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Georgia DOE Library Media Program

Evaluation Results Summary

CA Gray Jr. High School’s media center was evaluated using the Georgia DOE 2012
Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric which was completed by the schools
media specialist. This rubric contains five categories with 19 domains ranging from
basic, proficient, and exemplary. We are proud to announce that CA Gray scored in the
exemplary domain 11 times, in the proficient domain eight times, and the basic domain
once. To say we are extremely proud of CA Gray Jr. High School media center’s growth
is an understatement. We are striving to have all 19 domains fall within the exemplary
section but understand each day is part of the race and cannot be won at once. We will
continue to improve and put our best foot forward.

Action Plan - Basic to Proficient

Category 1, Domain 6 is where CA Gray Jr. High media center fell within the basic
section. This area focuses on “Student achievement is routinely assessed” - “The
classroom teacher is responsible for assessing student achievement”. Content teachers
at CA Gray meet weekly to discuss curriculum, data, classroom management, and
more. Due to each content area meeting on the same day each week this hinders the
librarian from participating in these collaborations. Moving forward, the goal is to plan bi-
weekly content leadership meetings with the media specialist to discuss student
achievement and routines that can be implemented to help improve student usage of
the library to increase academic achievement.

Action Plan - Proficient to Exemplary

Category 3, Domain 8 is an area that CA Gray Jr. High’s media center is going to focus
on in an effort to move from proficient to exemplary. This area focuses on “There shall
be a plan for flexibly scheduled library media center access for students and teachers in
groups or individuals simultaneously throughout each instructional day. Accessibility
shall refer to the facility, the staff, and the resources and shall be based on instructional
need.” Currently, CA Gray’s media center is routinely closed due to testing being
administered, class coverage needed by the librarian, and club meetings. The action
plan is to relocate club meetings that take place on Wednesdays to the cafeteria. The
library being closed due to class coverage will be addressed via administration. The
plan suggests that a paraprofessional take students to the cafeteria when available. In
regards to testing, the action plan is to designate specific testing times which will allow
visitation for the remainder of the school day.

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