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Control charts

• A control chart is a graph that displays data taken

over time and the variations of this data.
• It is a tool to distinguish between chance and
assignable causes of variations in a process.
• The control chart is used to check whether the
process is controlled statically or not.
• Control chart makes possible the diagnosis and
correction of the many production troubles.
• With the help of a control chart, one can find out the
natural capability of a production process.
• The control chart is used to evaluate process
stability and to decide when to adjust the process.
General form of control chart
Types of Control Charts
• Control charts for variables
– Control charts for variables require a
measurement of the quality characteristic of
• Control charts for attributes
– Control charts for attributes require a
determination of whether a part is defective or
how many defects are there in the sample
Rules for identifying out of Control Processes
Rules for identifying out of Control Processes
Rules for identifying out of Control Processes
Rules for identifying out of Control Processes
Rules for identifying out of Control Processes
Control Charts for Variables
• The quality characteristics which can be measured and expressed
in specific units of measurements are called variables.
• Control charts based upon measurements of quality
characteristics are called as control charts for variables.

Types of variable control charts:

The most commonly used variable control charts are:
X- or average-charts,
R- or range-charts, and
S -or standard deviation-charts.
The X-chart is used to monitor the centering of the process to
control its accuracy.
The R-chart monitors the dispersion or precision of the process.
The s-chart shows the variation of the process
Construction of X - and R-Charts
• Step 1: Select the characteristics for applying a control chart.

• Step 2: Select the appropriate type of control chart.

• Step 3: Collect the data.

• Step 4: Choose the rational sub-group i.e., sampleϯ

• Step 5: Calculate the average (x̅) and range (R) for each sample.

• For example, if a sub-group contains 5 items whose dimensions (say diameter or

length or weight or etc) are x1, x2, x3, x4,and x5, then
• Step 6: Calculate the average of the averages (𝑋)
ധ and average of range
ത Let N = Number of sub-groups Then,

• Step 7: Calculate the control limits for x̅ and R-charts.

• Step 8: Plot CL, UCL and LCL on the chart.
• Step.9: Plot individual X and R values on the chart.
• Step 10: Check whether the process is in control or not.
• Step 11: Revise the control limits if the points are out-of-control, by removing the
out-of-control points.
Following table contains the data on the weight of a plastic component in grams.
This component is manufactured using a plastic injection molding process. Mean
and range charts are required to be established for this process. (i) Determine
the trial central line and control limits, (ii) Draw the mean and range charts and
plot the values. (iii) State whether the process is under statistical control, (iv) If
not assume that the deviation occurred due to assignable causes which are
rectified now. Revise the central line and control limits, (v) Draw the revised
mean and range charts and plot the values, (vi) State whether the process is now
under statistical control[A. U., No v/Dec 2003]
Number Xl X2 X3 X4

1 6.35 6.40 6.32 6.37

2 6.46 6.37 6.36 6.41
3 6.34 6.40 6.34 6.36
4 6.69 6.64 6.68 6.59
5 6.38 6.34 6.44 6.40
6 6.41 6.40 6.29 6.34
7 6.38 6.44 6.28 6.58
8 6.35 6.41 6.37 6.38
9 6.56 6.55 6.45 6.48
10 6.38 6.40 6.45 6.37
To check the process for
statistical control:
Since all the remaining
points are within the
revised control limits in
both –X bar and R-
charts, therefore it can
be concluded that the
process is in statistical
control. 𝑋ത
The following table gives the average and range in kilograms for tensile tests on an
improved plastic cord. The subgroup size is 4. Determine the trial central line and
control limits for X- and R-charts. If any points are out-of-control, assume assignable
causes, and determine the revised limits and central line.
Control chart for X bar and R are to be established on a certain dimension part
measured in millimeters. Data were collected in subgroups sizes of 6 and are given
below. Determine the trail central line and control limits .Assume assignable causes
and revise the central line and limits.

Sample Measurements
Number X-bar R X-bar R
1 20.35 0.34 14 20.41 0.36
2 20.40 0.36 15 20.45 0.34
3 20.36 0.32 16 20.34 0.36
4 20.65 0.36 17 20.36 0.37
5 20.20 0.36 18 20.42 0.33
6 20.40 0.35 19 20.50 0.38
7 20.43 0.31 20 20.31 0.35
8 20.37 0.34 21 20.39 0.38
9 20.48 0.30 22 20.39 0.33
10 20.43 0.37 23 20.40 0.32
11 20.39 0.29 24 20.41 0.34
12 20.38 0.30 25 20.40 0.30
13 20.40 0.33
QFD is a method to ensure quality by incorporating the
customer requirements in the product from the design, Planning
and development stages.
It is an upstream process of determining the quality of design
needed to satisfy the customer and at the same time improve
the key Points for quality assurance.
QFD can be viewed as a part of QA.
QFD was evolved from QA
Objectives of QFD
Understanding customer requirements (Customer’s voice)
Translate the voice of the customer in Technical
parameters in the product.
Design the product incorporating the technical parameters
of the voice of the customers.
Make the system Robust in Design to achieve customer
satisfaction in total.
Achieve global Quality using strategic bench marking
through QFD.
House of Quality
The house of Quality is a matrix for QFD that
relates the customer needs to the product features
through technical evaluation and competitive
benchmarking. The components of the house of are,
Quality Customer voice
Product Characteristics
Competitive Evaluation
Technical Evaluation
Relationship matrix
Correlation matrix
• Section I: Customer Requirements
The exterior walls of the house are the customer requirements. On the left hand
side, the voice of the customer i.e., what the customer expect from the product is
• Section II: Prioritized Customer Requirements
On the right hand side, the prioritized customer requirements or planning matrix
are listed. Some of the listed items include customer benchmarking, customer
importance rating, target value, scale-up factor, and sales point.
• Section III: Technical Descriptors
The second floor, or ceiling, of the house contains the technical descriptors. Product
design characteristics, expressed in engineering terms, are located in this ceiling.
• Section IV: Relationship Matrix
The interior walls of the house are the relationships between customer
requirements and technical descriptors. This relationship matrix correlates
customer requirements with product characteristics.
• Section V: Trade-off Matrix
The roof of the house is the interrelationship between technical descriptors.
Trade-offs between similar and/or conflicting technical descriptors are identified.
• Section VI: Prioritized Technical Descriptors
The foundation of the house is the prioritized technical descriptors.
Some of the items included are the technical benchmarking, degree of technical
difficulty, and target value
Step 1. List Customer Requirements (WHATs)
Define the customer and establish full identification of customer wants and dislikes.
Measure the priority of these wants and dislikes using weighing scores.
Summarise these customer wants into a small number of major (primary) wants, supported
by a number of secondary and tertiary wants.
Step 2. List Technical Descriptors (HOWs)
Translate the identified customer wants into corresponding 'hows' or design characteristics.
Express them in terms of quantifiable technical parameters or product specifications.
Step 3. Develop a Relationship Matrix Between WHATs and HOWs
Investigate the relationships between the customers' expectations (WHATs) and the technical
descriptors (HOWs).
If a relationship exists, categorise it as strong, medium or weak (or by assigning scores).
Step 4. Develop an Interrelationship Matrix Between HOWs
Identify any interrelationships between each of the technical descriptors.
These relationships are marked in the correlation matrix by either positive or negative. Here a
positive correlation represents a strong relationship and a negative correlation represents a
weak relationship.
Step 5. Competitive Assessments
Compare the performance of the product with that of competitive products.
Evaluate the product and note the strong and weak points of the product against its
competitors' product according to the customer.
This competitive assessment tables include two categories: customer assessment and
technical assessment.
Step 6. Develop Prioritized Customer Requirements
Develop the prioritized customer requirements corresponding to each customer
requirement in the house of quality on the right side of the customer competitive
These prioritized customer requirements contain columns for importance to customer,
target value, scale-up factor, sales point, and an absolute weight.
Step 7. Develop Prioritized Technical Descriptors
Develop the prioritized technical descriptors corresponding to each technical descriptor
in the house of quality below the technical competitive assessment.
These prioritized technical descriptors include degree of technical difficulty, target value,
and absolute and relative weights.
At the end of house of quality analysis, the completed matrix contains much
information about which customer requirements are most important, how they relate to
proposed new product features, and how competitive products compare with respect to
these input and output requirements.
Phase 1: Product Planning
Step 1. List customer requirements (WHATs).
Step 2. List technical descriptors (HOWs).
Step 3. Develop a relationship matrix between WHATs and HOWs.
Step 4. Develop an interrelationship matrix between HOWs.
Step 5. Do competitive assessments.
Step 6. Develop prioritized customer requirements.
Step 7. Develop prioritized technical descriptors
Phase II: Part Development
Step 8. Deploy QFD process down to sub-components level both in terms of
requirements and characteristics.
Step 9. Deploy the component deployment chart. Relate the critical sub-
component control characteristics.
Phase III: Process Planning
Step 10. Develop the relationship between the critical characteristics
and process used to create the characteristics.
Step 11. Develop the control plan relating critical control to critical
Phase IV : Production Planning
Step 12. Tabulate operating instructions from process requirements.
Step 13. Develop prototype and do testing.
Step 14. Launch the final product to the market.
• QFD is a communication and planning tool that
• Promotes better understanding of customer demands
• Improves customer satisfaction
• Promotes team work
• Facilitates better understanding of design interactions
• Involves manufacturing in the design process
• Breaks down barriers between functions and departments
• Concentrates on design effort
• Minimises the number of later engineering changes
• Introduces new design to the market faster
• Provides better documentation of the design and
development process
• Reduces the overall costs of design and manufacture.
• A XYZ company that manufactures bicycle
components such as cranks, rims and so forth
wants to expand their product line by also
producing handlebar stems for mountain
bikes. Construct the house of quality (the
initial matrix in QFd) for a handle bar stem by
first listing the customer requirements. Then
identify the corresponding technical features
of the product and develop the various
Total Productive Maintenance
• “TPM is a management technique that involves
every one in a plant or facility in equipment or asset
• “Total productive maintenance permanently
improves the overall effectiveness of equipment
with the active involvement of operators”.
• “A partnership between the maintenance and
production organizations to improve the product
quality, reduce waste, reduce manufacturing cost,
increase equipment availability, and improve the
company’s overall state of maintenance”.
TPM is based on three major concepts.
– Maximizing equipment effectiveness
– Autonomous maintenance by operators
– Small group activities.

Seiichi Nakajima as father of TPM

• It aims at getting the most efficient use of equipment (ie. Overall

• It establishes a total (company-wide) PM system encompassing
maintenance prevention, preventive maintenance and improvement
related maintenance.
• It requires the participation of equipment's designers, . equipment
operators and maintenance department workers.
• It involves every employee from top management to down.
• It promotes and implements PM, based on autonomous, small group
The Objectives of TPM
• Maximize Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).
• Establish a thorough system of preventive
maintenance for the entire life span of equipment.
• Implement every TPM by involving all departments
(Engineering, Operations, maintenance etc.)
• Involve every single employee, from top
management to worker on the floor.
• Promote TPM through motivation management-
Autonomous small group activities.
Pillars of TPM
Losses Definition
Seven Major losses that impede Overall Equipment Efficiency

Losses due to failure. Types of failures include sporadic function stopping

1 Failure Losses
failures and function reduction failures in which the function of the
equipment drops below normal levels.
2 Set up and adjustment loss Stoppage losses that accompany set up changeovers.

Cutting blade change over

3 Stoppage losses caused by changing the cutting blade due to breakage

When starting production the losses that arise until equipment start-up,
4 Start up losses
run-in and production processing conditions stabilize.

Minor stoppage and idling Losses that occur when the equipment temporarily stops or idles due to
losses sensor actuation or jamming of the work. ,The equipment will operate
normally through simple measures (removal of the work and resetting)

6 Speed losses Losses due to actual operating speed falling below the designed speed of
the equipment.
7 Defects and rework losses Losses due to defects and reworking.
Losses Definition
Losses that impede equipment loading time
Losses that arise from planed equipment stoppages at the
Shutdown (SD) Losses production planning level in order to perform periodic
inspection and statutory inspection.
Five major losses that impede worker efficiency
Management Waiting losses that are caused by management, such as
losses waiting foe repair of breakdowns etc.
Man-hour losses arising from difference in skills involved in
Motion losses
steps and adjustment work, cutting blade change work, etc.
Idle time losses when waiting for multiple processes or
multiple platforms
Distribution Distribution man-hour losses due to transport of materials,
losses products (processed products) and dollies.
Work losses from frequent measurement and adjustment in
Measurement and
order to prevent the occurrence and outflow of quality
adjustment losses
Losses Definition
Three major losses that impede efficiency use of production subsidiary resources

Losses due to ineffective utilization of input energy (electric,

Energy losses
gas, fuel, oil etc.)

Financially losses (expenses incurred in production,

Die, Jig and tool losses regrinding, renitriding etc) which occur with production or
repairs of dies, jigs and tools due to aging beyond service life
or breakage

Material losses due to difference in the weight of the input

Yield losses
materials and weight of the quality products.
• Internal Needs
Increased production and quality problems resulting from frequent equipment
Declining equipment caused by continuous high - load operation.
Increase failure in equipment with design weakness.
Lack of awareness and expertise in equipment maintenance among operators.
Decline in work place morale resulting from dissatisfaction with equipment
• External Needs
Truly and effective production of new products.
Flexible response to fluctuations in demand.
Reduction in price of quality
Guaranteed high level of quality.
Conservation of materials and energy.
• Overall needs
To transform every ones awareness through activities that reduces costs increase the
overall economic effectiveness of equipment.
To eliminate breakdowns and defects by practicing PM on a company under basis
Aims of TPM
• To restructure and improve the corporate culture through
improvement of human resources and plant equipment.
Improving Human Resources:
– Educate and foster employees so that they can respond to the needs
of failure analysis.
– Operator: Ability to perform ‘Jishu Hosen’
– Maintenance man: Ability to perform high quality maintenance.
– Production Engineer : Ability to execute maintenance free
Equipment plan
– Improving Plant equipment.
– Attain efficiency through restoring of the existing equipment.
– Low cost component (LCC) - considered design of new
equipment and minimizing their run up time.
Goal of TPM
• The dual goal of TPM is zero breakdowns and
Zero Defects. When breakdowns and defects
are eliminated, equipment operation rate
improve, costs reduced, inventory can be
minimized and as a significance labour
productivity increases. TPM can be used as an
effective tool for achieving this.
Overall Equipment Effectiveness
OEE is calculated as follows
• = Availability x Performance x Quality.
Availability = (Loading time — Down time) / Loading time
Loading time = (Working time in a shift – shut down time )
shut down time = Planned equipment stoppage for cleaning & inspection
Performance rate = Standard Cycle Time X Product Units Produced
Operating Time
The factors affecting performance are,
• Minor stoppage
• Speed.
Quality rate = Product Units Produced - Defective Units
Product Units Produced
Benefits of TPM
• Greater equipment effectiveness through skilled
• Increased productivity, quality, life cycle cost, and have
better skill and knowledge of employee.
• Total elimination of breakdown and losses and
continuous productive maintenance .
• Assured reliability in functions and ease of
• Everyone in the organization work towards a common
• Skills are shared and everyone grows in understanding
and expertise.

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