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Alessia Merz Mercado


Subject: Oral Communication

Overall Desired Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students should
design and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral communication activities
based on context and demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in a variety
of speech situations.
Desired Learning Course Topic Types of Performance Taks
Designs and Differentiates the Role Play: Divide students into groups and assign
performs effective various models each group a communication model (e.g., linear,
controlled and of interactive, transactional). Ask them to create a
uncontrolled oral communication short role-play scenario that demonstrates the key
communication features of their assigned model. After each group
activities based on performs their role-play, ask the other students to
context. identify which model was being demonstrated and
explain why.
Improvisation: Divide the class into pairs and
assign each pair a different communication model.
Ask them to create a short improvisational skit
that demonstrates the key features of their
assigned model. After each pair performs their
skit, ask the other students to identify which
model was being demonstrated and explain why.
Demonstrates Identifies the Debates: Divide the class into two groups and
effective use of various types of assign each group a different speech context, such
communicative speech context as formal and informal. Each group can then
strategy in a variety prepare arguments and debate about which
of speech context is more appropriate for a given scenario,
situations. such as a job interview or a family gathering.
Public Speaking: Provide students with different
prompts for impromptu speeches, such as "What I
would change about my school" or "The best
advice I ever received." Students can then choose a
speech context, such as professional or casual, and
deliver their speech accordingly, using appropriate
language and tone. Classmates can then identify
the type of speech context used.
Mary Joy Manzanilla

BSED English 3B
Subject: Oral Communication
Overall Desired Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students should
demonstrate effective use of communicative strategy in a variety of speech situations
and demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in a variety of speech
Desired Learning Course Topic Types of Performance Task
Demonstrates Distinguishes 1. Speech Style Roleplay: Divide the class
effective use of types of speech into groups of three and assign each
communicative style group a scenario. For example, one group
strategy in a variety of might be a job interview, another group a
speech situations. casual conversation between friends, and
another group a formal presentation.
Within each group, students take turns
playing the different roles of speaker,
listener, and observer. As they practice
each scenario, encourage students to
adjust their speech style according to the
context. After each round, have the
observer provide feedback on the
speaker's speech style, including tone,
vocabulary, and level of formality.
2. Speech Style Roleplay: Divide the class
into groups of three and assign each
group a scenario. For example, one group
might be a job interview, another group a
casual conversation between friends, and
another group a formal presentation.
Within each group, students take turns
playing the different roles of speaker,
listener, and observer. As they practice
each scenario, encourage students to
adjust their speech style according to the
context. After each round, have the
observer provide feedback on the
speaker's speech style, including tone,
vocabulary, and level of formality.
Demonstrates Engages in a One performance-based activity for "Engaging in
effective use of communicative a communicative situation using acceptable,
communicative situation using polite and meaningful communicative strategies"
strategy in a variety of acceptable, could be a role-playing activity where students
speech situations. polite and are given a scenario where they have to
meaningful communicate effectively and politely. For
communicative example, students could be given a scenario
strategies where they have to ask a store employee for help
finding a specific item. The students would then
practice using polite language, appropriate body
language, and active listening skills to effectively
communicate their request.
Trisha Camille Impas
BSED English 3B

Subject: Oral Communication

Overall Desired Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students should
write a 250-word essay of his/her objective observation and evaluation of the various
speakers watched and listened to and proficiently delivers various speeches using the
principles of effective speech delivery
Desired Learning Course Topic Types of Performance Task
writes a 250-word Comprehends 1. Storytelling: This activity involves students
essay of his/her various kinds of listening to a story, either read aloud by
objective observation oral texts. the teacher or told by a classmate, and
and evaluation of the then retelling the story in their own words.
various speakers This can help students develop listening
watched and listened comprehension skills as well as their ability
to communicate clearly and effectively.
2. Active Listening: This activity involves
students practicing active listening skills by
paying close attention to an oral text and
responding appropriately. For example, the
teacher can read a passage aloud and ask
students to raise their hand when they
hear a specific word or phrase, or the
teacher can ask students to repeat a
sentence back to them to check for

Proficiently delivers Distinguishes 1. Speech Style Analysis: Provide students

various speeches types of with a transcript of a famous speech, such
using the principles of speeches. as Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a
effective speech Dream" speech. In small groups, have
delivery students read through the speech and
identify the speech style used by the
speaker. They should look for elements
such as word choice, sentence structure,
tone, and pace. After analyzing the
speech, have each group present their
findings to the class and lead a discussion
on how the speech style contributed to the
effectiveness of the message. This activity
can also be done as an individual
assignment, with each student analyzing a
different speech and presenting their
findings to the class.
Trisha Camille Impas

BSED English 3B

Subject: Oral Communication

Overall Desired Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students should designs
and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral communication activities based on
context and proficiently delivers various speeches using the principles of effective speech

Desired Learning Course Topic Types of Performance Task

Designs and performs Differentiates the Simulation: Create a simulation activity that involves
effective controlled and various models of communication in a particular context (e.g.,
uncontrolled oral communication negotiating a business deal, resolving a conflict
communication between two friends). Assign students to different
activities based on roles in the simulation and provide them with a
context. specific communication model to use in their
interactions. After the simulation, debrief as a class
and ask students to reflect on how the assigned
model influenced their communication and the
outcomes of the simulation.

Proficiently delivers Distinguishes Speech Style Debate: Choose a controversial topic

various speeches using types of speeches. that has multiple sides, and have students prepare a
the principles of debate on the issue. Assign each team a different
effective speech speech style to use during their argument. For
delivery example, one team might be assigned to use a formal
speech style, another a conversational style, and
another a humorous style. During the debate, each
team must use their assigned speech style to present
their arguments. Encourage students to pay attention
to the different speech styles used by each team, and
to evaluate how effective each style was in
persuading the audience.

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