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Complete a text with the correct form of the verb in

Simple past vs past continuous
simple past or past continuous.

Used to Complete sentences with the correct form of "used to."

Complete sentences with the correct verb in the second

Second Conditional

Wish Rewrite sentences using "wish."

Complete sentences using simple present passive,

Passive Voice simple past passive, present perfect passive, or present
continuous passive.

Make sentences in the simple past or simple present

Simple past or simple present passive


SUMMARY Simple Past Past Continuous

Definition acciones/eventos en
completados en el
progreso en el pasado.

- Acciones en progreso en
- Acciones con un tiempo
When to Use 1 un tiempo pasado
de inicio y fin definido.
Last night, I ate pizza at the At 8 PM, I was having dinner with
restaurant. my friends.

Maria studied for two hours for Yesterday, at this time, she was
the exam. working on her project.

Juan finished reading the book At 10 AM, my brother was still

yesterday afternoon. sleeping.

- Serie de acciones - Acciones en segundo

When to Use 2 completadas en el plano interrumpidas por
pasado. otro evento.

Yesterday, I woke up, had

I was walking in the park
Example: breakfast, and left the
when it started to rain.

During my vacation, I While I was studying, my

visited Rome, Florence, and friend called me, and I had
Venice. to answer the phone.

Yesterday, I went to the

supermarket, bought I was watching TV when
groceries, and cooked my sis

Subject + Verb in past Subject + Was/Were +

Structure (Affirmative) tense + Verb-ing +
Object/Complement Object/Complement

(+) Example: Laura ate a pizza Laura was eating a pizza

Subject + Was/Were not

Subject + Did not (didn't) +
Structure (Negative) (wasn't/weren't) + Verb-
Verb + Object/Comp.

(-) Example: Laura didn´t eat a pizza Laura wasn´t eating a pizza
Was/Were + Subject +
Did + Subject + Verb +
Structure (Question) Verb-ing +

(?) Example: Did Laura eat a pizza? Was laura eating a pizza?

Structure (Answer)
Yes, Subject (she) + did. Yes, Subject + was/were.

No, Subject +
No, Subject (she)+ didn't.

2) USED TO (solía)


Sujeto + used to + verbo en infinitivo


"Used to" se utiliza para hablar de acciones, hábitos o situaciones que eran frecuentes o
verdaderos en el pasado, pero que ya no lo son en el presente.
Se utiliza solo en el pasado
No se utiliza en las formas negativas o interrogativas. En su lugar, se utiliza "didn't use to"
para negaciones y "did you use to" para preguntas.


Hábitos pasados I used to play the piano when I was


She used to go for a run every morning.

They used to live in Paris.

Situaciones pasadas permanentes
He used to work in a bank.

It used to be a small town, but now it's a

bustling city.
Comparaciones entre pasado y presente

I used to eat meat, but now I'm a



If (si)+ sujeto + simple past, sujeto + would/could/might + verbo en infinitivo(to)

Uso: para expresar situaciones hipotéticas o improbables en el presente o futuro y sus

posibles resultados.

Recuerda que en el Segundo Condicional se utiliza el simple past en la cláusula condicional

y "would (ía al verbo/ would eat = comería) /could= podría posibilidad/might= quizas"
más el verbo en infinitivo en la cláusula principal.



If I won the lottery, I would buy a big If I had a lot of money, I would travel the
house. world.

If they had more time, they could visit us. If she studied harder, she could pass the

If he got the job, he might move to a new If it rained, we might stay at home.


1. "Wish" + sujeto + verbo en pasado simple: Se utiliza para expresar un deseo irreal en el
2. "Wish" + sujeto + would/could + verbo en infinitivo: Se utiliza para expresar un deseo
irreal en el presente con respecto a las acciones de otra persona o situaciones
3. "Wish" + sujeto + had + participio pasado: Se utiliza para expresar un deseo irreal en el
4. "Wish" + sujeto + would/could + have + participio pasado: Se utiliza para expresar un
deseo irreal en el pasado con respecto a las acciones de otra persona.

Recuerda que "wish" se utiliza para expresar deseos irreales en el presente o pasado. La
forma y el verbo utilizados dependerán del tiempo y de si se refieren a las acciones propias
o a las acciones de otras personas.

Ejemplo original Ejemplo con "wish"

I am not rich. I wish I were rich.

Deseo irreal en el She doesn't speak French. I wish she spoke French.
They can't come to the I wish they could come to
party. the party.

He doesn't help me with I wish he would help me

Deseo irreal en el presente
the housework. with the housework.
con respecto a las
acciones de otra persona
People are always late for I wish people would be on
o situaciones:
meetings. time for meetings.

I wish I had passed the

I didn't pass the exam.
Deseo irreal en el pasado:
She didn't go on vacation I wish she had gone on
last month. vacation last month.

He didn't apologize for his I wish he would have

Deseo irreal en el pasado behavior. apologized for his behavior.
con respecto a las
acciones de otra persona: They didn't invite us to their I wish they had invited us to
party. their party.
Active: Laura le habla a paula / Laura (subject) speaks to Paula (object)

Active: Subject is the most important

Passive:Laura speaks to Paula / Paula is spoken to

The Chef cooks the pasta / The pasta is cooked by Laura


1. Simple Present Passive:

Sujeto(object) + am/is/are + participio pasado del verbo (past participle)
2. Simple Past Passive:
Sujeto(object) + was/were + participio pasado del verbo ( past participle)
3. Present Perfect Passive:
Sujeto (object)+ have/has been + participio pasado del verbo (have/has + been + past
4. Present Continuous Passive:
Sujeto(object) + am/is/are being + participio pasado del verbo (be + being=siendo +
past participle)

Uso: el foco de la oración está en la acción que se recibe en lugar de quién realiza la acción.

Recuerda que en la Voz Pasiva, el objeto de la oración activa se convierte en el sujeto de la

oración pasiva y el sujeto de la oración activa se omite o se coloca al final de la oración con
la preposición "by" si es relevante.

TOPICS Ejemplo original Ejemplo PASSIVE

They build houses. Houses are built by them.

She teaches English. English is taught by her.

Simple Present Passive

People speak English all English is spoken all over

over the world. the world by people.

He wrote the book. The book was written by


They painted the walls The walls were painted

Simple Past Passive
blue. blue by them.

The company produced New cars were produced

new cars last year. by the company last year.

They have built a new A new bridge has been

bridge. built by them.

She has written many Many books have been

Present Perfect Passive
books. written by her.

People have seen that That movie has been seen

movie. by people.

They are building a new A new house is being built

house. by them.

He is painting the walls The walls are being

Present Continuous
blue. painted blue by him.

The company is producing New products are being

new products. produced by the



1. Simple Past Passive:

Sujeto + was/were + participio pasado del verbo (be + past participle)
2. Simple Present Passive:
Sujeto + am/is/are + participio pasado del verbo (be + past participle)

Simple Past Passive: Se utiliza para describir acciones que ocurrieron en el pasado y que
fueron realizadas por alguien o algo, sin especificar quién o qué realizó la acción.
Simple Present Passive: Se utiliza para describir acciones que ocurren en el presente y
que son realizadas por alguien o algo, sin especificar quién o qué realiza la acción.
Recuerda que el Simple Past Passive se utiliza para hablar de acciones en el pasado,
mientras que el Simple Present Passive se utiliza para hablar de acciones en el presente.
Además, en el Simple Present Passive, el verbo "be" se conjuga de acuerdo con el sujeto
en número y persona (am/is/are).


Ejemplo original Ejemplo en Simple Past


Simple Past Passive They built a new house. A new house was built by

She wrote a book. A book was written by her.

People spoke English in English was spoken in that

that region. region.

Simple Present Passive no A new house is built by


no A book is written by her.

no English is spoken in that


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