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Submitted by:

Cafeteria Layout and Management
2nd Semester, S.Y. 2019-2020

Submitted to:
Edgar Galendez


Fifty years ago, little attention was paid to the

“dining environment” of the school cafeteria. It was a
facility to provide a relatively quick in-school lunch
option that was affordable for both students and the school
Since La Hacienda National High School has no canteen,
I only search canteen layouts in the Internet and found this
simple layout. It is a great opportunity to put this
research into a reality to be able that our school can come
up with this new project and thus make our students more
comfortable and at ease in times of their meal or snacks


La Hacienda National High School formerly La Hacienda

High School is a DepED managed Monograde Public Secondary
School located in 3rd District of BOHOL in the year 1992.
There were only seven classroom buildings and no canteen. In
the year 2000, the school management helped in the building
of a school canteen which is located near the front gate. It
was just only a small area that provides only small amount
of foods served which are only viands and could not cater
all the students. As the years past and more classrooms were
built and more students enrolled, the so-called canteen was
transferred in a condemnable classroom because it doesn’t
follow the standard size of a classroom. Then there was
small improvement of the canteen. Aside from viands, the
canteen already served foods and drinks to everyone but
still n o tables and chairs so it just still a merely mini
store. And as the time passed by, the canteen contributed a
lot to the expenses of the school which are not covered by
MOOE. But since teachers are the ones who will give services
to the canteen, it cannot cater all the needs and wants of
the students that is why the management allows outside
vendors to sell inside the school premises provided that
they will only sell nutritious and affordable foods and at
the same time the will give a monthly fee of P20.00 so that
the school can earn also.
And since I cannot provide a layout of our canteen
because it has no kitchen, no preparation area, no cleaning
area, I just search on the Internet that I could use in my
project and at the same time can also be an opportunity for
us to build our own REAL school canteen or cafeteria


Sitting capacity is the number of people who can be

seated in a specific space, in terms of both the physical
space available and limitations set by law.
The so-called school canteen in our school is a merely
mini store in usual way because it doesn’t have any tables
and chairs to sit; you are just going to buy anything or
something you want.
Based on the given layout below, the cafeteria has a
sitting capacity of 24 persons. If I were to evaluate this
cafeteria layout in my respective school, this could not
accommodate all the students and staff in our school since
we have almost 800 clienteles.


The ideal school canteen is one that caters to the

broadest possible clientele taking into account what’s best
among the students.
La Hacienda National High School has almost 800
students, 32 teaching staff and 5 non-teaching staff which
the canteen itself cannot accommodate or cater. That’s why
the school allows outside vendors to cater other students
need provided that they will only sell nutritious and
affordable foods with proper sanitary practices.


La Hacienda National High School canteen is merely a

classroom before. But because it doesn’t pass as a standard
classroom, it was condemn and eventually became a temporary
canteen which is not really a canteen form because it has no
tables and chairs it just only a mini store.
When it comes to my research canteen layout below, it
is really a standard form of a canteen/cafeteria. The
arrangement of the equipment was very intact, spacious and
feels refreshing. As to the kitchen area, it is well-divided
into sections or departments in which specific types of
preparations are done. It has efficient work flow where
kitchen staffs can work comfortably and freely.

For the customer’s area, it is well-arranged and
spacious too. Tables and chairs are very accommodating.



As shown on the layout above, there are only few

equipment used but can cater all of the customers because it
uses high quality equipment. The dining area were arranged
by 2 tables with 4 chairs leaving spaces with another set of
tables and chairs giving it a more free and spacious
environment. The service area, where the food is served in a
form of serpentine allows customer to form a line for food
service. As to the kitchen area where foods are prepared
uses a somewhat like G-shape kitchen. Equipment for cooking
is in a single line, preparation area is at the middle, the
cleaning area is its opposite and the storage area which is
the walk-in refrigerator is near with one another.


Based on the picture above, the measurements or the

size of the cafeteria is 38 x 39.4 sqm.


La Hacienda National High School canteen services are as

1. We sell:
a. school supplies like bondpapers, ballpens, crayons,
manila papers, etc.
b. breads and pastries
c. chocobao, chocomilk and yakult
d. Mineral/purified drinking waters by galloon
e. Candies, chocolates, biscuits and crackers
2. Vending machine for mineral water


The canteen is under the administration of the school

which is headed by our TLE Department Coordinator and other
teachers. The proceeds of the canteen will be used if ever
there are schools contributions like DepEd Night in the
Barangay or Town, snacks for visitors or any other
activities which help both teachers and students lessen
their burdens in giving contributions in any programs of the
school or the DepEd which cannot be funded by MOOE. In
giving services to the canteen or selling of our products,
it is the teacher who will render the service as scheduled
and does not complicate with his/her teaching load/schedule.

In running the canteen, there is our so-called canteen
manager which is our TLE Coordinator and all the teachers
and staff excluding the security guards. Overall, we are 35.


Based on my research layout, there is only one problem:


The purpose of layouts is to distribute the amount of

space given to the view on which they are installed.
Proximity, alignment, repetition and contrast are regarded
as some of the basic principles of layout design, and are
effective techniques for improving visual hierarchy and
readability, thus leaving a strong impression on the user.
The functionality and the flow of the kitchen space is so
important, it pays to make sure that your kitchen or
cafeteria is done well. Keeping the plan simple will help
you keep up the efficiency of the function of the cafeteria.
Facility layout and design is an important component of a
business’s overall operations, both in terms of maximizing
the effectiveness of the production process and meeting the
needs of the customers. The basic objective of layout is to
ensure a smooth flow of work, material and information
through the system.


Based on the previous layout, it has no restrooms.

Restrooms should be easily accessible from dining areas, but
not open directly onto the dining room floor. It’s a good
idea to consider restroom placement after identifying
kitchen space in the cafeteria. Placing restrooms near
kitchens can save money on the plumbing system by tying into
nearby lines. Restrooms should be roomy, not tight and
cramped, and fitted with easy-to-clean fixtures and



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