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Paper 1: The structure and functions of the cardio-respiratory system (part 2)

Structure of the heart: The right atrium contracts The right ventricle The pulmonary artery caries
The right ventricle is
(systole) ejecting contracts (systole) pushing deoxygenated blood away
relaxed (diastole) and
deoxygenated blood through the deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs.
fills with deoxygenated
a valve and into the right through valves to the The blood becomes
ventricle. pulmonary artery oxygenated
The vena cava is the main The pulmonary vein
vein bringing the The Cardiac Cycle transports the oxygenated
deoxygenated blood back to blood back to the heart and
the heart and into the right The Pathway of Blood into the left atrium, which
atrium fills with oxygenated blood
The aorta carries The left ventricle The left atrium contracts
oxygenated blood away from contracts (systole) The left ventricle is (systole) ejecting
the left ventricle to the pushing the oxygenated relaxed (diastole) and fills oxygenated blood through a
working muscles the blood blood through valves to with oxygenated blood valve and into the left
then become deoxygenated the aorta ventricle

Mechanics of breathing: Cardiac Output = Stroke Volume X Heart Rate Lung volumes:
Cardiac Output = amount of blood leaving the heart per minute
Stroke Volume = amount of blood ejected from the heart per beat
Heart Rate = the number of times the heart beats per minute

Interpreting heart rate graphs:

Inspiration Expiration
The diaphragm and external The diaphragm and external
intercostal muscles contract. intercostal muscles relax, the
The external intercostal internal intercostals contract. Tidal Volume: The amount of air inspired (inhaled) or
muscles raise the ribs upwards this lowers the ribs downwards expired (exhaled) in a normal breath
and outwards. This increases and inwards. This decreases the A = Heart rate is at its lowest at rest Vital Capacity: The maximum amount of air the lungs can
the volume of the chest cavity expire (breathe out) after the maximum inspiration
volume of the chest cavity and B = Immediately before exercise resting heartrate will increase.
(breathe in)
and causes air to rush into the causes the air to be forced out This is called an anticipatory rise; this is due to the release of
Expiratory Reserve Volume: The maximum volume of air
lungs the lungs the hormone adrenaline.
that can be exhaled. In addition to tidal volume
C = When you start to exercise the heart rate increases sharply.
Inspiratory Reserve Volume: The maximum volume of air
Inhaling and exhaling during exercise: This is due to the demand of oxygen. Cardiac output increases that can be inhaled. In addition to tidal volume
During inspiration D = During continuous exercise heart rate levels because the Residual Volume: The amount of air that remains in the
The pectorals and sternocleidomastoid muscles raise the sternum heart rate is sustaining the amount of oxygen needed. lungs even after a forced maximal exhalation
allowing the lungs to expand further E = Immediately after exercise heart rate decreases sharply,
Tidal volume during exercise increases. Breathing
During expiration this is because exercise has stopped and the demand for oxygen
rate and depth increase due to meet the demand
The rib cage is pulled down quicker due to the contraction of the has reduced.
abdominal muscles of oxygen, carbon dioxide is also removed
F = Heart rate slowly returns to its resting rate

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