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Recipe Cooking Method Cooking Time Temperature Sauce & Garnish

Creamy Macaroni baking 30 mins 175℃ Chopped fresh

and Cheese parsley
Decision Baking is the primary cooking method used in this recipe. Baking involves
Explanation cooking the dish in an oven using dry heat. In this case, the macaroni and
cheese mixture is placed in a baking dish and cooked in the preheated oven.
The estimated cooking time of 20-25 minutes refers to the duration the
macaroni and cheese dish needs to be in the oven to achieve the desired
doneness. During this time, the cheese will melt, the top will become golden
and crispy, and the avors will meld together. Garnish refers to the nal
touches added to a dish just before serving to enhance its visual appeal,
avor, and sometimes texture. In this recipe, chopped fresh parsley is
suggested as a garnish.
Fruit and raw and fresh 20 mins room honey mustard
Vegetable Salad temperature
Decision This step involves washing, peeling, slicing, and chopping the vegetables
Explanation and fruits that will be used in the salad. This method ensures that the
produce is clean, fresh, and ready to be assembled into the salad. Toasting
nuts or seeds in a dry skillet over medium heat is a cooking method used to
enhance their avor and texture. Toasting brings out the natural oils and
adds a delightful crunch to the salad. Overall, the cooking methods involved
in this salad recipe focus on preparing and assembling the ingredients in a
way that highlights their natural avors and textures. The garnishes, such as
feta cheese, toasted nuts or seeds, and fresh parsley, add layers of taste,
texture, and visual appeal to the nished salad.
Grilled Steak grilling 15 mins 135℃ thyme or
rosemary, BBQ
Decision Grilling involves cooking the steak over an open ame or heat source. The
Explanation high heat of the grill sears the exterior of the steak, creating a avorful crust
while retaining the juices inside. The cooking time and temperature play a
crucial role in achieving the desired level of doneness. Use a meat
thermometer to check the internal temperature of the steak. The garnish
enhances the appearance, avor, and overall presentation of the grilled
steak. It's a chance to add extra layers of taste and visual appeal.
roasting chicken roasting 35 mins 220℃ rosemary, or sage

Decision Roasting is a dry heat cooking method that involves cooking food, in this
Explanation case, chicken, in the oven. During roasting, the chicken is exposed to high
heat, which results in browning and caramelization on the outside while
cooking the inside to perfection. The cooking time and temperature work
together to ensure that the chicken is cooked through, with a crispy skin and
juicy interior. The speci ed temperature of 425°F (220°C) is ideal for
achieving a crispy exterior, while the cooking time ensures that the chicken
reaches a safe internal temperature. Garnishes are optional additions that
enhance the avor, aroma, and presentation of the roasted chicken. Fresh
herbs, roasted garlic, citrus slices, and roasted vegetables are popular
choices that add layers of taste and visual appeal to the nished dish.
Lemon Garlic Sautéing 40 mins 170℃ fresh parsley
Butter Shrimp
Decision Sautéing is a cooking method that involves quickly cooking small pieces of
Explanation food in a skillet or pan over medium to high heat. In this recipe, the shrimp
are sautéed in a skillet with butter and garlic, creating a avorful and
aromatic dish. The cooking time for shrimp is short to prevent overcooking.
Shrimp cook very quickly, and overcooking can result in rubbery and tough
texture. When sautéing, you'll know the shrimp are ready when they turn
pink and opaque. This typically takes about 1-2 minutes per side, depending
on the size of the shrimp. In this recipe, the shrimp are cooked in a delicious
lemon garlic butter sauce. The butter melts and combines with the garlic,
lemon juice, and zest, infusing the shrimp with a rich and tangy avor.


1. Dairy Products (Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, etc.):

Check the expiration date on the packaging.

Look for any visible signs of mold, discoloration, or o -putting odors.
For cheese, ensure that there are no unusual textures, such as sliminess or excessive hardness.
2. Meat and Poultry:

Check the "use by" or "sell by" date on the packaging.

Look for any changes in color, such as a grayish or greenish tint.
Sni the meat to detect any unusual or foul odors.
Feel the meat for a slimy or sticky texture, which can indicate spoilage.
3. Seafood:

Ensure that the seafood smells fresh like the ocean, not overly shy or ammonia-like.
Check for clear, moist eyes in whole sh.
Examine the esh for any discoloration, browning, or signs of freezer burn.
Press your nger against the esh to check if it springs back – if an indentation remains, it might
be less fresh.
4. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables:

Inspect for any visible signs of mold, bruising, or decay.

Check for o -putting odors, especially in berries or leafy greens.
Examine the texture – it should be rm and not overly soft or mushy.
5. Eggs:

Check for cracks or visible damage to the eggshell.

Do a sni test – fresh eggs should not have a strong or foul odor.
Submerge the eggs in a bowl of water – if they sink and lay at, they're fresh; if they stand upright
or oat, they're older and might not be as fresh.
6. Packaged Perishables (Deli Meats, Prepackaged Salads, etc.):

Check the "use by" or "sell by" date on the package.

Look for any signs of package damage, such as tears or leaks.
If the packaging has bloated, it might indicate bacterial growth.

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