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Water Absorption and Retention of Porous

Ceramics Cosintered from Waste Diatomite and

Kae-Long Lin,a* Tzen-Chin Lee,b Jen-Chieh Chang,a and Ju-Ying Lana
Department of Environmental Engineering, National Ilan University, Ilan City, 26047, Taiwan, Republic of China; (for correspondence)
Department of Civil and Disaster Prevention Engineering, National United University, Miao-Li 36003, Taiwan, Republic of China
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/ep.11675

This study examines potential waste diatomite and cata- a catalyst falls below an acceptable level, it is generally
lyst reuse to prepare water absorption and retain porous regenerated and reused. However, regeneration is not always
ceramics. The operating conditions are constant pressure (5 possible [9] and the catalyst activity may decline to very low
MPa), sintering temperature (1000–12708C), sintering time levels and further regeneration may not be economically fea-
(2 h), waste diatomite containing waste catalyst at different sible. Such spent catalysts are discarded as solid wastes [10,
proportions (0–20%), respectively. The porous ceramic sam- 11]. Sanitary landfills are commonly used to dispose of waste
ples containing waste catalyst show low thermal conductivity catalyst, but rapid urbanization has made locating suitable
properties (0.278–0.349 W/mK), probably owing to the more landfill sites increasingly difficult. Increasing demand for nat-
pores than those in the concrete (1.458 W/mK). Water release ural resources and a scarcity of environmentally acceptable
(t1/2 value) by the porous ceramic samples is decelerated by solid waste disposal sites are motivating numerous munici-
porous ceramic samples containing waste catalyst, due to the palities in Taiwan to consider resource recovery as an
synergy effect of high water absorption by the waste catalyst alternative.
and better than in the foamed glass material (4 h). Porous Porous ceramics with well-defined macroscopic shapes
ceramic samples containing waste catalyst is highly promis- and high mechanical stability can be fabricated using novel
ing for use in water absorption and retention applications. Ó processing route, while retaining the intrinsic porosity of the
2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog, 00: porous powder from which they are manufactured [12, 13].
000–000, 2012 Sintering is a thermal process that transforms a compact
Keywords: diatomite, catalyst, porous ceramics, compressive powder into a bulk material, and is used in mass-producing
strength, humidity complex-shaped components. Sintering is a complex process
of microstructural evolution, which involves bond formation,
neck growth, pore channel closure, pore shrinkage, densifi-
cation, coarsening, and grain growth. The force that acts
INTRODUCTION between particles, the sintering force, comprises both surface
At present, around 1.8 million tonnes of diatomaceous tension and grain boundary tension. The shrinkage is
earth are mined worldwide annually [1]. Diatomaceous earth approximately proportional to the sintering force [14, 15].
is an attractive and suitable material for fabricating porous The features and properties of the porous ceramic material,
ceramics because of its low cost, well-defined porosity, low for example, porosity, pore size distribution, pore morphol-
density, and high thermal stability [2]. The chemical composi- ogy, and pore connectivity (commonly identified as the rela-
tion and physical structure of diatomite give it great commer- tionship between open and closed porosity), depend
cial value for a wide range of applications, including beer fil- strongly on the composition and processing method.
ter aids, the removal of textile dyes from waste water [3, 4] Rising temperatures in large cities poses an increasing
and the sorption of heavy metal ions [5, 6]. Small diatomite environmental threat, especially during the summer in Tai-
particles with high porosity can be used in the fabrication of wan. This predicament arises from the increasing amount of
highly permeable microporous membrane filters [7]. Clearly, heat generated by human activity (e.g., vehicles and air con-
low-grade materials require purification but whether that pu- ditioners) and the increasing amount of surface areas covered
rification is sufficient as diatomite obtained with a high spe- by artificial materials with a high solar absorption capacity.
cific surface area and impurities have an inferior porous This global warming phenomenon is referred to as the ‘‘heat
microstructure after sintering. Macroporous ceramics combine island effect’’ [16]. Water absorption and retention of porous
high permeability with favorable mechanical, thermal, and ceramics as building materials are characterized by their per-
chemical stability, and are therefore attractive for a wide manence, heat insulation [17] and water retention. This study
range of industrial applications [1, 8]. On the other hand, the demonstrates the feasibility of producing water absorption
annual production of waste catalyst by the petroleum refin- and retention of porous ceramic monoliths from diatomite
ing industry in Taiwan is 13,419 tonnes. When the activity of and waste catalyst. The ability to use diatomite and waste
catalyst produced as water absorption and retention of po-
Ó 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers rous ceramic is also examined by studying their water reten-

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep Month 2012 1
tion and thermal conductivity properties. Their mineral com- The samples were crushed, and the heavy metals were
position and crystalline phase of porous ceramic monoliths extracted by acid (HF: HClO4: HNO3 5 2:1:1).
are determined using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy  Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP): This
(FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Finally, the microstruc- extraction procedure requires the preliminary evaluation
ture of porous ceramic monoliths is determined using scan- of the pH characteristics of the sample, to determine the
ning electron microscopy (SEM). proper extraction fluid necessary for the experiments. In
this case, testing revealed that the #B extraction fluid (pH
2.88 6 0.05) should be used for the TCLP analysis. This
fluid was prepared by adding 5.7 mL of acetic acid to 500
mL of doubly distilled water, diluted to a volume of 1L. A
Materials 25 g sample was placed in a 1-L Erlenmeyer flask after
The waste diatomite and waste catalyst used were col- which 500 mL of extraction fluid was added. The samples
lected from the food-processing industry and refinery plants were agitated for 18 6 2 h using an electric vibrator. The
located in Taipei County, Taiwan. In total, 500 kg of waste slurry was filtered with 6–8 lm pore size Millipore filter
diatomite and waste catalyst were obtained from the food- paper. The leachates were preserved in 2% HNO3.
processing industry and refinery plants, respectively. The  Chemical composition: The X-ray fluorescence (XRF) anal-
waste diatomite and catalyst were pulverized using a ball ysis was performed using an automated RIX 2000 spec-
mill until they could pass through a 100 mesh (0.149 mm) trometer. Specimens were prepared for XRF analysis by
sieve. The resultant pulverized waste diatomite and catalyst mixing 0.4 g of sample and 4 g of 100 Spectroflux at a
were then stored in a desiccator until testing. dilution ratio of 1:10. The homogenized mixtures were
placed in Pt–Au crucibles before being heated for 1 h at
Preparation of Compacted Sintered Porous Ceramics 10008C in an electrical furnace. The homogeneous melted
Samples sample was recast into glass beads 2 mm thick and 32
The waste diatomite and the catalyst samples were oven- mm in diameter.
dried at 105oC for 24 h and ground in a ball mill to form fine  Unconfined compressive strength (ASTM C39–72): Three
powders (until pass through a 100 mesh sieve) suitable for specimens were used for the compressive strength tests
pressing. The powder samples were mixed with each other while the fourth one was used for the microstructure ex-
to prepare a known mass percentage of catalyst in diatomite amination. The average strength value from the three
in different concentration of catalyst (0–20% by mass) to pro- specimens is presented. The coefficient of variation of
duce porous ceramics samples. The content of the catalyst in these results was less than 10%. The following formulae
the waste diatomite mixture was varied from 0 to 20% by were used in computing the weight loss, 24 h water
mass. The samples were compacted at 5 MPa to form cylin- absorption rate and bulk density of sintered porous
der specimens (51.8 mm (F)315 mm (H)) that were then ceramics specimens:
desiccated before testing. The compacted porous ceramic Weight loss ¼ fðweight of specimen before firingÞ
specimens were placed on a platinum plate and burnt in an
electrically heated furnace using a ramp rate of 5oC min21.  ðweight of specimen after firingÞg= (1)
The porous ceramic samples were then sintered at tempera- fweight of specimen before firingg
tures between 1000 and 1270oC for 120 min. The sintered
samples were then cooled to room temperature and stored in 24 h water absorption rate ¼
a desiccator for subsequent physical properties testing and fðamount of water absorbed in 24 h by saturation with dry
microstructure analyses.
mass of specimenÞ  ðdry mass of specimenÞg=
Characterization of Sintered Porous Ceramics fdry mass of specimeng ¼ g water absorbed=24 h ð2Þ
Bulk density ðg=cm3 Þ ¼ fdry mass of specimeng=
The chemical composition and physical characteristics of
the porous ceramic pellets and sintered products were ana- fðsaturated surface dry mass of specimenÞ
lyzed. The porous ceramic samples were digested using ðimmersed mass of dry specimenÞg ¼ g=cm3 ð3Þ
HNO3/HClO4/HF according to NIEA R355.00C and then ana-
lyzed with Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spec-
troscopy (ICP-AES) for the major elements. The NIEA R  A quick thermal conductivity meter based on ASTM C
201.14C method, Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure 1113-90 hot-wire method was used (ASTM C 1113-90) [21].
(TCLP), was used for heavy metal determination [18]. Sample A constant electrical current was supplied to the resistance
mechanical quality was obtained by performing crushing by using. QTM 500 device is a product of Kyoto Electron-
strength tests. In this test, an oven-dried sample was placed in ics Manufacturing, Japan. Measurement range is 0.0116–6
a steel cylinder with an internal diameter of 51.8 mm and a W/ mK. Measurement precision is 65% of reading value
height of 15 mm. The samples were filled into the cylinder up per reference plate. Reproducibility is 63% of reading
to an upper incision mark. The cylinder was covered and value per reference plate. Measurement temperature
pressed down using a steel puncheon until the upper level of ranges from 2100 to 1000oC (external bath or electric fur-
the porous ceramic sample was reduced by a prescribed dis- nace for temperature other than room). Sample size
tance. The crushing strength value was calculated as the ratio required is two pieces of 100 3 80 3 40 mm3 thick or
between the load and the cross-sectional area of the cylinder more (W 3 L 3 H). Measuring time is standard 100–120 s.
in stress units. The weight loss and absorption capacities were This method has wide applications [22] in determining
measured using the NIEA R204.00T [19] method and ASTM thermal conductivity of refractory materials where, rather
C556 [20], respectively. The major analyses performed on the than evaluating the heat flow, the temperature variation
porous ceramics included the following: with time at certain locations is evaluated. Transient in na-
ture, this method takes only a few minutes in contrast to
 Heavy metal concentration: The heavy metal concentra- the earlier methods involving steady-state conditions.
tions in the samples were confirmed by inductively  Water absorption of the porous ceramic samples was
coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). determined by immersing them in water at 20oC and

2 Month 2012 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.0000, No.0000) DOI 10.1002/ep
Figure 1. Particle size distribution of the waste diatomite
and waste catalyst. Figure 2. X-ray diffraction patterns of waste diatomite and
waste catalyst.

Table 1. Chemical composition of the waste diatomite and 13 mm in diameter for analysis. The wave numbers
waste catalyst ranged from 500 to 4000 cm21.

Chemical composition Waste diatomite Waste catalyst RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

SiO2 (%) 94.51 6 0.23 39.3 6 0.23
Al2O3 (%) 0.87 6 0.11 59.2 6 2.38 Characteristics of Waste Diatomite and the Waste
Fe2O3 (%) 0.92 6 0.10 – Catalyst
CaO (%) 0.78 6 0.03 0.1 6 0.01 The densities of the waste diatomite and the waste cata-
MgO (%) 0.61 6 0.09 – lyst were 1.41 and 1.11 g cm23, respectively. The pH of the
SO3 (%) 0.85 6 0.06 – waste diatomite and the waste catalyst were 7.36 and 7.45,
K2O (%) 0.58 6 0.10 0.01 6 0.00 respectively. Figure 1 and Table 1 show the particle size dis-
tribution and chemical composition of the waste diatomite
(mean 6 standard deviation), N 5 3. and waste catalyst, respectively. Further X-ray diffraction
analysis showed that the waste diatomite and waste catalyst
consisted mainly of cristobalite, Al2O3, and quartz (Figure 2).
weighing after predetermined time intervals up to 24 h. Figure 3a shows that the diatomite powder consists of
The water absorbed after 24 h was defined as the water plates, shells, and broken particles. The unbroken diatomite
absorption (Wa (%)). Release of the absorbed water was particle in Figure 3a exhibits an inherently intricate and
evaluated in an atmosphere with the relative humidity highly porous structure that is typical of diatomite. The diato-
controlled at 55% using a saturated Mg(NO3)2.6H2O solu- maceous earth excavation and post-treatment process pro-
tion. The water release rate was then evaluated from the duced a large number of broken particles. The micrographs
time at which half the absorbed water was lost (t1/2 (h)) of the catalyst under SEM are shown in Figure 3b. These
[23]. images were magnified 10003. As shown in the figure, the
 The porosity, water absorption, bulk density, compressive catalyst is coarse, porous, and spherical; therefore, it must
strength, and thermal conductivity of sintered samples have a large BET surface area.
from the three specimens were presented, respectively. The TCLP test results are shown in Table 2. High concen-
The coefficient of variation of these results was less than trations of Ni were observed in the waste catalyst samples.
10%. The TCLP leaching concentrations for the target metals in the
 For scanning electron microscope (SEM) study of speci- waste diatomite and the waste catalyst met the current regu-
mens were first oven dried at 1058C for 24 h, and then latory thresholds of the EPA and are shown in Table 2.
cooled in a desiccator. The samples were then fixed on a
sample holder, gold-coated, and examined under a Scan- Mechanical Characteristics of Porous Ceramics
ning Electron Microscope. A Hitachi S-800 scanning elec- Table 3 shows the open porosity of the pure diatomite
tron microscope was used for SEM observation and micro- specimens that were fired at various temperatures. The po-
structural determination. rosity declined slowly from 1000 to 1270oC (from 66.4 to
 The crystalline phases present in the sintered porous 62.3%). However, the rate of change was not constant. The
ceramics samples were determined by X-ray diffraction high porosity was attributed to the unique porous mineralog-
(XRD, Seimens FTS-40) using 30 mA and 40 kV Cu Ka ical character of diatomite that contained 20% waste catalyst,
radiation. The crystalline phases were identified by com- the porosity of which did not change considerably during
paring the intensities and the positions of the Bragg peaks sintering. First, the open porosity declined gradually from
with the data files of the Joint Committee on Powder Dif- 65.5% at 1000oC to 64.5% at 1100oC. In the second stage, the
fraction Standards (JCPDS). porosity decreased from 63.8% at 1200oC to 60.1% at 1270oC,
 Bonding characteristics of the specimens was analyzed and the rate of decline was higher than that in the first stage.
with a Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR, In this stage, sintering reduced the volume, and most of the
Jasco, FT/IR-300E, Japan). Test sample was ground and pores were closed. This indicated a simpler morphology that
uniformly mixed with KBr at a weight ratio KBr: spec- was attributed to a mass diffusion transfer and pure sintering
imen5 100:1. The mixture, 0.2 g, was pressed to a disk of shrinkage [24].

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.0000, No.0000) DOI 10.1002/ep Month 2012 3
Figure 3. SEM Micrographs of the (a) diatomite and (b) catalyst.

Table 2. Total metals and TCLP leaching concentrations of waste diatomite and catalyst

Pb Cr Cu Zn Cd Ni
Total metal (mg kg21)
Waste diatomite N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D.
Waste catalyst N.D. N.D. N.D. 95 N.D. 4,300 6 102
TCLP (mg L21) Pb Cr Cu Zn Cd Ni
Waste diatomite N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D.
Waste catalyst N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 2.75 6 0.03
Regulatory limits 5 5 15 — 1 —

N.D.: Pb < 0.015 mg L21; Cr < 0.009 mg L21; Cd < 0.021 mg L21; Zn < 0.074 mg L21; Cu < 0.089 mg L21; Ni < 0.112 mg L21.
(mean 6 standard deviation), N 5 3.

Table 3. Mechanical characteristics of porous ceramics

Heating Waste catalyst replacement level (%)

Mechanic temperature
characteristic (8C) 0 5 10 15 20
Porosity (%) 1000 66.42 6 0.67 66.68 6 0.38 66.69 6 0.33 65.94 6 0.39 65.47 6 0.38
1100 65.54 6 0.41 63.52 6 0.28 63.39 6 0.16 62.51 6 0.35 64.48 6 0.53
1200 63.58 6 0.27 64.01 6 0.23 63.66 6 0.22 62.48 6 0.28 63.81 6 0.10
1270 62.34 6 0.14 60.73 6 0.54 60.57 6 0.55 59.33 6 0.24 60.14 6 0.79
Water absorption (%) 1000 89.42 6 1.21 89.47 6 1.15 88.33 6 1.17 84.70 6 1.21 83.14 6 0.37
1100 86.02 6 0.73 82.97 6 0.47 81.39 6 0.21 78.86 6 0.39 79.90 6 0.91
1200 82.28 6 0.29 81.99 6 0.42 80.42 6 0.31 77.63 6 0.38 78.18 6 0.10
1270 79.85 6 0.14 77.07 6 0.71 75.89 6 0.69 73.18 6 0.28 73.06 6 1.04
Bulk density (g cm23) 1000 0.74 6 0.003 0.75 6 0.005 0.75 6 0.006 0.78 6 0.007 0.79 6 0.003
1100 0.76 6 0.002 0.77 6 0.002 0.78 6 0.002 0.79 6 0.001 0.81 6 0.003
1200 0.77 6 0.001 0.78 6 0.001 0.79 6 0.001 0.80 6 0.001 0.82 6 0.001
1270 0.78 6 0.001 0.79 6 0.001 0.80 6 0.001 0.81 6 0.001 0.82 6 0.001
Weight loss on 1000 1.91 6 0.03 1.83 6 0.04 1.94 6 0.04 2.22 6 0.09 2.39 6 0.04
ignition (%) 1100 2.04 6 0.03 2.15 6 0.05 2.40 6 0.04 2.64 6 0.03 2.96 6 0.10
1200 1.97 6 0.02 2.36 6 0.02 2.68 6 0.02 3.01 6 0.03 3.32 6 0.10
1270 1.98 6 0.05 2.50 6 0.02 2.76 6 0.04 3.06 6 0.06 3.38 6 0.07
Compressive 1000 2.61 6 0.03 1.84 6 0.06 1.69 6 0.04 1.74 6 0.06 1.64 6 0.02
strength (MPa) 1100 4.65 6 0.02 3.28 6 0.24 3.00 6 0.15 2.95 6 0.06 2.66 6 0.21
1200 5.63 6 0.25 5.32 6 0.12 4.75 6 0.05 4.56 6 0.01 4.31 6 0.10
1270 5.85 6 0.12 5.16 6 0.45 4.70 6 0.09 4.44 6 0.07 4.21 6 0.05

(Mean 6 standard deviation), N 5 3.

4 Month 2012 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.0000, No.0000) DOI 10.1002/ep
when the heating temperature increased from 1000 to
1270oC, suggesting that the weight loss may have been
caused by the oxidation of organic residues of the waste di-
atomite. The weight loss of the samples after sintering may
be attributed to the release of gases through the conversion
of organic residues, mineral decomposition, or the vaporiza-
tion of volatile metals in the thermally treated samples dur-
ing the sintering process. The emission and decomposition
of these substances affected the macro properties and
microstructure of the porous ceramics. In this study, the
weight loss percentage during the process of sintering green
samples to porous ceramics was defined as the weight loss.
The weight loss of a normal sintered sample of diatomite af-
ter heating to 1000, 1100, 1200, and 1270oC was 1.91%,
1.93% and 1.97%, and 1.98%, respectively, and was attrib-
uted to the elimination of organic matter content from the
Figure 4. Thermal conductivity of porous ceramics. diatomite. The results show that adding waste catalyst
resulted in an increase of weight loss after ignition. This
indicates that the diatomite and waste catalyst are compati-
ble ingredients; therefore, the waste catalyst can be used as
a substitute for diatomite.
The water absorption rate, which is the weight of the The compressive strength is the crucial index of the engi-
moisture in the pores as a fraction of the weight of the sin- neering quality of porous ceramic material. Table 3 shows
tered specimen, is an effective index of the quality of porous the compressive strength test results for porous ceramics
ceramics. Table 3 shows the results of the water absorption made from diatomite and waste catalyst mixtures. The com-
tests on various waste catalyst-diatomite mixtures that were pressive strength of the porous ceramics increased when the
heated at four temperatures. Water absorption increased from heating temperature increased from 1000 to 1270oC. The
83.1 to 89.4%, 79.9 to 86.0%, 78.2 to 82.3%, and 73.1 to results showed that the optimal heating temperature that
79.9%, with heating temperatures of 1000, 1100, 1200, and maximized the compressive strength was 1270oC. The com-
1270oC, respectively. The results show that as the waste cata- pressive strength of the mixed porous ceramic samples of di-
lyst content declined, the water absorption of the porous ce- atomite that contained the waste catalyst decreased slightly
ramic samples increased. We observed a near-linear depend- when the heating temperature increased above 1200oC. The
ence of water absorption on the waste catalyst contents porous diatomite ceramic strength decreased when up to
(from 10 to 20 wt %) in the samples of diatomite that con- 20% of the waste catalyst was added to the porous ceramics
tained waste catalyst. Furthermore, the amount of water that were heated to 1200oC. The waste catalyst can be con-
absorbed by the porous ceramics decreased with an increase verted into porous ceramics by using this method. Conse-
in the heating temperature. The decline in the rate of water quently, the waste catalyst can be blended with diatomite to
absorption with increasing heating temperature (1200oC) sug- produce porous ceramics.
gests that local liquid-phase sintering occurred, which con-
tributed to a decrease in pore volume and the water absorp-
tion rate. Water absorption of the materials in this study is Thermal Conductivity of Porous Ceramic Samples
consistent with the trend that was first described by Furlani Figure 4 shows the variation in thermal conductivity of
et al. [25]; that is, the sintering behavior of ceramics is waste diatomite containing waste catalyst sintered porous
affected by the formation of a ‘‘transitory liquid’’ phase, ceramic samples at various temperatures. When the heat-
which improves the densification of the sintered samples. ing temperature was increased from 1000 to 1200oC, the
The bonding capacity of the mixture is related to the amount thermal conductivity of the waste diatomite sintered po-
of the waste catalyst added to the mixture. rous ceramics was 0.278, 0.280, 0.281, and 0.282 W/mK.
Open and closed pores are typically formed during sinter- Additionally, the thermal conductivity of porous ceramic
ing. Minimal density corresponds with the maximal volume samples increased in conjunction with the heating temper-
of closed pores in the samples. Densification is a pore-filling ature. When the amount of waste catalyst was increased
process that occurs during the liquid phase flow and pore from 5 to 20%, the thermal conductivity of the sintered
shrinkage. Table 3 shows the measurements of the bulk den- porous ceramics was 0.307–0.318, 0.314–0.336, 0.315–
sity of samples with various proportions of the waste catalyst, 0.347, and 0.317–0.349 W/ mK. Moreover, the thermal
which were fired at four temperatures. The sintered diatomite conductivity of the porous ceramic samples increased in
samples typically had a bulk density of 0.74–0.78 g cm23. conjunction with the waste catalyst content. This increase
The results show that the bulk density increases in conjunc- was attributed to the porous structure of sintered porous
tion with the temperature (Table 3). Heating temperature can ceramic samples containing waste catalyst, resulting in a
also influence the bulk density of the porous ceramics. The denser structure. In addition, the thermal conductivity
results show that the bulk density increased in conjunction decreased because of the decreasing density of the sin-
with the waste catalyst content. Therefore, temperature is the tered porous ceramic samples, which subsequently
crucial parameter in the controlled densification of porous increased the void content. The samples revealed a corre-
ceramics and in forming monoliths with a well-defined po- lation between the density and thermal conductivity for
rosity. sintered porous ceramic samples, in which the thermal
The weight loss that occurs in a monolith during sintering conductivity increased in conjunction with the density. In
is related to the development of porosity and densification. this study, the porous ceramic samples had a thermal con-
Both factors affected the compressive strength of the ther- ductivity of approximately 0.278–0.349 W/mK, which was
mally treated samples. Figure 7 shows the weight loss that lower than that for the concrete (1.458 W/mK). The po-
occurred after porous ceramic ignition and the amount of rous ceramic samples exhibited properties of low thermal
waste catalyst added to the mixture at various heating tem- conductivity, which may be attributed to the larger num-
peratures. As shown in this figure, the weight loss occurred ber of pores compared to those in the concrete.

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.0000, No.0000) DOI 10.1002/ep Month 2012 5
Figure 5. Water-retention properties of waste diatomite containing waste catalyst sintered porous ceramics samples at various

ture from 1000 to 1200oC decreased the water-retention

properties of the resulting porous ceramic samples contain-
ing waste catalyst samples. When the heating temperature
reached 1000oC, the porous ceramic samples containing 20%
waste catalyst had t1/2 values of 11 h; these values were
larger than those for the porous ceramic samples containing
5% of the waste catalyst (9 h). Because the t1/2 value of the
foamed glass sample was 4 h, the porous ceramic samples
containing the waste catalyst exhibited excellent slow water-
releasing properties, which may be attributed to the smaller
pores, compared with those in the foamed glass. The large
amounts of waste catalyst in the porous ceramic samples also
facilitated a slow water release, which yielded acceptable
water-retention properties. These properties make the porous
ceramic samples containing waste catalyst samples promising
for use as water-retaining materials to combat ‘‘heat island’’

Figure 6. FTIR spectral patterns of porous ceramics samples

at 1270oC. FTIR Spectra of Porous Ceramics
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is an effec-
tive method for determining mineral composition. Vibrational
spectroscopy can help identify high-crystalline substances as
well as weak-crystalline and amorphous inorganic compo-
Water-Retention Properties of Porous Ceramic Samples nents and organic substances. Figure 6 shows the FTIR spec-
The water-release parameter (t1/2) was defined by the tra of porous ceramic samples at 12708C. All specimens were
time required for half of the amount of water to be released dried at 1058C for a few hours prior to spectroscopic mea-
from the samples. Figure 5 shows the t1/2 values as a func- surement to eliminate spurious water bands caused by mois-
tion of the waste catalyst content of the samples. The t1/2 val- ture, which may influence fundamental OH-stretching bands.
ues are low, with 50% of the Wa retained for 48 h in the po- The porous ceramic samples that did not contain the waste
rous ceramic samples containing waste catalyst samples at a catalyst yielded a signal at 622 cm21, which is characteristic
relative humidity of 55% at 20oC; this value is lower than that of SiO  (Si, Al) vibration, suggesting that they contained
in pure diatomite porous ceramic samples when the heating an alumino-silicate phase. The signal at 1105 cm21 indicated
temperature reached 1000oC. Increasing the heating tempera- the formation of Si O Si bonds. Porous ceramic samples

6 Month 2012 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.0000, No.0000) DOI 10.1002/ep
Figure 9. XRD patterns of porous ceramics samples at
Figure 7. XRD patterns of porous ceramics samples at 1200oC.

Figure 10. XRD patterns of porous ceramics samples at

Figure 8. XRD patterns of porous ceramics samples at 1270oC.

Scanning Electron Microscopic Microphotographs of

that contained waste catalyst yielded a signal at 610–710
cm21, which is characteristic of Si O  (Si, Al) vibration, Porous Ceramics
suggesting that the samples contained alumino-silicate. This Figure 11 shows the SEM microphotographs of porous ce-
signal resulted from the formed Si O Si bonds (in the ramic samples sintered at 1270oC. Figure 11a shows that a
range 900–1200 cm21), which had strong bands associated small fraction of the diatomite powder began to melt, the liq-
with SiO4 tetrahedra in the other phases in the samples. uid phase accumulated in regions with a negative curvature,
and the contact points between pairs of particles formed
necks. The initially isolated diatomite particles were con-
verted into an integral body, which contained numerous
XRD Patterns of Porous Ceramics closed pores. A microstructural change was observed during
Figures 7–10 show the XRD patterns of porous ceramics sintering below 1270oC. Cylindrical diatomite particles were
sintered at 1000, 1100, 1200, and 1270oC. The two peaks identified easily, and a number of micropores were distrib-
from the diatomite porous ceramic sintered at 1000oC show uted. Scanning electron microscopic measurements revealed
the formation of a cristobalite phase and quartz; the cristoba- the waste catalyst in various proportions in the microstruc-
lite content increased in conjunction with the temperature. tures of porous ceramics (Figures 11b–11e). The catalyst
The intensity of the crystalline quartz peaks decreased with bonded the diatomite powder into relatively strong mono-
the increase of the sintering temperature. Quartz remained in liths. However, a melt phase covered the diatomite particles
the porous ceramic samples at 12008C. When the tempera- and filled the diatomite pores when the sintering temperature
ture reached 1200 or 1270oC, all of the quartz in the porous was increased to 12708C. Impurities in diatomite, such as
ceramics that contained the waste catalyst was converted to Na2O, K2O, Al2O3, CaO, and MgO favor the formation of
cristobalite, which became the major phase. This crystalliza- low-temperature eutectics and the subsequent formation of a
tion is crucial because cristobalite has a substantially larger melt phase in the silica-rich grains [27]. The internal pore vol-
chemical and thermal stability, compared with amorphous ume of diatomite that contained 20% of the waste catalyst
silica [26]. The crystalline phase of porous ceramics that con- was not reduced substantially after heating to 1270oC (Figure
tained the waste catalyst did not change. The only change 11e). Slight fusion occurred at the particle contact points at
occurred in peak intensity; that is, at 10008C, the intensities 1270oC. The powder partially melted, and both the interpar-
of the quartz (2y 5 22.5) phases were considerably lower. ticle pores and the internal structure collapsed.

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.0000, No.0000) DOI 10.1002/ep Month 2012 7
Figure 11. SEM microphotographs of porous ceramics samples.

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