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The Philippines is a culture in which East meets

West. The Filipino people have a distinct Asian
background, with a strong Western tradition. The
modern Filipino culture developed through
influence from Chinease traders, Spanish
conquistadors, and American rulers. Filipino
people tend to be very hospitable, especially to
Western visitors (1). Because of their strong ties to
Spanish culture, Filipinos are emotional and
passionate about life in a way that seems more Latin than Asian (1). This is
easily seen in the works of comporary artists such as Rody Herrera in his
painting Unahan Sa Duluhan.

The family is the basic and most important aspect of Filipino culture.
Divorce is prohibited and annulments are rare (2). The family is the safety net
for indivuduals, especially older people, during difficult economic times.
Children will often stay with their parents into adulthood, only leaving when
they get married (2). Political and business ties are often influenced by family
relationships (2).

Two traits that many foreign visitors often have a difficult time
understanding are Pakikisama and Utang na Loob. Pakikisama roughly
means "getting along" and requires individuals overlook slight improprieties or
indiscretions for the sake of preserving peace within the family, personal, or
business relationship. Utang na Loob refers to the custom of paying back one
favor with another (2). These traits emphasize the importance that Filipino
people place on maintaining pleasant interpersonal relationships and puting
the needs of the group ahead of the individual.

More than 80% of the population of the Philippines is Roman Catholic.

Fiestas in honor of the patron saint of a town are quite common. Criticism of
the Catholic church is not taken lightly - and should be avoided (2).

In the Philippines, people greet each other with a handshake. A smile or

raised eyebrows can mean "Hello" or "Yes". Someone can be summoned with
a downward wave of the hand (3).

The Filipino culture is an exuberant story that tells of the nation's journey through the centuries.
Customs reflect the people's faith, their oneness with others, their affinity with nature, and their
celebration of life.
The Filipino's charm lies in their smiles, in the numerous religious festivals that venerate nature, the
Divine and the cycles of life and in the virtue of pakikipag-kapwa tao that treasures relationships, with
friends and strangers alike. The concept of kapwa(others) is at the core of the Filipino soul. A Filipino
scholar says of the Filipino: the joy of his being is in being with others.

The nation's charm is in the diversity in ways of life across the archipelago, the resplendent colors of its
folk arts and the cacophony of foreign influences that have found roots in the Filipino languages,
customs and traditions.

And so there are the bright Santacruzan festivals in May, with pagan origins but portraying strong
Christian symbols, and an extended romance with Christmas in December. There are the passionate
Hispanic tempos in the dances of the plains of Luzon, the elegant Muslim dances for wars and weddings
from Mindanao, and the ancient strains of indigenous music in the highlands. The country has quaint
town squares that remind the spectator of its colonial past, light breezy huts with fences decked with
bougainvillas along the country lanes, sprawling malls, high-rises and frantic city avenues, houses made
of stones in typhoon-strewn islands in the North and houses on stilts in the South.

Another writer observes that the Filipinos tendency towards passionate profusion and unrestrained
exuberance in his art stems from his exposure to nature's lush, magnificent landscapes around him the
whole year through. Thus the richly embroidered Barong Tagalog (national dress), baroque architecture
in the 19th century and the flaming spectrum of colors in jeepney passenger cars, ice cream carts,
Christmas lanterns, kalesa (horse carriages), fiestas and religious processions.

Filipinos worship devoutly in their cathedrals and mosques (the busy urban dwellers attend religious
services inside shopping malls and al fresco, in parks and plazas). They can sing and recognize good
singing when they hear it. They smile at strangers and babies, and through queues, rainshowers and
traffic. They socialize in parties and discotheques, as well as in markets and community dances. They
make and keep friendships over food, over lambanog (coconut wine), over mobile phone text
messaging. They are sentimental and devoted to their families. They have profound respect for elders
and show self-effacing hospitality for guests. They speak over 100 local languages and dialects, of which
the Tagalog-based Filipino is the lingua franca, as well English, with an accent. They are basketball fans.
They love Hollywood films and television dramas. They are pedestrians who chat while walking and they
are the passengers in the ubiquitous jeepneys. They love laughing, at themselves, their politics, their
game shows. They are cosmopolitan in their views but their values are rooted in their faith, their family
and their community.
The Filipinos' temperament is as warm and constant as their sunshine. Their way of life is rich, diverse
and rooted. They are in harmony with others and face the world with an engagingly courageous spirit.
They are the 73 million Filipinos.

Philippine Culture

This is the one thing that separates us from the rest of the world - our colorful and lively
culture that makes us distinctly Filipino. This includes traditions, language, arts, etc. which
are found in museums, churches and galleries, found within the heart of the key cities.

Most provinces have their own identifying folk dances too wherein they showcase the
elegance and beauty of the way we do things, the way we dress, the way we see things as
shown in different paintings, as we have been influenced by events that happened in our

That’s not all. When you have lived in the Philippines long enough, you’ll know that it’s not
an exaggeration to say there is a town that’s celebrating its fiesta every single day.

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