6th DLP

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The Last Leaf

(Macro Skills)

Prepared by:


Pre-Service Teacher

Approved by:

Resource Teacher
Baua, Mark Louie B. Grade 10
Literature Quarter 3
Learning Competencies:
 Evaluate literature as a source of wisdom in expressing and resolving conflicts between
individuals or groups and nature [N10LT-IIIg20].
Week 7 Day 3 Topic: The Last Leaf Duration of Session:
120 minutes
Learning At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
Objectives Knowledge explain how the central theme relates to the characters in the
Skills differentiate the characters using Character Profile and SWOT
perform collaborative tasks; and
Attitudes demonstrate empathy to the elements in the story by relating
instances and experiences in real life.
Resources Needed Reference:

PowerPoint Presentation, Visual Aids, Printed Materials,
Learner’s Module, Marker, Audio Speaker, Television, and
Strategies Employed Active Learning, Interactive and Collaborative Learning, and
Short Quiz.
Values Integrated Sacrifice
Elements of the Plan METHODOLOGY
Priming Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
(Day 1) Good morning, class!
Good morning too, sir!
Before we start, may I call on
[student] to lead the prayer.
[The student leads the
Once again, good morning class!
Good morning, sir!
Before you take your seats,
please arrange your chairs and
pick up the litters if there are any.
[The student aligns the chairs
and picks the litters]
Class secretary, give me the list of
those who are absent, okay?
Sure, sir!
How’s your day, class?
We’re doing great, sir!
That’s good to hear, class
because today, we will have to
tackle on another story that will
surely appeal to your senses.

But before that, here are the class [A student reads the house
rules that you must follow or rules]
observe until the end of this
meeting. ________, kindly read.  Class Rules
1. Raise your hand if
you want to recite.
2. Ask questions or
help when
3. Speak in English.
4. The use of gadget
is limited.
5. Respect one
Are these rules clear, class?
Yes, sir!
Motivation Before we start, I will be grouping
“Password?” you into two, the right side will be
(Day 1) the group 1 and the left side will
be he group 2. is that clear? Yes, sir!

So we start the lesson by playing

a game and it is entitled,
“Password?”. Imagine that you
are imprisoned in this very
classroom. There is no way out.
The only way out is to supply the
blanks with the letter in the
alphabet to reveal the password.
Is that clear, class?
Got it, sir!
[The teacher commences the
activity.] Possible Answer:

Congratulations, class! You are S A C R I F I C E

now free! Did you enjoy the
game, class?
Yes, sir!
Presentation of the As we start our lesson, allow me
Lesson to present our learning objectives
(Day 1) our today’s learning objectives.
Kindly read,________.
[A student reads the learning

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson,

the students must be able to:
a. explain how the
central theme relates to
the characters in the
b. differentiate the
characters using
Character Profile and
SWOT Analysis; perform
collaborative tasks; and
c. demonstrate empathy
to the elements in the
story by relating
instances and
experiences in real life.
Also allow me to present to you
our motive question which you
will be answering later on.

Our topic for today revolves

around the theme, sacrifice. Now,
is there a time in your life where
you have sacrificed something?
Yes, sir.
How did you handle it?
[Students’ answer may vary.]
Excellent! Since you are able to
give me sincere answers, allow
me to present to you our motive
question which you will be
answering later on. Ponder on
that question because as our
topic progresses, I will be asking
that question later on. Got it,
class? Yes, sir!

Motive Question:
“Will you sacrifice everything for
the happiness of others? Why or
why not?”
Activity 1 I noticed that you are enjoying
“Pic-Word Quest” the class so much so I prepared
(Day 1) another game for you. The game
is entitled, Pic-Word Quest. I
believe, this game is already
common to you so we start
immediately. Got it class?
1. Sisters
2. Doctor
3. Painter
4. Old Man

Did you enjoy the game? Yes, sir!

Activity 2 If that’s the case, then lest have
“Act It Out” another game. This time, it’s
(Day 1) entitled, Act It Out. In this game, I
will be calling one actors per
group to act the word. The other
groupmates will be the ones to
guest the word that is being
acted by actors. Got it, class? Yes, sir!

[The students will do the


Words to be acted:
1. Sick
2. Worried
3. Painting
4. Coughing
5. Happy

Did you enjoy the game, class? Yes, sir!

Analysis Now, allow me to introduce to
(Day 1) you our author for today. Do you
know this person, class?
Yes, sir. That’s O. Henry.
That’s right. Kindly read the
description of O.Henry, _____. [A student will read the
description of the author.]

 O. Henry’s real name is

William Sydney Porter.
 The “O” in his pen name
stands for “Oliver”.
 He was an American
writer known primarily
for his short stories,
poems, and novels.
To know more of the author, let
us now proceed to one of its
masterpiece. So sit back and relax
as we are all going to watch the
story. Before watching, I would
like to request everyone to bring
all of your notes and pens and list
down important details regarding
the story for I will be asking
questions after, okay? Got it, sir!


[Students will watch]

Do you find the story interesting, Yes, sir. The story is amazing.

Now, to test whether you really

understood the story, I will be
asking questions now.

1. Can anyone of you can identify

the characters and describe them Possible Answers:
based on the video?  The Doctor, sir. He
doesn’t have a strong
Follow up: Is there anything in the and appealing traits in
character that is similar to you? If the story since he only
yes, how did you manifest it? did a monitoring on the
illness of Johnsy.
Follow up: Are there traits of the  Old Behrman, sir. He is
characters that you wish to have? the neighbour of Sue and
Johnsy. He is very artistic
because he is a painter.
He is also a good person
because he sacrificed his
life just to give courage
to Johnsy as she is
already losing her will to
 Sue, sir. She is very
caring and patient. She
tends to get mad at
Johnsy because she’s
really concerned on her
 Johnsy, sir. She is sickly
sir. She was hopeless
when she knew that
she’s weakening. She
lost her will to live
knowing that she will die
because of her illness.
2. How did the theme, sacrifice
manifest in the story?  The theme, sacrifice was
manifested by the action
of Sue and Old Behrman.
In the case Sue, she
sacrificed her time to
take a good care of
Johnsy. She is also doing
her best to sustain their
need. However, in Old
Behrman’s case, he is
very considerate and
courageous to sacrifice
his life just to paint a
realistic painting on the
wall just to give Johnsy a
will to live. Old Behrman
painted the painting
while raining, not to
mention, he is already
suffering pneumonia
that time. So just to give
Johnsy a will to live, he
sacrificed his life just for
the benefit of Johnsy.
Excellent answers, class. I think
you are now ready to answer our
motive question.
Abstraction Motive Question:
(Day 1) “Will you sacrifice everything for
the happiness of others? Why or
why not?”  Yes, because to make
people happy, it makes
me happy to. So I will not
hesitate to sacrifice
because time will come, I
too will need help and to
those whom I helped will
help me as well.
 Yes. To spread love and
kindness is what I believe
that the world needs the
most. If we are able to
sacrifice even a little, we
can make a difference.
And if we do good and
make people happy, we
can influence others to
be better too.
Application To apply what you’ve learned, I
(Day 2) will be grouping you into 4.
Groups 1 and 2 will stay here, 3
and 4 will stay there. From a circle
now, class.

[ Administering the SGDA]

Group 1: Compare and Contrast

Create a Venn diagram of the
characteristics of Old Behrman
and Johnsy.

Group 2: Character Profile

Make a description of the
characters’ traits or
characteristics in the story.

Group 3: SWOT Analysis

Analyze the traits of the
characters using SWOT.

Group 4: Strengths and

Weaknesses Finder
Identify the characters’ traits in
the story and and list all the ones
that you want to adapt
(strengths) and discard

Content and Relevance- 40%
Originality and Creativity- 40%
Impact - 30%
Total- 100%
Evaluation Get ¼ sheet of paper and answer
(Day 2) the following.

Direction: Write the letter of the

correct answer.

1. What is the real name of the Answers:

the author? 1. B
A. William Sandy Peter 2. B
B. William Sydney Porter 3. B
C. William Sander Peter 4. D
D. William Syndie Porter 5. D

2. What is the pen name used by

the author?
A. O. When
B. O. Henry
C. O. Henley
D. O. Henderson

3. What is the O. in the author’s

name stand for?
A. Oligarch
B. Oliver
C. Ottoman
D. Origami

4. What is the central them of the

A. Piety
B. Love
C. Freedom
D. Sacrifice

5. What is the illness that is

rampant in the story?
A. Dengue
B. Malaria
C. Tuberculosis
D. Pneumonia
Agreement Follow up: At the back of your
(Day 2) paper, answer this question
briefly but substantially.

If Old Behrman died before

painting the last leaf on the wall,
what do you think will happen to

Advance: Research on the

different Literary Approaches and
answer the following:

1. List down the different Literary

Approaches and their
2. How can these approaches
help in critiquing literary

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