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1. Sort your candy by color; one player receives all orange

pieces while all brown pieces go to the other player. Each
player also receives 3 yellow pieces with all remaining yellow
pieces set aside as the
prize for winning the game!
2. Players place 5 pieces on
their 1st rows, matching the
board colors.
3. Players put their 3 yellow
pieces on top of their action
squares (grids), leaving 2
uncovered that are different
from their opponent’s.
4. The youngest player goes
first, announcing one of their two uncovered actions to take.
5. After announcing the action they will take, the player follows
the movement rules shown on that action space.
o Ex: Brown Player takes the “Spider”
action, one of their pieces from its 5
current position (marked by the dark
yellow square on the action space) to
any of the available movement spaces
(marked by the light yellow square on
the action space).
6. If an opponent piece is located on the square where a player
ends their movement, that opponent piece is removed from
the game!
7. To finish their turn, the active player now moves the yellow
piece from the action space both players have covered to the
action space they just used (“Spider” in the example given).
8. Players continue to follow Steps 5-7 until one player has lost
their last piece on the board. The player with at least one piece
remaining on the board wins the game and the unused yellow
pieces! Bonus points awarded to players who share their
winnings with their opponent. 

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