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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X- Northern Mindanao
Division of Lanao del Norte
District of Salvador
Over the years, the Brigada Eskwela effort has evolved
from a week-long cleaning-up and beautification exercise to a
festive coming together of students, teachers, school
officials, parents, community members, local government
officials, non-government organizations, church groups and
the private sector. It, too, has become one of DepEd’s major
initiatives in enjoining local communities to respond to the
needs of public schools and be part of a nationwide effort
towards improving Philippine basic education.

This was made possible by the hard work and

determination of school heads in finding innovative ways to
bring children to school, keep them there, and ensure that
they will learn. Brigada Eskwela will not be what it is
today, if it were not for the strong leadership in our public

This Manual has been especially designed for School

Heads like you who play an important role in the successful
implementation of Brigada Eskwela (BE). It aims to equip you
with the necessary standards and procedures in implementing
the program. It contains a daily line-up of activities. It
highlights the value of engaging stakeholders from the
community and the private sector to be active partners in
improving your school. From planning to managing volunteers,
this Manual also lends many insights on the various stages of
the Brigada Eskwela Program

. Coordinators together with the National Secretariat and

Consultants of the Department of Education through a series
of consultations and workshops. The meaningful experiences of
school heads who were awarded best implementers of Brigada
Eswela also gave inspiration to the development of this

As school heads, the entire school community looks upon

your leadership to bring them together for a worthy cause,
protect the gains of your hard work and sustain your
collaborative efforts. With much faith in your ability to
mobilize volunteers, resources and goodwill, combined with
the proper use of this Manual, we wish you the best in your
school’s Brigada Eskwela.
It seems like it was just a month ago when the
Annual Brigada Eskwela took place. And now again,
before the start of the classes on June 3, 2019,
as mandated by DepEd through

Memorandum No. 66, s. 2018 known also as

National Schools Maintenance Week, all schools
have to prepare for the opening of the classes. So
instead of enjoying the vacation, teachers along
with the students and other stakeholders have come
to school fuelled by the spirit of volunteerism
and unity, fix whatever is there to fix, clean
whatever is there to clean in the school for the
beloved school clientele to be comfortable and
inspired in another school year of learning.

The task was not simple, first the school

officials, faculty, parents and students have to
scout for other volunteer and donors of materials
needed and labor support for the activity.

The planning was a month ahead of the

activity. Tasks were designated to faculty
members; solicitation and invitation letters were
printed and distributed to different stakeholders.
The Salvador Central Elementary School took part
in inviting other students via social network
using their FB’s.

Some responded and gave material and cash

support while others pledge for labor support.
This year, there was a minimal repair jobs, but a
great painting job lies ahead because, the school
have to comply with the DepEd standard paint color
for all public schools.
“Coming together is a
beginning, staying
together is progress, and
working together is

Henry Ford
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region – X
Division of Lanao del Norte
Salvador, Lanao del Norte
School Year 2019-2020

Instruction: List down all the specific activities that you will be undertaking in relation to the conduct of Brigada Eskwela in your school and fill in the required
information. Add another sheet if needed. Once completed, submit a copy to the Adopt-A-School Program Coordinator or Brigada Eskwela
coordinator of your division on or before_________.
Announcement School Principal
Posting of Posters/tarpaulin Teachers
1. Advocacy and Making leaflets/brochures PTA Officials Tarpaulin
January to May 17, 2019 P500.00
Marketing Purok Visitation by purok enablers Barangay Officials
Recorida LGU Officials
Motorcade PArents

Brigada Committee

May 2019 School Principal

Letter of request of involvement to
Teachers Letter request
identified offices/person as benefactor P 300.00
2. Resource Stakeholders
PTA/MOOE fund availability checking
Mobilization May 2019
Sending solicitation letter to the identified
LGU’s Business Sector,
private sectors
May to June 2019 Private Individual Solicitation Letter

3. Implementation Recorida
Motorcade January 2019 Paints and construction
Briefing of working committee February , 2019 needed
Actual implementation of the work plan:
a. Construction of Kinder Room
b. Purchased Mobile Speaker January 2, 2019
c. Construction of Fish Pond May – Jun3 2019
d. Repainting of classrooms wall & Room
Structuring (inside and outside) February 2019
Paints, construction 50,000
e. Construction of one Hub for the March 28, 2019
materials needed for
parents March, 2019
repair and cleaning 30,000
f. Making of new School Gate February 2019
tools, purchased 15,000
g. Construction of Seed Bank Room January - March, 2019 School Principal
Construction School Parameter Fence February – May, 2019 Teachers
h. Trimming of tress March 15, 2019 Stakeholders
i. Purchased of 4 Flat Screen TV 4pcs) March 15, 2019 Volunteers
j. Purchased of 3 Laminating Machine March , 2019
k. Construction of Toilet Room

Supervising/checking and monitoring the May 16-20, 2019 Division Monitoring Team,
extent of implementation School Principal, Stakeholders,
4. Monitoring and
Evaluate the percentage of completion Teachers, 2,000.00
Closing program Parents
Brigada Committee
Submission of narrative report per teacher
Financial statement per teacher May 16- 20, 2019 Teachers
5. Reporting Documenting different activities School Principal P800.00
Preparation & submission of reports to Brigada Committee
Division Office Before June 30, 2019

Prepared by: Noted:


School Brigada Coordinator SchoolPrincipal

Region X – Northern Mindanao
Division of Lanao del NorteDistrict of Salvador
Salvador, Lanao del Norte

April 25, 2019


Schools Division Superintendent
Pigcarangan, Tubod, Lanao del Norte


As another school year is about to unfold, Salvador Central Elementary

School, in our full interest and dedication, would like to join the Contest for
Brigada Eskwela Best Implementer 2019 Division Wide Contest.

We are humbly anticipating for your positive response regarding this matter.

Thank you and GOD bless!

Very truly yours,

School Brigada Coordinator


School Head

Recommending Approval:

ASP/Brigada Eskwela Division Coordinator



Schools Division Superintendent



 School Principal 1
 Teacher Adviser 24
 Subject Teacher 5
 ALS Coordinator 2






Accomplish 2018 2019 % of Percentag

ments Increa e

Number of 1,785 1,828 3% 3%

Generated 626,937.25 968,714.00 36% 36%
Filipinos are known for a rich heritage influenced both by the native
settlers and colonizers. Thus, Filipinos have diverse cultures, mixed customs,
combined traditions and commendable traits. One of the many things that can be
easily associated to Filipinos is their ability to come in unison in delivering a task
or in achieving goals in various undertakings out of free will and voluntary
service. This trait is known to the whole world as “Bayanihan.”

Bayanihan is commonly observed from neighbors coming together to help

carry a “bahay kubo” from one place to another. This can also be observed during
town fiesta and celebrations. Throughout the years, the concept of Bayanihan has
expanded to a wide range of purpose. Strengthening its importance and value, this
has been a practice to many Filipino settlers and big departments.

Hence, Bayanihan is fully adapted by the Department of Education that

gives birth to the nation-wide undertaking called “BRIGADA ESKWELA.”

Brigada Eskwela is an annual campaign that falls in the month of May

wherein all voluntary stakeholders jointly conduct repairs and clean up drives on
their respective schools for a whole week before the official class schedule kicks
Brigada Eskwela aims to inspire and encourage volunteers to extend their time
and efforts in helping the school prepare for the upcoming class schedule. Aside
from the participation of teachers and parents, Brigada Eskwela invites different
agencies and departments to render service as a way of supporting the school
become safe and ready for the school year.

Brigade Eskwela elevates the spirit of Bayanihan in a way that this good
trait is transcended to a more direct implementation that caters immediate
cooperation of school personnel and the community it belongs to.
Such undertaking is also a culture preservation which handed this practice from
generation to generation, empowering our community and school to set examples
of servitude and unity to our young ones with the hopes of molding them to
become zealous leaders and good citizens of the country.

Bayanihan transcends beyond its external beneficial purposes. This is a

legacy of oneness in goodwill. This illustrates a family working together in
Brigada Eskwela 2019 holds its official kick off on May
20, 2019. The opening is first highlighted with a motorcade
around the Municipality of Salvador specifically the occupied
areas of Barangay Poblacion. After which, a short opening
program is held at the school’s social hall to formally start the
first day of Brigada Eskwela 2019. The rest of the day is then
spent doing the targeted tasks and work plans.

Opening Program- The second part of the official start of

Brigada Eskwela 2019 is the opening program. This event is held
at the Social Hall of SCES. Teachers, parents and volunteers
who are present gather themselves in the area. The program
starts with the singing of the national anthem followed by
invoking God’s presence in the gathering. Ms. Earth B.
Salimbangon, teacher and guidance counselor, delivers the
welcome address. Mr. Ricardo S. Abalo, school principal,
precisely relays the statement of purpose and overview of
Brigada Eskwela. To formally close the short program, Mr.
Necesario L. Maco, Master Teacher I, on behalf of the school,
expresses his heartfelt gratitude to the following personnel,
agencies and stakeholders who supported us in our Brigada
Eskwela 2019 opening.

Daily Work Plan- After the the opening program, all

participants are directed to their respective areas. Mrs. Lucita
O. Suan and Mrs. Gina T. Lumacad are the very active teachers
who distributed our volunteers on what to do and where to go.
For our first day, we are indeed beyond honored to be joined
by our SB Members , We are also blessed to be joined by our
parents to do gardening and landscaping works. Aside from the
parents, the teachers are also well equipped in contributing
their energy and effort in our cleanliness drive. The first day is
a work of progress.. It is the first that makes us crave for the
next. For whatever we accomplish on the first, we aim to do
better in the coming days of Brigada Eskwela 2019.

May 21, 2019. Looking forward for a brand new day,

everybody is ready to face new challenges and different tasks that
will be thrown on our care. Thus, the second day of Brigada Eskwela
2019 is given birth.

Work Plan Supervisors - This day, an intensive goal is set

to be targeted. Thus, teachers are given their respective areas to
supervise and manage. Since the school premise covers wide range
of fields, buildings and corners, all teachers are encouraged to help
facilitate in the daily task circulations. The school is divided into
six areas with four to three teacher members; areas such as
garden/ gulayan sa sa paaralan, building offices/classrooms,
volleyball court and playground, soccer field and flag assembly area,
social hall and its surrounding and front perimeter fence. There are
also identified teachers to document the attendance and the
photos for the said activity.

Participants Involved- On the second day, 4P’s members,

women’s association, brigada volunteers, parents and teachers are
present. We are also joined by our former PTA President (2016-
2017), Mr. Dionaldo Delvo, who is also our school electrician.

Nature of Work- On the second day, our scope of work has

expanded. There are people doing the masonry, electrical works,
branch pruning, grass cutting, carpentry, gardening or landscaping,
and clean- up drive.

The second day has surpassed the number of volunteers

from the first day. There is an increase of the number of
volunteers, from 187 to 305.. Moreover, it covers a wide range of
accomplishment from painting, landscaping and cleaning on the first
day; more types of works are initiated on the second day.

Although, some tasks are yet to be continued on the

following day, we can already trace there’s a progress. Hence, the
second day is a productive day.
Rise and shine! May 22,2019 marks the third day of
Brigada Eskwela 2019. Another day of hard work and
teamwork that will lead the school to become class ready
and safe for the school personnel especially for the
learners is all set.

Participants Involved- On the third day, 4P’s members

and other brigada volunteers are present. The volunteers
are managed by the assigned teachers and are directed to
their designated areas.

Nature of Work- On the third day, our brigada

volunteers work hand in hand in cleaning the garden or the
“gulayan sa paaralan” areas and in making the grounds of the
school premise dirt free.

Although, there are more tasks that are yet to

be continued on the following day, the presence of our
brigada volunteers has truly contributed to the progress of
our goals.

Hence, the third day is a day of solid cooperation.

May 23, 2019. A day is set anew, looking forward for more
manpower and teamwork to accomplish our goals.

Participants involved- We are truly grateful for the presence

of our dynamic brigada volunteers especially our ever supportive
parents who never disappoint us with their spirit of volunteerism.
More so, we are delighted to be joined by our PNP representatives
who not only secure our site through safe-guarding us but for the
physical strength they showed in doing the actual tasks like painting,
cleaning and the like. We are also joined by the Palawan Pawnshop
employees who clearly extended their time just to render their
voluntary service.

Ma'am Lydia D. Linggolinggo, our District Supervisor, also visits

us and pre-evaluates our brigada eskwela circulations.

Nature of work- Just like the previous days, ground cleaning,

gardening and landscaping, masonry and carpentry, tree prunning and
more are observable. Some of the volunteers are also directed to
clean school offices and classrooms.

The fourth day is indeed a NO zero-output. As the day ends for

our brigada eskwela endeavor and in obviously having such a very
spacious and huge areas, we attributed all our accomplishments to the
presence and efforts of our various volunteers
A busy day, we thought of it. And we are right.

May 24, 2019- The fifth day of Brigada Eskwela is a blend of

productivity and fun. It is in this day we are filled with various
agencies and other visiting departments rendering their free service
and heartfelt efforts.

This day, an intensive goal is at its peak towards finishing the

target. Thus, teachers are more eager to supervise and manage all the
brigada volunteers.

Participants Involved- On the fifth day, the barangay tanods of

Poblacion and Panaliwad-on, the members of women’s association, the
DSWD workers, ML Kwarta Padala employees, the senior citizens, the
retired soldiers and municipal employees are present. We are also
joined by our municipal mayor, Hon. Hassanor L. Tawantawan, together
with the support of the Liga ng mga Barangay Captains. We are also
thankful for the free service rendered by our medical team from
Salvador Unit for their medical consultation and Dr. Cherry Centino
for her free dental consultation.

Nature of Work- On the fifth day,, our scope of work has been
maximized. There are people doing the masonry, painting, electrical
works, branch pruning, grass cutting, carpentry, gardening or
landscaping, and clean- up drive.

The fifth day is indeed a very productive day, with hundreds of

volunteers rendering their services and helping hand in hand for a
common goal. It is in this day that the number of volunteers is highest
in its attendance.

Such accomplishments are contributed by the collective efforts

of the school and its community in attaining a “ready-and-safe-zone-
for-learning” school.

Positively, with the continuous support of the stakeholders,

whatever endeavor the school undertakes, the success of our vision
and mission lies greatly in unity.

The fifth day is a manifestation of an accomplished

May 25, 2019 . "In every beginning, there's an ending. But
every ending opens up a new door of beginnings."

Finally, we are now down to culminate the undertaking we all

work hard for. And fortunately, we are not disappointed with the

Despite the heat of the summer temperature, Salvador Central

Elementary School was never disappointed, because volunteers came
daily especially to our Municipal Mayor Hassanor L. Tawantawan,LGU,
SB Members, Private Sector, School Alumni, 4P’s beneficiaries,
Womens, Tennis Club, Barangay Tanod, Parents Teachers and Students
who spare their time to support this Acyivity.

Every day, there were accomplishments and that was a great

relief for all the school personnel to see the school getting ready for
May 25. After a week long and a few days more of preparation, the
school was set ready for another school year.

But surely, there’s something more, teachers have to get

themselves ready to fire up and inspire another batch of students
after Brigada Eskwela.

With this, our school principal, teachers, students and PTA

Officers of Salvador Central Elementary School would like to convey a
heartfelt gratitude to all the volunteers on their share of sweat and
effort to make the school ready for school year 2019-2020. God bless
Salvador Central Elementary School.

Hoping next year, the spirit of volunteerism and unity will rise
up again among teachers, students, parents and stakeholders for
another Brigada Eskwela.

The attendance committee, after the short program, conducts

their brigada slip distribution to the parent volunteers.

The day is filled with fun socialization. Although it marks the

end of Brigada Eskwela 2019, it indicates a fresh start of School Year
2019-2020. We are now ready!

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