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BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-070920 on 26 February 2024. Downloaded from on 2 March 2024 at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.

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Management of chronic pancreatitis

O Joe Hines,1 Stephen J Pandol2
Department of Surgery, David
Chronic pancreatitis results from repeated episodes of pancreatic inflammation
Geffen School of Medicine at and associated fibrosis leading to the loss of functional exocrine and endocrine
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Department of Medicine, pancreatic function. The disease is manifested by abdominal pain, deterioration in
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center,
Los Angeles, CA, USA
quality of life, food maldigestion and malabsorption, diabetes, and an increased
Correspondence to: S J Pandol risk for pancreatic adenocarcinoma. This review summarizes the latest evidence on
Cite this as: BMJ 2024;384:e070920
the diagnosis and management of chronic pancreatitis and its manifestations. In particular, this review discusses advances in understanding of the role of genetic
disorders in the mechanisms of the disease and surgical options for patients
Series explanation: State of the
Art Reviews are commissioned refractory to medical therapy. Furthermore, clinical trials are under way to develop
on the basis of their relevance
to academics and specialists medical therapeutics.
in the US and internationally.
For this reason they are written
predominantly by US authors.
Introduction Europe.10 11 Usually, chronic pancreatitis develops
Chronic pancreatitis is a “suffering” disorder owing from recurrent episodes of non-gallstone acute
to pain and related reduction in multiple quality of pancreatitis. Variations in prevalence occur between
life measures resulting from a fibroinflammatory regions and are based on differences in the causes of
response to injury in the exocrine pancreas. In acute pancreatitis. That is, populations with high rates
addition to pain, chronic pancreatitis can lead to of gallstone acute pancreatitis compared with non-

exocrine and endocrine failure (that is, exocrine gallstone acute pancreatitis have a lower prevalence
pancreatic insufficiency and diabetes) and an of chronic pancreatitis, whereas populations with a
increased risk for pancreatic cancer. No cure for high rate of non-gallstone acute pancreatitis (that is,
chronic pancreatitis exists, but understanding of due to alcohol misuse) have a higher prevalence of
the mechanisms of the disorder is increasing and chronic pancreatitis. Other factors that contribute to
significant progress in management has been made. variation in prevalence estimates across populations
The objective of this review is to summarize the latest include differences in approaches to establish the
information on chronic pancreatitis and provide diagnosis and study methods used for reporting.
suggestions for further research to improve the
management for patients with this disease. Natural history
The original descriptions of the pathologic sequence
of chronic pancreatitis come from the historical
Sources and selection criteria
case series of 29 patients published in 1946.12 The
We searched PubMed from 1980 to April 2022 for
authors proposed that episodes of repeated acute
systematic reviews, meta-analyses, randomized
pancreatitis can lead to chronic pancreatitis on
controlled trials (RCTs), and international guidelines
the basis of their histological findings in patients.
in the English language, using the search term
This progression of findings of acute inflammatory
“chronic pancreatitis”. This found 23 457 articles
necrosis to fibrosis with calcification is referred
and 285 clinical trials. We expanded the search
to as the necrosis-fibrosis theory. Further details
to include observational studies on the topics of about this progression have been recorded with case
severity, management and treatment, interventional series, histological analyses, consensus reports, and
techniques, and complications of chronic a subsequent mechanism based model.13-17 These
pancreatitis. We excluded case reports and case series mechanisms are described in this review. In clinical
with fewer than 25 patients. We prioritized studies by practice, tissue is rarely available because of risks
design in the order noted above, national guidelines, associated with biopsy, so the definitive diagnosis of
and high quality studies with large patient numbers. chronic pancreatitis relies on advanced imaging or
In addition, we reference published guidelines and advanced endoscopic techniques identifying ductal
consensus statement for chronic pancreatitis. abnormalities, parenchymal fibrosis, calcifications,
and other findings such as ductal stones or
Epidemiology pseudocysts.1 18 19 However, in clinical practice, the
The prevalence of chronic pancreatitis is about 50 term acute-on-chronic pancreatitis is often used to
per 100 000 people.1 This information comes mostly describe recurrent relapses of pancreatitis symptoms
from survey and health system database studies in consistent with the necrosis-fibrosis theory. Recently,
the United States,1-5 Japan,6 China,7 8 India,7 9 and a consensus definition from a group of international

the bmj | BMJ 2024;384:e070920 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-070920 1
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-070920 on 26 February 2024. Downloaded from on 2 March 2024 at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Protected by

pancreatitis experts described acute-on-chronic

Box 1: Risk factors to consider in patients with
pancreatitis with worsening of the inflammatory
chronic pancreatitis
process associated with chronic pancreatitis,
resulting in a deterioration of the patient’s clinical • Alcohol misuse
condition and increased pancreatic pain.20 • Smoking
Because these diagnostic entities are not widely • Genetic alterations
available, especially in poorly resourced countries, • Duct obstruction
the exact prevalence of chronic pancreatitis is • Pancreas divisum
unknown. That is, determination of the true
prevalence of chronic pancreatitis requires the of five drinks or more per day is associated with the
complex assessment that is necessary to establish development of chronic pancreatitis.29 However,
the diagnosis. Consequently, most series reporting less than 5% of heavy drinkers develop chronic
the prevalence of chronic pancreatitis do so from pancreatitis, suggesting that additional factors are
the perspective of hospital admissions and varying involved in disease development. One additional
levels of expertise in establishing the diagnosis, so factor is smoking. That is, smoking and drinking
an underestimate of the true disease prevalence in are common coexisting behaviors that combined
the entire population is likely.21 may contribute to the development of chronic
One frequently cited population based study pancreatitis.30 The risk of pancreatitis associated
from the Mayo clinic examined 106 cases of chronic with current smoking was highest among men who
pancreatitis between 1977 and 2006.4 Half of the consumed more than four drinks a day (hazard
cases were caused by alcohol and 58% were in men, ratio 2.06, 95% confidence interval 1.28 to 3.30)
with the age and sex adjusted incidence rate being according to a multiethnic cohort study.31 Recent
2.9 cases/100 000 person years between 1977 studies suggest that alcohol misuse and smoking act
and 1986. The incidence increased to 4.4/100 000 synergistically for the risk of chronic pancreatitis.32
between 1997 and 2006. These data are somewhat Hereditary pancreatitis represents a genetic
old, and the increasing prevalence noted more than cause of chronic pancreatitis. This disorder was
a decade and a half ago suggests that the current first described in six family members over three
prevalence of chronic pancreatitis is higher than generations.33 The underlying genetic defect was

previously thought. discovered in 1996 as a gain of function mutation
Chronic pancreatitis can result in both pancreatic in the PRSS1 gene that codes for the key pancreatic
exocrine insufficiency and diabetes. Diabetes digestive enzyme, trypsin.34 These patients have early
associated with pancreatitis is observed in up to onset pancreatitis with recurrent attacks of acute
90% of patients depending on duration of chronic pancreatitis and a family history of pancreatitis.
pancreatitis, according to a cohort study of more Inheritance occurs as an autosomal dominant trait
than two thousand patients.22 Furthermore, chronic with variable expression.35 Chronic pancreatitis is
pancreatitis is the strongest identified risk factor for also associated with loss of function gene mutations.
pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) according Examples include serine protease inhibitor Kazal-
to case series and increases the risk at least 13.3- type 1 (SPINK1) and chymotrypsin C (CTRC) genes
fold.23 Importantly, the risk for PDAC in patients encoding for two different proteins that both inhibit
with both pancreatitis and diabetes is increased trypsin activity.36 37 Thus, both gain of function
33-fold.24 A study from the Karolinska University and loss of function mutations lead to increased
Hospital (Stockholm) found that subpopulations of activation of trypsin, pointing out the importance of
patients are at the greatest risk for PDAC by following trypsin in the pathogenesis of pancreatitis.
581 patients with chronic pancreatitis from 2003 to Of note, the mutations of PRSS1, SPINK1, and
2018 using available electronic medical records.25 CTRC involve digestive enzymes in the acinar cell of
The results show that patients with diabetes and a the exocrine pancreas.38 Genetic variants involving
high body mass index or with pancreatic exocrine pancreatic ductal cell functions are also associated
insufficiency and a low body mass index at diagnosis with progression of pancreatitis. The commonly
of chronic pancreatitis are at the greatest risk for associated variants are in the cystic fibrosis
PDAC. Patients with chronic pancreatitis have a transmembrane regulator (CFTR). The physiologic
shortened lifespan, with death most often occurring importance of CFTR is that it is necessary for ductal
from causes unrelated to the pancreas.1 4 15 26 27 ion and water secretion to carry digestive enzymes
secreted by the acinar cells to the duodenum.39
Environmental, genetic, and anatomic factors Mutations in CFTR are associated with chronic
Chronic pancreatitis is more common in men pancreatitis.40 Also, studies have shown that
than in women for all causes of the diseases.28 Of alcohol misuse inhibits CFTR function, supporting a
note, gallstone acute pancreatitis usually does not crucial role for normal ductal function in preventing
progress to recurrent and chronic pancreatitis unless pancreatitis.41 42
gallstones remain untreated resulting in recurrent Recently, a functional coding mutation inTRPV6
attacks that lead to chronic disease.1 Alcohol misuse (which encodes the transient receptor potential
is the most common cause of chronic pancreatitis cation channel subfamily V member 6) was identified
(box 1).1 A review indicated that that a threshold as a risk factor for the disease.43-46 Importantly,

2 doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-070920 | BMJ 2024;384:e070920 | the bmj
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-070920 on 26 February 2024. Downloaded from on 2 March 2024 at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Protected by

functional mutations in TRPV6 often present in with loss of acinar tissue and islets. The mechanisms
combination with other known risk factors including of the fibro-inflammatory response and pain are
SPINK1, CTRC, and CFTR mutations.45 These findings interconnected by intercellular communications. The
emphasize that genetic variants often function in pathways described here are ones that we hypothesize
combination to set the stage for development of are involved in the promotion of chronic pancreatitis.
disease. Important disorders in parenchymal cells of the
Genetic testing for patients is now available and pancreas that represent the acute injury response
should be considered in those without an otherwise are reviewed elsewhere.49 Many of these acute injury
known cause for their disease. Finding a genetic pathways are identified in chronic pancreatitis,
variant that underlies a patient’s disease is important indicating the continuum from acute forms to
as it enables them to explain their disease to care chronic forms of pancreatitis.50 Experiments in
providers not familiar with the potential for genetic animal models show that the pathogenesis of chronic
causes. For example, the knowledge can help to dispel pancreatitis is due to interactions with pancreatic
the impression that they have chronic pancreatitis stellate cells (PSCs) or activated macrophages.
because of alcohol misuse and that they are drug Transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) and Smad3
seekers when asking for pain relief in an emergency signaling play key roles in the fibro-inflammatory
setting. The knowledge also provides information response and the pain of this pancreatic disease.51 52
for families to learn about genetic transmission. In normal pancreas, PSCs are in a quiescent state,
Finally, the testing will identify patients eligible characterized by lipid droplets containing vitamin
for therapeutics that will be developed for specific A in their cytoplasm and minimal production of
genetic causes or consideration for pancreatectomy fibrosing extracellular matrix protein production.53
when the identified genetic abnormality is associated However, in the environment of inflamed pancreatic
with an elevated risk for pancreatic cancer. tissue, PSCs become activated and produce
Ductal obstruction can occur from inflammatory abundant extracellular matrix proteins leading to
strictures or tumors, which can progress from fibrosis as well as inflammatory cytokines,54 55 which
recurrent acute pancreatitis to chronic pancreatitis. promote influx of myeloid cells and convert them
Pancreas divisum is a common normal variant of to alternatively activated macrophages.52 These
ductal anatomy defined as non-fusion of the dorsal macrophages sustain the activated state of PSCs by

and ventral pancreatic ducts occurring in up to 7% secreting TGF-β, creating a feed-forward process by
of the general population. This anatomic variant the fibro-inflammatory state of PSCs.52 Two specific
means that most of the pancreatic secretions enter cytokines, interleukin 4 and interleukin 13, secreted
the duodenum through the smaller duct of Santorini, by activated PSCs, stimulate the conversion of
emptying into the duodenum through an accessory monocytes and macrophages to their alternatively
papilla. This anatomy is believed to increase pressure active state, which secrete prodigious amounts
in the pancreatic duct, predisposing to pancreatitis. of TGF-β.52 Of note, the role of TGF-β in the fibro-
However, this concept is controversial, including inflammatory response of chronic pancreatitis is
the fact that patients with pancreas divisum and well established.56-58 The TGF-β secreted by the
chronic pancreatitis may also have underlying macrophage maintains the PSC in its activated state,
genetic mutations, which may be involved in promoting more secretion of interleukins 4 and
chronic pancreatitis pathogenesis.47 48 Most experts 13.52 This interplay between activated PSCs and
believe that if pancreas divisum is involved in the alternatively activated macrophages creates a feed-
pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis, it may be a co- forward process promoting the fibro-inflammatory
factor and not the sole causative factor.47 response of chronic pancreatitis,52 and it provides
Finally, chronic pancreatitis can be a presentation for the production of TGF-β that mediates the
of the multi-organ IgG4 related disorder referred pain of these pancreatic diseases by direct effects
to as autoimmune pancreatitis when the disorder on sensory neurons in the pancreas mediated by
involves the pancreas. Autoimmune pancreatitis SMAD3 signaling in the sensory neuron.51 The role
can present as acute or chronic pancreatitis, but of TGF-β in the mechanism of pain may represent one
the most common clinical presentation is painless of many pathways involved. For example, studies
jaundice. Autoimmune pancreatitis more commonly show that chronic pancreatitis causes reorganization
occurs in patients over age 60 with a three to one of brain networks, with involvement of alterations
male predominance. An increased concentration of in descending inhibitory pathways and metabolic
circulating IgG4 is a serologic marker for autoimmune disturbances.59-62
pancreatitis. This entity is important to identify as Figure 1 shows the pathways described here.
it is most often responsive to steroid treatment or Agents that interrupt one or more nodes in these
alternatively to other immune modulators in steroid pathways will have a benefit for treatment in chronic
resistant cases.48 pancreatitis. Of note, because chronic pancreatitis
results from recurrent episodes of acute pancreatitis,
Mechanism of the fibro-inflammatory response and agents that can beneficially affect mechanisms
pain of chronic pancreatitis of acute pancreatitis may have a role in chronic
The key histologic features of chronic pancreatitis pancreatitis. An example is use of Orai-1 inhibitor
include fibrosis, inflammation, and ductal changes therapy currently under investigation for acute

the bmj | BMJ 2024;384:e070920 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-070920 3
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Fig 1 | Pathways of inflammatory, fibrosis, and pain response of chronic pancreatitis. In the environment of inflamed pancreatic tissue, pancreatic
stellate cells (PSCs) become activated. Interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-13, secreted by activated PSCs, stimulate the conversion of macrophages to their
alternatively active state. These macrophages sustain the activated state of PSCs by secreting transforming growth factor β-1 (TGF-β), advancing
the fibro-inflammatory state of chronic pancreatitis. TGF-β mediates pain via intracellular Smad3 signaling in sensory neurons in the pancreas. We
hypothesize that agents that interfere with one or more nodes in this scheme may provide treatment benefit for patients with chronic pancreatitis

pancreatitis.63-65 A role also exists for lymphoid cells enzymes with chronic pancreatitis.68 Circulating
in addition to myeloid cells in chronic pancreatitis.66 biomarkers for the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis
A recent study showed that molecules in cigarette are not established. However, the Consortium on
smoke acting through the aryl hydrocarbon receptor Chronic Pancreatitis, Diabetes and Pancreatic Cancer
on T cells cause stimulation of PSCs to promote is making a significant effort to develop biomarkers
fibrosis through the interleukin 22 pathway.67 to aid in diagnosis.69-71
These findings again show an important interplay Imaging plays a principal role in diagnosing
between inflammatory and immune cells and PSCs chronic pancreatitis because of the absence of
in the pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis. The circulating biomarkers and reluctance to do risky
relative roles for myeloid and lymphoid cells in the pancreatic biopsies.72 Among imaging modalities
pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis may depend on available for the diagnosis, computed tomography
the causative factors of the disease. and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are the
initial studies used for the evaluation of abdominal
Diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis pain with chronic pancreatitis as a potential cause.
The diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis is based largely Consistent with this practice, an expert panel of the
on imaging; it is associated with calcification and American College of Gastroenterology published
pancreatic duct abnormalities in advanced cases but guidelines that recommend computed tomography or
can be challenging in less advanced cases (box 2). MRI for the first line diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis,
In contrast to acute pancreatitis, which is defined by suggesting that “either test should be the first
increases in serum amylase and lipase concentrations choice for the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis.”73
with abdominal pain typical of pancreatitis, these The panel further stated that “endoscopic
pancreatic enzymes are often not elevated in ultrasonography (EUS), because of its invasiveness
pancreatitis even with an exacerbation. The reason is and lack of specificity, should be used only if the
a loss of functional pancreatic tissue containing these diagnosis is in question after cross-sectional imaging

4 doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-070920 | BMJ 2024;384:e070920 | the bmj
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In cases in which morphologic evidence of

Box 2: Approaches to diagnosis and characterization of chronic pancreatitis
pancreatitis is still needed despite the studies listed
• Determine previous episodes of pancreatitis above, endoscopic ultrasonography of the pancreas
• Obtain symptoms and environmental risk history can be used to identify disease at an early stage
• Test for presence of exocrine insufficiency or with minimal change. Criteria for diagnosis by
• Obtain cross sectional imaging (computed tomography or magnetic resonance endoscopic ultrasonography include hyperechoic
imaging) foci, hyperechoic strands, lobular contour, and cysts
• Monitor for diabetes of the parenchyma, as well as ductal features of main
• In selected cases: duct dilatation, duct irregularity, hyperechoic duct
○ Endoscopic ultrasonography margins visible side branches, and stones.69 Finally,
○ Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in patients whose diagnosis remains in question,
○ Genetic testing histologic examination of a pancreatic biopsy is
○ Pancreatic biopsy appropriate.
Of particular importance is the state of disease
is performed.” The panel noted that other imaging when no morphologic evidence is found using the
modalities such transcutaneous ultrasonography, imaging technology listed above. This state is often
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography referred to as early chronic pancreatitis.88 Further
(ERCP), pancreatic elastography, and contrast research is needed to develop molecular and/or
enhanced endoscopic ultrasonography are potential imaging biomarkers associated with genetic and
imaging methods for diagnosis;74-78 “high-quality environmental risks to better identify patients with
randomized controlled trial evidence is not available this state. Importantly for establishing the diagnosis,
to warrant their inclusion as first-line diagnostic tests chronic pancreatitis is a clinical diagnosis that
for chronic pancreatitis in place of cross-sectional requires integration of clinical information including
imaging or EUS.” risk factors (genetics as appropriate) and exclusion of
Features of chronic pancreatitis on computed other disorders in the differential diagnosis together
tomography include calcifications and atrophy and with the validation of imaging studies.
pancreatic duct dilations (fig 2). MRI and magnetic
Relation between cause of chronic pancreatitis and
resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) have
potential complications

an additional advantage of detecting ductal changes
A cross sectional study of 1071 patients with chronic
in addition to parenchymal changes.79 80 Also, the
pancreatitis did a cluster analysis between the
administration of secretin to stimulate fluid secretion
causes of pancreatitis and types of complications.89
during an MRCP can further define pancreatic
The analysis showed that complications potentially
function and ductal pathology.81-84 Of note, in
resulting from the continuing inflammatory process
addition to developing circulating biomarkers for the
such as pseudocysts, ascites, pleural effusion,
diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis, the Consortium on
pancreatic fistula, and portal or splenic vein
Chronic Pancreatitis, Diabetes and Pancreatic Cancer
thrombosis are more likely with alcohol misuse
is greatly involved in advancing quantitative MRI for
related pancreatitis than with non-alcohol misuse
improved diagnostic ability in different stages of
related causes of pancreatitis (odds ratio 2.00,
chronic pancreatitis, taking advantage of the unique
95% confidence interval 1.38 to 2.90; P<0.001).
T1 relaxation of the pancreas owing to its high
On the other hand, fibrosing complications such as
protein content and the ability of MRI to measure
pancreatic duct lesions, common bile duct stenosis,
extracellular volume (equivalent to fibrosis) and
and duodenal stenosis (odds ratio 2.23, 1.56 to
the presence of fat.70 85 86 The envisioned goal is to
2.32; P<0.001) and complications such as exocrine
approximate tissue histology with MRI measures.87
pancreatic insufficiency (odds ratio 1.42, 1.00 to
2.01; P=0.046) were more likely associated with

Exocrine and endocrine insufficiency: identification

and treatment
Failure of exocrine and endocrine function are
common consequences of chronic pancreatitis.
Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI) occurs when
more than 90% of exocrine pancreatic function
is lost, resulting in steatorrhea.90 Patients with
steatorrhea have oily or greasy stools and may
describe bulky, pale, foul smelling, and/or floating
stools. Additionally, the patient may have weight
loss and fat soluble vitamin deficiency despite
normal caloric intake. The classic measurement of
fat in the stools collected for 72 hours in a person
Fig 2 | Abdominal computed tomography scan of patient with chronic pancreatitis, ingesting a diet adequate in fat (70-100 g/day)
showing calcifications and dilation of the pancreatic duct, especially in the tail is considered an effective means of diagnosing

the bmj | BMJ 2024;384:e070920 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-070920 5
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steatorrhea. Normally, 7% or less of ingested Interventions for pain

fat appears in the stool. A simple qualitative Pain is the most common manifestation of
microscopic examination of a single stool for oil is chronic pancreatitis and can be debilitating and
almost as sensitive as quantitative measurements unrelenting.112-114 Moreover, the pain of chronic
for fat, making the measurement of steatorrhea pancreatitis is associated with debilitation in
more accessible.91 92 Additional practical tests for several physical, mental, and social health
PEI include measurements of fecal chymotrypsin outcomes.64 67 115 116 Patients experience epigastric or
and elastase-1. Both enzymes are produced by mid-abdominal pain, which can be accompanied by
the pancreas and remain constant throughout the back pain. The cause is the presence of inflammatory
gastrointestinal tract. Elastase-1 has been shown to mediators, which increase interstitial pressure
be more specific than chymotrypsin, with sensitivity leading to diminished blood perfusion, low oxygen
approaching 100% for significant insufficiency.93 94 tension, and consistent gland inflammation.37
Measurement of serum trypsin has also been shown These symptoms may be constant or intermittent
to associate with severe PEI.95 and exacerbated by a meal, and it is important to
In contrast to the widely available methods listed consider alternate diagnoses including peptic ulcer
above for diagnosis of PEI, specialized centers may disease, complications of pancreatitis, and cancer,
provide direct testing of pancreatic function, which which these patients develop at higher rates than
can be useful in diagnosing chronic pancreatitis. those without chronic pancreatitis.
In these tests, the exocrine pancreas is stimulated
with a secretagogue such as secretin for testing Medical management of pain
ductal function or cholecystokinin for testing Abstinence from alcohol and smoking should be
acinar function, followed by measurement of the recommended, and support programs to facilitate
volume and concentration of analytes into the this should be offered. Abstinence will extend life
duodenum collected by aspiration with a duodenal and slow the evolution of chronic pancreatitis but
tube designed to prevent interference with gastric not stop it. Smoking increases the risk of developing
secretions or an endoscope aspirating at site of pancreatic cancer and accelerates chronic
the pancreatic outflow into the duodenum.96-98 pancreatitis. A meta-analysis of 10 case-control
Currently, testing the ductal function with secretin studies and two cohort studies including 1705

stimulation and measurement of peak bicarbonate patients identified a dose-response effect of tobacco
concentration prevails over testing acinar function on risk of chronic pancreatitis (odds ratio one pack
with cholecystokinin stimulation. 2.4 (95% confidence interval 0.9 to 6.6); more than
Treatment of PEI is essential to reverse and prevent one pack 3.3 (1.4 to 7.9). This risk was diminished
its consequences, which include weight loss, fat with smoking cessation.115
soluble vitamin deficiency, metabolic bone disease, Analgesics provide treatment for pain from chronic
and sarcopenia.99 Osteoporosis and osteopenia pancreatitis and include non-opioid and opioid
are highly prevalent in this population and are medications. Non-opioids are recommended as first
associated with an increased risk of fractures.100-102 line therapy and opioids for worsening and persistent
A recommended starting dose 40 000–50 000 pain. When the patient transitions to consistent
USP units of lipase taken with each meal is opioid use, management by a chronic pain specialist
recommended.99 Treatment monitoring includes should be started.
improvements in steatorrhea, weight, fat soluble Adjunctive medications including tricyclic
vitamins, and measures of bone density and muscle gabapentinoids, antidepressants, and selective
mass. Dose adjustments may be necessary. serotonin reuptake inhibitors can decrease opioid
Endocrine insufficiency manifested as diabetes requirements and treat neuropathic pain. An
mellitus can occur in chronic pancreatitis.103-106 RCT that randomized 64 patients to pregabalin
This form of diabetes mellitus is referred to as or placebo for three weeks found that pregabalin
diabetes of the exocrine pancreas, pancreatogenic significantly improved pain relief (36% v 24%;
diabetes, post-pancreatitis diabetes (PPDM) or type P=0.02).117 Antioxidant therapy has been used in
3c diabetes. The mechanism of this form of diabetes chronic pancreatitis with varying results. A Cochrane
mellitus, differences from type 1 and type 2 diabetes review including 12 RCTs and involving 585 patients
mellitus, and the most appropriate approach to concluded that pain was less in the antioxidant
treatment are under intensive investigation.103 104 107- group (mean difference −0.33, 95% confidence
PPDM is generally managed by starting with interval −0.64 to −0.02).118
metformin, but insulin may eventually be needed. Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy has long
Incretin therapy is avoided considering the risk of been used to decrease pain from chronic pancreatitis
pancreatitis. Patients with PPDM have an added despite little evidence to support this. To date, nine
complexity for management. That is, these patients clinical trials, seven of them randomized, have
need consistent treatment of PEI to ensure nutrient shown inconsistent data on pain; because of this,
absorption for prevention of hypoglycemia and enzyme replacement is not recommended to treat
additional vigilance to prevent hypoglycemia this symptom.116 119-125
because of potential loss of counter-regulatory Celiac plexus blockade has varying efficacy as
glucagon secretion. reported in the literature. The procedure involves the

6 doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-070920 | BMJ 2024;384:e070920 | the bmj
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injection of local anesthetic and a steroid into the can be preserved pancreatic function and quality
celiac ganglia and can be done under endoscopic of life seem to be improved. This is especially true
ultrasound guidance, percutaneously, or directly when most of the disease is limited to the head. A
during surgery. A meta-analysis of six studies meta-analysis of four trials included 173 patients
including randomized studies, prospective studies, who had a duodenum preserving pancreatic head
and case series evaluating endoscopic guided block resection or pancreatoduodenctomy for pain relief in
estimated that pain relief based on validated pain chronic pancreatitis. In this analysis, the duodenum
score assessment or decrease in opioid use was preserving approach showed no difference in pain
51.46%.126 For patients who have exhausted medical relief (odds ratio 1.08, 95% confidence interval 0.88
management of pain, a celiac plexus blockade should to 1.33) or endocrine insufficiency (odds ratio 0.49,
be considered. However, the pain relief is usually 0.22 to 1.09), but the duodenal preserving procedure
transient. had less exocrine insufficiency (odds ratio 0.20,
0.06 to 0.66) and improved quality of life (weighted
Endoscopic treatment mean difference 25.07, 18.83 to 31.21).129 The
Chronic pancreatitis can cause strictures of the main follow-up ChroPac trial randomized 250 patients to
pancreatic duct and stone formation contributing pancreatoduodenectomy or duodenum preserving
to diminished flow, inflammation, and pain. For pancreatic head resection and found no difference
patients with a dilated duct, endoscopic or surgical in quality of life at 24 months, which included an
techniques to decompress the duct can relieve pain assessment of pain.130
and may preserve pancreatic exocrine and endocrine Most long term studies report that 60-80% of
function. patients have improvement in pain following
Endoscopic treatment of pain in patients with surgery. Although duodenum preserving pancreatic
pancreatic duct strictures and stones is feasible, head resection is a more complicated procedure
and some patients may benefit from long term than a longitudinal pancreatojejunostomy, some
pancreatic duct stenting to manage pancreatic duct types of parenchymal resection such as a Frey
strictures. A meta-analysis of 13 studies involving procedure that completely exposes the duct and
298 patients found that pain improved by 89% after allows for all stones to be removed is essential to
pancreatic stent compared with before stenting.127 secure the best pain relief. A tailored approach

A randomized trial comparing endoscopy and accounting for the distribution of the pancreatic
lithotripsy with lithotripsy alone found a similar inflammation, ductal anatomy, and patient’s
decrease in the number of pain episodes per year condition should be used to determine the optimal
(mean decrease 3.7, 95% confidence interval 2.6 to operation for each patient.
4.9; P<0.001) over a four year period, suggesting that
lithotripsy alone is sufficient.128 Total pancreatectomy with islet autotransplantation
In patients with painful chronic pancreatitis
Surgical approaches to chronic pancreatitis who have exhausted medical management and
Surgery for pain from chronic pancreatitis is generally completed endoscopic or surgical intervention,
reserved for patients with severe disease manifested total pancreatectomy offers an option to tackle
by substantial and longstanding symptoms in the pain by removing the entire gland, the source of
presence of pancreatic duct dilation or stones. Surgery the inflammatory pain cascade. This is also an
for chronic pancreatitis may be performed safely and option for patients with hereditary pancreatitis who
with minimal perioperative morbidity or mortality. have a substantial increase in risk for pancreatic
Several operations have been developed whereby cancer. A pancreatectomy accompanied by an
varying amounts of the pancreas are removed to islet autotransplantation of islet isolated from the
ensure improved drainage of pancreatic fluid from resected gland and infused into the liver via the
the duct to the gastrointestinal tract. To maintain portal vein promises improved glucose homeostasis
exocrine and endocrine pancreatic function, after the procedure. This procedure is appropriate
most modern procedures are parenchyma sparing for patients with normally functioning islets before
approaches rather than a pancreatectomy, unless this the surgery. The available data to support this
is done concomitantly with an islet cell transplant. approach come from observational series. The
These surgeries include a pancreatoduodenectomy Dutch Pancreatitis Study Group published a meta-
(Whipple), duodenum preserving pancreatic analysis of 15 observational studies including 1255
head resection (Frey and Beger/Berne), distal patients, and at one year after surgery the opioid-
pancreatectomy, and drainage procedures such free rate had improved from between 0% and 15%
as longitudinal pancreatojejunostomy (Puestow) to 63% (95% confidence interval 46% to 77%) and
(fig 3). The operation recommended is based on the the insulin-free rate had decreased from between
pancreatic duct anatomy and distribution of the 89.5% and 100% to 30% (20% to 43%).131 In
disease in the gland. patients who have no other options and have access
Eleven RCTs have compared different dyads of to a skilled center providing this service, total
operations for chronic pancreatitis pain. When the pancreatectomy with islet autotransplantation is a
pancreatic head is removed patients have the best reasonable approach to manage pain from chronic
outcomes related to pain, and if the duodenum pancreatitis.

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:+,33/( )5(<





%(*(5 38(672:


Fig 3 | Pancreatoduodenectomy (Whipple), duodenum preserving pancreatic head resection (Frey and Beger/Berne), distal pancreatectomy, and
longitudinal pancreatojejunostomy (Peustow)

Endoscopic versus operative approaches from both the American College of Gastroenterology
Evidence from randomized trials suggests that surgery and the American Gastroenterological Association
should be considered over endoscopic therapy for the include this recommendation based on what each
long term treatment of painful chronic pancreatitis judged to be moderate to strong evidence.53 114
with ductal obstruction. Three RCTs investigating The first RCT randomized 140 patients to
endoscopic and surgical treatment of pain have been endoscopic treatment including sphincterotomy,
completed and concluded that surgery was superior stenting, and stone removal or surgery.132 The
to endoscopic techniques. Recent practice guidelines initial outcomes related to pain were similar, but

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at five years complete absence of pain was twice as likelihood of pain relief than endoscopic treatment
high in the surgery group (37% v 14%) and partial in the medium term (2-5 years: risk ratio 1.62, 1.22
relief was similar (49% v 51%). In addition, patients to 2.15) and at long-term follow-up (≥5 years: 1.56,
who underwent surgery had improved increased 1.18 to 2.05).135 With this evidence, surgery should
body weight measurements, and the incidence of be considered early in the management of these
new onset diabetes was no different (34-43%). The patients.
authors concluded that surgery was superior to
endotherapy and that endotherapy could be offered Complications of chronic pancreatitis
as initial treatment followed by surgery in cases in Pancreatic pseudocysts and acute fluid collection
which pain persisted. occur in patients with chronic pancreatitis owing
Two years later, an RCT from the Netherlands to exacerbations of inflammation and ductal
was published, which randomized 39 patients disruption. Pseudocysts are less likely to resolve in
between endoscopic treatment and lithotripsy or chronic pancreatitis because this condition does not
pancreatojejunostomy that included removal of spontaneously resolve as it does in acute pancreatitis,
some pancreatic parenchyma. Patients who had so invention is more commonly needed (fig 4). Patients
surgery reported lower pain scores (P<0.001) and with symptomatic collections resulting in pain,
better physical health (P=0.003). Striking pain relief gastric or duodenal obstruction with weight loss,
was seen in 75% of surgery patients and only 32% of or biliary obstruction should undergo endoscopic
the endoscopic group (P=0.007), and the endoscopic ultrasound guided transgastric or transduodenal
group received eight interventions whereas the drainage with plastic stents or lumen apposing metal
surgery patients had three.133 stents. Alternatively, transpapillary drainage can
The third RCT, the ESCAPE trial from the Dutch be attempted. However, a meta-analysis including
Pancreatitis Study Group published in 2020, led 1355 patients found that success using transmural
to the current guideline recommendations.134 This drainage and resolution of the pseudocyst was
multicenter RCT included 88 patients and compared substantially higher than that using a transpapillary
best medical management with endoscopic approach (90.6% (95% confidence interval 81.0%
treatment versus upfront surgery for painful chronic to 95.6%) versus 58.5% (36.7% to 77.4%)).136
pancreatitis. Pain scores were significantly better Transpapillary drainage has been successfully

in the surgery group (Izbicki pain score 37 v 49; deployed for a disconnected pancreatic duct. The
−12 points, 95% confidence interval −22 to −2; same study showed that surgical drainage results
P=0.02), and pain relief was achieved in 58% of in success rates comparable to those of endoscopic
surgery patients versus 39% of the endoscopy group treatment (82% (68.6% to 90.5%) versus 87.4%
(P=0.10). Pancreatic function, complication rates, (81.2% to 91.8%); P=0.389). Percutaneous drainage
and quality of life were similar between groups. An is largely ineffective with very high recurrence rates,
important consideration of this study is that when particularly in chronic pancreatitis. As the morbidity
the duct was cleared endoscopically, pain was of endoscopic drainage is substantially less than with
improved at a similar rate between treatment arms. surgery, this method is the recommended treatment
It was notable that pain was not better in 62% of for pseudocysts in chronic pancreatitis.
the patients in the endoscopy group, and half of this Biliary stricture occurs in 10-15% of patients with
group ultimately had surgery to manage this. This chronic pancreatitis, and the first concern should
trial provides the strongest evidence to date informing be to rule out the possibility of malignancy with
treatment of chronic pancreatitis in patients with imaging and endoscopic ultrasound guided biopsy.
a dilated pancreatic duct and stones and pain. A Benign biliary strictures typically have a tapered
Cochrane review found that surgery offers a higher appearance on cholangiography. Once malignancy
has been excluded, endoscopic, surgical, and
interventional radiologic techniques are available to
treat the stricture. RCT data suggest that endoscopic
treatment is reliable. One study enrolled 60 patients
to self-expandable metallic stent versus plastic stent
and showed a two year, stricture-free success rate of
90% (72% to 97%) in the plastic stent group and 92%
(70% to 98%) in the metal stent group.137 Similar
success rates were seen in an RCT using stents for
benign biliary stricture (92.6%).138 Additionally, if
the patient is having surgery for chronic pancreatitis,
a biliary bypass or decompression of the bile
duct with the pancreatic operation can be safely
performed with outstanding long term resolution of
the stricture.
Vascular complications of chronic pancreatitis
Fig 4 | Abdominal computed tomography scan showing a pancreatic pseudocyst include pseudoaneurysms of the surrounding
expanded anteriorly against the stomach arterial vessels, particularly the splenic artery, or

the bmj | BMJ 2024;384:e070920 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-070920 9

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venous thrombosis. A meta-analysis of endovascular Emerging treatments

embolization for pseudoaneurysms in pancreatitis Understanding of the mechanisms of chronic
including 29 studies and 849 patients found a clinical pancreatitis is revealing potential therapeutic
success rate of 88% (83% to 91%; I2=0%) at 12 approaches in animal models of chronic pancreatitis,
months.139 Splenic infarction was the most common which are being applied in human clinical trials. For
complication, seen in 5.5% of patients, which nearly example, inhibition of the effects of interleukins
always resolves. Patients with thrombosis of the 4 and 13 has been shown to decrease chronic
splenic vein can usually be managed expectantly, but pancreatitis.52 Pirfenidone, an agent that inhibits
left sided portal hypertension manifested by gastric TGF-β actions to promote fibrosis and is approved by
bleeding may occur in up to 12.3% according to a the US Food and Drug Administration for treatment
meta-analysis of 99 reports including 805 patients.140 of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, has shown benefit
For these patients, splenic artery embolization may in models of chronic pancreatitis.143 Simvastatin, by
be therapeutic and splenectomy definitive. inhibiting the inflammatory response of pancreatitis
through correcting autophagic mechanisms of the
Differentiating chronic pancreatitis from cancer acinar disordered in pancreatitis, has the potential for
Determining whether a patient has pancreatic therapeutic benefit in chronic pancreatitis and is in
cancer in the setting of chronic pancreatitis is clinical trials ( NCT04021498 and
challenging. Maintaining vigilance for the possibility NCT02743364).144-148 Another potential mechanism
of pancreatic cancer with frequent assessment based therapeutic agent is a highly potent vitamin D
and ultimately no diagnosis of cancer is a common analog, paricalcitol, which returns activated PSCs to
approach. One pooled analysis of 13 studies found their quiescent state and which is in an early clinical
that a nearly eightfold risk for cancer at five years trial (NCT05664880).149 150
from diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis diminished
to 3.5-fold after nine years (7.90 (95% confidence Management summary and guidelines
interval 4.26 to 14.66) and 3.53 (1.69 to 7.38)).141 In Box 3 provides a summary list of key management
other words, if the patient has not developed cancer actions for patients with chronic pancreatitis based
over time while under medical supervision the risk on this review). Box 4 provides a list of guidelines
of doing so decreases. However, the establishment of and consensus statements that provide further

true risk is difficult because some patients may have details for the diagnosis and management of chronic
been misclassified as having chronic pancreatitis pancreatitis.
when in fact cancer is present. Chronic inflammation
is known to contribute to carcinogenesis. Imaging
with computed tomography, MRI, and endoscopic
ultrasonography assists in identifying a suspicious Box 3: Management of patients with chronic
lesion that should be biopsied at the time of endoscopic pancreatitis
ultrasonography to determine the diagnosis. CA 19-9
• Stop alcohol use and smoking
can be elevated in chronic pancreatitis, especially
• Monitor and treat exocrine insufficiency and
with biliary obstruction, but elevation increases the
suspicion of pancreatic cancer. A pooled analysis of
• Maintain nutritional intake
the ability of CA 19-9 concentration to differentiate
• Monitor for macro-nutritional and micro-nutritional
pancreatic cancer from chronic pancreatitis that
included 3125 patients showed a sensitivity of 0.81
• Monitor bone health
(95% confidence interval 0.80 to 0.83), a specificity
• Consider dietary alterations
of 0.81 (0.79 to 0.82), a positive likelihood ratio of
• Use analgesics safely
4.08 (3.39 to 4.91), a negative likelihood ratio of
• In selected cases:
0.24 (0.21 to 0.28), and a diagnostic odds ratio of
○ Endoscopic treatments
19.31 (14.40 to 25.90).142 Patients with hereditary
○ Surgical treatments
pancreatitis should be entered into a screening
○ Total pancreatectomy with islet
program with yearly imaging and consideration for

Box 4: Published guidelines and consensus statements for chronic pancreatitis

• Guidelines for Risk Factors in Chronic Pancreatitis
○ International Consensus Guidelines Working Group for Chronic Pancreatitis in collaboration with the International Association of Pancreatology,
American Pancreatic Association, Japan Pancreas Society and European Pancreatic Club151
• Clinical Guideline for Chronic Pancreatitis
○ American College of Gastroenterology73
• Clinical Practice Guidelines for Chronic Pancreatitis
○ Japanese Society of Gastroenterology152

10 doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-070920 | BMJ 2024;384:e070920 | the bmj

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• Harmonizing diagnosis and treatment of Chronic Pancreatitis across Europe.

○ Working Group on Harmonizing the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pancreatitis across Europe of the United European Gastroenterology153
• Evidence-based Guidelines for the diagnosis and therapy of Chronic Pancreatitis
○ United European Gastroenterology154
• International consensus statements on early Chronic Pancreatitis
○ International Consensus Guidelines Working Group for Chronic Pancreatitis in collaboration with the International Association of Pancreatology,
American Pancreatic Association, Japan Pancreas Society and European Pancreatic Club88
• Guidelines for the Diagnostic Cross-Sectional Imaging and Severity Scoring of Chronic Pancreatitis
○ International Consensus Guidelines Working Group for Chronic Pancreatitis in collaboration with the International Association of Pancreatology,
American Pancreatic Association, Japan Pancreas Society and European Pancreatic Club155
• Guidelines on the role of diagnostic endoscopic ultrasound in the management of Chronic Pancreatitis
○ International Consensus Guidelines Working Group for Chronic Pancreatitis in collaboration with the International Association of Pancreatology,
American Pancreatic Association, Japan Pancreas Society and European Pancreatic Club156
• Guidelines on the histopathology of Chronic Pancreatitis
○ International Consensus Guidelines Working Group for Chronic Pancreatitis in collaboration with the International Association of Pancreatology,
American Pancreatic Association, Japan Pancreas Society and European Pancreatic Club157
• Diagnosis and treatment of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in Chronic Pancreatitis
○ An international expert survey for the Dutch Pancreatitis Study Group158
• Consensus Guidelines for the management of pain of Chronic Pancreatitis
○ International Consensus Guidelines Working Group for Chronic Pancreatitis in collaboration with the International Association of Pancreatology,
American Pancreatic Association, Japan Pancreas Society and European Pancreatic Club60
• Guidelines on interventional endoscopy in chronic pancreatitis
○ International Consensus Guidelines Working Group for Chronic Pancreatitis in collaboration with the International Association of Pancreatology,
American Pancreatic Association, Japan Pancreas Society and European Pancreatic Club159
• Guideline on clinical nutrition in acute and chronic pancreatitis
○ European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism160
• Consensus guidelines for surgery and the timing of intervention in chronic pancreatitis
○ International Consensus Guidelines Working Group for Chronic Pancreatitis in collaboration with the International Association of Pancreatology,

American Pancreatic Association, Japan Pancreas Society and European Pancreatic Club161
• The role of total pancreatectomy with islet autotransplantation in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis
○ A report from the International Consensus Guidelines in chronic pancreatitis162
• Guidelines on surveillance for pancreatic cancer in chronic pancreatitis
○ International Consensus Guidelines Working Group for Chronic Pancreatitis in collaboration with the International Association of Pancreatology,
American Pancreatic Association, Japan Pancreas Society and European Pancreatic Club163

Conclusion pancreatitis. As the pathobiology of this disease

Chronic pancreatitis remains a vexing condition continues to be defined, we hope that future research
with some partially effective treatments to reduce may find a cure.
symptoms and complications but no cure. Multiple
approaches to improve outcome are underway. lists 210 studies for chronic
• What are the mechanisms to inhibit and reverse
the fibro-inflammatory process underlying chronic
• CFTR—cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator • How do we develop and evaluate additional agents
• CTRC—chymotrypsin C for preventing the progression and treating chronic
• ERCP—endoscopic retrograde pancreatitis?
cholangiopancreatography • Can we establish reliable and simple tests to
• MRCP—magnetic resonance establish the diagnosis of both chronic pancreatitis
cholangiopancreatography and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency?
• MRI—magnetic resonance imaging • How can we determine the long term nutritional and
• PDAC—pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma metabolic consequences of chronic pancreatitis,
• PEI—pancreatic exocrine insufficiency and how should these be managed and prevented?
• PPDM—post-pancreatitis diabetes • What new medications and interventions will be most
• PSC—pancreatic stellate cell effective in treating pain from chronic pancreatitis
• RCT—randomized controlled trial considering subpopulations of patients with
• SPINK1—serine protease inhibitor Kazal-type 1 chronic pancreatitis with potentially different pain
• TGF-β—transforming growth factor β mechanisms?

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