Vu 2012

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J Porous Mater (2013) 20:129–136

DOI 10.1007/s10934-012-9581-2

A new model for water adsorption in porous ceramics

Dinh-Hieu Vu • Kuen-Sheng Wang •
Jung-Hsing Chen • Bui Xuan Nam •
Bui Hoang Bac • Do Van Binh

Published online: 3 April 2012

Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012

Abstract This research proposes a new isotherm model Keywords Model  Water adsorption  Mesoporous
that is derived for adsorption of clustering and condensable ceramic  Cluster  Capillary condensation
vapors on mesoporous ceramics. The adsorption charac-
teristics of water vapor on both experimental data and
isotherm model were investigated over the relative pressure 1 Introduction
ranging from 0 to 0.95. The applicability of the model was
evaluated by significance of fitting parameters. For each The study of the adsorption isotherm of mesoporous solids
adsorption isotherm there are five parameters (m, qf, Kf, qm having humidity controlling ability is closely related to the
and Km). The comparison of modeling fit with experimental interpretation of the type IV or V isotherms [1, 2]. Several
data was used as the methodology for selecting the most theoretical models for these isotherms have been analyzed
informative and the best-fitting model. The experimental using the kinetic frameworks like BET model of Gregg and
testing results showed that this model is able to describe all Sing [2], capillary condensation theory of Sircar [1], and
possible behaviors of the water adsorption isotherm dis- adsorption model for type V isotherm of Mahle [3].
playing type IV classification. The model is based on the Accordingly, the standpoint of these models is closely
forming and growth of the water molecule clusters and bound up in the concept of capillary condensation and its
capillary condensation mechanism in mesopore. The find- quantitative expression in the Kelvin equation. However,
ings suggest a significant tool for understanding the these studies are mainly based on surface tension of liquid
behavior of water adsorption in humidity-control porous in pore, and therefore just explain the absorption phe-
ceramics. nomenon from physical aspect, and cannot calculate
adsorbed water in micropore.
Recently, Do et al. [4, 5] proposed a model for water
D.-H. Vu (&)  B. X. Nam vapor adsorption by activated carbon adsorbents. This
Faculty of Mining, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, assumes that there are cluster formation having five water
Tu Liem, Hanoi, Vietnam molecules and penetration of clusters into micropore and
mesopore. Then, Neitsch et al. [6] proposed a modification
K.-S. Wang  J.-H. Chen which assumes cluster size (or numbers of water molecules
Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National in a cluster) is variable and can be exactly used for
Central University, No. 300, Jhongda Rd., Jhongli, Taoyuan adsorption of type IV and V isotherms. Accordingly, the
32001, Taiwan
water molecules are initially chemisorbed on surface
B. H. Bac functionalities locating at the entrance of the micropores
Faculty of Geology, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, (primary sites). Then the clusters are formed from these
Tu Liem, Hanoi, Vietnam water molecules adsorbed via hydrogen bonds with other
water molecules (secondary sites). The clusters situating on
D. Van Binh
Faculty of Environment, Hanoi University of Mining and secondary sites increase to reach a given size and enter
Geology, Tu Liem, Hanoi, Vietnam micropores as the relative pressure increases [7]. Various

130 J Porous Mater (2013) 20:129–136

modifications and applications have been presented by mesopores and at the entrance to micropores. The cluster of
other authors since the original introduction of Do et al. water molecules grows to various sizes on the functional
and Neitsch et al. models [7–13]. These studies presented groups, then the capillary condensation mechanism occurs
the extension of the original model to describe adsorption and will dominates in adsorption process. Therefore, it is
and desorption of water vapor into general porous carbon appropriate for Eq. (1) to be extended by adding an addi-
materials. They also indicated that the growth of water tional term to account for adsorption in mesopores. The
clusters at hydrophilic groups locating in mesopores and at additional term represents the capillary condensation
the entrance of micropores [10]. However, these studies did mechanism of water clusters in mesopores.
not mention the influence of pore characteristics such as Sircar [1] analyzed surface adsorption and capillary
surface area, pore size, and pore size distribution. In condensation mechanism in mesoporous solids from
addition, when pore size increases to meso size, capillary Gamma pore size distribution. Let f(r) is mesopore size
condensation will take over as the dominating mechanism. distribution such that f(r)dr is the pore volume having
Hence, there are co-occupations of both water cluster for- diameter of between r and r ? dr:
mation and capillarity condensation mechanism on meso- azþ1
porous materials having various pore properties. Until now, f ðr Þ ¼ :r z ear ð2Þ
C ð z þ 1Þ
there has been no research describing their relationship in
mesoporous materials. where r is pore radius and can theoretically vary between
In this paper, based on the original Neitch et al. model zero and infinity C is gamma function, a and z are con-
[6], authors developed an equation to describe moisture stants depending on type of adsorption isotherm [1].
adsorption equilibrium in mesoporous materials. The With the amount adsorbed by the growth of clusters is:
model is the relationship between the classical theory of Pðmþ1Þ
Kf i¼1 ixi
capillarity condensation and water cluster formation. The qf Pðmþ1Þ ð3Þ
mesoporous materials were prepared from mixture of waste 1 þ Kf i¼1 ixi
glass and weathered volcanic ash soil with different pore Then the statistical thickness of the adsorbed film in
properties. Authors tested the new model with the experi- mesopores is:
mental data of water vapor adsorption isotherm of the Pðmþ1Þ
prepared samples and the description of the isotherms was 1 Kf i¼1 ixi
tðxÞ ¼ q f P ð4Þ
found to be satisfactory. SM 1 þ Kf ðmþ1Þ xi

where, SM is mesoporous surface area of porous ceramic.

2 Model development Hence, the capillary condensation and water cluster
formation in mesopores are governed by Kelvin equation
From the original Neitsch et al. model [6] that describes the for evaporation:
adsorption equilibrium of water from water cluster for- 2vM r
mation in porous solids: r0 ðxÞ ¼ tðxÞ þ ð5Þ
Km xmþ1 Kf i¼1 ixi where, x is the relative pressure of vapor in equilibrium
V0 ¼ q m þ q f Pðmþ1Þ ð1Þ
Km xmþ1 þ x 1 þ Kf i¼1 ixi with a meniscus having a radius of curvature r0, and r and
vM are the surface tension and liquid molar volume of
where V0 (g g-1) is water vapor loading (or adsorbed liquid adsorption, respectively. R is the gas constant and
water), m is the number of water molecules in the cluster, T is the absolute temperature [2].
x is the relative pressure, qf (g g-1) is the functional group At a given pressure, pores having radius less than
concentration, Kf is the equilibrium constant for chemi- r calculated from the above equation are filled with liquid
sorptions and hydrogen bonding, qm (g g-1) is the satura- water while pores having radius greater than r are covered
tion concentration in the micropores, Km is the micropore with water clusters [4]. Combining Eqs. (2), (4) and (5) the
equilibrium constant. In the right hand side of Eq. (1), the amount of water adsorbed in mesopores is presented by:
first term describes the adsorption of clusters into the mi- 2 3
cropores [4–6]. The second term is simply the BET type Zr0ðxÞ Z1
equation; it represents a multiple clustering of each func- 6 2f ðrÞ 7
VMS ¼ 4 f ðrÞdr þ tðxÞ dr5 ð6Þ
tional group with many water molecules and describes the r
0 r0ðxÞ
adsorption into mesopore [4].
Do and Do [4] indicated that the water molecules Finally the total amount of water adsorbed by porous
chemically bond with functional groups locating in ceramics is:

J Porous Mater (2013) 20:129–136 131

Table 1 The chemical components of experimental materials, wt%

Materials SiO2 Al2O3 Na2O K2O MgO CaO TiO2 Fe2O3 ZrO2 MnO P2O5 H2O

Waste glass 66.44 1.63 14.29 0.96 0.52 10.71 0.02 0.09 0.07 0.23 0.34 4.7
Weathered volcanic ash 47.01 19.48 1.58 0.77 0.35 2.31 0.19 1.9 0.11 0.11 0.15 25.55

2 3
Zr0ðxÞ Z1 determined using an ASAP 2010 Machine to analyze the
Km x 6 2f ðrÞ 7 pore size distribution. The surface area was measured using
V ¼ qm þ4 f ðrÞdr þ tðxÞ dr5
Km xmþ1 þ x r the BET method. The moisture adsorption and equilibrium
0 r0ðxÞ
moisture content of final products were determined at
ð7Þ 23 °C by using a TEREHY-HRT-80FA Machine and the
where: m, qf, Kf, qm and Km should be treated as the best-fit ASTM-1498-01 method [16]. Prior to testing the moisture
parameters. adsorption, each test specimen was dried to a constant
mass. The relative humidity (RH) values were achieved
either in the climatic chamber and were controlled to
3 Materials and methods increase from the lowest values (10 % RH) to the highest
values (98 % RH). For each RH value, the constant mass is
3.1 Materials reached if in five successive weightings, with 24 h inter-
vals, the change of mass is less than 0.1 % of the specimen
The initial materials including waste glass and weathered mass, until the equilibrium is reached at each RH. The full
volcanic ash soil were collected from material supplier at sorption curve is completed when eleven values are
Taoyuan Country (Taiwan). The materials were dried at selected. For the desorption process, the fully saturated
105 °C for 24 h and then ground using a wet porcelain ball- specimen in a weighing cup was placed at the highest RH.
mill machine, and then dried again at 105 °C. The powders The whole procedure as described in the adsorption process
were then passed through 0.075 mm sieves and stored in was repeated until the measurement was completed at the
desiccators for subsequent experiments [14, 15]. The mixed lowest RH. The equilibrium moisture content at each RH
powders, included G60A40, G70A30 and G80A20 with the value was calculated from the measured difference
percentage ratio of waste glass to weathered volcanic ash of between the constant saturated mass and the dry weight of
60:40, 70:30 and 80:20, respectively, were pressed uniax- the specimen. The calculation of the moisture content,
ially at 32 MPa and molded into a green compact of 50 mm v (g g-1), using the mean values of the mass of the test
in diameter and 6 mm in height. The green compacts were specimens at each RH: v = (m - m0)/m0; where, m is the
dried at 100 °C and then sintered in electric-heated furnace mean mass of the specimens at equilibrium, and m0 is the
at 800 °C for 5 min to form final products. mean mass of the dry specimens [15].

3.2 Methods

Chemical analysis of the initial materials is done using the

ICP-AES. The result (Table 1) indicates that the main
chemical components are SiO2 (47.01 %) and Al2O3
(19.48 %) in the weathered volcanic ash soil and SiO2
(66.44 %) in the waste glass. This finding suggests the
alumino-silicate compounds in sintering process of a
mixture of weathered volcanic ash and waste glass. It is
believed that the mixture between them would create new
materials that have interesting porous properties. In addi-
tion, there are small amounts of oxides of K, Mg, Ca, Ti,
Fe, and so forth in both the volcanic ash soil and the waste
glass. These results confirm that both weathered volcanic
ash and waste glass contain metallic iron, which can be
used as a source material for producing ceramic.
The characteristics of the final products were determined
by using various techniques. Nitrogen isotherms were Fig. 1 Pore size distribution of samples

132 J Porous Mater (2013) 20:129–136

4 Results and discussion porous ceramics have micro- and meso-porous structure
and this structure has the ability to absorb environmental
4.1 Fitting of the water adsorption model humidity [2].
to experimental data The water adsorption isotherm curves analyzed in Figs. 2,
3, 4 can be basically divided into three consecutive zones. In
The pore size distributions (Fig. 1) and the surface area the first zone (the relative pressure is less than 0.2); water
values (Table 2) were determined by applying BET model molecules are adsorbed on hydrophilic functional groups via
to nitrogen adsorption. These results confirm that three chemisorptions and hydrogen-bonding mechanisms. In the

Table 2 The fitting parameters of the adsorption isotherm model

Sintering tem./time Sample SaM (m2/g) m qf (g/g) qm (g/g) Kf Km Ref.

800/5 G60A40 418.88 5 350 0.1 50 3 This study

800/5 G70A30 163.73 8 250 0.05 5 2 This study
800/5 G80A20 76.89 8.4 150 0.05 4.5 1.5 This study
Sepiolite-Ceram. 249 6.5 280 0.07 23 2.3 [17]
Allophane-Ceram. 198 6.8 260 0.06 14 2.1 [17]
Cristobalite-Ceram. 153 7.3 200 0.047 4.8 1.6 [17]
Halloysite-Ceram. 47 8.6 120 0.03 3 1.1 [17]
BET specific surface area obtained by N2 adsorption at 77K

Fig. 2 Fitting of the adsorption

isotherm model to the G60A40

J Porous Mater (2013) 20:129–136 133

Fig. 3 Fitting of the adsorption

isotherm model to the G70A30

second zone (the relative pressure is between 0.2 and 0.65), partially attributed to the fact that the model does allow for
water clusters rise around hydrophilic groups until a critical the various mechanisms occurring in mesoporous material.
size reached to induce the adsorption into mesopores. The In general, based upon the above discussion, modeling
third zone (the relative pressure is greater than 0.65) is the Eq. (7) was found to be successfully fullfill all criteria for a
place where the growth of cluster is filling up the free space water adsorption isotherm model to be applicable to the
of pores with the mechanism of water capillary condensation experimental adsorption isotherm. Furthermore, this equa-
[4, 10, 12]. The saturated adsorption equilibrium in meso- tion is also able to describe an extremely hydrophilic type
pore is closely bound up in the concept of capillary con- IV water isotherm into two fractions: adsorption of water
densation and its quantitative expression in the Kelvin molecule clusters on functional groups and capillary con-
equation [2] and water clusters enter into free pores as for densation in mesopores.
original micropores. Figure 5 shows fitting models for 4 porous ceramics
The fits to the experimental data are also presented in having deference surface area values of Fukumizu et al.
Figs. 2, 3, 4 as continuous lines. The criteria to identify the [17]. Figure 5 results put on satisfactory of all variable sets
most applicable between experimental data and fitted according to model trend, meaning that this model can be
adsorption model were the fitting parameters such as m, qm, successfully applied for multiple mesoporous ceramics.
qf, Km, and Kf. The fitting results indicated that qf parameter Figure 6 is the fitting of the water adsorption model to
significantly affects all zones of adsorption isotherm, Kf Zimny et al. data [12]. Two activated carbon samples have
parameter affects the first and second zones. The effect of mesopore structure, high surface area, and good water
m on the second and third zones is significant. However, adsorption ability. Figure 6 shows the significant fitting of
both qm and Km only affect the third zone. The best-fitting the model for activated carbons, meaning that Eq. (7) is a
results of all samples summarized in Table 1 also show a water adsorption isotherm mechanism for not only meso-
good description of data with this model. This success is porous ceramics but also mesoporous materials.

134 J Porous Mater (2013) 20:129–136

Fig. 4 Fitting of the adsorption

isotherm model to the G80A20

Fig. 5 Fitting of the water

adsorption model to Fukumizu
et al. data for porous ceramics

J Porous Mater (2013) 20:129–136 135

Fig. 6 Fitting of the water

adsorption model to Zimny
et al. data for activated carbon

4.2 The variations of fitting parameters cluster (m), an important variable to fit in equations of
of the adsorption isotherm model model, affects the critical size of water clusters entering
into pores [7, 9]. The results in Fig. 7a show that m values
The trend and variations in values of fitting parameters are range from 5 to 9 and SM decreases as m values slightly
shown in Fig. 7. The number of water molecules in a increase confirming that there are many water clusters

Fig. 7 The variations of fitting

parameters of the adsorption
isotherm model

136 J Porous Mater (2013) 20:129–136

having similar size in mesopores. In addition, Figs. 2a, 3a fitting parameters of the adsorption model to experimental
4a indicate that the effects of the number of molecules in a data.
cluster on the model occur when P/Po is larger than 0.25.
The saturation concentration of water in micropores (qm)
depends on micropore volume including original micro- 5 Conclusion
pore in samples and free part of mesopore (free micropore).
When P/Po is small, water molecules are adsorbed in ori- This paper has presented a developing model to describe
ginal micropores, resulting in no effect of qm values on the adsorption isotherm of water vapor into mesoporous
model. When P/Po increases (P/Po [ 0.3), the capillary ceramics. The mesoporous ceramics were prepared from
condensation mechanism will dominate in mesopores [4], sintering the mixture of volcanic ash and solid waste. For
resulting in the occurrence of free micropore in mesopore. all samples, water adsorption isotherms displayed type IV
Therefore, there are effects of qm values on the model and behavior. The Matlab software was used to fit the new
these effects increase as BET surface area increases equation with both experimental and literature data, the
(Fig. 7b). The qm values are low and slightly change in descriptions of the adsorption isotherms were found to be
samples because water in micropores exists as molecule satisfactory. The physical interpretation of the fitting
clusters that are unstable and bond with other cluster to parameters m, Kf, Km, qf and qm, obtained using the model
form capillary condensation in mesopore [7]. developed in this paper, were in agreement with the
The equilibrium constant for water clusters in microp- structural characterization of mesoporous ceramics.
ores (Km) depends on chemical bonding and the number of Finally, the above parametric study shows that the
water molecules bonded to the coalescence of water proposed model for vapor adsorption on mesoporous solids
aggregation [7]. Hence, its effect on the model occurs when is very flexible in describing the relationship between water
P/Po increases (Figs. 2c, 3c, 4c). However, Km values molecule clusters and capillary condensation mechanism in
range from 1.5 to 3 and slightly increase as BET surface an adsorption isotherm. This model can also calculate the
area increases (Fig. 7c). Both of qm and Km values are adsorbed amount of water and predict water adsorption
small and slightly change, indicating that water adsorption ability of mesoporous ceramics.
in micropores is an important intermediary part of full
water adsorption isotherm in mesoporous material. Acknowledgments This work was financially supported partly by
Waste Management and Resource Recovery Group, Graduate Insti-
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