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What is Neuralink?

Neuralink is a device,
specifically, a Brain-Machine
Interface, that will be surgically
implanted into your brain and
with it, you’ll be able to
communicate with machines
and even control them.

Why Neuralink?

➢ Helps people with severe spinal cord injury by giving them the ability to control computers
and mobile.

➢ Restoring motor and sensory function and the treatment of neurological disorders.

➢ Preserve and enhance your own brain.

➢ Security will be built into every layer of the product, using strong cryptography, defensive
engineering, and extensive security auditing.

➢ You’ll be able to communicate with machines and even control them.

➢ The Link processes, stimulates, and transmits
neural signals.

➢ Surgically transplanted inside head.

➢ Micron-scale threads are inserted into areas of

the brain that control movement.

➢ Compact inductive charger wirelessly


➢ It has potential to treat brain disorders and

other medical problems.
Source: https://neuralink.com/approach/
➢ Give us the power to interact with and control
machines using our minds.
➢ Application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) is

➢ A number of ASICs are integrated into a

standard printed circuit board (PCB).

➢ Each system consists of a field-programmable

gate array (FPGA)
○ real-time temperature
○ Accelerometer
○ Magnetometer sensors
○ a single USB-C connector

➢ The systems are packaged in titanium cases

which are coated with parylene-c.
Neural Thread
➢ Each small and flexible thread contains many electrodes for
detecting neural signals.

➢ Thread thickness is nominally 4 to 6 µm.

➢ Typical thread length is approximately 20 mm.

➢ The main substrate and dielectric used in these probes is


➢ Each array has 48 or 96 threads, each of those containing 32

independent electrodes.

➢ Metal film are at sub-micron resolution.

Individual electrodes for the thread design


➢ Principle of Brain Machine Interface.

➢ Neurons communicate with each

other by sending and receiving very
small electrical signals, these signals
can be heard with advanced
electrical sensors.

➢ Signal processing has

○ Preprocessing
○ feature extraction and
○ feature translation.

How Neuralink is different from other BMI devices?

➢ There are currently only a few approved

devices for recording or stimulating from
the human brain.

➢ These are designed to modulate the

activity of whole brain areas, not to
transfer information to and from the

➢ The Link has more electrodes and with

flexible threads.

➢ The Link will also perform real-time spike

detection on every channel.

How is it placed in the body?
➢ A robotic system will be used.

➢ The neurosurgical robot capable of inserting six threads

per minute.

➢ Have an auto-insertion mode feature.

➢ Each thread can be individually inserted into the brain with

micron precision.

➢ The needle is driven by a linear motor allowing variable

insertion speeds and rapid retraction acceleration.

The Neuralink App
The Neuralink app would allow you to control your iOS
device, keyboard and mouse directly with the activity of
your brain, just by thinking about it.

neuralink.com/approach/ 10
Challenges in making scalable BMI

➢ Scale up the number of electrodes while also building a safe and effective clinical
system that users can take home and operate by themselves.

➢ The threads have to resist corrosion from fluid in the tissue, and the electrodes must
have sufficient surface area to allow stimulation.

➢ Scaling these devices requires on-chip, real-time identification and characterization

of neural spikes.

➢ Design adaptive algorithms that maintain reliable and robust performance.

Current Status
➢ A monkey has apparently been able to interact
with a computer.

➢ Musk introduced a video of a pig called

Gertrude, who had the chip implanted in her
brain for two months.

➢ It still needs to go through the required

approvals and safety testing before it can be
implanted in humans.

➢ There are obvious concerns about placing

electronics inside people’s heads and there monkey-brain-chip-playing-videogame-thinking
need to be studies looking at the long-term
LINK V.0.9


➢ Neuralink has developed advanced solution to existing medical problems.

➢ It will surely create a well aligned future.

➢ Implantation will be done in less than a hour and leave hospital the same

➢ Neuralink is still at an early stage (it’s at version 0.9).

➢ We have no current idea of how much the brain chips will cost.

➢ https://neuralink.com/

➢ https://www.itpro.co.uk/technology/357528/what-is-neuralink

➢ https://medium.com/the-treatise/neuralink-explained-how-exactly-will-we-talk-to-

➢ https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/6204648/Neuralink-White-Paper.pdf

➢ https://www.thedailystar.net/toggle/news/elon-musks-neuralink-shows-monkey-br

➢ https://www.aans.org/en/Patients/Neurosurgical-Conditions-and-Treatments/Deep



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