter generation mechanism,
occur. However,
mechanism, the (γ–n
the chatter w) chart
zones’ is very
various effectivemodes,
vibration in setup or operations
the areas when used
where stable along with can
grinding the
the chatter zones’ various vibration modes, or the areas where stable grinding can occur. However,
occur. (n·γ–n·nthe
However, w) diagram.
(γ–nw) chart The is ranges
very of chatter in
effective zones
setup in operations
(nw/γ) are explicitly
when used given,
alongas shown
with thein
Figure 15b.
analytical (n·γ–n·nw) diagram. The ranges of chatter zones in (nw/γ) are explicitly given, as shown in
Figure 15b.
Inventions 2017, 2, 26 12 of 18

the (γ–nw ) chart is very effective in setup operations when used along with the analytical (n·γ–n·nw )
Inventions 2017,
diagram. The2,2,ranges
26 12 of 18
of chatter zones in (nw /γ) are explicitly given, as shown in Figure 15b. 12
Inventions 2017, 26 of 18

250 600
250 600 Chatter


200 zone



zone 400

150 400


Work size 200
50 Work size work
50 O dia. 10 x L 70 mm Worksize
work size
O dia. 10 x L 70 mm Worksize
dia. 300 x L 70 mm •dia. 30 x LL70
Dia.30 70 mm
300 x L 70 mm •dia. 30 x LL70
Dia.30 70 mm
0 90 180 270 360 0 90 180 270 360
0 90 180 270 360 0 90 180 270 360
(lobes)x(center-height angle)n·ϒ°
n·ϒ° (lobes)x(center-heightangle)
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 14.Chatter
Chatter zonesonon (n·γ–n·n
diagram. (a) Grinding machine A; (b)
(b) Grinding
Grinding machine
machine B.
Figure 14. Chatter zones
Figure 14. zones on (n
(n·γ–n·n diagram. (a)Grinding
(a) Grindingmachine
A;(b) Grinding machine B.

No chatter 100Hz chatter 150Hz chatter 200Hz chatter

No chatter 100Hz chatter 150Hz chatter 200Hz chatter

20 [[nnww γγ]]HH
20 15




15 Chatter region
Chatter region


n 
γγ  L1
  L1 55


n 
γγ  L2
  L2

00 33 66 angle99ϒ ° 00 33 99
66 angle 12
Center-height angle ϒ ° Center-height ϒ
Center-height angle ϒ °°
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 15. Dynamic system stability criterion for machine A. (a) Chatter zones confirmed by
Figure 15. Dynamic
15. Dynamicsystem
system stability
stability criterion
criterion for machine
for machine A. (a)A. (a) Chatter
Chatter zones confirmed
zones confirmed by
by grinding
grinding tests; (b) Dynamic system stability criterion.
grinding tests; (b) Dynamic system stability
tests; (b) Dynamic system stability criterion. criterion.

Three types of stable, no-chatter zones exist for high work speed and low work speed regions.
Three types of stable, no-chatter zones exist for high work speed and low work speed regions.
Three types conditions
The chatter-free of stable, no-chatter
for machine zones exist for high work speed and low work speed regions.
A are:
The chatter-free conditions for machine A are:
The chatter-free conditions for machine A are:
1. (nw/γ) H > 3.0 (high-speed chatter-free zone; KH)
(n w/γ) H > 3.0 (high-speed chatter-free zone; KH)
(nww/γ) H> 3.0 when
(high-speed chatter-free zone; KH)
2. (n < 0.6 γ is lower (low-speed chatter-free zone 1; KL1)
2. (nw/γ) L1 < 0.6 when γ is lower (low-speed chatter-free zone 1; KL1)
2. (n /γ)
3. (nww/γ) L2 < 0.28 when γ is higher (low-speed chatter-freezone
L1 < 0.6 when γ is lower (low-speed chatter-free zone1;2;KL1)
3. (nw/γ) L2 < 0.28 when γ is higher (low-speed chatter-free zone 2; KL2)
3. (nw /γ) L2 < 0.28 when γ is higher (low-speed chatter-free zone 2; KL2)
Figure 16a,b redraw Figure 14b to include chatter zone boundary lines. The chatter-free zones
Figure 16a,b redraw Figure 14b to include chatter zone boundary lines. The chatter-free zones
are: Figure 16a,b redraw Figure 14b to include chatter zone boundary lines. The chatter-free zones are:
4. (n (nww/γ)
4. (nw/γ) H > 4.24 (KH)
5. (nww/γ) /γ)L1L1<<2.15
(KL1)for 6.67◦
forγγ< <6.67°
5. (nw/γ) L1 < 2.15 (KL1) for γ < 6.67° ◦
6. (nw/γ) /γ)L2L2<1.08
< 1.08 (KL2)
(KL2) forfor > 6.67
γ >γ 6.67°
6. (nww/γ) L2 <1.08 (KL2) for γ > 6.67°
Figure 16a 16a shows
shows aanarrow
narrowstable stablezone 1.53<<(n(nw/γ)
zoneinin1.53 /γ) << 2.15.
2.15. The
The setup
setup for
for this
this chatter-stable
Figure 16a shows a narrow stable zone in 1.53 < (nww/γ) < 2.15. The setup for this chatter-stable
zone isis too
too risky
consideredan anarea
zone is too risky to use, so it is not considered an area of stable, chatter-free conditions.
Since the work speed nw is controlled by the regulating wheel speed Nr, it is helpful to convert
Since the work speed nw is controlled by the regulating wheel speed Nr, it is helpful to convert
the (γ–nw) charts (Figures 15b and 16b) into a (γ–Nr) chart, as shown in Figure 17. For practical setup
the (γ–nw) charts (Figures 15b and 16b) into a (γ–Nr) chart, as shown in Figure 17. For practical setup
operations, the range of the center height angle is set to γ = 3° to 9°. Also, in this case the range of the
operations, the range of the center height angle is set to γ = 3° to 9°. Also, in this case the range of the
speed ratio q (defined as the ratio of the work speed Vw to the grinding speed Vg) for surface
speed ratio q (defined as the ratio of the work speed Vw to the grinding speed Vg) for surface
Inventions 2017, 2, 26 13 of 18

Since the work speed nw is controlled by the regulating wheel speed Nr, it is helpful to convert
the (γ–nw ) charts (Figures 15b and 16b) into a (γ–Nr ) chart, as shown in Figure 17. For practical setup
operations, the range of the center height angle is set to γ = 3◦ to 9◦ . Also, in this case the range of
Inventions 2017, 2, 26 13 of 18
the speed ratio
Inventions q 2,(defined
2017, 26 as the ratio of the work speed Vw to the grinding speed Vg)13for of 18surface
roughness control is set to 1/q = 25 to 150. In Figure 17, three chatter-free stable zones—KH, KL1 and KL1
control is set to 1/q = 25 to 150. In Figure 17, three chatter-free stable zones—KH,
roughness controlwithin
is set tothe
= 25 to 150. In Figure 17,dynamic
and KL2—are
KL2—areshown shown within the constrained range.
range. TheThethree chatter-free
dynamic system
system stable zones—KH,
stability is KL1
criterion and
is satisfied
KL2—are shown within the constrained range. The dynamic system stability criterion is satisfied
when awhen
set ofa set
(γ,ofNr)(γ, is
Nr) is selected
selected from
from thechatter-free
the chatter-free stable
zonesKH, KL1
KH, andand
KL1 KL2.KL2.
when a set of (γ, Nr) is selected from the chatter-free stable zones KH, KL1 and KL2.

Even-lobe Odd-lobe Chatter zone
chatter zone
Even-lobe chatter zone
Odd-lobe Chatter zone

w rps
430 chatter zone chatter zone

w [Hz]

w [Hz]



0 101.4 180 281.4 360 0 0
0 101.4 n·ϒ [°] 180 281.4 360 3 6 9 12
n·ϒ [°] 0 3 6 angle9 ϒ°
Center-height 12
(a) Center-height
(b) angle ϒ°
(a) (b)
Figure 16. Dynamic system stability criterion for machine B. (a) Chatter zones on (n·γ–n·nw)
16. Dynamic
FigureFigure system
16.(b)Dynamic stability
system criterion
stability for machine
criterion B. (a)B.Chatter
for machine zones
(a) Chatter zones ·γ–n
on (non ·nw ) diagram;
(n·γ–n·n w)
diagram; Chatter zones on (γ–nw) chart.
(b) Chatter zones
diagram; on (γ–nzones
(b) Chatter w ) chart.
on (γ–nw) chart.


Nru 25





Chatter zone

Chatter zone




KL1 KL2 150
Nrl 150

6.67° 0 3°

6.67° angle ϒ° 3°

Center-height angle ϒ°
Figure 17. Chatter free zones on γ–Nr chart. KH: High speed chatter-free zone, KL1, KL2: Low
17. Chatter free zones on γ–Nr chart. KH: High speed chatter-free zone, KL1, KL2: Low
17. Chatter freezones.
zones on γ–Nr chart. KH: High speed chatter-free zone, KL1, KL2: Low speed
speed chatter-free zones.
chatter-free zones.
5. Modeling to Find the Optimum Setup Conditions that Satisfy the Three Stability Criteria of
5. ModelingGrinding
Centerless to Find the Optimum Setup Conditions that Satisfy the Three Stability Criteria of
5. Modeling to Find
Centerless the Optimum Setup Conditions that Satisfy the Three Stability Criteria of
CenterlessThe previous section discussed the determination of setup conditions that would satisfy each
The previous
individual stabilitysection discussed
criterion. the determination
This section discusses theofdevelopment
setup conditions that would
of a model satisfy
for the each
The previous
setup stability
conditions thatcriterion.
section will This section
discussed discusses
the determination
simultaneously satisfy the development
all three of of a model
stability conditions thatforwould
the optimum
satisfy each
individual conditions
stability that willthe
18 criterion.
describes simultaneously
This section of
structure satisfy
discusses allthe
the developed three stabilityAs
model. criteria.
of first
the a modelstep, for
the the
of (θ, γ) setup
angle 18
θ, describes the
center-height structure
angle γ) of the
the three model.
individualAs the firstcriteria
stability step, the
are sets of (θ, γ)
conditions that will simultaneously satisfy all three stability criteria.
(blade angle
To satisfy theθ,work
rotation angle γ) satisfying
stability criterion, the sets
the threeofindividual
(θ, stability from
γ) are selected criteria
theare determined.
safe operation
18 describes the structure of the developed model. As the fromfirst the
step, the sets of (θ, γ)
zone shown in Figure 7, analyzed with the varying maximum friction coefficient μr0 ofoperation
satisfy the work rotation stability criterion, the sets of (θ, γ) are selected safe a given
θ, center-height
in Figure angle γ) satisfying the three individual stability criteria of a determined.
regulating wheel. Also, 7,theanalyzed
sets of (θ,with the varying
γ) satisfying bothmaximum
geometrical friction coefficient
rounding stabilityμr0 given
To satisfy the work
regulating rotation
wheel. Also, stability
the sets ofcriterion,
(θ, γ) the
satisfyingsets of
both (θ, are
γ) selected
rounding from the
− GRSC and B − GRSC—are calculated. Then, the sets of (nw, γ) (work speed nw and γ) that satisfy the
safe operation
criteria—RW zone
shown−in Figure
GRSC and 7,
B −analyzed
GRSC—are with the varying
calculated. maximum
Then, the sets of (nwfriction
, γ) (workcoefficient
speed nw and µr0γ)ofthat
a given
Inventions 2017, 2, 26 14 of 18

InventionsAlso, 2, 26sets of (θ, γ) satisfying both geometrical rounding stability criteria—RW − GRSC
2017, the and
14 of 18
B − GRSC—are calculated. Then, the sets of (nw , γ) (work speed nw and γ) that satisfy the dynamic
system system
2017, 2, criterion
sets ofThe
(nw ,sets of selected
γ) are (nw, γ) are selected
from one offrom one ofchatter-free
the stable the stable
14 of 18
chatter-free zones: KH, KL1
zones: KH, KL1 or KL2 (see Figure 17). or KL2 (see Figure 17).
dynamic system stability criterion are found. The sets of (nw, γ) are selected from one of the stable
chatter-free Work
zones: rotation
KH, KL1stability Geometrical
or KL2 rounding
(see Figure 17). stability Dynamic system stability
( θ,ϒ )
Center-height angle ϒ°

( ϒ, nw ) system stability

Work speed nw (rps)

Work rotation stability
Absolute Geometrical rounding stability Dynamic
Chatter zone
Safe zone

( θ,ϒ )
Center-height angle ϒ°

( ϒ, nw )

Work speed nw (rps)

Grinding Grinding
( θ,ϒAbsolute

Chatter zone

Safe zone


( ϒ, nw )

wheel wheel
受受 Blade
( θ,ϒ ) θ

Blade angle θ°

Center-height angle ϒ
( ϒ, nw )
Blade angle θ° Center-height angle ϒ
Find the sets of (θ, ϒ, nw) that satisfy three stability criteria

Find the sets of (θ, ϒ, nw) that satisfy three stability criteria
Determine the optimum set of (θ, ϒ, nw)
Determine the optimum set of (θ, ϒ, nw)
Provide the optimum setup condition (θ, CH, Nr)
Provide the optimum setup condition (θ, CH, Nr)
Figure 18. Structure of the model for determining the optimum setup condition
Figure 18. Structure of the model for determining the optimum setup condition
The second step is to find the sets of (θ, γ, nw) satisfying all three stability criteria. The third step
The second step is to find the sets of (θ, γ, nw ) satisfying all three stability criteria. The third
is to determine thestep
optimum setthe
from among the
nwpopulation of three
the (θ,stability
γ, nw) sets by calculating the PI
step is The second
to determine theisoptimum
to find sets
set of (θ,
from γ,
among ) satisfying all
the population of the (θ, γ,criteria. The
nw ) sets bythird step
is to determine index) functionsetbased
the optimum on thethe
from among process aim of
population (accuracy
the (θ, γ,or
nw)productivity). Finally,
sets by calculating the PIthe
the PI (performance index) function based on the process aim (accuracy or productivity). Finally,
optimum set (θ,index)
(performance γ, nw) is converted
function basedintoonpractical setupaim
the process conditions
(accuracy(blade angle θ, center
or productivity). height
Finally, CH,
the optimum set (θ, γ, nw ) is converted into practical setup conditions (blade angle θ, center height CH,
RW optimum
speed Nr)set as
γ, noutputs
w) is converted into practical
of the developed setup conditions (blade angle θ, center height CH,
RW speed Nr) as the outputs of the developed model.
speed 19
developed model.
Master”, the developed model. The model requires a
Figure 19 is the flow chart of “Opt-Setup Master”, the developed model. The model requires
Figure 19 is the flow chart of “Opt-Setup
machine operator to provide some input information, as Master”, the developed
shown model.
in Table Theparameters
1. All model requires a
a machine operator to provide some input information, as shown in Table 1. All parameters required
formachine operatoroftothe
the calculation provide some Master
Opt-Setup input information, as shown
are referenced in Table
from the data 1. All parameters
bank, which stores required
calculation ofofthe
Opt-Setup Master
Master are
are referencedfrom
referenced fromthethedata
which stores
stores machine
specifications, machine dynamic characteristics, work part numbers with dimensions, RW friction
machine dynamic
dynamic characteristics,
characteristics, work part
work part numberswith withdimensions,
dimensions, RW friction
characteristics, blade availability, etc. The constraints of thenumbers
setup parameters are alsoRW friction
stored in the
characteristics, blade availability, etc. The constraints of the setup parameters are also stored in in
blade availability, etc. The constraints of the setup parameters are also stored thethe
data bank, as shown in Table 2.
databank, asas
bank, shown
Inputs of operational Process priority
Inputs of operational
information Process priority
DATA BANK • Grinding accuracy
DATA BANK information • •Grinding accuracy
• Machine specifications Productivity
• Machine specifications • Productivity
• Machine dynamics
• Machine dynamics
• Setup constrains
• Setup constrains
• Wheel and blade info.
• Wheel and blade info.
• Work
• WorkPN
dimensions Geometricalstability
Bladeavailability θi Geometrical
availability θi ϒi ϒi

angle Work
Work rotation
rotation stability criteria(θi,
stability criteria (θi,ϒi)
Center-height No
angle Safe
: Workspeed
speed Dynamicstability
Dynamic criteria ((nnwi,
stability criteria wi,ϒϒi)i) Performance
Priority rankingof
of setup
setup condition
condition sets
sets(θi, ϒi,nnwiwi) )

Outputs ofoptimum
optimum setup
setup conditions

Figure 19.Flow
chart of
of developed
developed model
Inventions 2017, 2, 26 15 of 18

Table 1. Input information and parameters referred to data bank.

Inputs Action Parameters Referred to Data Bank

Machine specifications, Machine dynamic characteristics (Natural
Machine name Select
frequencies, damping ratios)
Workpiece shape Select Cylindrical (CYD), Tapered (TPD), Spherical (SRL), Multi-stepped (STD)
Workpiece part-number Select Dimensions (diameter, length, etc.), profile
GW diameter Measure New, worn, measured
RW diameter Measure New, worn, measured
RW dresser type and dress lead Select Single point dress, Rotary dress, Friction coefficient of RW
Blade availability Select Blade angle θ, blade thickness t

Table 2. Constraints of setup parameters.

Setup Parameters Symbol Unit. Min. Max. Typical

Range of speed ratio 1/q = Vg/Vw - 25 150 100
Range of blade angle θ ◦ 15 45 30
Range of Center-height angle γ ◦ 3 9 6.67
Range of regulating wheel speed Nr rpm 15 100 50
Range of GW diameter Dg mm 375 455 450
Range of RW diameter Dr mm 275 350 345
Range of Workpiece diameter Dw mm 5 100 40
Grinding wheel speed in revolution Ng rpm 1260 2300 1890
Grinding speed Vg m/s 30 45 45

The Opt Setup Master calculates the boundary line of the safe operation zone on the safe operation
chart by using the following relationship between the dressing lead leadr and the maximum friction
coefficient µr0 of the rubber bonded regulating wheel [15].

µr0 = a · leadr + 0.33 (28)

where a is a constant. a = 0.14 and a = 0.02 for a SPD (single-point dresser) and an RD (rotary
dresser), respectively.
The boundary line of the safe operation zone on the (θ, γ) chart can be expressed by:

γc = m · θ c + b (29)

m = 3.036 · a · leadr + 1.168 (30)

b = 77.06 · ( a · leadr )2 − 27.55 · ( a · leadr ) − 21.23 (31)

When θ1 of a point (θ1, γ1) is greater than (γ1–b)/m, the point is located at the right side of the
safe operation zone boundary line and meets the work rotation stability criterion.
The first calculation of the Opt-Setup Master is to find the sets of (θg, γg) that meet the geometrical
rounding stability criteria RW − GRSC and B − GRSC. The next calculation is to determine if the sets
(θg, γg) are located within the safe operation zone under the given dressing conditions of the rubber
bonded regulating wheel. If they are (answer “yes”), the sets (θgw, γgw) satisfy both the geometrical
rounding and the work rotation stability criteria. The final calculation is to find the work speed nw by
using γgw and the chatter stability boundary lines of (nw /γgw). From these calculations, the optimum
sets of (θ, γ, nw ) are discovered.
Then, the performance index (PI) functions that were prepared based on the process aims
are applied to assess the optimum sets of (θ, γ, nw ). The PI functions are summarized in Table 3.
The weighting factors of the PI functions are determined by applying theoretical knowledge,
experimental knowledge and operational skills. PI functions can be updated with newly gained
knowledge and skills. For each process aim (accuracy or productivity), the values of the PI function
for all setup conditions are calculated and these sets are ranked in ascending order from minimum to
Inventions 2017, 2, 26 16 of 18

those with greater values. The smaller the PI values, the more suitable the setup conditions. The setup
conditions with the smallest PI function values are defined as the optimum setup conditions.

Table 3. Performance Index (PI) functions.

Weighting Factors
Process Aim PI Function
Accuracy PIa = A × I θ − 27.5 I + B × I γ − 6.67 I + C × I Nr − 50 I + D × FL + E × STYP 0.2 2 0.1 0.01 2
Productivity PIr = A × I θ − 45 I + B × I γ − 5.15 I + C × I Nr − 50 I + D × FL + E × STYP 0.1 2 0.12 0.5 2
θ: Blade angle; γ: Center-height angle; Nr: RW speed in rpm; FL: KL1 = 0, KL2 = 0.5, KH = 1, STYP:
(RW + B) GRSC = −1, RW − GRSC= 0, B − GRSC = +1.

Table 4 shows examples of the Opt-Setup Master outputs. The conditions of the model simulation are:

(1) machine B is applied

(2) the process aim is accuracy-oriented
(3) the work shape and the size are a cylindrical workpiece with 40 mm (D) × 60 mm (L)
(4) the rubber bonded RW is dressed with leadr = 0.5 mm/rev by SPD
(5) the GW diameter is 453 mm
(6) the RW diameter is 350 mm
(7) the available blade angles are θ = 27.5◦ and θ = 40.3◦

Table 4. Examples of outputs from Opt-Setup Master.

Priority Optimum Set Up Conditions Engineering Parameter Stability Parameters

Blade Blade RW Work 1/q Stable RW − Blade −
Ranking Center-Height CH Angle (nw /γ)
Angle Thickness Speed Speed Ratio Zone GRSC GRSC
Nr (90 − θ −
No. θ (◦ ) t (mm) CH (mm) γ (◦ ) nw (rps) Vg/Vw (1/s) KH/KL1/KL2 180/γ
(rpm) β)/γ
1 40.3 20 12.68 41.8 6.68 6.1 25 0.91 KL2 27 7
2 40.3 20 12.66 83.5 6.67 12.2 25 1.83 KL1 27 7
3 40.3 20 13.67 45.1 7.2 6.58 25 0.91 KL2 27 6.5

Conditions: Machine B, Process aim: accuracy, Work: cylindrical Dia.40 × L60 mm.

Ranking No. 1 has the optimum setup conditions, as it has the smallest PI values. The practical
setup parameters are a blade angle θ = 40.3◦ with a thickness of 20 mm, a center height of
CH = 12.68 mm and RW speed of Nr = 41.8 rpm. The center height angle is γ = 6.68◦ , the work
speed is nw = 6.1 rps and the 1/q is 25.
The optimum setup condition set was selected from the safe operating zone. Therefore, it meets
the work rotation stability criterion and ensures safe operations. Further, the optimum setup condition
set was selected from the stable zone KL2 for chatter-free grinding, and thus meets the dynamic system
stability criterion. Also, the optimum setup condition set meets the criteria of both Equations (23)
and (25) (180/6.68 = 27 and (90 − 40.3 − 2.95)/6.68 = 7), so the geometrical rounding stability criteria
are maintained.
Through these means, it is verified that the optimum setup condition set—provided as the outputs
from the Opt-Setup Master—simultaneously satisfies all three stability criteria for centerless grinding.
Table 5 shows the optimum setup conditions as calculated by the Opt-Setup Master for infeed
centerless grinding of cylindrical workpieces of various sizes by two different grinding machines,
A and B. In all cases, γ = 6.67◦ , one of the most preferable γ angles, is chosen. All values representing
RW − GRSC and B − GRSC are odd integers, indicating that all the setup conditions meet the
geometrical rounding stability criteria. Machine B has a greater chatter DSSC index (nw /γ) than
machine A in chatter-stable zones KH, KL1 and KL2. Machine B’s high stiffness creates more extensive
chatter-stable zones than conventional machine A.
Inventions 2017, 2, 26 17 of 18

Table 5. The optimum setup conditions provided by the Opt-Setup Master for the grinding of
cylindrical workpieces with different machines A and B.

Work Blade C-H RW Chatter Chatter

Machine RW − GRSC Blade − GRSC
Case Dia.x L. Angle Angle Speed DSSC Stable Zone
No. Nr
mm A/B θ (◦ ) γ (◦ ) (nw /γ) KH/KL1/KL2 180/γ (90 − θ − β)/γ
1 A 27.5 6.67 38.6 3.37 KH 27 9
10 × 20
2 B 27.5 6.67 64.1 5.61 KH 27 9
3 A 27.5 6.67 77.1 3.37 KH 27 9
20 × 30
4 B 27.5 6.67 41.8 1.83 KL1 27 9
5 A 40.3 6.67 14.6 0.43 KL1 27 7
30 × 50
6 B 40.3 6.67 62.7 1.83 KL1 27 7
7 A 40.30 6.67 19.4 0.43 KL1 27 7
40 × 60
8 B 40.30 6.68 41.8 0.91 KL2 27 7
9 A 40.30 6.67 24.3 0.43 KL1 27 7
50 × 70
10 B 40.30 6.68 52.3 0.91 KL2 27 7
11 A 40.30 6.67 29.1 0.43 KL1 27 7
60 × 80
12 B 40.30 6.68 62.7 0.91 KL2 27 7
Condition: GW φ453 mm, Rubber bonded RW φ350 mm, µr0 = 0.4, Available blade θ = 27.5◦ , 40.3◦ .

6. Conclusions
Centerless grinding systems possess some unique features, including their work rotation drive,
loose work holding and regenerative centering mechanisms. However, because of these features,
three fundamental stability issues arise. Many researchers have investigated the issues and provided
useful guidelines for solving the issues.
This paper summarizes the three fundamental stability issues: (1) work rotation stability for safe
operation with no spinners; (2) geometrical rounding stability for better roundness; and (3) dynamic
system stability for chatter-free grinding. It emphasizes the need for an analytical tool that can provide
optimal setup conditions—those conditions that will satisfy all three stability criteria simultaneously.
This paper describes a newly developed analytical tool named Opt-Setup Master, and discusses how
the three stability criteria can be met.
The developed Opt-Setup Master has the following features:

(1) Accepts various shapes of workpiece: cylindrical, tapered, spherical and multi-stepped
(2) Applicable to any centerless grinding machine
(3) Data management via a data bank
(4) Inputs are easy to enter and outputs are readily usable
(5) Designed for operators
(6) Provides scientific parameters for engineers/managers
(7) Finds all setup conditions satisfying the three stability criteria of centerless grinding systems
(8) Outputs the optimum condition based on process aim

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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© 2017 by the author. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access
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