Fordson Super Major Owners Manual

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INSTRUCTION BOOK FOR THE SUPER MAJOR MANUFACTURED IN ENGLAND oy FORD MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED DAGENHAM “ight in United Kingdom—October, 196° SECHON 1 OPER Describes the functioning: of the tractor controls Instruments a8 and when you will se then iN SHOHON 2 HURRICN TION > Deals with the points which require regular atention to ensure maximum efficiency from your Super Major. SECHOS 0 MECHANICAL SIRINTENANCE 1 Gives dtaile of the mechanical adjastmente which should be made to provide optimum performance and Straight down ON First right Side and rear lamps First let Side, rear and dipped headlamps Second left Side, rear and main beam beadlamps Third ltt Main beam headlamps only ion Oper: HHE HORN Avhorn button is Heated at the lower side of the insrument pane! (Fig. 6), te horn itll ing mounted beneath the fue tank. ‘A swinging drawbar is located at the rear of the tractor, on which wsion & made for vertical and horizontal adjustment. ‘The height from the ground W the top of the levis nay be set (with standard tyreg) at 1562 ins, (46 em), 16.80 in 419 em), or 19.38 ins (52 cm). Lateral sajuctment is posible. 12 ine 0S cm) ‘Sie of the cente line, although the drawhae may be lft sw tenable extemely short ture to be made with (ailing implements 0 desired, Before cornecting up the drive shat to operate equipment from the PLT, shaft His necesary to remove the shaft cover, which Is secured to the rear atle housing (or Raised P.T.O. housing) by «wo Bolts edt the two bolts secure Install the coupling. ensuring that the guard is in position and the “rive shal is correc aligned to the equipment To engage the drive 1 the P-T-O, start the engine, depress the cluch pedal fully and mow the P.T, shifter earwards, (It a Raed BoTO. t ued. the Raised PT. siler leer must aso be enguged) Release the clutch pedal gradually t0 ensure that the Gives taken tp smoothly 1K should be noted that where a Raised P.TO. is fe itis possible to “dheengage the dive to the implement without stopping the Rydrauis “LIVE” POWER IAKE-OFE ‘On tractors incorporating this feature, cominuous operation of the riven equipment is pomible, irepective of forward movement af the tractor, By depressing the cltch. pedal through approximatcly halt its travel the tactor can be halted for mancevting of sea" changing without inerupting the drive to the PTO. Both tnitor land P.O. (and hence the hydraulics) may be halied by depresing {he pedal trough the whole of is travel Where equipment isin use which isnot being driven by the P-T.O. itis desirable that the P.T.O, cutch is not subjected to unnecessary slip due to involuntary operation of the cluch pedal. In addition 1 {is Sometines advantageous when operating extemal equipment from Operation the hydraulic ystem to be able to change gear without interrupting le dive to the hydraulic pump. Holes are therefore provided in the lower end of the stop bracket to enable s stop pin tbe inserted tis Timing movement of the release mechanis so thst ft Operates aly on the transmission eluth, Caution: In order that the P-T.O. drive may be readily stopped in ‘riven sfmergeny the sop pin shoud never be ed when BT. eine alg oped DRIVING THE TRACTOR The method of controlling the apetd of the tntor is by selecting the correct gear ratio to suf the Toad conditions. Always use the highest fear ratio on which the (actor wil give the nceeary pul, but Go fot permit the engine 0 "labour " when ia gear—selct the nett lower ratio if necessary. For optimum performanes the cooing system should be malnained ig Eimpeatie of TOn90°F- 1-80), "Ps teat indicated by 2 green Sector on the Lemperstire gauge Fig. 6) and daring operation the gauge needle should be Kept within tis sector it'necesary blanking of the radiator to tts in dong 50 a 8 es a Operation 1 SET THE TR ACIOR IN MOHON LL Fully depress the lutch, pedal and start the engine. Galleacors with “Live” pou take-o depres the clutch pedal Sry atl defers hens fo ede raceme! i [a (approximately hatfoay down). This sel connect the Engine pom the tansminion, but leave the power take-of! il cnaced Select the desired gear ratio by combining the positions of the Primary gear lever and main gear lever in accordance with the positions shown in Fig. 7 that andar tory, ow” ais ‘obiained by moving the primary lever upwards, and "high ratios by moving the lever’ downwards, uhereas when a “Live™ PLO, bs fited. the same ratios are selected. by fovesing the position of the prinary lever. 1, down for “low.” and up for pedo 1 Ifthe gears will ot mesh resi, returr the min gear lever 10 the "neniral “positon, momentatily engage the futch agai, ‘Sepressthe pedal and re-select the gears 4. Release the handbrake oF footbrake locking device, move the throttle contol ckekwvise anc, a8 the speed increas, allow the utch pedal to seturn slowly by gradually raising the foot 10 Setting the tractor motion, Sow down the engine by moving the, thot contrl lever ani Slockoise, apply the brakes evenly and depress the lutch as te tractor comes t0 rest. Stop the engine by pulling the stop conte turn off the main contol key and apply the handbrake or brake locking devie before leaving the titor You will have now become familarsed with stastng. stopping and Renerlly Giving the tractor, but before sommenciig work i 1s Important that you fay understnd two oulstanding features of the Super Majer, namely, the Qualtol/Position Control Hydraulis and the Diferential Lock’ Special atention has been piven to these two items inthe following pages Operation 8 Hydealle Castle OPERATING THE HYDRAULICS The Super Major hydraulic system gives the operator a choice of contol over the implements in use by Quail, which adjusts the ‘Working depd: in dceorcance with ine fart oc the implenett, or 87 Position Control, which is a means of contolling the implement height relative tothe trator. In either sysiem, one main control lever situted on the right-hand sls of the Wacior, aiacent to the driving sat, ss use, to st the ‘working depth (or height) and to rise or lower the implement. "A Second lever immediatey’in front of the mam control ever sect Whichever system the opaator Considers best sued t the ob in hand. ‘The hydraulic pump is driven from the P-T.O. shaft, and the P-T.O. selector lever must be in the engiged position in order to. operate ihe hydraulics" Providing such engagement is-made the hydraulic pump is in continuous operation whenever the clutch is engaged Where a “Live P-T.O, is fited, however, the transmission clutch may be disengaged without affecting the operation of the pump Operation QUALITROL Where ground contour and sil centions constantly ching, oF ‘orface conftions are ich that kes of whee! grip would normal pected. Quail erties work to be competed whch would 5: imposible without sucha system To engage Quatro, place the selector lever in the upward postion and: move the, main’ contol lever down the quadrint ‘until the implement ceacher the devited werking depth (Fig: 9, This depth may be changed at any time by repositioning the lever: Lew the' lover the lever is placed in the quadrant, the greater the working depth obtained and vice versa The implement will now operate at this depth as long as the daft remains constant, but if 2 heavy patch of soll or an obseuction 1s Encountered the hydrsulic system il espond by raising the imple nent,” At ihe same time this action ‘transfers weigh! to the Fear ‘heels, giving increased whee! gip to assis the tractor, until such lime as the draft decreases, wher the implenent wil be automate: ally repositioned at is foriner depih, ‘Such covrectioes enable the trator to maintain a Sead rate of work without loss of hel grip. Implement draft forts are trarsmitted to the tracior hydraules through a rocker (Fig. 9), which has two pivot pin postons. For ail Sormal operations the pivot pin should be placed fn the lower holes fhe rocker and bracket." Only where extremely hea draft ope. ions afe being undertaken shosld the allemative (upper) positon Sevused. Never attach the top Tink directly to the pin ting the top Of the rocker to the hyéraulcs POSITION CONTROL This contol enables the operator seta implement at any required postion rive 10 the actor and this wi hen automata be Faitained respective of changes in sol resitance, Tt partis In sunabie or maicining hgh quay of work when culating or ploughing ground vhich is reasonably level, provided the cond Noms are such that excessive whee spin Is nt experiened, and ako for implements such as mower, eeders and sprayers Toop under Fon Con, pas heeeiset rz yan thn positon he main eotrl lever wihan the guaran 1 five the required depth (or height) to the implement. As with: ‘Sutin "he Tower the contol lever placed he adam, he Tower the implement wil Sperte Oper: FLOW CONTROL DEVICE Under certain conditions of operaion itis desirable to be able te enrol the rate of flow of oll to the ram cylinder or auxiliaries When ploughing. for instance, otly a show oil food is required Whereas when using autllary ¢quipment, such as front end loaders 2 fast rate. required. For this reason a Mow control. devices incorporated (Fig. 8) The rao of fw is cone by sewing the control kad in o ou, (Gt oF maximum flow) and "'S* Glow of maimum flov) positions as marked on the auuilary sevice contol valve housing Regardless of the positon at which the flow control device is set Wien the main contol lever fs moved (othe top ofthe guadrant the quadrant levr will operate the linkage to the flow control device owing it fo the" Fan” position that a quick raise ofthe imple ment can be effected The correct rate of flow will depend on the implemert, speed of ‘operation, operating conditions, etc. and the optimum postion fo! Sy pariabrunf ‘can ony’ be found usder acta operating ADJUSTABLE CONTROL LEVER STOP Once the desired working depth (or height) has been obtained t adjustable stop on the quadrant nay be set to contac th sono eve bo that le amy, paral le of opraton® th implement may be Fetumed to the same working positon simply bs ‘moving the coro leveron tothe sop. (See also " Auxiliary Service Contra”) ‘The use of this stop does notin any way interfere with the Qualittl Figo, Rocker Prat Pin Posklos Operation pr wh cnn te dene nots pai ha as ar ace me Suda cook Saucy Nee Aon Con ni Sea cm tpg ene a STREETER oT ty rae te ta au at stops i dt 1 ne aa ase ah Moana lA Sel oe pe ne doe ne Teng, Gm, neni tn ay SET ig Son Oe ere a ae suet eine eu st ee is rthance Mban St noch otal isa le atc ge B86 a fee Pitman a opt ak Gegensele aes Tee EST of oe nae ey ee cre het ibe ate see Erp Set Sat arate nee Ary mg cetacean a ee eed marae Gehlert rar play late ego nc ais Se Ben erent Peony ets Seats Tia ae te gone oat em ale re te el To NATE sa rh ee Sele pat puis shnbe tty rer pee SE ere ene apa Pe Figgas sheers Sethe ea FR ee Sieg esac elas Ce ee ENE, tte initipae set oer pp is Sasa Se pe ams od et om Seay Ge Soa at’ se ay Tea pake Uae cee cata So See ae cer ce tp ia Se Pe ese inyaer eat Panta ie oe Wace See Sls ae Cini a i ke St Sens Goa come Opera The qusiliary contrat should not be moved to change from ram Gplnder Wit md te entry rote ord, a 9x woke, Mok Be Rpérolisarcin a neva postion. When the ift arms are i the fully ried postion the hydraulics will BC Slomattey pontoed tn tata bu shold the sre nt fly reied i wit be necesary to find a neutral pation by fst mo the conn tet t's poss onthe guadran tre nethel rakang nee lowering takes place and rting the adjustable stop om the quadrant a this point. ‘Neutral cam thereaier be very quictly obtained by Teverning the man contra lever tothe Hop. Ic ten suing rn le agi ec ‘eine mae ena ms Bat et mast ung asa ee Remote cylinders will be operated by oll inially drawe from the ‘ear Wansmisson housing and, although the quantity of od available {s uliient fee normal operaiion with approved. equipment. it may be'necessiry to top up the oil level if 2 number of auxiliaries are ‘operated simultaneously. Renember that any auxiliary whick is dscontected when extended represents loss to the far tansmession il level snd this must be ced. by ding corresponding quantity of oil te the fear All hoses shouldbe cleared before conecting up and the open ends tall unions shuld be covered wih dust caps when not we Lay ~RAUIICS I your choice of tractor has been ene with“ Live " power take-of then the hydraulics will also be "Live™ and may sill be operated Indeendety of forward motion ofthe ctr Tic fea dct suveniage ing operations are required 10" be’ continuous, fven though gear changing is in progress and the main transmission ‘huch disengaged Jaga wit the “Live™ power lef, depesion ofthe euch fecal for apposinaiey aif tvel wil daconoac te deve thea wheel but wll ot sop the operation ofthe hydraalic ie oes tn Wa mercy rs wey he acter ‘nd the hydraulics requis to be stopped, pushing the cltch pods through ts ful range of travel wil dacomnet the engine dnve rom ‘oth the transmission and the hygraue pump. Op HYDRAULIC THEY LINKAGE By changing the swivel balls atthe outer ends ofthe lower links and alk the quer section ofthe top link with the alernative parts Wate fre supplied lowe wih each trstor ether Category I or Category 2 implements may be wed To change from Catepory 2 to Category | mnplements or vice versa 1. Remove the outer section of the top link and screw in the alternative section, 2 Relewe the sregetsiging lips and tate the sie als wai they canbe removed from the outer ends of the lower Tak. Teale aerate owl balls ond rin withthe Spi Sips 3. Move the check chain shackles to the alternative postion, ie with Category 2 implements the pin retaining the check cain Shackle to the anchor bracket ‘onthe rear axle housing should be positioned inthe inner hoes in the shackle. With Catepery 1 Implements the outer holes n the shackle should be wed Op The right-hand lifting rod incorporates u levelling box to enable the £0416 be adjited for length and so contol the level of the implement In work. The left-hand iting rod isso adjstable for length, but {Grail formal agricultural operations jt shouldbe set to # engin Of 78 to 23 inches (S778 10 384 cm). The dimensien is most limportane for the correct operation of the hycraulic if. The lift rods must be connected to the thied hole (numbered from the front ‘swivel ballin the lower links. The fist hole is for standard {heck chan, the second hole for plications other than the Super ‘Major, and the fourth hole Tor heaty-duty check chains By rotating the centre turnbuckle te length of the op link may be sghsted to contol the pitch of the implement. Always lighten the Tumbuckle locknut after making adjustments. No lubricant should be applied to the swivel blls inthe tp tink or inthe lower ik, otherwise rit will accumulate and cause rapid wear IHEFRENTIAL LOCK On ny tasning opcetions whee wet or soft patches of soll egotation, whedspin on one wheel results in the tractor cf brought to halt ora the bes, considerably slowed down, With a conventional diferentia, holding one wheel results in the tajrty ofthe deve being transfered to the opposite wel. "This, trendy speaking. e the action whch takeu place when one wheel Of the tractor isa frm, and the other on sot ground, Under these rman the de rated he sd ie, wh ede the least good in diving the trator, the Wheel being Unable to ip tnd the dv cspated te wheelspin. * Providing one wheel i able to sbuain © gp. the difler: nial lock “ited 10. the Supet Major overcomes the limb an enable a ‘obtned “fromthe wheat ‘whichis on firm gr0Utd, thus enabling the tractor (© Pull through the sft patch ‘The lock is engaged by depressing the diferent lock operating pedal which is mounted on the right-hand se brate cover (Fg. 11) This action engeges a. opined coupling with the diferent side gears locking them together and preventing one Wheel from tating Independently ofthe other Hold the pedal down until the lock is definitely felt to engage, and {hen seeade the pedal. I wll ten remain inthe engagea postion unt the soft patch i nepotate, after which it wil automatically return to the ditengaged position (ie, the pedl wil be seen to come Up). 1 the pedal is sow to returs to the eased postion. ether momen: tay pres te th pda or bri apply the bake coresponding to the wheel whish has been spinning, fo assist the diengagerent of the diferential lock 1 should be noted that the diferental Jock must always be. dis ogaged before attempting to turn the acto, othe-wice ther wil be danger of loss of steering contra WEIGHT TRANSFERENCE Reference his previously been made 1o weight tansference to the tear wheels whes operating fear mounted equipment, and it will be ‘Sppreciated that such action removes weight from the front whels, i ais ay be ope try ander al oral con tions providing at when 730 x16 front wheels ate fied, stand SOIR OT hes) wheel weg are aed to each from wher 1, however, it isintended 10 operate on sleep slopes using heavy rear mounted cusps will be evessuy fo-add oxea weight. cither by water ballasing the From tyres or by securing suitable weghts of tp to 300 Ib. (136 kg), toe front cress-memiber. respective of the {ype of front wheels in ise No increase in tye pressure is necessary because of exten weight sf 1780" 16 from tyes are fited, but waere 6.00 x 19 front (res are ited the (ye pressure should be increased in accordance With the amount of additonal weigh as follows: Total: extra weight 100-200 Ibs (45.91 kg }—tyre_presure ‘28, in (1.949 ke. sq. em.) Total extra weight 210-300 Ibs. (91-136 Ig)}—tyre_ pressure 32's hg in (225 kp sq, cm) RUNNING-IN THE TRACTOR To obtain the best service from the tractor it should be carefully ‘unin and the extra atention given dung the fist few weeks of will be amply repaid during its sibsequent working life In the Lubrication and Maintenance sections wil be found the periodic attentions necesary dung the working life ofthe tractor. In addition to these recommendation, which in some cases apy ao dug the runing ped the following poe shoal fe observed ‘The enie should yt be fun at high sets oe allowed Tec Seite na ie oes oe are italy nts qed ibe “eel td ore i SOS Suc et soa Dring the fist $0 working hous, special care should be taken 10 see that the engine, gearbox and rear axle bave the want Of oil ot the comet wade and that the radiator has Suflent water Do not overlook the olin the air cleaner. [At the end of each day tighten the wheel nuts until it i no longer possible to gbtain any further movement ofthe nuts, which wil thea betecurely * bedded When the belt pulley is fitted, the hexagon nut securing the pulley {o the shalt should be tightened aftr it has been used for a short, period. This will prevent any tendency for it to work loo Subsequently. fan inertia starter is fted, itis importam that after the fst 50, hours the oil drained and the starter lashed Out with desl fl coll Ref with half a pint of clean engine oi Operation FOR BETTER PERFORMANCE AND. SAFE OPERATION DO—carry out the Daily Maintenance Tasks every day without fa DomKeep the ar clear Wan and te ol atthe correct leva - BOemre tha he sret grade of approved trating ois ued Sand that i is replenished and changed at the recommended intervals. DOA new sealing rings when filter elements are renewed DDO te wating hts an tempers ergs ond vite ‘any abnormality. po—Ketp the raiator filled with clean water. Ie cold weather use ‘nttireere~rain the system only in an emergency an reil efor staring ihe eng. TAKE THE WATER’ TO THE TRACIOR—NOT THE TRACTOR TO THE WATER. DO—Keep all fel in clean storage and use filler when fing the tractor ta 1BO—Fead al the running in instructions. DOmsttend to minor adjusments and repairs as soon as the neces Ty fs apparent. When in doubt consult your Authorised Dealer 1DO—ensure thatthe handbrake is uly fleased before movieg off ‘pe daconnectcd the pic and cae damage DONT the tracioe downhill out of gear ce with the clutch Pedal depressed ponte tomate sharp turn by using the seeing brakes when tavlling at high sped DDONT—cngage the clutch suddenly o dive with your fot resting ‘onthe utc peda DONT low ine tractor 10 runout of ue i wil hen be nce: ay to bled he cyte, DON'T Iotrfre with the fe nection pump : if he seal is broken your Warrany becomes Yok DONT-—tilow ta engine © ile for bog periods or excessive car Thon be formed on th into the engine starts {aly and sch ng wast DONTrive te (actor it speed wil implements in the eased Potion, partculay over rosgh ground DONT—Femove the radiate ile exp when the engine i near toling point LUBRICATION ‘Your now Super Major represent an i ‘inca ek you will wish to safe: ‘guard by regular servicing Yo ensure he Fest performance over many year, Every Fordson actor ix backed by the world-wide Fordson Traci Dealer Organisation and your local Dealer wil bevonly too happy to discuss the question of ‘regular, serving with you. Tt Sbvfomly desirable for serving 10. be Carried out by stlled mechanics, as the tractor can atthe same time be inspect for maladjustmests which can be oo rected before they become serious, Should it not be possible to have this work cared ou! by your Dealer, then You wil nd the infomation su reque to carry out the al-importartlubeeatien ‘heck on the Lubicaton Chart enclosed at the end of this book, whist items re- ‘quiring periodic adjustments are covered in Secion 3 of tis book Regular attention to the points covered in these two sections ‘will be amply te ‘warded by economical and reliable Oper tion, with freedom from breakdowns. ie is ecommend that the Lubrication Chat be" detached fron the. book and Spay othe wal te aree whe Sou perform your servicing epeations that Ws handy for quick reference, SECTION Lubrication ‘The most important function of a lubricant is 19 prevent friction Anvoll-of the correct grate wil mainain a thi film between the ‘working turfacer of the bearing or gear tooth, preventing metal to teal Contact olng the meta até abo sil preventing ction. ‘To do this efetively a good. qualiy’ lubricant approved for the partcular application must be used. An incorrect lubricant may not beable to maitain a film of oll between the working parts end once ther Blen breaks down, wear ang eventual file of the pars it inevitable In addition to eliminating triton, the engine ol of any deel engine fas the important tak of Keeping the engine cean and fee fom slndge and product of combustion which would otherwise Nock sand ie port va oak ‘Se Sond aut to the diesel cegine. Uc an approved oll and te sute you ctor Wl ot fet you down through faulty lubrication its havea limted sett, after which the elect of time, moisture ‘due to condensation and, inthe ease ofthe engine, the effec of heat nd combustion by-product, wl combine rele baton Tt thcrefre rie fuse lure for longer than Ue Zpeied pesod” ‘The commended intervals between of changes have been deted on after prolonged tests and have proved lobe the mos suitable for normal egeration. In extemely arduous cperating Conditions it may'be neceeary to chinge oils more frequently, and this point shoud be discused with You local Dealer SHORAGE OF LLBREC ASE Paricular care hasbeen taken in design to provide adequate tration engine and hydric libecant ner normal conditions of oper Sion andthe fecommented period services are_based on the iit inset sdoquntely Proveted saint conaminton ‘itor water. Make a pin, therefore, of says making sure that the Gung are replaced in any ofl drums which may be used and Use ‘only clean containers when replenishing the oil lee ENGINE LUBRICATION The engine has a forced feed lubrication spstem whick requires #0 attention from the operator excep to ensure thatthe oi level is kept Up to the “FULL “mark on the dipstick and thatthe cil changed and fter elements renewed a the recommended intervals. Use of heavy-duty oils ofthe correct grade as detailed under * Specifications” ‘Under no circumstances must the ol in the engine be allowed to below the lower mark on the dipstick, which is located on the let and side of the engine.” ‘The iret way 40 ascertain the olf eve With the uactor stand lipstick, wpe it witha when the mark made bythe level sd the ean: stopped, pl ut he ‘e-inset fully and agsin remove dicates is evel * “The oll pump incorporates an oil pressure relief valve and is driven fromthe engine autiary drive sft, drawing ol trough pate pe see hich meri the oie te cgi: pCa under presi is then pumped 10 a full Row filter, ited externally to the righthand. side of the engine. and containing a. renewable lement which most be changed tot lier than very 200 working An oil presure warning light switch is located on the left-hand side Of the cylinder block and is directy connected tothe main oil gallery. Should the ol pressure drop to point where ft Would be GaAgerows {o continue to fun the engine, the switch contacts close and a warning Tight i llaminated on the instrument panel. (See Fig. 6), Whist not ating dizesty as a ubicat, the regular replenshmest ind egal fii he cine nr lor an cane beater is a deisel induen on the eogine lubriation sytem” Servi instructions forthe air cleaner ae dtaled en page 40 ~ The crankcase breather oll should be changed every 200 hours (more often under very dusty conditions) and the breather gavze rinsed parafin to remove any excesive accumblatin of foreign mater, GEARBOX, REAR ASEE AND STEERING LUBRICATION Due to the heavy and continuous we to which the gearbox oil is Subjected, tis resommended thatthe gearbox is drained and fushed trey 8x montis or 1.00 working hours and then refed with the ‘Smet grade of lubricant. (See ~ Specifications”) It should be aoted that the Jef-hand bolt holding. the fuel tank Iounting bracket to the top of the gearbox housing is drilled 10 act Ss 2 breather for the gearbox. Periodically, this bolt should ‘be ihe drillings are not blocked by before passing into the hydraul ete fiers in he base ofthe whee gauze filter in the pump pedestal fener dhrough further oll ter when being exhausted trom the Fydeaulie system. This jer will sot normally require servicing. cloept when amajor averiaul of the rear aule i being undertaken Evay 12 months. or 2.10 working hours the rea axle ould Be ‘inined, aha! aodrefled with clean eof the conrert grade.” AL {he same time the hydraube pump int iter scteen and cover should be removed and the gauze street ané magnetic alters cleaned before eine replaced When replacing thes tems care shouldbe aken (0 sak That the sealing enter not damaged or milocatee “The steering box lubricant will ot fequie changing. but the oil level should be checked and replenished if nevesery after every, 200 ‘working hours. CLUTCH RELEASE BF MING Where standard single or double clutch is fitted, the release bearing 1@ packed with prease prior (o assemfly and no additional bration {s equired, but where 9 heavy-duty cutch is fed, an external serew- down, cop type greasr, suitably connected 10 » heavy-duty release bearing, i located on the right-hand side ofthe clutch housg It is recommended thatthe cap on the grease be serewed down one turn every day Replenish the cup as necessary with a lithium based high melting Bt grease-—do not use chassis grease SERVICING SCHEDULE HHEMS FOR ATTENTION ack cage ol ev = | hk dtr ater a (Cluch being greaer (I urn) - | Cac ai casero vel | Gro tering nage pin Chang ai cleaner it (Check geaton and ear ale oi el ‘Grease setng pear pee bearing GS poner fer ve Grease ont hee beings : | Grete clch tnd bree cow abaft | heel uth and rate pedal free ay (Oi geernor rar beang (Check sceng box ol eel (Citage fat filter demene [change iageoes (Change inca star i {Change geerbow ol Change tea ale oi seeri0n MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE, AND ADJUSTMENTS This, seston deri, the, mechanical ‘djstnents which require period atten: thon, and so gives deals of pressions stich sould be taken, and procedsres 10 bellowed to obisin arintum efilensy from the Sper Mar Mating te Soret" agjsiment ot conte and ioving pte port, ion {b proving safe and ficient operstion, ‘Wear on the parts wil be reduced to" In addition to routine checks and adjust ments this section als gives Tull infor- ‘mation on adjustments that may have to be earried out to walt he tractor for ay particular operating ‘conditions, sucht Slering front and rear track widths and adding liquid ballast Mechanical Mainten: PH ENGINE VALVE TAPPED QDILSIMENT Tappet clearance isan important factor in the efficient operation of the eapine and a check at regular intervals of not more hun 600 Thours will indicate when adjustment is Pecesaty 10 main: {ain optimum engine performance. Before making adjustments the engine should be operated fora short Wheto allow it to each its normal operating temperature, and then the fellowing operations should be carted ou IT" Remove the rocker cover to aie ceuner pipe after sipping off {he rubber connectors ai each end of the pipe If'a decompresor contol is fitted st the frontend of the cover, esure that the lever placed in the non-opersional dow ‘wards) position, extract the lever securing serew, remove the lever 4nd widhdraw the connecting Nange (Lo the roster shaft) through the rubber grommet inthe cover Remove the six stews securing the rocker cover 10 the cinder bead and lft away the cover and gasket, Tilt valves should be set with a clearance of 1S in. (38 mm) and. exhaust valves with a clearance of O12 in. (304 mm) Rotate the copine until No. I valve (oumbered from the front ‘eed of the engine) i fully closed and check the clearance between the valve rortor cap and the rocker arm wih a feler blade. (Se Fig. 12. the clearance isnot correct the adjusting screw lock nut should be slackened and. the adjusting screw turned clockwise tigten the lok not afteradjusiment 5._ Turn the engine and fepeat the operation on the reining valves Fig 1) Tihening Clinger Heat Baler 6 After completing the adjustment run the engine and, when hot check the cylinder head Bolts for tightness The cylinder ead fetaining Golly abould be tighencd uniformly and, fa tongue Wrench i available, to. torwue of 88/9) Thy fe. Re-check the Valve clearances wilst the engine is hot and adjust as required {othe figures previusly quotec. 1. Replace the roeker cover (wing a new gasket), decompresie Contr (if fited) and pipe (rocker cover to ait cleaner), in the reverse order to which they were dismantled, FUEL SYSTEM i must always be remenbered thatthe fuel injection equipment used can your tastor ie made to very sceurate lms, and therefore eves the ‘Ssmaulest particle of dirt that enters the fuel pump ‘nay destroy the accuracy of the equipment by causing scring oF premature wea? cn the highly finished part leis essential that the diesel fuel used in yout tractor ie completely free from dirt or water. This ear only be accomplished by alway fnsuring that care is ken in stering and handling. and that only ‘Spulable grades of fuel are uted, Mes nical Maintenanes The most saisuctory arrengement for storage is a bulk sorage instalation with a tank and pump (ses Fig. 14), however, a grail feed installation located high enough to enable'the tractor tank 10 be filed, and set to slope downwards at the reat to allow sédiment {0 see, will serve neatly as wel, [Never use a galvanised tank. The ziac from the coating will react with desl fuel and form usdesirable compounds which can ndverely ‘Mec the operation ofthe feel injection equipmert. It you have to keep your fuel in drums of barrel, itis preferable that you Keep them in a cean, dry shed, with a concrete Toor. It Possible, use 4 4:gallon bare, ted with a tap aud mounted length ‘wise on’a trestle so thatthe barrel slopes downwarde approximately half am inch pe fot (5 cm pee metre) away from the tap. "This wil low the sediment in the fuel to settle at the rest of the tank, and Femain as the fuel i drawn from the barrel. Never tip the butrel 3 that you use the fuel below the level of the tap. After use replace the fume, securely in the top. and clean up any fuel you have spl 8 fuak oll does ot evaporate and will sllct dst and dit if allowed When a new bare of felis going to be used, mount it on the trestles and allow i to sand fora last 28 hours to allow any sediment that Fig 1 Foe Store avalon Mec REFUELING THE TRACTOR i 6 not posible to refuel by hose from a storage tank a suitable can anda Fanel with aie gance fter should be otaned und ‘Sed only when filing your taco wilh tude Do ot be teptad ‘hen in a hurry to use"any can that may come (0 hand. as if ther ‘ditof rast inthe can it wil then go into tte tank Wit ical M the ful Try and make a pracice of refuting in a sheltered position allays wipe the fel lank‘ around the filet cap before filing, ‘umediatl eplace the cap fe ling, The uel tank hs capac i imperial gallons (688 lites) and at its base is fied the fuel supply tap. od FUEL INJECTION EQUIPMENT Fuel fom the tank it fil tothe fel itt pump which pumps it under ‘bw press through a renewable clement ier "ino the injocuon pump. Here its distbuted to four pumping elements, one for eae frie clin, wih force the fel unt hig rear To tie injectors The injetcn pump is ted with a preumnatc governor ‘hich prove 4am for varying the uae of fel suphed to the injector according to engine speed and load requirements, FUEL INECHION PUMP The fuel ingetion pump should not req veal peroc providing the fol iicnded eral On no account should the injection pump be tampered with: any repairs necesary shoul! be entrusted Yo jour Authorised Dea tention between engine ‘The ful injsctors should be remored from the engine for testing and setvicing at periods ot exceeding 600 working hours Unless special equipment is avaible for testing and adjusting the Injectors ths, work should’ only be Gone by ant Authonsad Dealer You wil, however, dosbiles: tnd it advantageous to carty a spare set of reconditioned of new injectors, in which case the following Procedure should be adopted for removal and replacement 1. Remove the rocker cover. dconnect the injector eak-of pipe Connections and remove the pipe 2. Disconnset the injection pump to injector pipes a the injectors and: slacken the tnion tuts on the injection. pump.” Suitably ‘cover the open ends of these pipes to prevent ingress of dirt. al Maintenaned Fig 1S, Removing nner Remave the two bolt Scouting ‘cach injector {ov the. cjlinder” head Sand withdraw. the cto and copper sat cater" the Batom of the injector focating bore in the

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