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Performance Checklist

Conduct Competency Assessment

Name: _________________________________


Did the trainee… Deductions
 Obtain, check and arrange resources required for assessment and the
assessment tools within a safe and accessible assessment environment

 Present the Data Privacy Agreement Form

 Acknowledge TESDA Representative

 Monitor the attendance

 Collect admission slip

 Present the accomplish self-assessment guide

 Orient the trainees of the following

-Core competencies
-Context and purpose of assessment
-Tasks to be performed and the evidence to be collected
-Assessment procedures to be undertaken
-Time allotment
-Role of the assessor
-Ethical and legal responsibilities
-Do’s and Don’ts of Assessment
-Procedures in Filing National Certificate
-Reassessment Procedures
-Special needs
-Allowable adjustments
-Appeal system
 Provide the candidates with the tools, materials and equipment
required to complete the task

 Provide each candidate copy of specific instructions

 Conduct assessment in accordance with the methodologies specified

in the evidence plan

 Implement the evidence gathering process and ensure its validity,

reliability, fairness and flexibility

 Specify safety precautions during the assessment

 Observe candidate and keep notes of unusual conditions

 Record on the rating sheets details of evidence collected and
judgment made on the performance of the candidate

 Check the written test

 Ask follow-up questions whenever necessary

 Observe proper decorum

 Make assessment decision

 Record the assessment outcome using the prescribed rating sheet

with remarks

 Ensure rating sheets are signed by the candidate after providing


 Accomplish the CARS with complete entry of information

 Complete signature and date

 Provide recommendation for the issuance of NC/COC, reassessment,

or for submission of additional documents

 Submitted to CAC manager the assessment report and ensure that the
CAC manager signed the documents

 Accomplished Attendance Sheet with signature of the TESDA


 Give clear and constructive feedback

 Discuss assessment process and outcome

 Identify tasks performed well

 Identify areas for improvement

 Enumerate procedure in claiming NC/COC

 Provided information on ways of overcoming gaps in competency of

the candidate

 Advise candidate of available reassessment (if the decision is not yet


 Advise candidate of the evaluation of the assessment process

Overall Evaluation ( ) Satisfactory ( ) Not Satisfactory

Other Observations:


Areas for improvement:

TM 1 Assessor’s Script

As a competency assessor, you must provide a supportive environment before starting with
the assessment activity. You must ensure that the environment is suitable for the
assessment and the candidates are relaxed and not apprehensive. As soon as you have
admitted the candidates, say:

Procedure Suggested Phraseologies

Greetings Good morning everybody!
Introduction My name is (state your name). I am an accredited competency
assessor in __________________________. (the assessor
must wear his/her ID card as a proof of his/her accreditation)
Presentation of Data O would like to inform you that this assessment is recorded via
Privacy Agreement our CCTV so during your application you have already signed
Form this Data Privacy Agreement Form.
Acknowledgement of I would like to acknowledge ___________________, our
TESDA assessment focal and _________________ the representative
Representative from TESDA Provincial Office.

You do not have to worry about their presence. They are here to
oversee the conduct of competency assessment and to check if the
conduct is in accordance with the prescribed competency assessment
methodology and procedures.
Monitoring of Before I start, let me first check the attendance. Kindly affix your
Attendance signature adjacent to your name and please be reminded that
your attendance sheet is in 3 copies.
Collection of the Please present to me your admission slip once your name is
Admission Slip called. (compare signature of candidates on admission slip
against the signature on the attendance sheet)
Presentation of the I have here with me your accomplished self-assessment guide.
Self-Assessment This is an indication that you know and can perform all the units
Guide of competency enumerated in this qualification.
Orientation: Today, we are going to administer competency assessment for
Qualification and ______________. It is the Qualification level with _____ basic
Units of Competency competencies, ____ common competencies and _____ Core
to be Assessed Units of Competencies. And two elective competencies .Its core
competencies are:

Orientation: Context Why do we conduct this assessment We conduct this

and Purpose of assessment to determine your level of competence in this
Assessment qualification. You could use your National Certificate for your
employment, promotion and for additional certification.
Orientation: Tasks to The task that you are going to perform are the following:
be Performed and -For UC 1, you are going to….
Evidences to be
Orientation: Our assessment methods are: (Written Test, Demonstration with
Assessment Questioning, and Interview)
Orientation: Time The allotted time per assessment method are as follows:
Allotment ______ for Written Test, __2___ for Demonstration with
Questioning and ___30____ for Interview.
Orientation: Role of As your assessor, I’m just here to observe you and record my
Assessor observations in the rating sheet. I will ask questions related to
the task you are performing if necessary. After all assessment
methods are undertaken, I will give feedback.

Orientation: Needs of If you have some special needs to be considered, please do not
the Candidate hesitate to tell me, so that I could address it promptly.

Orientation: If there is a need for me to translate the questions and

Allowable instructions which are mostly in English, please do not hesitate
adjustments to tell so that I could translate it in our vernacular dialect. You
could also answer my questions in our dialect.
Orientation: Ethical The process and result of the assessment will be taken with
and Legal utmost confidentiality.
Orientation: Do’s and Once our assessment has started, you are not allowed to leave
Dont’s of the the assessment premises without asking permission from your
Assessment assessor. Please observe safety at all times.
Orientation: After all the assessment methods were undertaken, I will
Procedures in Filing individually give feedback wherein you will know the result of
the National your assessment. You will be provided with the Competency
Certificate Assessment Result Summary (CARS). Present this CARS to the
TESDA South Cotabato Provincial Office and bring with you
your 2 pcs passport size ID picture white background with collar
and certification fee amounting to P100.00.
Orientation: If found not yet competent, you may apply for reassessment
Reassessment anytime you think you are ready for reassessment.
Orientation: Appeal In case .If you don’t conform with the decision of your assessor,
System you have the right to appeal. Just write an appeal letter stating
your reasons why you are not conforming to the decision of the
assessor and address it to our Assessment Center Manager
___________________.dr. Edward brillantes
Distribution of the Do you have any questions or clarifications?
Specific Instruction to
the Candidate If none, I will now distribute the specific instruction. Please read
and feel free to have your clarifications. If you have some.
Assignment of Do you have any questions or clarifications?
If none, I will now assign your number.
Conduct of  You now instruct candidate # 1 to enter the assessment
Assessment room.( to be followed by candidate # 2 , # 3 etc.)
Methods  Provide the candidate with all materials, tools and
equipment required to complete the tasks.

 At this point, you give the Specific Instructions to the

candidate clearly and slowly.

Specific Instructions:

1. Using the materials, tools and equipment, you are

required to perform the tasks within
_________hours. I will be observing you while you
are performing the tasks.

2. After your demonstration, I will ask you some questions

related to your demonstration.

3. You may call me when there is a need for me to translate

or explain items for clarification.

4. After the questioning portion, I will give you

feedback about your performance.

5. Any questions/clarifications? If there are no more

questions, you may start now.
(the assessor sets the stop watch)

6. Remind candidate to observe safety precautions.

 While the candidate performs the activity you must
 stop candidate if accident is imminent
 keep notes of unusual conditions during the
Record the (Fill up the rating sheets. Write your observations in the
Assessment “Remarks” part of relevant assessment criteria in the rating
Fill-up the (Completely fill-up the CARS and indicate the result of the
Competency assessment)
Assessment Result
Provide Feedback Mr./Ms./ Mrs. (state the name of the candidate), you were
on the Assessment ( give the strong points of the candidate followed by the
weak points)
( If the candidate was found to be competent say): You
performed the tasks within the standard requirements of the

Note: Present the rating sheets to the candidate to affix his

signature on the candidate’s signature portion. This is a proof
that he accepts your assessment decision.

You can get your National Certificate/Certificate of Competency

from the ( state the Provincial Office, the date ,and the focal

Note: Give a copy of the accomplished Competency

Assessment Results Summary to the candidate (Make sure that
the document is signed by the candidate in the appropriate
space then affix your signature and signature of AC Manager.)

If the candidate was found not yet competent say: Mr/Ms/Mrs.

(state the name) I am sorry you were not able to perform within
the standard requirements of the Qualification. You have to
review/ practice the activities related to the competency
requirements of the Qualification further.

You can only come back after a month for reassessment when
you feel confident enough that you have acquired the
competence. Don’t worry you will only be reassessed on the
parts of the activity that you were found not yet competent.

Note: Give a copy of the accomplished Competency

Assessment Results Summary to the candidate (Make sure that
the document is signed by the candidate in the appropriate
space then affix your signature and signature of AC Manager.)
(Complete the rating sheets and other documents and endorse it
to the TESDA REpresentative.)
Evaluation (Instruct the candidate of the conduct of evaluation to be
administered by the TESDA Representative.)


I believe that the credibility and prestige of the Philippine TVET Qualification and Certification
System is enhanced or destroyed, depending on the way competency assessors conduct
themselves. Believing in this, I will administer competency assessments strictly in accordance
with the guidelines set forth in the system’s competency- assessment methodologies.
I will be professional in my dealings with the competency-assessment candidates, whether
during the assessment, or outside of assessment conditions.
I shall place a high value on objectivity and integrity and maintain the highest standards in the
services I offer.
Believing in every candidate’s right to total concentration during the assessment, I will do my
best to provide and maintain an environment conducive to assessment.
I shall administer assessments only in areas where I have the competence.
I shall not allow the competency assessment to be an instrument for corruption.
I shall not make the candidate nervous, distracted or irritated during the assessment.
Last but not the least, I shall zealously safeguard the validity of the competency-assessment
instruments. I shall see to it that nobody else has access to instrument materials except members
of the TESDA competency-assessment team and accredited/authorized persons.

Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless,

knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful.
-Samuel Johnson

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