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Environmental Entomology, 46(4), 2017, 839–846

doi: 10.1093/ee/nvx103
Advance Access Publication Date: 1 June 2017
Plant-Insect Interactions Research

The Effects of Salinity on the Herbivorous Crop Pest

Tetranychus urticae (Trombidiformes: Tetranychidae) on
Soybean and Corn
Jaclyn L. Eichele-Nelson,1 Abbey F. Wick, Thomas M. DeSutter, and Jason P. Harmon
Department of Entomology, North Dakota State University, 1300 Albrecht Blvd, Fargo, ND 58102 (;;;, and 1Corresponding author, e-mail:
Subject Editor: Yasmin Cardoza
Received 8 March 2017; Editorial decision 15 May 2017

Many environmental factors, including soil characteristics, are critical for plants, herbivorous arthropods, and
their interactions. Despite increasing evidence that soil salinity drastically impacts plants, little is known about
how salinity affects the herbivorous arthropod pests feeding on those plants. We investigated how soil salinity
affects the twospotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) feeding on corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean
(Glycine max L.). We performed two greenhouse studies, one focusing on the impact of salinity on individual
mite fecundity over a period of 3 d and the other focusing on population growth of T. urticae over 7 d. Both ex-
periments were performed across varying salinity levels; electrical conductivity values ranged from 0.84 to 8.07
dS m1. We also performed the 3-d fecundity experiment in the field, across naturally varying saline conditions.
Overall, the twospotted spider mite performed better as salinity increased; both fecundity and population
growth tended to have a positive linear correlation with salinity. These studies suggest that salinity can be im-
portant for herbivores, just as it is for plants. Moreover, the negative effects of soil salinity on crop plants in
agroecosystems may be further compounded by a greater risk of pest problems. Salinity may be another im-
portant environmental stressor that can directly influence crop production while also indirectly influencing her-
bivorous pests.

Key words: Tetranychus urticae, salinity, corn, soybean

Abiotic factors including temperature, humidity, water, and soil be strongly affecting the herbivores that feed on those plants. The
characteristics can significantly impact herbivore–plant interactions. stress that salts induce into plants varies depending on species and
While it is clear that changes to these factors can be critical to such cultivar but yields of most crops in the Northern Great Plains de-
organisms and their interactions (Tylianakis et al. 2008), it is much crease with increasing salinity (Bernstein 1975). Irrigation water can
less clear how a given herbivore will react when changing a particu- also contribute to soil salinity (Rengasamy 2010). Consequently,
lar abiotic factor. Some of this confusion is because abiotic factors 35–40% of the world’s total food and fiber production is estimated
can directly affect the consumer (herbivore), the resource (plant), to be adversely affected by soil salinity (Corwin et al. 2007).
and their interactions (Harmon and Barton 2013). However, even in Despite the strong negative effect of increasing salinity on plants,
relatively simple cases where abiotic changes primarily influence the few studies have investigated the effects of salinity on herbivorous
herbivore indirectly through the plant, we do not necessarily know arthropods feeding on terrestrial plants grown in different soil con-
what to expect. For example, two general ecological theories predict ditions (reviewed in Harmon and Daigh 2017). The few examples
opposite results for how arthropods will respond to stressed plants that already exist struggle to generate a consistent, generalizable pre-
(the plant stress hypothesis (White 1969) vs. the plant vigor hypoth- diction as previous studies have shown that herbivores can be posi-
esis (Price 1991)). Therefore, to broadly understand the effects of tively (Aucejo-Romero et al. 2004), negatively (Araya et al. 1991),
changing abiotic conditions, we must continue to explore specific or not be affected (Younginger et al. 2009) by differences in soil sa-
abiotic changes and their potential effects on plant–herbivore linity. Some of these differences may have to do with the particular
interactions. host plant they are feeding on (Araya et al. 1991), making host plant
Increasing soil salinity is a growing, global problem (Essa 2002) an important variable to consider and control for in experiments.
that can have a tremendous impact on plants (Bernstein 1975, The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of salinity
Greenway and Munns 1980, Dagar 2010), and therefore may also on twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, feeding on

C The Authors 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America.
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840 Environmental Entomology, 2017, Vol. 46, No. 4

either corn (Zea mays L.) or soybean (Glycine max L.) host plants. Corn plants used in experiments were grown similar to soybeans
Twospotted spider mite is an important agricultural pest due to its with a couple exceptions. We used larger, 2-kg pots (23 cm tall by
worldwide distribution, rapid reproduction, and quick generation 23 cm diameter) that were lined with a plastic bag, but with the
time (Jeppson et al. 1975). This species has been found on >900 same soil as the soybean. Corn was also thinned to 1 plant per pot
host plants including several economically important agricultural upon emergence. Corn plants were watered gravimetrically two
crops including corn and soybean (Jeppson et al. 1975, Dennehy times each week (1,500 g). We also used young corn plants for ex-
and Granett 1984, Navajas 1998). Feeding by twospotted spider periments (vegetative growth stages V2–V5).
mite can result in a reduction of photosynthesis, leaf drop, and ulti- To provide information that was as relevant as possible to
mately plant death (Helle and Sabelis 1985). In the Northern Great growers in our region we chose salts found in our region. Plant toler-
Plains, untreated twospotted spider mite can significantly reduce ances to salinity can vary depending on the type of salt (Bernstein
yield in both corn and soybean (Ostlie and Potter 2012), with soy- 1975), so using different salts could influence both the plant and the
bean yield potentially reduced by 40–60% (Varenhorst et al. 2012). herbivore. Many previous studies have used sodium chloride (NaCl)
To investigate the effects of salinity on twospotted spider mite, to induce salinity stress (Hemminga and Van Soelen 1992; Bowdish
we experimentally induced a range of salinity treatments using so- and Stiling 1998; Dunn, et al. 1998; Moon and Stiling 2000,
dium sulfate and magnesium sulfate, salts which naturally occur in 2002a,b; Aucejo-Romero et al. 2004; Cakmak and Demiral 2007);
agricultural fields in Northern Great Plains. Our specific objectives however, NaCl isn’t the only salt contributing to salinity problems
were to 1) determine how soil salinity impacts twospotted spider in agricultural systems. In our greenhouse experiments we used so-
mite at an individual level on corn and soybean plants and 2) deter- dium sulfate (anhydrous ACS grade from VWR International) and
mine how soil salinity impacts twospotted spider mite at a popula- magnesium sulfate (heptahydrate ACS grade from VWR
tion level on corn and soybean plants. International) to experimentally manipulate target levels of salinity,
as those are two of the most common, moderately soluble salts natu-
rally found within agricultural fields in North Dakota (Franzen
Materials and Methods 2003).
We established five treatments: no salts added with an electrical
conductivity (EC) near 0, which served as the control, and targeted
Twospotted spider mite were originally collected from the USDA-
EC values of 2, 4, 6, and 8 (EC saturated paste) which match values
Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Northern Crop Science
found in some North Dakota production fields (Butcher 2016). To
Laboratory greenhouse in Fargo, North Dakota, in June 2013. Mite
create our treatments, we added specific amounts of both salts to the
colonies were maintained on susceptible soybean plants (variety
pot in which the plant was grown (Table 1). Salts were added and
RG607RR NDSU Research Foundation, Fargo, ND) and corn
mixed with the soil in the bottom 3=4 portion of the pot. More soil
plants (variety 45Q93 from Peterson Farm Seed) in separate colo-
was added to the top of the pot and seeds were planted in the top 1=4
nies. Twospotted spider mite used in experiments were collected
portion of soil to prevent damage to the seeds due to salinity, which
from colonies on the same plant type to avoid any effects due to
would decrease germination.
switching plant host. Plants and mites were contained in cages
We used EC1:5 to measure actual soil salinity levels we achieved
(model BD44545F, MegaView Science Co., Taichung, Taiwan,
in our treatments (Ju et al. 2007, Shi et al. 2009). This procedure
China) at 21–24  C, 60–80% RH, under a photoperiod of 14:10
was performed by taking 5 g of dried, homogenized soil from each
(L:D) h at the NDSU Agricultural Experiment Station Research
pot and mixing it with 25 ml of deionized water. After samples were
Greenhouse Complex in Fargo, North Dakota. Mite colonies were
mixed they were allowed to rest for 30 min before being mixed a sec-
renewed once each week by removing the most heavily infested
ond time. After the samples rested for an additional 30 min they
plants and replacing them with clean soybean or corn plants.
were tested with a SensIon5 Conductivity Meter, Hach Company,
Loveland, CO. This procedure was performed on four samples from
General Methods for Greenhouse Experiments each EC treatment and the values of those samples were averaged;
The goal of our greenhouse experiments was to test twospotted spi- this averaged value was used as the independent variable for each
der mite performance on corn and soybean plants grown in soils treatment in our statistical analyses.
that were manipulated to contain a range of salinity levels. We used
the same basic methodology for all four of our greenhouse experi-
ments. Experimental plants were grown in the same greenhouse con- Fecundity Experiments
ditions as the mite colonies and used the same plant varieties. Immediately before beginning this experiment, we took plant mea-
However, we altered how experimental plants were grown to create surements to help us understand how our salinity treatments im-
our salinity treatments. pacted the performance of experimental plants. Plant measurements
Soybean plants were grown in 1-kg pots (13.5 by 10.5 by included plant height and length and width of the focal leaf used in
10.5 cm) lined with a plastic bag to keep the salts from leaching out the fecundity experiments. To calculate a rough approximation of
when pots were watered. PRO-MIX Premier BX Mycorrhizae Pro the leaf area for each plant type we used the length and width mea-
soil (Riviere-du-Loup, Quebec, Canada) was used as growth media surement along with the standard equation of area for an ellipse (for
and three seeds were added per pot. Pots were thinned to one plant soybean: A ¼ p*0.5*length*0.5*width) or rectangle (for corn:
each upon emergence. Soybean plants were watered gravimetrically A ¼ width*length).
two times each week (550 g). When determining soil salinity, the Host plant quality can directly affect herbivore fecundity
amount of water in the soil is as important as the amount of salt (Awmack and Leather 2002). Fecundity can therefore be a good
(Bernstein 1975), for this reason individual pots were always wa- measure of how herbivorous arthropods are impacted by differences
tered back to that same weight. We used relatively young soybean in hosts. To determine how soil salinity impacts twospotted spider
plants for the experiment (vegetative growth stages V1 toV3 as de- mite, we first measured twospotted spider mite fecundity on plants
fined by Fehr and Caviness (1977)). grown in different concentrations of soil salinity (described above).
Environmental Entomology, 2017, Vol. 46, No. 4 841

Table 1. Mass of salts added and measured salinity values for soybean (1-kg pot) and corn (2-kg pot)

Soybean (1-kg pot) Corn (2-kg pot)

Grams Na2SO4 Grams MgSO4 7 H2O Grams Na2SO4 Grams MgSO4 7 H2O Measured salinity
per pot per pot per pot per pot value EC1:5 dS m1

0 0 0 0 0.84 6 0.25
1.34 1.16 5.36 4.64 2.37 6 0.05
3.08 2.67 12.3 10.7 4.66 6 0.07
4.69 4.06 18.8 16.2 6.05 6 0.12
6.25 5.41 25.0 43.3 8.07 6 0.14

Measured salinity value is taken from a subset of all pots (average 6 1 S.E)

In this experiment three adult female twospotted spider mite For the population growth experiment seven adult female
were transferred with a fine camel hair brush onto a single leaf of a twospotted spider mite were transferred with a fine camel hair brush
soybean plant (stage V2–V4) or onto a corn plant (stage V6–V8) onto the leaf of a corn (stage V7–V9) or soybean plant (stage V3–
grown in one of the five salinity treatments. Mites were enclosed V6), and the entire plant was enclosed in a tube cage. Cages were
within a clip cage (36.5 by 25.4 by 9.5 mm model 1458, Bioquip composed of a thin plastic sheet 10 cm in diameter and 40 cm in
products, Rancho Dominguez, CA) that was positioned to include height with two holes covered in thrips proof mesh (81 by 81 mesh)
mostly leaf but also a gap off of the leaf, so twospotted spider mite to allow for airflow, without allowing the mites to escape. This
could move between the top and bottom sides of the leaf. Because arena allowed mites to move freely across the entire plant. Mites re-
eggs hatch about 4 d after they are laid (Shih et al. 1976) the spider mained on the corn or soybean plant for 7 d, at which time the plant
mites were kept on the single leaf for 3 d to accumulate as many was harvested and all adult mites, eggs, and nymphs were counted
eggs possible without eggs starting to hatch. After 3 d the plant was under a microscope. The population growth experiment was carried
harvested and all mites and eggs on the plant were counted under a out on individual corn and on soybean plants separately. Each plant
microscope. The fecundity experiment was carried out on corn and was the unit of replication, there were 10 replications per treatment,
on soybean plants separately. Individual plants were the unit of rep- of each plant type, but one plant in the soybean experiment and two
lication, with 10 replications per treatment, for both corn and soy plants in the corn experiment had to be excluded due to contamina-
(N ¼ 50 for each species of plant). tion by western flower thrips which can consume spider mite eggs
We used linear regression in JMP (SAS Institute 2010) to analyze (N ¼ 49 total in soy and N ¼ 48 in corn).
all our results after verifying that our data met the assumptions of Linear regression analyses were again performed in JMP (SAS
linear regression through visual inspection. We performed a separate Institute 2010) after assumptions were verified. Twospotted spider
analysis for each of the four plant measurements (height or leaf area mite population size (total number of mites in all life stages after
crossed by corn or soybean), with each analysis using the plant mea- 7 d) on each plant was the dependent variable and the EC1:5
surements as the dependent variable and the EC1:5 measurement as measurement was the independent variable. Separate regression
the independent variable. We used the same basic analysis to look at equations were again used for each crop.
the fecundity results. In this case twospotted spider mite fecundity
(how many eggs were laid) on each plant was compared to the salin- Field Fecundity Experiments
ity treatment with separate regression equations performed for each
We performed the same basic fecundity experiment described above,
crop (twospotted spider mite on corn and twospotted spider mite on
but in agricultural fields, to look at twospotted spider mite perfor-
soybean). Because the number of adults at the end of the experiment
mance across natural gradients of salinity under field conditions.
varied considerably in the corn experiment, the number of adults
Within production agricultural fields, we ran experiments on indi-
was also included as a covariate for the analysis of corn. The three
vidual plants that were located in different areas of the field with dif-
adult spider mites used in the soy clip cages almost all survived, so it
ferent levels of salinity. To quantify these differences in salinity, soil
was not helpful to include the term for analyzing soybean results.
samples were taken prior to or during the field experiments by hand
with an auger at a depth of 0–15.24 cm to confirm EC values.
Samples were submitted to Agvise Laboratories (Northwood, ND,
Population Growth Experiments USA) and tested for EC saturated paste (ECe) values; these values
We also performed complementary experiments to look at were used for analyses. ECe values in the field ranged from 0.40–
twospotted spider mite performance at a slightly greater temporal 5.52 dS m21 at the 0–15 cm depth in the 2014 growing season.
and spatial scale. Experimental plants were used as before, but now All field sites were located in Richland County, ND, and man-
small populations of twospotted spider mite were tested on entire agement practices varied slightly by field (Butcher 2016). In August
plants for approximately one full generation (7 d; Boudreaux 1963) and September of 2014 we ran the 3-d fecundity experiments with
which would include all five life stages of twospotted spider mite be- twospotted spider mite in three soybean fields with a soil type
ing exposed to the plant (Shih et al. 1976). Using a full generation mapped as Wyndmere loam (Coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive,
exposes mites to salinity during all developmental stages from egg to frigid Aeric Calciaquoll; USDA-NRCS 1999; USDA-NRCS Web
adult, meaning that any differences we measure in populations could Soil Survey 2014). Sandy loam fields planted with soybean received
be due to differences in fecundity, mortality, or development. a total of 38.2 cm of rainfall with an estimated 94.6 cm of potential
However, this experiment is not designed to differentiate which of evapotranspiration (PET) during the 2014 growing season (North
those exact mechanisms contribute more of less to differences in Dakota Agricultural Weather Network, NDAWN 2014). The field
population growth. experiments were repeated in July and August 2015. Three fields
842 Environmental Entomology, 2017, Vol. 46, No. 4

Soybean Corn
50 80
Plant Height (cm)
30 50
25 40
20 30
5 10
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

80 600
Leaf Area (cm2)

40 300
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

EC1:5 (dS m-1)

Fig. 1. Plant measurements for soybean (A–B) and corn (C–D) as a function of salinity EC1:5 (dS m1) for 3-d twospotted spider mite greenhouse experiments.
Plant measurements included the height of the plant (A and C) and the leaf area of the infested leaf (B and D).

with silty clay loam soil were planted with soybean in 2015. These salinity and field (year) as additional independent variables. This al-
fields received 36.6 cm rainfall with an estimated PET of 116.3 cm lowed us to account for different relationships between twospotted
in 2015. Soil samples were taken while experiments were running, spider mite performance and salinity in each of our fields. In this ex-
to test for salinity levels as in 2014. ECe values in the field ranged periment we measured performance by calculating the number of
from 0.51–4.42 dS m1 at a 0–15 cm depth in the 2015 growing eggs and juveniles present at the end of the experiment divided by
season. the number of adults present at the end of the experiment and using
To perform our fecundity experiment we prepared mites from this as our dependent variable. The values of the three clip cages in
our colony and transported them to the field to infest plants. Three each plot were averaged to produce a single value for each plot
adult female spider mites from the colony were transferred to a which was used in the analyses.
small clean leaf piece of soybean. The leaf piece was placed on a
chunk of moist cotton contained within a small plastic cup. These
cups were kept on ice packs in coolers to prevent the mites from
overheating during transport. Coolers were taken out into the fields
and the leaf piece containing the mites was transferred onto the field Greenhouse Fecundity Experiments
plant using tweezers. Then a clip cage as above was placed over the We consistently found that salinity had a negative effect on plant
leaf piece preventing the mites from escaping. The clip cages re- growth (Fig. 1). Soybean plant height decreased with salinity (Fig.
mained on the plants for 3 d, just as in the greenhouse experiments. 1A; slope ¼ 1.30, r2 ¼ 0.416, F1,56 ¼ 39.8, P < 0.0001). Similarly,
Then the leaf of the field plants with the clip cage was destructively the surface area of the leaves on soybean plants decreased with salin-
sampled and the infested leaves collected and transported back to ity (Fig. 1B; slope ¼ 3.30, r2 ¼ 0.416, F1,56 ¼ 39.8, P < 0.0001).
the lab where samples were examined for twospotted spider mite un- Likewise, in corn the plant height decreased with salinity (Fig. 1C;
der a dissecting microscope. The number of adults, eggs, and juve- slope ¼ 2.65, r2 ¼ 0.650, F1,48 ¼ 89.2, P < 0.0001) as did surface
niles was quantified and recorded. area (Fig. 1D; slope ¼ 36.7, r2 ¼ 0.845, F1,48 ¼ 262, P < 0.0001).
To analyze our field data, we used a general linear model focused We found that twospotted spider mite fecundity increased with
on the interaction between salinity level and the field that the work greater soil salinity on both soybean and corn plants (Fig. 2).
was performed on (SAS Institute 2010). Since we performed the ex- Twospotted spider mite females laid more eggs in higher saline treat-
periment in three fields in each of two years, we accounted for varia- ments compared to the lower saline treatments and this occurred for
tion in both field and year by nesting field within year and including both twospotted spider mite feeding on soybeans (Fig. 2A;
year and field (year) as categorical independent variables in the slope ¼ 4.20, r2 ¼ 0.317, F1,48 ¼ 22.3, P < 0.0001) and corn
model. We also included salinity and the interaction between (Fig. 2B; slope ¼ 0.976, r2 ¼ 0.673, F1,47 ¼ 4.99, P ¼ 0.0303).
Environmental Entomology, 2017, Vol. 46, No. 4 843

A Soybean B Corn

TSSM Eggs 120 60

100 50
80 40
60 30
40 20
20 10
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

EC1:5 (dS m-1)

Fig. 2. (A, B) Number of twospotted spider mite eggs laid per plant on soybean and corn as a function of salinity EC1:5 (dS m1) during 3-d greenhouse

Soybean Corn
300 120
Total TSSM

250 100
200 80
150 60
100 40
50 20
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

EC1:5 (dS m-1)

Fig. 3. (A, B) Total number of twospotted spider mite (all life stages) per plant as a function of salinity EC1:5 (dS m1) during 7-d greenhouse experiments.

Population Growth Experiments experiments both corn and soybean plants were negatively affected
We found that twospotted spider mite population growth also in- by increasing soil salinity while mite fecundity increased with salin-
creased significantly with soil salinity on both soybean and corn plants ity. Likewise, population growth experiments exhibited a clear in-
(Fig. 3). The total number of twospotted spider mite, including eggs, crease with higher salinity in both crops. Our results were slightly
nymphs, and adults, increased with salinity for soybean plants (Fig. more variable in the field where for most soybean fields twospotted
3A; slope ¼ 15.9, r2 ¼ 0.295, F1,47 ¼ 19.7, P < 0.0001) and for corn spider mite fecundity was usually higher within patches that were
plants (slope ¼ 4.86, r2 ¼ 0.200, Fig. 3B; F1,46 ¼ 11.5, P ¼ 0.0014). naturally greater in salinity compared to other parts of the field that
were lower in salinity.
The plant stress hypothesis predicts that herbivores feeding on
Field Fecundity Experiments
stressed plants will do better. This hypothesis was formulated by
We found that for the most part, twospotted spider mite fecundity
White while he was working in a system where plants were stressed
tended to be higher in parts of the soybean field with greater soil sa-
by drought conditions, which lead to outbreaks in herbivore popula-
linity compared to parts of the same field with lower levels of salin-
tions (White 1969). White suggested that stress can induce increases
ity (Fig. 4). However, this relationship between salinity and
in available plant nitrogen and this could result in improved growth
twospotted spider mite was not consistent across fields leading to a
and reproduction of herbivores and thus promote population out-
significant interaction between field and salinity level (F5,68 ¼ 2.78,
breaks. The plant vigor hypothesis predicts the exact opposite, that
P ¼ 0.0351). This interaction is likely to be caused by the number of
plant stress negatively impacts herbivores and that they are expected
eggs laid per female twospotted spider mite tending to increase with
to perform well on vigorously growing plant tissue. This hypothesis
salinity in five of the six fields (Fig. 4A–E) but having a strong nega-
was founded after an increasing number of studies performed failed
tive trend with salinity in one field (Fig. 4F).
to support the plant stress hypothesis (Price 1991). Plant defense
chemicals are elevated and plant growth is often reduced in times of
plant stress, which could compromise any benefit of available nitro-
Discussion gen to herbivores (Price 1991). Our results support the plant stress
We showed that experimentally increasing soil salinity had a posi- hypothesis for our system, but other salinity research doesn’t neces-
tive impact on twospotted spider mite. In our greenhouse sarily follow this.
844 Environmental Entomology, 2017, Vol. 46, No. 4

2014 Sandy Loam 2015 Silty Clay

18 18
16 16
14 14
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6

18 18
Young/Adult TSSM

16 16
14 14
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6

18 18
16 16
14 14
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6

ECe (dS m-1)

Fig. 4. Per capita reproduction of twospotted spider mite per plant as a function of measured salinity ECe (dS m1) in each of the six soybean fields (A–F) during
3-d field experiments.

A great deal of variation exists in the results of the few experi- difference in the soil, plants, or mites in that field. This makes it all
ments done on salinity effects on herbivores feeding on terrestrial the more crucial that we better understand the mechanisms that cre-
plants (Araya et al. 1991, Martel 1998, Aucejo-Romero et al. 2004, ate and potentially alter the relationship between twospotted spider
Cakmak and Demiral 2007, Harmon and Daigh 2017). These stud- mite and salinity.
ies have suggested two reasons for explaining this variation in re- Our study did not investigate the exact mechanisms by which
sults: species-specific differences in plant hosts and species-specific twospotted spider mites do better on saline-stressed plants.
differences in herbivores. We compared the effects of salinity on two However, we know that abiotic factors like high temperature and
different host plants for the same herbivore and found consistent re- low moisture positively impact twospotted spider mite populations
sults. Positive effects of salinity were also found in the same species and make them more prone to outbreaks (English-Loeb 1990).
of mite on a third host plant (Aucejo-Romero et al. 2004) and for From a plant perspective, we also know that saline stress can pro-
another species of mite in the same genus feeding on a fourth species duce similar physiological responses as drought conditions
of host plant (Cakmak and Demiral 2007). Together this may indi- (Bernstein 1975). It is possible, therefore, that twospotted spider
cate that mites of Tetranychidae have a particular and relatively mite is responding to these same type of conditions in saline stress
consistent response to salinity. It is likely, however, that other fac- and drought stressed plants. If true, this may indicate that herbivo-
tors can substantially modify these results. For example one of our rous species that respond strongly to drought conditions would be
fields showed the opposite trend as the others despite no apparent very likely candidates to also respond strongly to salinity.
Environmental Entomology, 2017, Vol. 46, No. 4 845

More generally, our findings are consistent with the plant stress Dakota Soybean Council, North Dakota Corn Grower’s Association, USDA
hypothesis, which predicts that herbivorous arthropods will perform National Institute of Food and Agriculture Hatch Project number ND 02391.
better on stressed plants (White 1969). Therefore, reviewing the
mechanisms that are connected to the plant stress hypothesis could References Cited
help lead to identifying other potential mechanisms for explaining
Araya, F., O. Abarca, G. E. Zuniga, and L. J. Corcuera. 1991. Effects of NaCl
the results in our system. For example, plants experiencing drought
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stress can have lower levels of defensive compounds, which can lead
to an increase in herbivore populations (Rhoades 1979, 1983). In Aucejo-Romero, S., A. G omez-Cadenas, and J.-A. Jacas-Miret. 2004. Effects
addition, stressed plants can experience changes in nutrient avail- of NaCl-stressed citrus plants on life-history parameters of Tetranychus urti-
ability. One example of this is an increase in soluble nitrogen, which cae (Acari: Tetranychidae). Exp. Appl. Acarol. 33: 55–67.
often enables herbivores to perform better (White 1984). Future Awmack, C. S., and S. R. Leather. 2002. Host plant quality and fecundity in
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Understanding how salinity influences herbivores feeding on ter- Rev. Phytopathol. 13: 295–312.
Boudreaux, H. B. 1963. Biological aspects of some phytophagous mites.
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rous pests in agroecosystems struggling with salinity. Integrated pest
Bowdish, T. I., and P. Stiling. 1998. The influence of salt and nitrogen on her-
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